God travels everywhereOnly to find
A gratitude-heartAnd a surrender-life.
```APR 597. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 9 January 2001.↩
I need faith
To the same extentAs I need breath
In my life. ```We must realise
That God is always readyWith a helping Hand
To take usTo the Promised Land.
```Religion is the body.
Spirituality is the heart.Yoga is the breath.
```When I pray,
I see the height of greatness.When I meditate,
I feel and becomeThe depth of goodness.
```My Lord Supreme,
In Your Compassion-EyeI see my heart's
Forgotten beauty. ```My Lord,
You feel my heart'sHelpless tears
Long before they fall. ```My Lord tells me every day
The same thing:"My child,
Intensify, intensifyYour heart's inner cry!"
```My physical health
Every day I need.My spiritual health
I sleeplessly and breathlessly need. ```My Lord,
I most sincerely thank You,For You love my tiny world.
My Lord,I am sleeplessly grateful to You,
For You love the entire worldIn and through my tiny heart.
```Everything in life
Will drive me into the shadowsOf utter failure
Until I start loving God unconditionallyIn His own Way.
```The beauty of my self-giving
Is my God-satisfactionIn God's own Way.
```APR 608. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 10 January 2001.↩
God is asking me
To tell Him most sincerelyHow far I am willing to go
To please Him in His own Way. ```Self-interest, self-pity
And self-indulgence:These words are not to be found
Any moreIn my life-dictionary.
```No more self-justification,
No more!God-adoration more
And ever more! ```Nothing is as beautiful
And compellingAs my Lord's Compassion-Eye-Smile.
```We love to play
Many, many games,But God loves to play
Only one game:Hide-and-seek.
```He is the hero supreme
Who longs to fulfil God'sEach and every expectation.
```My Lord,
I need onlyTwo devotion-flooded hands
And one sleeplesslyAnd breathlessly crying heart
From You. ```May each breath
Of my aspiration-heartBe a communion with God.
```My Lord tells me that
My heart's sincere cries and tearsCan never remain unheard.
```O my doubting mind,
What you right now needIs severe punishment,
And not enlightenment. ```God-devotion-fire
Can definitely burn to ashesAll earthly obstacles.
```APR 619. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 11 January 2001.↩
Since God is all Protection
For me,Can I not be all affection
For Him? ```God does not believe
In my self-doubts.Therefore He always maintains
His implicit Faith in me. ```God tells me
That mine does not have to beA lifetime of blunders.
It can be a lifetimeOf my perfection
And God's Satisfaction. ```My Lord Supreme,
I shall not take,Even for a fleeting second,
Your Compassion-EyeAnd Your Forgiveness-Heart
For granted. ```Alas,
I do not know howGod is not miserable
When we, all His children,Are so unspeakably spoiled!
```Like my Lord's Heart,
I shall make my heart, too,Ever-new, ever-inspiring,
Ever-aspiring, ever-illuminingAnd ever-fulfilling.
```I must always give utmost importance
To myGod-remembrance-sweetness-moments.
```My life thrives
Only on one thing:My sleepless God-devotion.
```Without a one-pointed
Heart-intensity,There can be no
God-realisation-achievement. ```O seeker,
You must realiseThat no God-request
Can ever be trivialOr insignificant.
```May my morning
God-enthusiasm-leapsNever stop
During the entire day. ```I must silence
My mind-counsellor,My mind-commentator,
My mind-commanderAnd
My mind-dictator. ```My soul and I can easily see
That God is constantly smashingHis own
Compassion and Forgiveness-records. ```My heart cherishes
Everything that my Lord doesAnd every move that He makes
For the betterment of the world. ```How I wish I could be
With all the real God-representativesWhen they walk the earth!
```God laughs and laughs at me
When I do not want to controlMy impatient
God-Arrival-anticipation. ```The Master's heart
Is the silence-voiceOf the Unknowable.
```To meditate deeply
Is to soar high, very high,On the wings
Of God's Compassion-Eye. ```My Lord,
I do not mind Your zigzag pathAt all,
As long as I find YouAnd Your Lotus-Feet
At every turn. ```For me to sit
At the aspiration-shrineIs not enough.
I must becomeThe aspiration-shrine itself.
```APR 639. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 12 January 2001.↩
My Master's joy
Knows no boundsWhen he sees
My inner progress reports. ```My heart, my mind,
My vital and my bodyHave to be always full
Of myGod-manifestation-determination-fire.
```God wants me
To breathe in deepPurity-flower-fragrance
All the time. ```O my mind,
My unaspiring mind,Will you ever listen
To the pleadingsOf my bleeding heart?
```I shall no more spend
Even a fleeting momentIn my mind's desire-market.
```From now on
I shall always find myselfIn my heart's aspiration-garden.
```It is simply impossible
To love God onlyAnd enjoy ignorance-sleep
At the same time. ```God's Compassion, God's Love,
God's Affection and God's ConcernHave ever-transcending destinations.
