When you feel that you yourself do not have any will, that God’s Will is your will, when you merge your little ego or your human will into the infinite Will of the Supreme, you will see that you don’t exist as a being separate from Him. You don’t have any individuality. You don’t have any sense of separativity. You become totally one with the Will of the Supreme. When you think of something or do something, you automatically feel that a higher force, an inner force, is guiding you and speaking through you. You yourself will feel, when you are speaking to someone, that you are not talking. Somebody else, a divine force, or your own inner being, is speaking through you. When you are doing something, you will feel that your own divine personality is acting within you through your outer activities.
But the first thing is that one has to efface his ego totally. There should be no ego. Also, there should be no attachment, even for the best. That is to say, if you get upset or frustrated because the infinite Light and infinite Truth are not coming to you all at once, this is a kind of attachment. You have to feel that at God’s Hour, at the Hour of the Supreme, He will give you infinite Peace, Light and the highest Realisation.
At every moment if you can surrender your entire personal will, you will feel the Supreme acting through you. You will have no will of your own, no individual will. If at times the human will comes forward, human ego comes forward, human desire comes forward, immediately throw them into the infinite Will of the Supreme. The very moment that you are aware of having thrown all that you have and all that you are into the infinite Light of the Supreme, you are bound to feel that you have become part and parcel of the Supreme’s Supreme Consciousness. At that time each action of yours will be guided by the Supreme.
I wish to emphasise one thing. If you feel that the Supreme is to be achieved only for the sake of the Supreme, then it becomes very easy to conquer one’s ego and one’s attachment. Everything is easy for an aspirant when the aspirant can feel that the Supreme has to be won only for the sake of the Supreme. Truth for Truth’s sake and God for God’s sake; then all problems will be solved. You will feel and see and be conscious of the Supreme’s guidance at every moment in your life.From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol.II-6, No. 3, March 1980, Vishma Press, 1980
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/aum_138