Questions on samadhi
Question: Would you please explain the difference between _nirvana_ and _nirvikalpa samadhi_?
Sri Chinmoy: Let us take
nirvana and
nirvikalpa samadhi as two tallest mansions. Other mansions are next to nothing in comparison to these two mansions. If you climb up the
nirvana-mansion, there is no way to come down, or you do not feel the necessity of coming down to offer what you have received to the world. In
nirvana you notice the extinction of earth-pangs and the end of the cosmic dance.
Nirvana is flooded with infinite Peace and Bliss. From the point of view of Absolute Truth,
nirvana is the Goal of goals to the seekers who do not want to take any more part in God’s manifested creation.
When you climb up the
nirvikalpa samadhi mansion, there is a way to climb down if you want to. But if you stay there for a long period of time, then you totally forget that there is a way to come down. Of course, if the Supreme Pilot wants an individual seeker of the Absolute Truth to go beyond
nirvana and enter into the world for earth-transformation and earth-perfection in a divine way, He sends him down, for He feels that that particular instrument of His is supremely indispensable to transform the Supreme’s birthless transcendental Vision into His deathless universal Reality.
Nirvikalpa samadhi throws illumination-flood into us and makes us feel that there are higher worlds far beyond this world of ours. Further, it reveals itself to the seeker as a connecting link between this world and other high, higher, highest worlds and it offers him the road to go beyond it and enter into the ever-transcending Beyond.
From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol.II-1, No. 9, 27 September 1974, Vishma Press, 1974
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