```Humanity is humanity's
Slowest progress.Divinity is Divinity's
Deepest Concern. ```To my greatest joy,
This morning I was ableTo wave good-bye
To my desire-life. ```A real devotee
Takes his Lord's FootstepsAs his own heartbeats.
```God tells me
That it is His supreme TaskTo beat my life's victory-drum
At His own choice Hour. ```My Lord Supreme,
I have only one desire:Do bless me
With a never-dyingGratitude-heartbeat.
```My Lord keeps
His smiling EyeInside my heart
And His blessingful HandsUpon my head.
```I shall never allow my mind
To be dressed in a dark robeOf God-disbelief,
Even for a fleeting second. ```I came into the world
With Heaven's Plenitude-Smiles.I shall return
With earth's infinitude-tears. ```God wants me to know and feel
That every hour has to beA new God-discovery-journey.
```My heart cries and dies
Only for one thing:The next ambrosial
God-Touch. ```May my life always be
EnrapturedIn God-manifestation-dedication.
```No sincere heart
Will ever believeThat God's Will
Is extremely difficultTo grasp.
```APR 659. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 13 January 2001.↩
If we live in the heart,
Only in the aspiring heart,Then we can definitely discover
Ever-new ways to please GodIn His own Way.
```My aspiration-heart
Began its journeyFrom God's Heart,
And it will forever continueTo God's Feet
Of ever-transcending Compassion. ```When a genuine seeker
Leaves the path,God's Compassion-Eye suffers
Infinitely moreThan the seeker can ever imagine.
```God secretly and blessingfully
Gives whispering hintsFor our continuous inner progress.
```In the spiritual life,
A doubt-enjoyerEventually suffers
Enormous failure. ```May my gratitude-heart-waves
Constantly rise and riseAnd rise.
```A faith-dislocation-heart
Is extremely difficultTo heal.
```Each seeker must discover
The secret and sacred passagewayFrom the aspiring heart
To the illumining soul. ```My only happiness in life
Is my sleepless faithIn my Absolute Lord Supreme.
```From my Master's fastest glance
I receiveA million blessings.
```APR 669. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 14 January 2001.↩
O seeker,
Do not sigh, do not sigh,Do not sigh,
For with each sighYou slightly die.
```The thrill
Of God-serviceIs unparalleled.
```The mind says to God,
"God, can You not give meWhat I truly want?"
The heart says to God,"God, do give me
What I needAt Your own Time."
```The tears of my heart
Are my only aspiration-guidesTo take me to Heaven.
```No impurity of the mind
Can dare to enter intoMy God-gratitude-heart.
```Either in the near future
Or in the distant future,My dedication-life-train
Must reachThe God-Bliss-station.
```Without God-devotion-tears,
We can never haveGod-realisation-smiles.
```When I bow to God
With my humility-heart-prayers,He immediately blesses me
With His own Crown and Throne. ```Every day
I deeply enjoy the beautyOf my aspiration-seeds
And the fragranceOf my surrender-deeds.
```The desire-mind says,
"God is nowhere."The aspiration-heart says,
"God is right here."The realisation-soul says,
"God is here and all-where."```
APR 679. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 15 January 2001.↩
In the aspiration-election,
The heart always wins.God the Supreme Judge
Summarily rejects the mind. ```The heart unreservedly spends time
On the mindFor its transformation.
```O endless desire-mind,
Be careful!Your own frustration-night
Will not only frighten you,But also devour you.
```Quite often
The desire-mind failsBecause God's Compassion prevails.
```The heart does not
Inspect the mind.It only tries very hard
To connect the mindWith God.
```When the God-realisation-hope
Disappears,Bring it back
With your heart's streaming tears. ```A tiny progress-step
Is, indeed, a giant victoryIn the inner world.
```My God-adoring heart cries,
"Where, where, where?"God's Compassion-Heart echoes,"Here, My child, here,
And nowhere else." ```If necessity demands,
Start with a curious mind.If so is the Will of God,
He will turn your curious mindInto your serious and precious heart.
```I must dare to dream
Of God's transcendental SmilesEvery night
So that I can manifest God's LightDuring the entire day.
```APR 689. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 16 January 2001.↩
Alas, God's Grace
Is crying for a tiny placeIn my heart-room.
```God wants me
To strengthen my prayer-lifeEvery day.
```God wants me
To lengthen my meditation-hoursEvery day.
```No more shall I cry
For earthly fame.I shall cry only
For a Heavenly flameInside my heart.
```The earthly mind
Does not believe in apology.It only believes in eulogy
From God. ```Hope disappears.
This is, indeed, an earthly experience.Tears appear.
This is, indeed, a Heavenly experience. ```God does not want me to think
Of my life's sunset.He wants me only to think
Of my heart's all-illumining sunrise. ```My progress
Is in my constantGod-adoration.
```No more
My mind's pride-commotion,No more!
```My heart's silence-sea-invocation
More,Ever more!
