To be always for God,
And God alone,Is infinitely more than enough.
```APR 437. These prayers were given in Yangon, Myanmar — 11 December 2000.↩
God Himself rings
Powerfully and proudlyMy life’s gratitude-heart-bell.
```My God-eagerness-heart
Shall eventually grow intoMy God-satisfaction-smile.
```APR 439. These prayers were given in Yangon, Myanmar — 13 December 2000.↩
I have given God
My last world-attachment-desire.God has smilingly and proudly
Accepted it. ```The full Satisfaction
Of my Lord SupremeIs my life’s only victory.
```I quickly mount
My life’s eagerness-chariotTo arrive at
God’s Palace. ```We must raise God’s Banner,
Not with our proud hands,But with our soulful hearts.
```God wants my life
To live in happiness-smiles,And not in sadness-tears.
```Do not open your mind-lock:
You will be in very serious trouble.But keep your heart-lock always open:
Yours will be the joy unparalleled. ```God is extremely fond of
My thrilling and thrilledAspiration-heart.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Brightens my mind,Sweetens my heart
AndEnlightens my life.
```I offer my gratitude-heart-songs
To my Lord Supreme.He immediately carries me
Away from the boundariesOf ignorance-night.
```No more, no more
Ego-intoxication,But ego-transformation,
More, ever more. ```Out of His infinite Bounty,
My Lord has given me the capacityTo steer my life-boat
To a far-off God-realisation-destinationToday.
```My heart-tears
Are made ofMy God-gratitude-songs.
```If we want to make
The fastest progressIn our spiritual life,
We must silence the mind first.```
APR 452. These prayers were given in Mandalay, Myanmar — 19 December 2000.↩
We must not allow
Our world-attachmentsTo eclipse the face
Of our inner divinity’s sun. ```When I am in my mind,
My only choice is reward-expectation.When I am in my heart,
My only choice is God-Satisfaction. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme
Proudly crownsMy humility-life.
```God wants me to believe
That He is simply fascinatedBy the beauty of my heart
And the fragrance of my soul. ```God does not want me
To waste any moreMy heart’s precious love
On my God-doubting mindAnd God-denying vital.
```I have discovered
The beauty of my heartInside a leaf.
I have discoveredThe fragrance of my soul
Inside a flower. ```Easily
My gratitude-heart-tearsSteal
My Lord’s Compassion-Eye. ```No more, no more
My God-denying mind.More, abundantly more,
Infinitely moreMy God-crying heart.
```My Lord Supreme, do tell me,
When are You going to be proud of me?“My child, I shall be proud of you
The moment you dare to claim MeAs your own, very own.”
```My Lord Supreme, do tell me,
When are You going to love me?“My child, since the very beginning
Of My creation,What else have I been doing?”
```I must stop
Telling the worldMy life’s desire-stories.
```APR 463. These prayers were given in Mandalay, Myanmar — 20 December 2000.↩
God does not want me to memorise
His infinite Names.He wants me to memorise
Only three Names:Concern, Compassion and Forgiveness.
```Every morning and evening
I worship my Lord SupremeWith my heart’s
Devotion-lotus-blossoms. ```My surrender-steps
Reach my Lord’s Heart-HomeInfinitely faster
Than any other steps. ```God often closes
His Justice-Eye,But He never closes
His Compassion-Eye. ```To the disobedience-mind God says:
“Come back, come back!”To the obedience-heart God says:
“I am all yours.Do whatever you want to do
With Me.” ```Go forward, O seeker, go forward
Towards your destination!You must never bind the past
With the chains of memories. ```God is extremely eager
To look at man’s happy faceIndefinitely.
```If I ever lose my devotion-grip
On my Lord Supreme,Then that will be the end
Of my true spiritual life. ```Alas, I am eager to know
When God-love, God-devotionAnd God-surrender-festivals
Will take place here on earth. ```I have given my heart
To God for safekeeping.To my greatest joy,
He has accepted itProudly.
```APR 473. These prayers were given in Mandalay, Myanmar — 21 December 2000.↩
I must pray to God
As often as possible,And not at long intervals.
