My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,
You are my All,You are my All,
You are my All,Only All —
You, You, You. ```Every day
God touches and blessesEach and every heartbeat
Of mine. ```My morning
Rainbow-hope-promiseIs to please God
In His own WayThe entire day.
```May the aspiring, rising,
Climbing, blossoming, smiling,Singing and dancing flames
Of the morning sunAwaken my heart,
Illumine my mindAnd enlighten my life.
```Three things are most important
In my life:My Lord’s Compassion-Eye,
My Lord’s Forgiveness-FeetAnd my gratitude-heart.
```My prayer-life
Is the beautyOf my God-hope.
My meditation-heart
Is the fragranceOf my God-promise.
```This morning
From earthMy heart is sending
A God-Beauty-Dream-letterTo Heaven;
My soul is sendingA God-Fragrance-Reality-letter
To earth. ```My Lord,
I love You,I worship You.
Which one is more important?“My child,
They are equally important.My child, when you love Me,
You become all Mine.When you worship Me,
I become all yours.” ```Every morning
Is a new birthdayOf a new inspiration
And a new aspirationTo breathe in the Will
Of our Lord Supreme. ```The golden sunrise
Awakens the sleeping heartsTo pray and meditate
And then to collectEarth-blooms and Heaven-blossoms.
```In my outer desire-life,
I implore God’s Compassion.In my inner aspiration-life,
I explore God’s Riches. ```The morning flowers
Of my aspiration-heart-songsAre my God-worship.
```When the morning blessing-joy
Touches my eyesAnd awakens my heart,
I immediately know and feelThat my Lord is very pleased
With me. ```My heart is flooded
With twinklingHappiness-morning-stars.
```An unconditional
Devotion-heartIs the sweetest joy
And the mightiest prideOf God.
```My morning prayer
Is my God-Protection-lifeThroughout the day.
My morning meditation
Is my God-Direction-heartThroughout the day.
```The spiritual life
Slowly ascends.The aspiration-heart
Quickly ascends.The surrender-breath
Reaches the GoalFaster than the fastest.
```To be happy
And remain happyI must always keep
My heart-compass with me. ```When I cry
With my heart’sUtter helplessness-tears,
My Lord immediatelyComes to me.
```I ply my life-boat
Between my heart’sBeauty-tear-shore
And my soul’sFragrance-smile-shore.
```My Lord Supreme
Proudly treasuresMy heart’s goodness-moments
And notMy life’s greatness-days.
```When I look at God’s Eye,
I become fearful.When I enter into God’s Heart,
I become peaceful.When I place myself at God’s Feet,
I become blissful. ```Every day
God’s Heart dreams ofMy divine happiness,
And my heart dreams ofGod’s full Manifestation.
```I love to live
In God’s ever-blossomingSoul-Smiles.
God loves to live
In my ever-increasingHeart-tears.
My Lord of CompassionHas entered into
My jungle-mind-lifeWith His ceaseless
Heart-Tears. ```A God-devotion-
Purity-intensity-heartEnjoys happiness
All the timeEverywhere.
```My life is made of
Ceaseless heart-tears.God’s Heart is made of
Breathless Encouragement-Whispers. ```The twinkling stars
Of my heart-skyAre leading my life
Through my mind-desert. ```The difference between
Yesterday and todayIs this:
Yesterday I cried and criedFor God;
Today I am smiling and smilingWith God.
```I am dreaming of God.
My life is walking towards God.My heart is running towards God.
My breath is sprinting towards God.My soul is always with God,
In God and for God. ```Only because of
God’s Compassion-EyeAnd Forgiveness-Feet,
My heart is able to breatheAnd my life is able to live.
```My constant God-gratitude
Is the beauty of my heartAnd the purity of my life.
Is the celestial beautyAnd fragrance
Of the seeker’sAspiration-life-tree.
```When I offer my gratitude-heart
To God,He gives me a most beautiful Smile.
