I can and I must learn
How to live a perfect lifeInside my Lord’s Heart.
```APR 3307. These prayers were given in Pangkor Island, Malaysia — 30 November 2005.↩
The fresh morning dew
AwakensMy sleeping aspiration-heart.
```God wants only one thing
From me:A ceaseless and breathless
God-aspiration-heart. ```At a distance
I imagine God’s FeetUntil the day arrives
When I can place myselfAt God’s Feet.
```God wants me to please Him
In a prayerful and soulful way,And not in an astounding way.
```God’s Compassion-Rain
FallsTo enthral my heart.
```No mind-ignorance
Can stopMy Heaven-climbing
Journey’s start. ```A happy heart
IsA God-given capacity
To spread God’s LightFreely and ceaselessly.
```This time when God sends away
My ignorance-pride,I shall definitely not
Bring it back. ```I pray and meditate
Inside my heart’sSweetness-devotion-moon.
```God wants my peace, my love,
My joy and my self-giving lifeFor the universal benefit.
```APR 3307. These prayers were given in Pangkor Island, Malaysia — 1 December 2005.↩
In the morning
I devour the sun-flamesTo make the fastest progress
In my spiritual life. ```In the evening
I devour the moon-beamsTo make the fastest progress
In my spiritual life. ```Not God’s infinite Power
But God’s Compassion-TearsHave transformed my life.
```God’s Compassion-Smiles
Are keeping meIn the world of abundant bliss.
```God wants all the aspiring hearts
Around the worldTo be united in the inner world.
```May the world I live in
Have only newness,Oneness and fulness.
```What my body, vital,
Mind and heart needIs the life of spirituality.
```God wants His Compassion
And my aspirationTo spread out
Here, there and everywhere. ```Only in deep meditation
Does my aspiration-sun rise high,Very high, unimaginably high.
```I love to sit devotedly
At the FeetOf God the One.
```I love to follow eagerly
In the FootstepsOf God the Many.
```I love to be constantly blessed
By God the Universal. ```All my heart-tears
And all my soul-smilesI sleeplessly dedicate
To God the Universal. ```O my heart,
I want you to be the nestOf my aspiration-bird.
```APR 3307. These prayers were given in Pangkor Island, Malaysia — 2 December 2005.↩
My Lord,
Do give me a heartThat will not find any difficulty
In remembering YouAll the time.
```Do not shake hands
With ignorance-night!Use your third eye
To destroy its exorbitant pride. ```When Light leads us,
Power helps usAnd never stands
In Light’s way. ```Each heart
IsAn aspiration-mountain.
```Each life
IsA dedication-fountain.
```The mind that instigates me
To make a serious blunderIs the same mind
That later on blames me. ```God enters
Into my heartOn tiptoe.
```I enter
Into God’s HeartStriking a thunder-drum.
```The world may forget
My face one day,But it will never forget
My heart. ```Silence, silence, silence!
Silence was bornBefore the Birth
Of our Lord Beloved Supreme.```
APR 3307. These prayers were given in Pangkor Island, Malaysia — 3 December 2005.↩
Each earth-born seeker
Will one day be caughtBy the Cosmic Embrace
Of our Lord Supreme. ```O seeker,
Be always careful!Carelessness is a serious
And contagious diseaseIn the spiritual life.
```I rise from my invisible heart
To my visible eyeTo be of service
To mankind. ```This morning
My Lord Beloved SupremeWas most compassionately
Watching meWhile I was bathing in His Sea
Of infinite Peace and Bliss. ```A moment
To see,But a lifetime
To become! ```Every morning
I most prayerfully and soulfullyOffer my Lord
My heart’s aspiration-beauty-blossoms. ```The seekers must every day
Practise one thing faithfully:Self-sacrifice.
```Every child-heart
RadiatesThe Beauty of the Unknowable.
```There is only one reality:
God’s birthless and deathlessCompassion-Eye-Revelation.
```With kindness
We start.With oneness
We stop.```
APR 3307. These prayers were given in Pangkor Island, Malaysia — 4 December 2005.↩
Be a self-giving life.
God HimselfWill sculpture you.
```I never care for
A hermit-cave. ```I only care for
A seeker’s prayerful cottage. ```May my heart be a nest
Of self-givingAffection-sweetness.
```God wants me to have
Compassion-plantsIn my heart-garden
More than anything else. ```What do I need?
I desperately needA more self-giving life.
```What else do I need?
I sleeplessly needA little more Heaven-climbing heart.
```Each and every hope
Of the aspiration-heartWill one day fully blossom.
```My heart
Is an earth-born hope,And my soul
Is a Heaven-born promise. ```Always more God,
Infinitely more GodThan the human beings!
```APR 3307. These prayers were given in Pangkor Island, Malaysia — 5 December 2005.↩
Keep quiet,
My mind and my vital!Our Lord is speaking.
```My earthly life
CountsMy earthly years.
```My Heavenly soul
CountsMy Heavenly hours.
```Who can count
Earth’s gratitude-tearsAnd Heaven’s sunburst-smiles,
Who can? ```The mind should know
That disobedience is notA simple headache
But infinitely more painfulThan a migraine.
```Do not allow sorrow
To shadow your path. ```Alas,
So late, so late —I have just started
My God-manifestation-service! ```At long last
Today I am enjoyingThe expiration
Of my desire-world. ```My way:
I loveHuman beings
Every day less and less.```
APR 3307. These prayers were given in Pangkor Island, Malaysia — 6 December 2005.↩
God’s Way:
God lovesNot only human beings
But His entire CreationEvery day more and more.
```As soon as I wake up,
I watch my Lord’s Channel first. ```The second thing that I do:
I take love-devotion-surrenderExercises.
```The mind
Is the mostUnreliable companion.
Is the most powerful tyrantHere on earth.
```The ancient path
Was to see GodFace to face.
```The modern path
Is to debate voraciouslyAbout religion and scripture.
What a stupid path! ```This morning
God’s Compassion-EyeWiped away the sad differences
Between my heart-approachAnd my mind-approach
To God-realisation. ```The mind’s way
Is to possess God. ```The heart’s way
Is to be possessed by God. ```My soul has banished
Doubt and suspicion,Jealousy and insecurity
From my heart-kingdom. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 41, Agni Press, 2005
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/apr_41