The King said, “Only a fool like you can ask this kind of question and only another fool like you can answer it.”
“Yes, I know that,” replied the minister, “and that is why I have come to you.”
Spiritual comments
When some of you ask me questions, no matter what kind of question it is, I never tell you that you are stupid to ask such questions. Go and ask somebody else this kind of silly question — even ask one of my more advanced disciples — and they will simply laugh at you and tell you to use your brain. No, no matter what kind of question you ask, even if it is a kindergarten question, absolutely childish, I try to answer it wholeheartedly. If your standard is of the kindergarten, I try to enter into that class and take you, with my inner assurance, to the highest class.
Why do I do it? Always we have to feel that the other person really does not know and that is why he is asking us. There are some mischievous fellows who know the answer and ask the question just for the sake of asking. There are some smart-alecks when I talk at the universities, who have read some books. They know the answers to the questions they ask me, although from the mental level. Yet they ask me the questions just for the sake of argument, fun, to show off, or to challenge me. But again, there are some people who have the same question, not from the mental level. They are undeveloped, but they are sincere, they are aspiring. When I answer the questions of the smart-alecks, they themselves don't get any benefit, but the sincere ones who are still undeveloped get the benefit.
When you need something from someone who has it, you have to feel that he is the extension of your consciousness. If I want to get something done, in the physical plane, I won't be able to do something like paint the walls and ceiling of the church myself. But I extend my consciousness to my disciples. When I tell them to do it, they do it. When it is a matter of inner awakening, spirituality and all that, I know it better than you do. That is why when you need something I give it to you. But in the physical world, when it is a matter of physical labor, you have more capacity than I have. That is why I ask you to do it.
When you do work for me, at that time you are not a fool. At that time you are entering into your larger consciousness which has illumination, realisation and perfection. And when I enter into you, I enter into my larger consciousness, where I have the capacity to do physical labor. In this way we fulfil one another. The Master enters into the physical aspect, dynamic aspect, which is required in order to live on earth. The Master does not think that he is foolishly lowering his own consciousness. He is expanding it by entering into you. Then, when you, as disciples, come to me for Light, Peace and Bliss, you have also come to the right person. You are wise to come to me to get what you need inwardly, for I am the right person. I can give it to you. I also go to the right person, to you, to get the things I need outwardly.
You disciples can renovate the outer building. And when you want to erect the inner building in your heart, where you can keep the inner shrine safe and where you can grow into the Highest, then it is your wisdom that brings you to me. Here there is no stupidity at all. It is our real wisdom light that brings the Master to the disciple to get things done in the outer world and the disciple to the Master to get something inner, something divine, that he would not be able to get elsewhere.From:Sri Chinmoy,AUM — Vol. 8, No. 1, 27 August 1972, AUM Centre Press, 1972
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