```O seeker,
Can you not feel even onceThat your faith in God
Is infinitely strongerThan your self-doubt?
```I was, I am
And I shall forever remainA God-meditation-heart.
```Those who sincerely invoke God
In the depths of their heartCan easily become
Life's frustration-depression-challengers. ```The beauty
Of soulful prayersMy life is.
```The powerful fragrance
Of meditationMy heart is.
```A desire-bound life
Is infinitely poorerThan a street beggar's life.
```A God-surrendered life
Enjoys God'sInfinite Delight.
```The mind-wall
I see.The heart-bridge
I become. ```My God-love
Has to be one-pointed.If not,
My God-realisation-hopeShall sadly fail.
```There is only one
Perpetual problem in my life:My self-indulgence.
```APR 709. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 17 January 2001.↩
My Master's earthly presence
Is a rare opportunityFor me to conquer
Ignorance-night forever. ```Unimaginably beautiful
And powerfulAre the tears of my gratitude-heart.
```My Lord tells me that what I call
Insignificant disobedienceIs nothing short of a fatal blunder.
All good hearts are crushedBy humanity's cruelty
And indifference. ```When I live a moment
Without God's Breath,Death immediately becomes
My possessor. ```There is no difference
Between a desire-lifeAnd an everlasting
Ignorance-play. ```To make striking progress,
The human in me prays to GodFor repeated chances;
The divine in me prays to GodFor His absolutely last Warning.
```My Lord Supreme,
I have only one desire-prayer:Please, please send me back
My long-treasured old hope. ```This morning I was so happy
To offer evenMy life's last surrender-prayer-breath
To my Absolute Lord Supreme. ```God wants me to be myself first.
Only then will He turn me intoAnother God.
```May all God-seekers
Every day prayFor the universal conquest
Of self-doubt. ```Alas,
Even the outstretched armsOf God's Compassion
Cannot reach my dry mind. ```My Supreme cries and cries
Before He reads my confidential letters.After reading my letters,
He heaves a very heavy sigh of relief. ```To me,
Each Smile of my Lord SupremeIs the Smile of the Millennium.
```Only adamantine
Determination-hammersCan destroy the mind-walls.
```May each thought of mine
Be shadedBy my Lord's Protection-Tree.
```When we most confidently
And most powerfully select faith,Doubt rejects us immediately.
```E-mail is man-connection,
And not God-communication —No, never!
```My life can escape
From God's Justice-Light,But it can never escape
From God's Compassion-Height. ```God-obedience
Is not God-slavery.God-obedience
Is life-mastery. ```Sweet is God's Eye.
Sweeter is God's Heart.Sweetest is God's Will.
```Religion talks.
Spirituality acts.Yoga becomes.
```May my mind's
God-ignoring ignorance-rocksBe totally shattered
Once and for all.```
APR 732. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 18 January 2001.↩
May the entire world
Accept God's Peace-MessageEvery day, every hour,
Every minute and every secondFor the radical transformation
Of this world. ```No cruel intimidation
Can ever succeed.Only illumination shall succeed,
Here, there and everywhere. ```The frustration of my vital
Can be conquered onlyWith my heart's patience-light.
```What I desperately need
Every dayIs a God-commitment-prone heart.
Is the secret and sacred wayTo run the fastest
In the inner life. ```If you hide
From your Lord's Presence,How can He give
His ignorance-conquering LanceTo you?
```My mind-thought-expulsion
I want. ```My God-invitation-will
I desperately need. ```God tells me
That if I want to explain Him,Then He will not allow me
To claim Him. ```In the spiritual life,
Do not goWhere simplicity, sincerity
And humility-virtuesAre ridiculed.
```God tells me
That I must not try to understandOthers' tears.
I must only become implicitly oneWith others' tears.
```If we do not want
To feed God's hungry Heart,Then we have to face
Sooner or laterGod's angry Eye.
```Fear strangles us.
Courage liberates us.Courage gives us
What God wants us to have:God's Victory-promise-manifestation
Here on earth. ```God will never allow
Our God-hunger-heartTo starve.
God will definitely feedOur God-hunger-heart sumptuously
At His choice Hour. ```May each life
Be a giantGod-enquiry.
```APR 747. These prayers were given in Bali, Indonesia — 26 January 2001.↩
There comes a time
When we realiseThat it is only our mind
That has the capacityTo defeat us.
```In my case,
The moment I lost my mind,I gained my heart.
Can never beTrue God-servers.
```God refuses to accept
Our resignationBecause He wants desperately
Our illumination. ```There is no seat
For frustrationIn my life-home.
```The mind asks,
"Who is right?"The heart replies,
"Only God is right,Always right."
```My life is made of
Aspiration and dedication.I wish to utilise them equally.
```The mind-education
Will never be able to give usHeart-elevation
And life-illumination. ```Every morning God sings
A very special songIn my heart-home
To inspire me and show me the wayTo His Golden Palace.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 7, Agni Press, 2002
Sourced from