My Master’s acceptance
Of my lifeIs God-realisation guaranteed
At God’s choicest Hour.```
APR 2472. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 13 January 2004.↩
God knows everything
Except one thing:His Heart has yet to learn
How to excludeAny human being.
```Humanity is either enjoying
Or suffering fromGod-faith-eclipse.
```The Transcendental God-Height
Is only for the one-pointedGod-seekers, God-lovers
And God-servers. ```My Lord Supreme,
Just for a brief momentDo show me
Your Divinity’sAbsolute Splendour.
```Until just yesterday
Attachment and I wereDearest friends,
But now we two have becomePerfect strangers.
```My pride-mind says to God,
“God, I need nothingFrom You.”
```My humility says to God,
“My Lord, I need everythingFrom You, only from You.”
Is neededTo cultivate our God-devotion.
```APR 2480. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 14 January 2004.↩
Is neededTo nurture our God-surrender.
```God does not want me
To remain asleepBefore His All-Compassion-Eye.
```My prayerfulness-heart
And my soulfulness-lifeReveal the closeness
Of my Lord’s Heart. ```This morning
When I woke up,I was so excited to see
That I woke up in the HeartOf my Lord Supreme.
```My Lord Supreme,
May my heart follow You,Your Eye and Your Heart
Wherever You go.```
APR 2485. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 15 January 2004.↩
My Lord Supreme,
I have only one prayer:Do make my heart
As beautiful and pureAs the morning sunrise.
```My outer life
Faces the world.My inner life
Embraces the world. ```Genuine and authentic spirituality
Knows noOuter world-cleverness-compromise.
```Occult power
Is quite oftenDrastic and volcanic.
```Spiritual power
Is always pureAnd absolutely sure.
```Action, action —
Preferably heart-action —All the time!
```APR 2491. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 17 January 2004.↩
The Temple of God abides
Inside our life-breathAnd nowhere else.
```My Lord,
If You have a moment to spare,I have so many things
To tell You —Specially all about You.
```Every day I feel
My Lord is comingCloser to me,
For I am constantly singingHis Victory-Song.
```To have more inner Blessings
From our Lord Supreme,We must reduce
Our outer desires.```
APR 2495. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 18 January 2004.↩
At every moment
There is a flightFrom earth to Heaven.
The plane does not waitEven for a fleeting second.
```O come and bless me,
Infinity’s BeautyAnd Eternity’s Duty!
```I must please
My Mother EarthAnd my Father Heaven
With my heart’s aspiration-mountainAnd my life’s dedication-fountain.
```My desire-mind
Wants to devourMy aspiration-heart.
```APR 2499. These prayers were given in Sanur, Bali, Indonesia — 19 January 2004.↩
My aspiration-heart
Longs to illumineMy desire-mind.
```Today my Lord Supreme
Is paying His Compassion-floodedAnd much-desired Visit
To my heart-home. ```My God-devotion
Secretly strengthensMy outer life.
```My God-devotion
Sacredly deepensMy inner breath.
```To have spiritual experiences
Of the summit-heightsIs quite an easy task
For those who have madeTheir unconditional surrender
Lovingly and cheerfullyTo God’s Will.
```My Lord,
I do not need a new face,But I need a new heart
To love You and please YouIn Your own Way.
```APR 2505. These prayers were given in Sanur, Bali, Indonesia — 22 January 2004.↩
My Lord,
You have left me aloneIn my mind-jungle-cave.
How cruel You are! ```My Lord,
It seems thatYou think only of Yourself
All the time.How cruel You are!
```Days have run into weeks,
Weeks into months,Months into years,
Yet You still ignore me,My Lord.
```Those who deliberately
Take the side of darknessVerily live
In the animal kingdom. ```Great men come into the world
To do great things,Mostly for themselves.
```Good men come into the world
Only to do good thingsFor the world,
And nothing for themselves. ```God has repeatedly told me
That He does not wantHis Leadership-Command.
He wants onlyMy friendship-smile.
```When my Lord arrives,
My heart-tearsAnd my soul-smiles
Thrive unimaginably.```
APR 2513. These prayers were given in Sanur, Bali, Indonesia — 23 January 2004.↩
O seeker,
Be not discouragedBy your repeated sad failures.
God will give youInnumerable chances.
You are bound to succeed. ```Every morning
And every eveningGod comes to me
To examine my purity-mindAnd my hospitality-heart.
```My heart’s devotion-progress
Is my Lord’s sleeplessDesire-hunger.
