We need both
The tears of the heartAnd the smiles of the soul
To perfect our lives.```
APR 3885. These prayers were given in Kijal, Malaysia — 24 January 2006.↩
Can be comparedTo God’s sweet Whispers.
```If you are not
Firmly on the path,How can you succeed?
```God’s Closeness
Depends onOur heart’s openness.
```A child’s heart
Draws immediate attentionFrom God’s Eye and Heart.
```Meditation has the capacity
To take us far beyond the domainOf sorrows and sufferings.
```My Lord,
One good lookIs all that I need
From You. ```To follow the mind
Is the height of stupidity. ```To follow the heart
Is to sing ecstasy-songs. ```A fountain-heart
Will forever remainBlossoming.
Are God’s Blessings.Do not miss them!
```APR 3895. These prayers were given in Kijal, Malaysia — 25 January 2006.↩
I beg You, my Lord,
With all my heart,To scold me mercilessly
When I do something wrong. ```Each prayer
Has a special connectionTo God’s Heart.
```Each meditation
Has a special connectionTo God’s Eye.
```My Lord’s Peace-Sea
Every day welcomes meTo come and swim.
```My mind,
How long will you sleep?When will you wake up
To God’s Light? ```Unless we close
All the desire-doors and windowsOf the mind,
We will not be able to please GodIn His own Way.
```When God’s Victory-Sun
Shines,Alas, I am fast asleep.
```My Lord every day blesses me
With a new workTo increase my capacity
In various ways. ```God awakens us
From ignorance-sleep.He energises us to walk along
Life’s wisdom-path. ```My mind,
Stop dictatingTo my heart!
```APR 3905. These prayers were given in Penang, Malaysia — 28 January 2006.↩
My Lord’s encouragement
ExpeditesMy spiritual journey.
```There shall come a time
When God will unveilOur lofty visions.
```Who is crying
Inside my heart,If not my Lord?
```If you want to find
Your true self,Then the only place
Is your diving heart. ```Do not allow uncertainty
To obscure your heart. ```My love of God
And my gratitude to GodAre keeping me alive.
```God gets tremendous satisfaction
When we pay attentionTo His Messages.
Is neededAt every moment of life.
```The necessity
Of God-obedienceCan never be exaggerated.
```I wish to have
God-surrenderAs my life-partner.
```APR 3915. These prayers were given in Penang, Malaysia — 29 January 2006.↩
Action! Action!
No more feeble words. ```God loves
To obeyHis own iron Laws.
```The Creator enjoys
His Cosmic GameSeated on His golden Throne.
```God’s Cosmic Law
Admits exception. ```Conquer temptation,
If perfectionYou sincerely need.
```Each heart-cry
Takes us awayFrom the meshes of ignorance.
We are apt to invokeHeaven’s Power
And notHeaven’s Light.
Again and againLoves to fight
Against Heaven’s Light. ```The beauty and the fragrance
Of happinessLead and guide us
To the Higher Worlds. ```Wrong thinking
Is nothing short ofPoison-drinking.
```APR 3925. These prayers were given in Penang, Malaysia — 30 January 2006.↩
Protects my heartFrom wrong feeling.
Has to be surchargedWith gratitude
Every day. ```O seeker,
Do not surrender to despair!Start your spirituality
All over again. ```We must put
A strong accentOn self-giving.
```We must not be bound
By our mind’sSelf-styled whims.
```My happy moments
AreGod’s dancing Hours.
```May my sweet hopes
Be faithful. ```May my powerful promises
Be fruitful. ```The price
Of name and fameIs astronomical.
```The mind needs
FlexibilityMore than anything else.
```Every morning and evening
I go to God’s Surrender-SchoolTo study.
```APR 3936. These prayers were given in Penang, Malaysia — 31 January 2006.↩
My soul always passes
God’s ExaminationsWith flying colours.
```O my heart,
See fearNowhere!
```I must bring
Tomorrow’s aspirationInto my today’s life.
```Stop impatience
At the very root. ```The forward march
Is a challenge —Only the brave succeed.
```There is no substitute
For a God-gratitude-heart. ```Fight we must
To establish God’s KingdomHere on earth.
```Eternity breathes
In each moment. ```Each dawn inspires us
To be the golden flamesOf the rising sun.
```My Lord,
May my gratitude to YouCome first,
Before I do anything.```
APR 3946. These prayers were given in Penang, Malaysia — 1 February 2006.↩
God’s bountiful Message
Of my transformationReverberates in my depths.
```From now on,
I shall seeOnly the good
In all human beings. ```Today is the day
That I have smashed asunderMy doubt-prison cell.
```My Lord, what can I do,
What can I do?“My child, what can you not do,
What can you not do?You can easily realise God!”
```When we do not
Believe in God,We believe in
God-empty nothingness. ```Each day
Is a new adventureTowards our Destined Goal.
```My Lord,
To my greatest joy,Your Thoughts pervade my mind
All the time. ```My Lord,
May Your sacred FeetAdorn my heart-garden.
```My Lord,
My whole life depends onYour Smiles and Tears.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 49, Agni Press, 2006
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/apr_49