Ms. Gail Gershon: Why do some people who are highly developed and mature souls often reject the idea of God or religion?
Sri Chinmoy: Some people are highly developed, but they are developed on the physical plane, on the vital plane or on the mental plane. Unless and until they are developed on the psychic plane, on the heart’s plane, there is no guarantee that they will accept religion, not to speak of God. When we live in the heart, we cry for oneness; but when we live in the physical, the vital or the mind, we consciously reject oneness, for we want to see the Truth in an infinitesimal measure. When we live in the heart, we want to see the expansion of truth; we want to see the reality of truth as inseparable oneness. The mind, the vital and the body still enjoy the sense of separativity, whereas the heart wants to enjoy and does enjoy only the unity of inseparable, eternal, immortal oneness.
From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol. 3, No. 1, 27 January 1976, Vishma Press, 1976
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