My aspiration-heart has covered
The faraway landOf Immortality’s Nectar-Dreams.
```APR 517. These prayers were given in Bagan, Myanmar — 30 December 2000.↩
God’s Heart hungers
Every dayFor my heart’s morning prayers.
```My heart sleeplessly cries,
Not for my mind’s immediate demise,But for my mind’s full illumination.
```O my mind, I am telling you
That you will not be able to denyMy soul’s life-transforming delight
Indefinitely. ```The outer advice
Is utterly useless.The inner prayer
Is absolutely fruitful. ```I call it
My heart-expansion.God calls it
His Satisfaction-Delight. ```My Beloved Supreme,
Your single TouchHas brought me back
My inspiration-mind,My aspiration-heart
AndMy dedication-life.
```Desire comes to torture my heart.
Desire comes to kill my life.Desire comes to take me away
From my Absolute Lord Beloved Supreme. ```If you really love God,
Then you must never, neverBe pleased with yourself
In your own way.God’s Way is the only Way
For you to be pleased with yourself. ```What now I have
Is an earthly mind,But I must become
A Heavenly heart. ```My Beloved Supreme
Throws and throws and throwsAspiration-seeds
Inside my heart-garden. ```A desire-life
Strikes the mindHard, very hard.
```The fragrance of a devotion-heart
Is unparalleledIn our spiritual life.
```In my outer life,
My Supreme wants me to beHis Body.
In my inner life,My Supreme wants me to be
His Breath. ```If I do not show my Supreme
My gratitude-face,He will not help me win
My inner race. ```My meditation-silence
ReverberatesIn the Heart-Sky
Of my Lord Supreme. ```O my foolish mind,
You do not have to understand anything.Just do one thing:
Love and loveOur Lord Beloved Supreme.
```Implicit faith expedites
Our God-realisation-journeyUnimaginably.
```An acute shortage
Of gratitude:This is what a human heart is.
```The power of patience
KnowsNo equal.
```The mind is deliberate
Truth-limitation.The heart is constant
Truth-expansion. ```As doubt is
The most powerful deceiver,Even so, faith is
The ultimate saviour. ```We must be extremely,
Extremely careful:Ignorance-forces are always working,
Sleeplessly and vigilantly,To lord it over us all the time.
```He who gives joy to others
UnconditionallyIs God’s choicest instrument.
```God, out of His infinite Bounty,
Asks me to collectHis Compassion-Smiles
Infinitely moreThan I have ever expected.
```Let us bind and blind
All our desiresTo please God
In His own Way. ```If you want to sing
God’s Victory-Songs,Then never yield any space
To self-doubt. ```God blesses me
With His infinite PrideWhen I offer Him gratitude
From the very depthsOf my surrender-life.
```Two equally formidable discoverers:
Mind the war-discoverer,Heart the peace-discoverer.
```When we desperately
Need God’s help,God immediately comes
As a human friend. ```When I am in my mind,
I become the night of sorrows.When I am in my heart,
I become the beautyOf a rainbow-dawn.
```God’s Compassion-Tree blossoms
Only whenThe tears of my heart
Are absolutely sincere and pure. ```Meditation is
Desire-reductionAnd aspiration-multiplication.
```APR 549. These prayers were given in Bagan, Myanmar — 31 December 2000.↩
When I pray,
I breathe in God’s Light.When I meditate,
I breathe out God’s Power. ```True, the mind does not respond,
But the heart does respondTo God’s morning Call.
```If we want to make the fastest progress
In our spiritual life,Then we needs must have
A doubt-proof enthusiasm-mindAnd
A doubt-proof eagerness-heart. ```When I pray,
I become a crying heart.When I meditate,
I become a soaring soul. ```God has a very special fondness
For my whisper-prayersAnd whisper-meditations.
```God wants me to think
Of only peace and blissWhen I look at others.
```Not our outer government
But our inner enlightenmentCan give us peace.