When I offer my gratitude-heart
To a human being,God immediately embraces me.
```Our minds do not love God.
Our lives love themselves firstAnd then love God.
Our hearts love only God.Alas, we love God
Only when He is on our side. ```My mind creates
My earth-desire-life,My heart creates
My Heaven-aspiration-flamesAnd I create
My God-surrender-breath. ```Everything that the heart has
Is so sweet, so pure,So charming, so soulful,
So beautiful and so self-giving. ```Earthly time
Cannot fulfil our heart’sAspiration-cries
As God’s Heavenly Hour does —And that Heavenly Hour
Is here and now. ```Each good thought
Is a great adventure-discoveryAlong Eternity’s Road.
```When I am in my heart-garden,
My Lord whispers.When I am in my mind-jungle,
My Lord thunders. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-HeartAre never off duty.
```My heart’s soulful smiles
Are the immediate winnersOf God’s Heart.
```Every single day
God whispers to my aspiring heartAnd shouts at my doubting mind.
```Aspiration is
Happiness-banquet.Expectation is
Starvation-suffering.Surrender is
God-fulfilment-delight. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Does not knowHow to escape.
```I love
God’s Silence-Eye.God loves
My peace-heart. ```There is only one boat:
God’s Heart-Boat.There is only one river:
God’s Life-River.There is only one Destination:
God’s beckoning Hand. ```A pure devotion-heart
DevoursGod’s blissful Eye.
```A God-surrendered life
Most gloriously passesAll earth and Heaven-examinations.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-HeartWill never fail me.
Everything else will fail meSooner than the soonest.
```My heart-tears
Are my God-journeysOn earth.
My soul-smiles
Are my God-adventuresIn Heaven.
```My Lord Supreme
Is entering intoHis Dream-Boat
To take me toHis Reality-Shore.
```I was a part-time
God-lover and God-worshipper.I am now a full-time
God-lover and God-worshipper.In the near future I shall become
A sleepless and breathlessGod-lover and God-worshipper.
```Every day without fail
God wants me to placeAll my worries and anxieties
At His Feet. ```God-servers
Are God’sChoicest children.
```Now is the right moment
To voraciously devourThe golden dust of God’s Feet.
Now is the right moment
To fondly claspGod’s Compassion-Eye.
```My outer life
Loves the power-sun.My inner life
Loves the silence-moon. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Begins.God’s Forgiveness-Heart
Completes. ```The farther we go away
From the mind,The quicker we collect
Our lotus-heart-blossoms. ```My mind wants to speak
To God.My heart loves to pray
To God. ```God is exceedingly pleased
With my heart-cottage-tear-prayers. ```God wants each seeker
To be a divine victorOver life’s stark challenges.
```My life is the golden bridge
Between my inner beautyAnd my outer duty.
```My sky-climbing prayers
Bring joy to my life.My sea-diving meditations
Bring peace to my heart. ```Every morning
My soul sings a new songFor earth
And my heart offers a new prayerTo Heaven.
```Each soul
Is a Heaven-representativeTo fulfil God’s Will
Here on earth. ```The outer sun
Shows us the way.The inner sun
Leads us to the Destination. ```The fountain-tears of my heart
For my Lord SupremeAre my life’s
Towering achievements. ```The journey to God
Is extremely arduous,But God’s most compassionate Eye
At every momentGuides and leads us.
```Upward, upward!
God is beckoningYour aspiration-heart-cries.
```There should be no difference
Between my love of God’s HeartAnd my surrender to God’s Feet.
```God comes to me
To feed my heartAnd not to examine my life.
```Just think of God,
O my mind.Pray to God,
O my life.Meditate on God,
O my heart. ```My God-dreaming heart
Is sailing todayFast, very fast.
