Bela chale jai

1. Jibana taru tale


Jibana taru tale ke base aji

Marana maru bhume binash baji

Jiban bhor maran ghor

Kothai tumi he hiya majhi


2. Translation


Who is seated at the foot

Of my life-tree today?

I see destruction thundering

Over my death-desert.

I am in between the dawn of life

And the darkness of death.

O my heart’s Pilot Supreme!

Where are You? ```

3. Ashar mita


Ashar mita trishar pita

Tomar charan tale

Harabo mor dibanishi

Samarpaner bale


4. Translation


O Friend of my hope,

O Father of my aspiration-thirst,

At Your Feet I shall lose

My days and nights

With my surrender-strength.


5. Brahma Vishnu Shib


Brahma Vishnu Shib

Ami achetan jib

Durga Kamala Kali

Kothai arghya thali

Kartik Ganapati

Dao more dhrira mati


6. Translation


Brahma, Vishnu, Shib!

An unconscious creature am I.

Durga, Kamala, Kali!

Where is my aspiration-dedication-bowl?

Kartik, Ganapati!

Do surcharge my mind with firm determination. ```

7. Surjya debata pranam


Surjya debata pranam

Japi abiram taba madhu nam

Toma pane chahi jaya giti gahi

Taba ankhi mor sudham


8. Translation


O Sun God, I salute You.

I invoke Your sweet name sleeplessly.

I look at You and sing Your Victory-Song.

Your Vision-Eye, my good abode. ```

9. Tomai ami jani


Tomai ami jani

Taito sada mani

Tomai ami daki

Na diye ar phanki

Tomai ami puji

Swarupe mor khunji


10. Translation


I know who You are.

Therefore, I always obey You.

I invoke You

Without deceiving any more.

I worship You

And thus I search for my

True Self-Form.


11. Esecho bale


Esecho bale benche achi

Dharecho bale ami nachi

Khamibe shata truti mor

Amare dibe usha bhor


12. Translation


You have come into my life.

Therefore, I am still alive.

You have caught me by the hand.

Therefore, I am dancing.

You will forgive my countless mistakes.

You will grant me a new dawn. ```

13. Sumadhur sure


Sumadhur sure antara pure

Dake more prema bithika

Madal badal akashe pagol

Hasi ananda gitika


14. Translation


Inside the very depth of my heart

In a sweet and soulful tune

The love-avenue calls me.

Kettledrum and thunderbolt are enjoying

A divinely wild game in my sky

And are offering me fountain-songs

Of smile and delight.


15. Jani ami nahi jani


Jani ami nahi jani

Tomar gabhir madhur bani

Tabu tomar charan tale

Tano khama kripar bale


16. Translation


I know that I do not know

Your deep and sweet Message.

Yet You draw me towards You

And place me at Your Feet

With Your Compassion-Power.


17. Bhakti lagi


Bhakti lagi kandi ami

Mukti lagi kandi

Atma tyager premer dore

Tomai ami bandhi


18. Translation


I cry for devotion.

I cry for liberation.

I bind You with the love-cord

Of my self-sacrifice-life. ```

19. Tomar sathe


Tomar sathe khelbo jedin

Sabar sathe khelbo

Tomar prane milbo jedin

Sabar prane milbo


20. Translation


I shall play with everyone

On the day I play with You.

I shall blend in every heart

On the day I blend in You. ```

21. Shikkha Guru


Shikkha Guru dikkha Guru

Nutan jiban halo suru

Shikkha Guru dikkha Guru

Habona ar kabhu viru

Paye dale agyanata

Tomai dibo saphalata


22. Translation


O my teacher-Guru, O my initiation-Guru,

A new life has dawned.

O my teacher-Guru, O my initiation-Guru,

I shall no longer make friends with cowardice.

I shall kick off ignorance-night

And offer you my success-life. ```

23. Nitya amai bahan kari


Nitya amai bahan kari

Amar shire

Shanti pabo keman kare

Pran gabhire


24. Translation


Every day I carry

My existence-life

On my head.

How can I have satisfaction-peace

Inside my heart?


25. Madhavi latar


Madhavi latar madhur madhuri

Sugopane kare mor hiya churi

Urdhe akashe nimne batase

Nachi aji ami maha ullase


26. Translation


Sweet, soft and translucent creeper

In silence steals away my heart.

Above me, the vast sky.

Under me, the wind blowing.

Today I dance in ecstasy supreme.


27. Vishma ar Drona


Vishma ar Drona

Satyaki Arjuna

Mahavim Karna

Virer asana

Tomare danibe

E katha janibe


28. Translation


Vishma, Drona, Satyaki, Arjuna,

Mahavim and Karna:

These immortal heroes

Will, without fail, grant you

Their warrior-thrones.


29. Ami nil gaganer


Ami nil gaganer shubhra shashi

Sangi bangshidhar

Alor sathe kheli nachi

Mora nirantar


30. Translation


I am the whiteness and brightness-moon.