```My God-aspiration
Eventually becomesMy God-realisation.
```APR 2517. These prayers were given in Sanur, Bali, Indonesia — 25 January 2004.↩
My God-devotion
Ultimately becomesMy God-affection.
```My God-surrender
Invariably becomesMy complete God-satisfaction.
```I started my spiritual journey
As a God-beggar.Then I continued
As a God-lover, as a God-server.Now I am continuing still
As a God-partner. ```When I see the sunrise,
The celestial beauty of my soulImmediately dances before me.
```APR 2521. These prayers were given in Sanur, Bali, Indonesia — 26 January 2004.↩
If you admit your failings,
God will without fail invite youWhen next time He goes out sailing.
```A seeker’s greatest gift to God
Is his ever-blossomingGratitude-heart.
```For all the world-problems,
The sleepless self-offeringOf each individual
Is the only answer. ```My God-obedience
Is my God-ProtectionIn my life.
```My God-obedience
Is my perfection-delightIn God’s Heart.
```How I long for the red-letter day
When my Lord SupremeWill proudly claim me
As His own, very own.```
APR 2527. These prayers were given in Sanur, Bali, Indonesia — 27 January 2004.↩
For me to agree with God
Implicitly all the timeIs to keep my mind completely shut
And my heart unreservedly open. ```An outer life-adventurer
I was.An inner life-explorer
I now am. ```Self-transcendence-joy
Unmistakably knowsNo equal.
```My heart and I get much more joy
When we walk far behindOur Lord Beloved Supreme
Than when we walk with HimSide by side.
```Each happy thought
Disperses our mind’sThick and dark clouds.
```APR 2532. These prayers were given in Sanur, Bali, Indonesia — 28 January 2004.↩
Alas, my expectation
Quite often enters intoA frustration-abyss.
```“Be happy and remain happy.
Forget about your mistakes,Even the very last one” —
So says my Lord Supreme. ```God’s morning mirror
Is my aspiration-heart.God’s evening mirror
Is my surrender-life. ```God’s most favourite Home
Is my ever-blossomingGratitude-heart.
```I do not need
A world-surprising, giant mind.I need only
A simple, God-loving heart.```
APR 2537. These prayers were given in Sanur, Bali, Indonesia — 31 January 2004.↩
No, no, no — never!Self-transcendence-joy:
Yes, yes, yes — ever! ```My mind-unlearning desire
And my heart-climbing aspirationMust go together.
```At night
God’s Compassion-Eye teaches me.In the morning
God’s Oneness-Heart examines me. ```The earthly races
Are for the God-seekers.The Heavenly races
Are for the God-discoverers. ```Today Heaven is beckoning
My climbing heart-flames.```
APR 2542. These prayers were given in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia — 2 February 2004.↩
Today I have become
My God-BreathTo sing and play
In the Heart of His Universe. ```Yesterday I buried
All my sorrows, cries, tears and sighsIn oblivion-cave.
Heavenly beauty my heart is.Without,
Earthly duty my life is. ```Time inspires me,
Time aspires in and through me,Time is affectionate to me
And time is proud of mePrecisely because I most sincerely value
The unreserved blessings of time. ```Silence speaks.
Silence creates.Silence fulfils.
Silence becomesGod’s choicest Voice.
```APR 2547. These prayers were given in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia — 3 February 2004.↩
Be not indifferent.
Be not different.Be interdependent
If you really want joyIn measureless measure
From your life. ```My outer qualification
Is my Lord’s Compassion-EyeIn action.
My inner qualificationIs my Lord’s Forgiveness-Heart
In action. ```We must never, never indulge
In our negativity-mind,Even for a fleeting moment.
```My humility is
My God-fulfilment-capacityFar beyond my imagination.
```I must not delay.
Time does not wait for me.But my Lord Supreme waits for me
Indefinitely, lovingly, self-givinglyAnd unconditionally.
Therefore I love my Lord Supreme onlyAnd I need Him only.
```APR 2552. These prayers were given in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia — 5 February 2004.↩
My life depends entirely
On God’s Compassion-Eye.God’s Heart entirely depends
On my cheerful and delightfulSurrender-breath.
```Depression and enthusiasm
Are immediate neighbours.I must make the right choice.
I must go immediatelyAnd live with enthusiasm
Permanently. ```The outer world-recognition-beggars
Are failure-emperorsIn the inner aspiration-world.
```God’s Compassion-exploitation
I was.God’s Compassion-distribution
I now am. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 30, Agni Press, 2004
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