```The human in me
Competes.The divine in me
Practises.The Supreme in me
Succeeds and proceeds. ```When my inner aspiration-heart
Glows,My outer dedication-life
Flows. ```Keep singing
God-smiling songs.Keep climbing
God-reaching heights. ```My Lord,
My heart-eyeIs extremely eager
To meet Your Feet. ```For me,
Prayer is a necessity,But meditation is indispensable.
```My heart-climbing cries
Are fed by God’sBlessing-Pride.
```My mind becomes perfect
When it prays to God.My heart becomes confident
When it prays to God.My life becomes beautiful
When it prays to God. ```The outer success
Is a shallow satisfaction.The inner progress
Is a blossoming life-perfection. ```My heart-temple is at once
Man the aspirationAnd God the Benediction.
```I am my soul’s
God-manifestation-determination-will. ```The human in me
Does not know who I am.The divine in me
Does know who I am.The Supreme in me says:
“He I am.” ```My God-vision
Comes fromMy heart-tears.
```In the morning
God calls to bless meOnly when I am wide awake.
```My heart-climbing
Is being blessedBy God’s proudest Heart.
Is the fragranceOf God’s Heart-Garden.
```My aspiration
Is my heart’sGod-climbing song.
```May each thought of mine
Be an aspiration-flameOf my heart.
```God happily and proudly
Congratulates meWhen I make
Even an iota of progressIn my inner life.
```Today’s aspiration-plant
Tomorrow becomes the realisation-treeTo be of service to humanity.
```When aspiration-flames
Touch Heaven’s Door,The oneness of the sun and the moon
Blossoms here on earth. ```Today reminds us of yesterday’s
Sad experiences.Today is the enjoyer of tomorrow’s
Good dreams. ```I am only a lover of God
And a server of God,And not humanity’s path-finder.
```A true God-lover’s heart
Is filled with God-criesAnd God-tears
To reach the highest HeavenAcross the longest length of the earth.
```Attention, my mind!
God and I have alreadyClaimed each other.
```My Lord Supreme
Smilingly proposes,And I immediately fulfil
His Proposals. ```To cry for God
Is to see ourselvesIn God’s Compassion-Affection-Heart.
```My success-life gives me
Tremendous pride.My progress-life gives me
Abiding joy and peace. ```The oneness-achievement
Of my aspiration-heartAnd my dedication-life
Is my soul’s supreme task. ```My Lord,
I likeYour sweet Requests,
But I loveYour Thunder-Commands.
```Each day is a new
Heart-blossomingAnd God-fulfilling day.
```Every morning
My Lord visitsMy heart-garden
To increase its beautyAnd fragrance.
```The eagerness
Of the heartIs a life of God-fulness.
```God blesses and cherishes
Each teardropOf my heart.
```God hides,
But He cannot hideFrom the tears
Of my heart. ```My climbing aspiration-heart
Is claspingGod’s descending Feet.
```Self-giving first,
And then love. ```My mind needs greatness,
My heart needs goodness,My life needs oneness
And I need God-fulness. ```I have made my home
Not inside God’s HeartBut under God’s Feet.
```When I pray to God,
His Feet touch meEvery hour of the day.
When I meditate on God,
His Heart embraces meEvery minute of the day.
```I live
One hundred per centOn God’s Grace.
```Nobody can miss
The heart-roadTo God.
```Every morning
I place my gratitude-heart-flowersAt God’s Feet.
```I choose
God’s liberating Feet.God chooses
My flying heart. ```At every moment
May God’s sweet WillSucceed
In and through my life. ```When I go up,
I make God’s Heart happy.When God comes down,
He makes my life happy. ```May each thought of mine
Breathe in the fragranceOf joy.
```When I pray,
God says to me,“I thank you, My child.”
When I meditate,
God says to me,“I love you, My child.”
When I contemplate,
God says to me,“I need you, My child.”
