"No, he is not. Never."
"Is he the one who loves You wholeheartedly?"
"No, he is not. Never."
"Is he the one who devotes himself to You unceasingly?"
"No, he is not. Never."
"Is he the one who surrenders himself to You unconditionally?"
"No, he is not. Never."
"Who, then, is Your best instrument, my Lord?"
"My best instrument is he who has discovered Me as the Eternally Perfect slave of desires of yesterday, his aspirations of today and his realisations of tomorrow.
He who thinks of Me constantly enters into My world of adamantine Will.
He who loves Me wholeheartedly enters into My world of transcendental Peace.
He who devotes himself to Me unceasingly enters into My world of unfathomable Ectsasy.
He who surrenders himself to Me unconditionally enters into My world of supreme Fulfilment.
But he who thinks of Me as the Eternally Perfect slave of his desires of Yesterday, his aspirations of Today and his realisation of Tomorrow enters into My world of Soul and Goal which is equally his."From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol. 5, No. 8, 27 Mar. 1970, AUM Centre Press, 1970
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/aum_43