Lord Krishna, the Flutist supreme

Is my Compeer.

We play and dance sleeplessly

With the Mother-Light

Of the Supreme. ```

31. Sonar harin


Sonar harin hiyar harin

Tibra tomar gati

Ashar pradip jwalai prane

Premer unnati


32. Translation


O golden deer, O psychic deer

Of my heart,

Your fast, faster, fastest speed

Kindles the hope-lamp

In my progress-love.


33. Sabar sathe nahi chali


Sabar sathe nahi chali

Ekla ami chali

Dekhle keha lukai deha

Kathati nahi bali


34. Translation


I do not walk along with others.

I walk alone, all alone.

If anybody sees me, my body,

I hide in silence sublime. ```

35. Jiban amar sanga habe


Jiban amar sanga habe

Maran nadir tire

Chaoa paoar bhari bojha

Rakhbona ar shire


36. Translation


My life shall end

At the rim of death-river.

I shall not carry any more

The heavy load of my desire-night

And fulfilment-day.


37. Mata mata mata


Mata mata mata

Saraswati mata

Karo prane shuddha

Karo mane buddha

Jibana samare

Mama antare

Dao dao mata

Asim purnata


38. Translation


Mother, Mother, Mother,

Mother Saraswati,

Do purify my vital.

Do enlighten my mind.

In the battlefield of my life,

O Mother divine,

Do grant my heart

Your fulfilment infinite. ```

39. Ke chahe go


Ke chahe go ke chahe

Amar jiban ke chahe

Ke gahe go ke gahe

Amar bijoy ke gahe


40. Translation


Who cares to have me?

Who cares to have my life?

Who cares to sing?

Who cares to sing my victory-song? ```

41. Bhranta tumi


Bhranta tumi bhranta

Taito sada klanta

Gaho prabhur nam

Oi je swarga dham


42. Translation


False you are, false.

Therefore, you are always tired.

Repeat the Name of the Absolute Lord.

Yonder, Heaven’s existence-abode. ```

43. Shanti jyoti


Shanti jyoti shakti dhara

Nimna gati bandhan hara

Parane mor namlo

Nutan jiban kusum kali

Phutlo aji phutlo ```

44. Translation


Behold, the flood of peace,

Light and power

Descending freely, unobstructed,

Into my aspiration-heart.

A new life-bud in me

Has blossomed today. ```

45. Ajanare achenare


Ajanare achenare

Ami basi bhalo

Tai mor puta pran

Sada nashe kalo


46. Translation


I love the unknown

And the unseen.


My hallowed heart


Destroys darkness-night. ```

47. Ekla pathe


Ekla pathe ghure berai

Tomar dekha lagi

Ashar sathe ghumai ami

Kanna sathe jagi


48. Translation


Alone I walk along

In search of You.

I sleep with my hope-friend

And cry with my wakefulness. ```

49. Jiban debata


Jiban debata daki animesh

Khama karo aji more

Ogo sumahan jagater tran

Jagi jena shubha bhore


50. Translation 50


O my life’s Love Supreme,

Sleeplessly I invoke You

To forgive me today.

O great One, O world’s Reality-Salvation,

May I be fully awakened

In purity’s auspicious dawn.


50. In the original songbook, the last line read “In prosperity’s auspicious dawn.” This line was later revised by the author.

51. Asha niye


Asha niye asi bhabe

Asha diye chale jai

Purnata maha bani

Hetha nai hotha nai


52. Translation


I came into the world with hope.

I am on my way to the other world

Leaving behind me my hope.

Fulfilment-message is not to be found

In any part of the world.


53. Shunechi shunechi


Shunechi shunechi shunechi

Tomar amar giti

Peyechi peyechi peyechi

Tomar kripar prithi

Tabu achetan mor pran man

Andhar gabhire rayechi


54. Translation


I have heard, I have heard,

I have heard Your immortal Song.

I have received, I have received,

I have received Your Compassion-Love.

Yet unconsciously live my mind and my vital.

In the depths of night's darkness I abide. ```

55. Duar khulo


Duar khulo aji

Hiyar duar

Ashar setu bandhi

He kripa pathar


56. Translation


O, open today my heart-door!

I have built a hope-bridge

Between You and me,

O compassionate One,

Beginningless and endless.


57. Mor khudha


Mor khudha antara majhe

Taba sudha kripa ankhi raje


58. Translation


In the inmost recesses

Of my hungry heart

Your Compassion-Eye

Of Nectar-Delight abides. ```

59. Kanna amar


Kanna amar shesh habena

Shesh habena

Tabu kena toma pane

Man chalena


60. Translation


The flow of my tearful eyes

Will never cease, never.

Yet my mind does not run

Towards You. ```

61. Jatra pathe


Jatra pathe dibas rate

Tomar gahi joy

Ami kebal tomar lagi

Ei dhrira pratyay


62. Translation


Day and night along the street

When I look around,

Your Victory-Song I sing.