```My morning prayer to God
Is to bless meWith a twinkling heart
In Infinity’s Sky. ```Prayer of the day:
Fly, fly, flyHigh, high, high
To bathe in the golden sun.Prayer of the night:
Fly, fly, flyHigh, high, high
To dream with the silver moon. ```My smiling soul
Is telling my crying and weeping heartThat my first God-appointment-day
Is fast approaching. ```My Lord’s supreme Commands
AreHis Compassion-flooded Blessings.
```Every morning
I pray to God,I meditate on God
And I treasure all myHeaven-climbing God-dreams.
```My Lord is extremely,
Extremely,Extremely proud
Of my gratitude-heart-whispers. ```Only one thought —
God-thought —And no other thought.
Only one victory —
God-Victory —And no other victory.
```Every morning
My Lord Supreme comes downFrom His Transcendental Abode
To bless my heart-garden-blossoms. ```God-devotion-singers
Sing in ecstasy,Live in ecstasy
And breathe their lastIn God-flooded ecstasy.
```When God sees me coming,
He immediately starts sprintingTo embrace me,
Garland meAnd crown me.
```God wants
Each and every advanced seekerTo explore
God’s Heart-Kingdom. ```This morning
My heart has becomeA God-flame-rocket.
```Mine is the prayer-heart
That sleeplessly singsGod’s ever-blossoming Glories.
```God is happily and proudly
Showing me and my heartHis Divinity’s Heart-Garden.
```I am running
And runningAnd running
To my God-manifestationFinish line.
```My Lord,
I am all for You,Without knowing You
And even without seeing You. ```Every heart-song
Is a pure and sureGod-invocation.
```My Lord,
I am so grateful to YouFor keeping my life
Under Your Protection-Umbrella. ```I am crying and weeping
For my God-desire-lifeTo return.
```My heart-flute
Plays only one song:My God-gratitude-song.
```Each aspiring
And self-giving soulLives in
God’s Fondness-Embrace. ```My morning meditation
Is my heart’sGolden sunrise.
```Hope and promise
Are my Eternity’sFellow travellers.
```Even an iota
Of my inner progressThrills my Lord.
My heart, my life and IHave joined our Lord’s Path
UnconditionallyAnd permanently.
```God’s Heart-Home-Visits
AreAbsolutely free.
```Not loudly
But soulfully,God wants me to sing
His Victory-Song. ```My faith in God
Is the unlimited strengthOf my heart.
```I am so happy
To be oneOf the supremely chosen few.
```Each morning blossoms
With a new hope,A new chance
And a new choice. ```Be on the alert!
Do not missGod’s clarion Call.
```Every day
God’s Forgiveness-TouchIs all I need.
```Every morning
God wants to hear from meA new heart-song.
```Each happy moment
Is a soulful songAnd a powerful dance.
```The inner joy
Is the lifeOf a new horizon.
```God loves to weep
Inside my heart.God loves to smile
Through my eyes. ```I am easily found
Wherever my Lord is. ```Happy New Year!
May your heart be full ofGod-cheers!
```Grace from Above
Profusely descendsOnly when we are ready
To embraceThe whole world.
```Selfless service
Is the foundationOf God-fulfilment-edifice.
```I shall pray and pray
Until God entersInto my heart-home
Once again. ```I desire to sit
At God’s Feet,But God wants me to play
Around His Feet. ```God’s Eye
Beckons.God’s Heart
Feeds. ```No more
Ignorance-friendship-pleasure-treasure —No more!
```I live in between
My God-loving heartAnd my self-giving hands.
```My eyes were made
To look every momentAt God’s Feet.
```My heart sleeplessly sings
Only God-devotion-songs. ```An earthbound desire-life
Can never grow intoA God-song-joy.
```This morning my heart
Was blessed withA God-fulfilment-breath.
```Each new aspiration-dream
AwakensA new devotion-flame.
```Every day
My devotion-heart feedsOn God’s Compassion-Eye.
```Earth-achievements —
To be shared.Heaven-achievements —
To be treasured. ```There is only one place
For my heart-tears to rest:At my Lord’s Feet.
