World Gratitude Day
is pleased to honorSri Chinmoy
Who has enhanced the spirit of globalism with his compassion, creativity and nobility of spirit.
Whose being and achievements reflect the spirit of our Proclamation
Whereas humanity has come to recognize devotion and allegiance to immediate family, to clan, to city, to state, and to nation, and now must experience the concept of globalism, and
Whereas words of praise and positive thoughts generate dynamic harmony, and
Whereas decisions made from a grateful heart are endowed with intrinsic wisdom and engender prosperity, and
Whereas gratitude, the opposite of “taking for granted," is a positive emotion which creates good will, is a basic emotion, which is indigenous to all people, is a peace producing feeling.
And Whereas September 2lst is a special day. It is an equinox: one of the two times of the year when the sun passes over the equator and night and day are everywhere of equal length and everyone is equal under the sun.
Therefore let us proclaim World gratitude Day, a holiday for all peoples, a day of meditation for all religions, a day of celebration for all humanity, united by knowledge of a simultaneously shared emotion, a day when triumph of the spirit can make a world community.
Gather with a few friends
Be aware of being grateful(To whom and for what is personal)
Know that the emotion of gratitudeis being shared globally.
Edna Fuerth Lemle
PresidentFrom:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol.II-4, No. 9, 27 September 1977, Vishma Press, 1977
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