Victory to my Supreme!
Victory to my Lord Supreme!Victory to my Lord Beloved Supreme!
Victory to my Lord Beloved Absolute Supreme!Victory, victory, victory!
```APR 2557. These prayers were given in Sanya, China — 25 November 2004.↩
The soul introduces the seeker
To the Master.The Master introduces the seeker
To the Absolute Supreme.The Absolute Supreme introduces
The God-realised seekerTo humanity.
Humanity says to the God-realised seeker,“Sorry, I am not ready.
You have come untimely.You have come long before the hour.
You may come and visit me once againAfter at least 200 years.”
The God-realised seeker says to humanity,“Amen!” and adds,
“Humanity, I love you.Humanity, you I love.
Humanity, I shall love youForever and forever and forever.”
Finally, the God-realised seeker saysTo the Absolute Supreme,
“Supreme, my Supreme,What have You done?
Supreme, my Supreme,What have I done?”
```What I can do,
Poor God cannot do.God cannot sleep.
```What God can do,
Poor me cannot do.I cannot dream.
```Only to please my Lord,
I smile and smileAnd smile.
```Only to please my soul,
I fly and flyAnd fly.
```Only to please my heart,
I suffer and sufferAnd suffer.
```Only to please my mind,
I doubt and doubtAnd doubt.
```Only to please my vital,
I challenge and challengeAnd challenge.
```Only to please my body,
I sleep and sleepAnd sleep.
```Only to please my life,
I struggle and struggleAnd struggle.
```Only to please myself,
I hide and hideAnd hide.
```Alas, God’s Compassion-Eye
Is no matchFor our disobedience-minds
And disobedience-lives. ```Each moment
Is a golden opportunityFor me
And for my God-obedience. ```The mind shouts.
The heart sprouts. ```The mind steals
From God.The heart feels sorry
For poor God. ```Desire cries
Pitifully. ```Aspiration flies
Sleeplessly. ```The great life
Is not a fate-product.The great life
Is a determination-achievement. ```When I concentrate,
I can feel the presence of my soulDeep within.
```When I meditate,
I can speak to my soul. ```When I contemplate,
My Supreme LordBecomes extremely proud of me.
```I love the joy
Of my life. ```God loves the peace
Of my heart. ```No escape, no escape!
This is, indeed,Our human life.
```All escape, all escape!
Freedom is, indeed,The life divine.
```The outer happiness comes
Only to go. ```The inner happiness
Is an abiding reality. ```Speak ill of God;
God will forgive you. ```Speak ill of yourself;
The world will not care —No, not even God.
```Torture and frustration
Are ruling the world. ```God wants only His Peace-child
To sitOn my meditation-heart-throne.
```The aspiration-mountain
Touches and claspsThe summit-heights of Heaven.
```God the Forgiveness-Heart
Indulges me. ```God the Justice-Eye
Teaches me and perfects me. ```Man’s life is the pendulum
Between division-nightAnd oneness-light.
```Willingly God lives
Everywhere,But happily and proudly God lives
Only in the aspiration-heart. ```My heart and I invoke
Only the Unknowable. ```Alas,
I am imprisoned by the thingsThat I do not have.
```The sound of night
Can never feelThe joy of silence.
Is the silence-dreamOf the aspiration-heart.
```The mind touches
God’s HeadTo examine.
```The heart clasps
God’s FeetTo worship.
```My soul-dictionary
Does not houseThe word ‘despair’.
```My Lord forgives
All my blundersSave and except
My disobedience. ```My inmost Source
And my topmost GoalAre one and inseparable.
```Today my soul
Has brought me and my heartTo the kingdom of Delight.
```My heart and I
Are God’sLove-service-blossoms.
```I shall rewrite my life
With my God-surrender-songs. ```The love of God
Is everywhereThe same.
```APR 2606. These prayers were given in Sanya, China — 26 November 2004.↩
The prayers to God
Are almost everywhereThe same.
```The meditations on God
Are not the sameEverywhere.
```The realisations of God
Are not the same in every human being.Some God-realised souls
Stand at the foot of the tree,While others remain at the middle
Of the God-realisation-tree.Still others reach the topmost branch
Of the God-realisation-tree, ```The emptiness of the heart
Is absolutely necessaryFor a total God-acceptance,
God-realisation and God-manifestation. ```The aspiration-dreams
Of the seekersCeaselessly ascend and ascend.
```The realisation-realities
Of a God-realised soulSleeplessly blossom and blossom.
```My Lord,
I have only one desire:I wish to place my head at Your Feet,
And my head will remain at Your FeetForever and forever.
```APR 2613. These prayers were given in Sanya, China — 27 November 2004.↩
Every human being has to surrenderTo God’s Will,
Willingly or unwillingly. ```My Lord says to me,
“My child,You always make Me laugh.
Can you not make Me smileOnce in a while?”
```My Lord says to me,
“My child,Now that you have made
Your unconditional surrenderCheerful, complete and perfect,
Your life will be the uppermostOn My list of priorities.”
```If I do not have
Inner peace,I shall never be able
To make my Lord SupremeProud of me.
```Every second
Is a golden opportunityTo make my Lord
The sole PossessorOf my inner life
And my outer life. ```How can I be a loser
On the battlefield of my lifeIf I have already claimed
My Lord SupremeAs my own, very own?
```As my Lord’s Compassion-Eye
Thrills me,Even so, my gratitude-heart
Thrills my Lord. ```During the day
I keep myselfBefore my Lord’s Eye.
```APR 2621. These prayers were given in Sanya, China — 28 November 2004.↩
During the night
I keep myselfAt my Lord’s Feet.
```In my outer life
God isHis Compassion-Eye.
```In my inner life
God isHis Sweetness-Fondness-Heart.
```In my higher life
God isHis bright, extremely bright
Satisfaction-Smile. ```Yesterday
I was my ownVictory-pride.
I am my Lord’sVictory-Dance.
```To my heart’s greatest delight,
Wherever I go,My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
Lights my path. ```Right from the very beginning
Of my spiritual life,I saw and knew
That I had two unfailing friends:God’s Compassion-Eye
AndGod’s Forgiveness-Heart.
```Every day
I desire to imploreGod’s Forgiveness-Heart,
But every dayGod wants me to explore
His Heart-Kingdom. ```My Lord is taking
My aspiration-heartFar, far beyond the horizon
Of my earthly life. ```My Lord’s Eye
Is pulling me and pulling meMost affectionately upward.
```My Lord’s Heart
Is pulling me and pulling meMost proudly inward.
```My Lord’s Arms
Are pulling me and pulling meMost unconditionally forward.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 31, Agni Press, 2005
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