```My heart-tears
Most faithfully followIn the Footsteps
Of my Master-Lord. ```Dive deep within
Only to discover that you areA supremely chosen child
Of God. ```I am extremely happy
To see at every momentMy Lord Supreme
Either beckoning meOr nearing me.
```Next to divinity’s soul
Stands purity’s heart. ```In my heart of hearts
I enjoy only one season:Aspiration-season.
```Not God’s Compassion-Eye
But God’s Affection-HeartWelcomes and embraces me
At Heaven’s Door. ```Each hope-blossom
Of my heartIs my saviour.
Is my heart’sOnly urgent need.
```My heart cries and cries
For God’s Love-Feast. ```Not the aspiration-flower
But the aspiration-breathGod needs from all of us.
```I sail my life-boat
While watchingThe beauty
Of the rising sunAnd the peace
Of the setting moon. ```God whispers;
Our ears are fast asleep. ```Every day
God allows me to stay with HimLonger and longer.
```Each heart-song of mine
IsMy progress-life-achievement.
```God’s Feet I see
Only onMy gratitude-heart-road.
```My aspiring heart
Is followed byMy serving hands.
```With the tears of my heart,
I have madeMy God-worshipping temple-shrine.
```Early in the morning,
As soon as I wake up,I look into God’s Eye
And God immediatelyLooks into my heart.
```Our heart-tears enable God
To near us,Secretly and swiftly.
```The rising divinity
Carries with itThe crying heart
Of humanity. ```God whispers —
Lo and behold,I am up!
```My meditation-heart-room
Has only one thing:God’s golden Throne.
```God has special
Blessings and LoveFor my sky-soaring
Hunger-cries. ```Every moment
Is a golden opportunityTo take a new Godward step.
```A sleepless
God-surrendering breathI desperately need.
```When I dive deep within,
God’s Ecstasy-Waves,Murmuring,
Come to me and play with me. ```My life-boat sails and sails
On ceaselessGod-Compassion-Waves.
```My golden dreams come from
God’s Eye.My silver hopes come from
God’s Heart. ```Gratitude is most popular
And most admiredIn Heaven.
```My God-fulfilment-readiness
Comes fromMy extreme God-eagerness.
Is divinity’sEver-blossoming beauty.
```My heart feeds my Lord
With earthly tears.My soul feeds mankind
With Heavenly smiles. ```There are only two places
Absolutely safe:My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
AndMy Lord’s Forgiveness-Feet.
```Most affectionately,
The powerful sunAnd
The peaceful moonAlternately take care
Of my heart. ```I prayerfully invoke
Heavenly BlessingsLong before I selflessly
Do anything earthly. ```The human in me likes
World-competition-pride.The divine in me loves
God-completion-ride. ```God proudly treasures
My surrender-life. ```Every morning
My Lord teaches my heartA new gratitude-song.
```My God-surrender
Is my life’sOnly dream.
```My soul is Heaven’s
Golden Boat,My heart is earth’s
Silver riverAnd my Destination is
The ever-blossoming Beyond. ```Every morning
My heart becomesA new flower of joy and love
For God. ```In my inner life,
God is Forgiveness.In my outer life,
God is Compassion. ```I am my life’s
God-devotion-heart. ```My body is earth-bound,
My heart is Heaven-boundAnd I am God-bound.
```I prayerfully offer
My willingness.My Lord Supreme proudly
Does the rest. ```My Lord
Is His constantCompassion-Forgiveness-Smile.
```Each self-giving action
Of my lifeComes from
God’s Heart-Temple. ```Each creation
Is God’s infiniteJoy-manifestation.
```May my heart be
A morning gardenOf smiles.
```Every morning
My heart carriesMy Lord’s Victory-Banner.
```Every day
I make more and more timeFor my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```God deeply values
My God-surrender-breath. ```I am crying
For a most humble seatAt my Lord’s Feet.
