Question: If man, when dissatisfied with the world, must escape the world and seek out higher planes of existence, how can humanity live in peace and happiness on earth? In passive escape such as this, those few people who see the evil in the world yet have the dedication, power and potential to change the world for good are diverted into this other search, this escape . . .

Sri Chinmoy: My young friend, I am greatly pleased with this question, for it shows a remarkable sense of spiritual values. Granted, the world is all imperfection. Life stands as a huge question. Evil is seen everywhere. These are the problems that we face every day.

Moreover, the more spiritually advanced a man is, the greater is his suffering, due to the present conditions of the world. He sees the disease, he feels the disease, but he has no proper medicine. Even if he has a remedy, it is not enough to cure all earthly ailments. So he often feels that his fight will be of no avail. He therefore takes the easier path, the path of escape into the bliss of the higher planes.

But this can never be the case with a divine warrior. He will fight until the victory is won. Now what do we mean by his "victory"? It is the establishment of the Kingdom of God here on earth and not in some higher world. As he knows that the Divine is omnipresent, he must reveal Him in everyday life. If one is not satisfied with the world as it is, that is no reason for divorcing it. On the contrary, one should try to change it — physically or intellectually or spiritually, depending on one's own development and capacities.

God is Perfect Perfection. This Perfection can be achieved only when there is an inseparable union between Matter and Spirit, between the Outer and the Inner Life.

From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol. 1, No. 3, 27 October 1965, Boro Park Printers -- Brooklyn, N. Y, 1965
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