```May my heart every day
Practise readiness, willingness,And eagerness-mantras
Without fail! ```I quickly devour
And divinely enjoyThe dust of my Lord’s Feet.
```I prayerfully invite God,
And He quickly comesAnd blesses me
With divine News. ```My heart and I every day
Embark on our soulful pilgrimageTo God’s Feet.
```Although God does not tell us,
We must feel thatOur ingratitude-heart
Deeply shocks Him. ```If I truly love God,
Then I must never fearMy Lord’s Justice-Light.
```In my aspiration-life
Nothing can be as importantAs my God-hunger.
```God is always at home,
Available,When my heart comes
To visit Him. ```Mine is the heart
That every day flies to GodWith devotion-delight.
```Today God has warned me
Very seriously:He does not want to hear
Any more bad news and sad newsFrom me.
```APR 484. These prayers were given in Mandalay, Myanmar — 22 December 2000.↩
Nothing shocks my Lord Supreme,
Even my Eternity’sIngratitude-volcano.
```This morning I have applied
For God’s slave-position.I shall prayerfully wait
For His kind Decision. ```Although my aspiration-heart-temple
Is not always clean and pure,My Beloved Supreme every day visits
My aspiration-heart-templeAnd blesses it,
Out of His infinite Bounty,Unconditionally.
```Our aspiration-intensification
Is of absolute necessityIf we want to expedite
Our Godward journey. ```God is always hungry
For my heart’sSelf-giving smiles.
```This world of ours
Will be illumined,Sooner than at once,
If it falls in loveWith God’s Eye-Beauty
And God’s Heart-Fragrance. ```Twice God takes us most seriously:
Once when we cry most pitifullyAnd
Once when we smile most heartily.```
APR 491. These prayers were given in Mandalay, Myanmar — 23 December 2000.↩
In the outer world,
Life is fighting most ferociouslyWith life.
In the inner world,Life is living most peacefully
With life. ```Unconditional God-surrender
Accomplished,Nothing else remains
To be accomplished,Either here on earth
Or there in Heaven. ```My devotion
Is my Lord’sFondness-Cradle.
```My perfection-life
Entirely depends onThe aspiration of my heart-shrine.
```Nobody can make the fastest progress
In the spiritual lifeWithout having a deep-rooted longing
For God. ```If I can have an infant-cry,
Then God will becomeMy real and immediate Mother.
```With my prayers and meditations,
I must occupyEvery unoccupied moment
To manifest my Lord Supreme,Here on earth and there in Heaven,
In His own Way. ```My Lord’s most powerful Command:
“My son, throw away immediatelyYour ignorance-membership card.”
```My sound-life
EndsWhen my silence-heart
Begins. ```To doubt God’s Love,
Even for a moment,Is an unpardonable crime.
```APR 501. These prayers were given in Mandalay, Myanmar — 26 December 2000.↩
Never question
God’s DecisionEven once.
```Have implicit faith in God.
His Compassion-EyeCan solve all our problems.
```To my greatest joy,
My life has becomeA perfect slave
To my heart’s eagerness. ```My gratitude-heart
Pleases GodWith astonishing speed.
```A devotion-heart
Has a natural attractionFor God’s Compassion-Feet.
```We have simply no idea
In how many waysGod tries to please us.
```God has reserved
A very special placeIn His Heart
For those who look closelyAt everything God does.
```God’s Forgiveness
Plays the most important roleIn our nature’s transformation.
```When God calls you
To return home,You must immediately
And cheerfullyObey Him.
Even a thousand smilesCannot create one single smile
In the mind. ```Whenever God sees purity
In our gratitude,He immediately devours it.
```An attachment-heart
And a darkness-mindAre inseparable.
```Only a self-giving life
Finds its wayTo Heaven.
```APR 514. These prayers were given in Bagan, Myanmar — 30 December 2000.↩
God wants me to keep
My love for HimHidden
In my heart’s deepest chamber. ```A prayer-song
Is as significantAs a fragrance-rosary.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 5, Agni Press, 2001
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