```The moment I get up
In the morning,I offer a garland of gratitude-tears
To my Lord Supreme. ```My heart
Is a dreamer of God.My life
Is a server of God. ```Silence I love.
Silence conquers.Silence transforms.
Is a telescope-heart.Doubt
Is a microscope-mind. ```I increase the beauty
Of my heartBy speaking highly
Of others. ```Every morning
And every eveningI devour the golden dust
Of my Lord’s Feet. ```My God-imprisonment
Is my immediateLife-enlightenment.
```First we must bask
In the Master’s graceBefore we can see
God’s Face. ```I pray to God
To see His golden Feet.I meditate on God
To become His choice instrument. ```Only a sincere seeker
Is earth’s hope,Heaven’s hope
And God’s hope. ```God loves
My heart’s sincerity-tearsMuch more than
My life’s capacity-smiles. ```Selfless service
```I need the path
Of constant self-offering. ```May my heart be flooded
With God-climbingAnd God-pleasing tears.
```May my heart be
A blooming flowerOf beauty.
```Every day I send
A devotion-letter to God,And God sends me
An affection-letter in reply. ```In Heaven
I speak to God’s Eye.On earth
I speak to God’s Heart and Feet. ```Quickly descends
God’s Grace.Slowly ascends
My life. ```My life-boat plies
BetweenMy Lord’s Compassion-Shore
AndHis Forgiveness-Shore.
```A single Smile from God
Immediately increasesMy love of God.
```God proudly invites us
To sit at His FeetWhen we have
A purity-heart. ```Our hearts need
Streaming tearsTo have high
God-experiences. ```Each God-thought
IsA God-Touch-thrill.
```My surrender-heart
Is God’s choicest Home. ```My Lord,
Your sweet SmilesImmediately devour
All my sad imperfections. ```At every moment
I keep companyWith the golden Dust
Of my Lord’s Feet. ```Today
My soul is celebratingThe blossomed dawn
Of my God-awareness. ```The strength of my heart
Is all forMy God-service-life.
```My soul goes to God singing,
My heart goes to God cryingAnd I go to God bowing and bowing.
Is the only roadThat leads to God-manifestation.
```My sleepless love of God
Is the master keyTo open up
All the Doors of Heaven. ```Victory to my Inner Pilot!
Every day, every hour,Every minute, every second —
Victory to my Inner Pilot,Victory to my Inner Pilot!
```My Lord,
Please bless my heartAnd my life
With Your infinite Peace. ```My aspiration-heart
Is full ofGod-gratitude-flames.
```I love God’s Feet
Most devotedly.God loves my heart
Most affectionately. ```God dearly loves
My immediate“Yes” answer-smiles.
```The human father
Gives his childrenEarth-affection.
The Divine Father
Gives His childrenHeaven-Delight.
```My life’s only road:
Forward.My heart’s only road:
Inward.My soul’s only road:
Upward. ```God’s blessingful Concern
Is all I need. ```My Lord’s punishment
IsMy immediate enlightenment.
```The tears of my heart
And the Smiles of God’s EyeTogether live.
```My Lord,
Make me Your perfect childSo that You will not be
Ashamed of me. ```May today become
The rebirthOf my self-offering.
```The happiness of the heart
Expedites life’s progress. ```In my outer life,
My mind is an inspiration-cry.In my inner life,
My heart is an aspiration-tear. ```My morning
God-love-beautyShall never fade.
```My Lord,
Your Forgiveness has given meA new life,
A new hopeAnd a new promise.
```My aspiration
Is my heart’sHeaven-climbing song.
```The highest in us
Is our love of God.The deepest in us
Is our surrenderTo God’s Will.
```Only my heart’s
Aspiration-criesFly in Infinity’s
Freedom-sky. ```God the Mother
Wants me to be happy.God the Father
Wants me to be perfect. ```My Lord
Keeps His Heart-DoorWide open
All the time for me. ```I walk along the road
That aimsAt my Lord’s Feet.