```My unconditional surrender
To God’s WillIs God’s Heart-Throb.
```A desire-companion I was,
But now I amAn aspiration-champion.
```If our hearts are empty of tears,
Then we shall not be ableTo claim God as our own,
Very own. ```To feel God’s Presence
Inside our hearts all the time,Our faith has no equal.
Is another nameFor Nirvana.
```The mind tries
And fails.The heart cries
And sails.```
APR 562. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 5 January 2001.↩
Like your soul,
Fear not, fear not!Go forward, go forward,
O heart, mind, vital and body—Go forward, go forward!
```Aspiration and temptation
Should be takenAs the North Pole
And the South Pole. ```Sweeter than the sweetest,
When the tears from man’s eyesAnd the Tears from God’s Heart
Meet together. ```There is a secret and sacred God-society
That thinks and feelsThat e-mail is synonymous
With evil mail.Fortunately or unfortunately,
I am a solid memberOf that society.
```My heart-aspiration
Wants me to beExpectation-rejection.
```The mind-dictionary houses the word
‘Additional’.The heart-dictionary houses the word
‘Unconditional’. ```The human in us died
AndThe divine in us was fortified
When the Saviour was crucified. ```The human mind can win the election
In the world-mind.The divine heart always wins the election
In God’s own Heart. ```O my desire-life,
Be fully preparedFor the fast-approaching
Nightmare-attacks. ```Two are the greatest achievements
Of my Beloved SupremeHere on earth:
My gratitude-heartAnd
My satisfaction-mind.```
APR 572. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 7 January 2001.↩
Two are my invaluable treasures
Here on earth:My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
AndMy Lord’s Forgiveness-Heart.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do give me the eagerness-capacityTo co-operate
With Your sweet WillIn every way.
```I must surrender my all
To my Lord SupremeIf I want to bask
In God’s Nectar-flooded,Sunlit Attention.
```God wants me to approach
His ThroneNot only with my tearful heart,
But also with my blissful breath. ```I value infinitely more
The Compassion-Feet of GodThan the Beauty of God’s Eye.
When will my heart be eagerTo agree with everything
That God says? ```From my gratitude-heart-balcony
I have an excellent viewOf God’s Sweetness-Eye.
```My promise to God
Is my God-fulfilment.God’s Promise to me
Is my life-transformation. ```I must cheerfully follow
My gratitude-heart-roadTo the very end.
```God says to me
That He will never be satisfiedWith what I am
Until I become unconditionallyWhat He wants me to be:
A God-realised soul. ```Now is the time for me
To claimMy divinity’s immortal blue bird
Inside my aspiration-heart.```
APR 583. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 8 January 2001.↩
There is only one way
To have peace on this planet,And that way
Is through constant remembranceOf God’s Love
For each and every human being. ```It is so heartbreaking
That my mind is always unwillingTo visit
God’s Compassion-Eye. ```In this new century,
I shall have no roomFor frustration and failure.
```I shall keep always
God’s Compassion-FeetIn all challenges of life.
```Without peace in my mind,
I shall not be ableTo see peace-blossoms
In my heart-garden. ```If I have an iota
Of self-doubt,Then I shall lose
My God-receptivity-heart. ```God wants us to have
Only a purity-heart,And not an austerity-life.
```Just an inch
When my aspiration ascends,Immediately
God’s Satisfaction-Smile descends. ```The moment God reads
My mind’sGod-existence-doubt-letters,
He swims in the sea of tears. ```God wants me to drive
My God-service-chariotAt top speed
All the time. ```The desiring mind never gives.
The aspiring heart gives,Cheerfully and unreservedly,
Everything that it owns.```
APR 594. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 9 January 2001.↩
The depression of the vital
Is the sad failureOf life.
```Readiness I have.
Willingness I have.Eagerness I have.
What I needIs intensity.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 6, Agni Press, 2001
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