I exist only for You.

This is my heart’s conviction

Unparalleled. ```

63. Vishwa Prabhu


Vishwa prabhu ami tomar kripar das

Rakhbo mane birat madhur itihas


64. Translation


O Lord of the Universe,

I am Your Compassion-slave.

I shall always keep in mind

This vast and sweet history of mine. ```

65. Praner katha


Praner katha balar lagi

Esechi aj tomar dware

Kabe amai niye jabe

Sukha dukher parapare


66. Translation


I have come to Your Door today

To tell You my heart’s inmost secret.

When will You take me

To the Shore supreme,

Beyond joy and sorrow?


67. Bandhiya bandhiya


Bandhiya bandhiya amar amire

Narak jatana pai

Khuliya khuliya amar swarupe

Swarger sukh khai


68. Translation


Binding and binding my little “i”,

I am suffering the torture of hell.

Unveiling and unveiling my true Form,

I enjoy Heaven-happiness. ```

69. Greecer chhilo


Greecer chhilo chaoa khudha

Tai peyeche birjya sudha

Athens tomai pranam kare

Vishwa sabha baran kare


70. Translation


Greece had the longing hunger.

Therefore, it received strength-nectar.

Athens, the world-assembly bows to you

And receives you in silence-admiration. ```

71. Tomar kripai


Tomar kripai urdhe nachi

Tomar khamai nimne banchi

Prem sagare dub diyechi

Tomar majhe sab peyechi


72. Translation


Because of Your Grace,

High in Heaven I dance.

Because of Your Forgiveness,

Here below on earth

My life-breath breathes.

I have dived deep

In the sea of Love divine.

I have received everything

Inside Your Heart-depth.


73. Bela chale jai


Bela chale jai bela chale jai bela

Kotha tumi ogo jibaner shesh khela


74. Translation


My time is passing away.

My time is passing away.

O, where are You,

My life’s last game? ```

75. Diner sheshe


Diner sheshe jatra sheshe

Elam phire ghare

Ashar setu bhanga halo

Pran gabhire manthare


76. Translation


At the end of day,

At the end of journey’s close,

Home I have returned.

My hope-bridge is being totally smashed,

Slowly, very slowly,

Inside the very depths of my heart. ```

77. Chahi kichu


Chahi kichu sabar kache chahi kichu

Taito kari sabar paye mata nichu


78. Translation


I desire something

From everybody, I desire.

Therefore, I bow my head

At the feet of all and sundry. ```

79. Anande bhara


Anande bhara aloker majhe

Dyuloker nartan

Bhuloker jib nahi dekhe kabhu

Jane shudhu krandan


80. Translation


Earth-bound human beings

Never see the dance of Heaven.

In the heart of supernal Light and Delight

They only know how to cry and cry. ```

81. Shesh kathati


Shesh kathati ei jibaner

Shesh kathati

Shanti kothao nahi pela

Mor mathati


82. Translation


The last message of this life,

The last message:

My head has never had peace.


83. Tumi dayal


Tumi dayal ami kangal

Taito chali ek sathe

Tumi amar chira sathi

Jiban bhore maran rate


84. Translation


You are a self-giving man

And I am a true beggar.

Therefore, we move around together.

You are my eternal Companion

At the dawn of my life,

In the night of my death. ```

85. Chale jao


Chale jao chale jao

Balibar dekhibar age

Tabu kena daki toma

Nahi jani barai anurage


86. Translation


Away You go, away You go,

Before I talk to You,

Before I see You.

Yet I do not know

Why I invoke You

With my heart’s intense cry. ```

87. Ami tomar kripar shishu


Ami tomar kripar shishu

Tumi vishwamoy

Atmajayer asha prane

Tomar gahi joy


88. Translation


I am Your Compassion-child,

You are the Father universal.

I have the burning desire

To conquer myself.

Therefore, Your Victory-Song

I always sing. ```

89. Tumi je amare tushibe


Tumi je amare tushibe

Tumi je amare pushibe

E katha janabo ajike

Amar praner majhike


90. Translation


You will satisfy me.

You will feed me.

I shall tell this today

To my heart’s Pilot Supreme. ```

91. Sudur hate bhese asi


Sudur hate bhese asi

Ei dharanir buke

Swarupe mor bhule gechi

Andhakare dhuke


92. Translation


From a distant world,

Floating, I came into the heart

Of this world.

I have forgotten my Self-form totally

In the eyeless darkness-life.


93. Chaoa paoar shesh habena


Chaoa paoar shesh habena

Shesh habena

Amar lagi keha amar

Hat dharena


94. Translation


There will be no end

To my desire-fulfilment-life.

No compassion-soul holds my hand

To satisfy me in my own way. ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,Bela chale jai, Agni Press, 1979
Sourced from