```Not in words
But in deedsI please
My Lord Beloved Supreme. ```My God-realisation
IsMy Lord’s Heart-Dream.
```My heart
Is a sleeplessGod-hunger-cry.
```When I pray to God
And meditate on God,He thinks of me infinitely more
Than I can ever imagine. ```Every morning my soul sings
A sunrise song for earth.Every evening my heart sings
A sunset song for Heaven. ```Every day I pray to God
To teach meHow to spend my time.
```My mind becomes peaceful
When I pray to God.My heart becomes beautiful
When I pray to God.My life becomes fruitful
When I pray to God.And I become blissful
When I pray to God. ```Concern
Is the perfectionOf the heart.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
And my aspiration-heartAre extremely fond of
Each other. ```Earth-messages to Heaven
Are divinely secret.Heaven-Messages to earth
Are supremely sacred. ```My morning meditations
Are my daily salvations. ```My prayers and meditations
BuildGod’s Heart-Temples.
```In Heaven
I see God’s Face.On earth
I feel God’s Heart. ```An unconditionally surrendered seeker
DeservesThunderous applause.
```A gratitude-heart
IsA rainbow-dawn.
```My desire-life thinks
God is very far.My aspiration-heart feels
God is very near. ```When I think of God,
I become great.When God thinks of me,
I become good. ```Every day
We must aim atA higher goal.
```Every evening
My soul and my heartShare their dreams.
```I am an eternal traveller
Of God’sCompassion-Heart-World.
```I live
To serve God.God lives
To love me. ```I pray to God’s Eye
To guide me.I pray to God’s Heart
To love me.I pray to God’s Feet
To protect me. ```God plays with
My soulful tears.I play with
God’s beautiful Smiles. ```My soul
Is teaching my heartHow to fly
In Infinity’s Bliss-Sky. ```My heart
Is my life’sGod-longing cry.
```Every day
My devotion-heartRepeats God’s Name
Seven thousand times. ```A good seeker
Has many more than oneGuardian angel.
```God fulfils
Only our sincereDevotion-prayers.
```My soul
Is the sun of power.My heart
Is the moon of love. ```My soul
Belongs to Heaven.My heart
Belongs to God. ```Every day
My aspiration-heart and IRun and run,
Dive and dive,Fly and fly.
```The morning Awakening-Whispers
Of my LordAre extremely sweet.
```My heart is
God’s Hope.My life is
God’s Promise. ```The sufferings of others
Have made my sufferingInsignificant.
```Each day
A new God-experienceBlossoms
Inside my heart. ```In the morning
I see the Face of God.At noon
I touch the Heart of God.In the evening
I kiss the Feet of God. ```I love
God the Father’s Eye.I need
God the Mother’s Heart. ```Greatness
Is not God-nearness,But goodness is.
```I am extremely happy
That every dayI am able to increase
My God-surrender-capacity. ```My aspiration-heart
IsA God-Promise-Sunrise.
```God has blessingfully given
My heart and my lifeThe capacity
To go deeper and higherEvery day.
To the God-dreamer!Victory
To the God-lover!Victory
To the God-server!Victory
To the God-fulfiller! ```My prayers
Protect me.My meditations
Liberate me. ```The tears of my heart
And the smiles of my soulPlay together
And sing togetherSleeplessly.
Is an endless road. ```I shall never allow
My aspiration-heart-sunTo be eclipsed.
```The tears of my heart
Immediately reachMy Lord’s Feet.
Is my soul’sHeart-home.
```Every morning
I swim and swimIn my heart’s
Aspiration-river. ```Each day
We must dive deep withinTo thrive
In God’s Heart-Garden. ```Keep climbing,
My heart.Soon you will be able
To arriveAt God’s Heart-Palace.
```I was born to live
In my Lord’sBlessingful and blissful
Compassion-Heart. ```The outer joy
Expedites our journey.The inner joy
Helps us realise God. ```The flames
Of the aspiration-heartAre so sweet, charming,
Beautiful and powerful! ```My devotion
Is the sweetest short-cutTo my Lord Supreme.
