The proclamation and letter appear oh the following pages.
Councilman Povman: It is with a feeling of great joy and deep humility that I am with you today to celebrate the 45th birthday of Sri Chinmoy. I believe very strongly in what Sri Chinmoy stands for. He offers the people of the world a great understanding and insight into things which we have not really dedicated ourselves to: namely, a greater feeling in each of us for our God, a greater feeling in each of us for the world about us, a greater feeling in each of us for one another and a greater feeling for what we are to ourselves. Sri Chinmoy is a great teacher, a poet, an artist. He offers to the entire world a greater hope of what this world can aspire to.
I have been following his career for the last four or five years. I have attended some meditation sessions and some of his events that have taken place, and I feel that he has done a yeoman’s service on behalf of mankind, particularly right here in Jamaica. This area, which was once decaying, is now a place of birth, a place of joy, a place of happiness. If we can take the experience of Jamaica and spread it throughout Queens, the city of New York, the state, the country and the world, we could change the entire world.
On this very auspicious occasion, I bring to you a Proclamation that is signed by your Borough President, Donald R. Manes. (Councilman Povman read the Proclamation which appears on the following page.)From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol.II-3, No. 8, 27 August 1976, Vishma Press, 1976
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