_Question:_ What can I do to please you most?
Sri Chinmoy: What can you do to please me most? Please me most. I am answering now like a Zen teacher. The Zen teachers would answer your question this way, like a koan. You will ask how you can please me most, and I will say, “By pleasing me most.” How can you please me most? By pleasing me most.
Not by trying, but by doing. That is the answer. There should be no ‘how’, no question. You have only to say, “I am doing it.” Do not say, “I want to do it,” or “I will do it,” but do it. If you cannot say, “I have done it,” which will be, unfortunately, an inch far from the truth, then you can say, “I am doing it.” In that way you will do it.
From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol.II-4, No. 2, 27 February 1977, Vishma Press, 1977
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/aum_117