And God-becomingGo together.
```Life is duty.
Duty fulfilled,God is highly pleased.
```The mind finds the road to God
To be extremely long and difficult.The heart finds the road to God
To be extremely short and easy. ```From my Lord Beloved Supreme,
I am now learning a new song:Surrender.
```My thoughts
Have now becomePurity’s lotus petals.
```My soul and I
Are eternal travellers.Our goal is
An ever-blossoming horizon. ```Only God
Touches, blesses and embracesThe beauty and fragrance
Of my heart. ```My Lord’s Forgiveness-Heart
Is right here.His Compassion-Eye
Is around the corner. ```I carry
My Lord’s Compassion-EyeWherever I go.
```My God-service
IsMy fastest progress-life.
```When I think of God,
God smiles at me.When I pray to God,
God blesses me.When I meditate on God,
God embraces me. ```When I am late
For my meditation,My heart cries.
```Conquer fear;
God will love you.Conquer self-doubt;
God will embrace you.Conquer wrong thoughts;
God will claim you. ```Prosperity-hunger —
No, no!Austerity-hunger —
No, no!Simplicity-hunger —
Yes, yes!Sincerity-hunger —
Yes, yes!Humility-hunger —
Yes, yes! ```My heart must swim
The God-surrender-channel. ```Earth embodies
My life.I reveal
Heaven’s Heart. ```My meditation-journey
Has to beAlways soulful, wakeful
And watchful. ```If we really love God,
Then we must love HimIn His own Way.
Is the ever-blossomingGod-fulfilment-life.
```Every day
A new morning angelWakes me up
To celebrate God’s BirthdayBy clasping God’s Eye,
Embracing God’s HeartAnd worshipping God’s Feet.
```Every morning
And every eveningI see my Lord Supreme
In my soul’s beauty,My heart’s sincerity
And my life’s simplicity. ```The journey begins
With enthusiasm-joy.The journey ends
With God-surrender-peace. ```Not towering achievements
But a flowering heartI need.
```The outer fire
Shows me the way.The inner fire
Leads me to my Destination. ```My aspiration-heart
And God’s Compassion-EyeTogether live.
```The new flame
Of my heart’s tearsIs dearly loved
By God. ```My Lord,
Give me the strengthTo be strong and valiant.
Day and nightI long to sing
Your Victory-Songs. ```I sing for God soulfully;
God sings for me blessingfully.We go on, go on
Through Eternity. ```Beautiful,
Extremely beautiful,Are the flames
Of my God-gratitude-heart. ```Many amusing stories were told, by both Sri Chinmoy and those blessed by his calls, of the disciples’ struggles to get up and answer the telephone promptly, and the relative wakefulness and soulfulness with which they responded. Sometimes, alas, when sleep prevailed, the Master’s call was greeted by an answering machine!
The disciples privileged to receive these calls experienced a flood of aspiration and devotion. Many would arise early and sit meditating by the phone with pen and paper in hand, eagerly anticipating their Master’s call. He would often take the occasion of these morning phone calls to offer also a few words of concern, encouragement or advice, or to sweetly tease the disciples about their alertness or lack thereof. Sometimes at a function later that day, the Master would call upon individuals or the whole group of disciples who had received calls that morning and request them to recite the prayer from memory. Looking back, the disciples gratefully cherish these blessingful calls as some of the extraordinary gifts offered by their Master during the final months before his earth-departure.
Sri Chinmoy did not keep a record of most of his morning prayers, and many have thus been gathered from the notebooks of those who had received the calls. In accordance with his wishes, they are presented without dates. While these prayers took birth as personal blessings conveyed from Master to disciple, they are now offered for the inspiration of all seekers, every day and everywhere.From:Sri Chinmoy,Morning Blessing-Call-Prayers, Agni Press, 2010
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