A human being
Does not knowWhat sincerity is.
A divine being
Does not knowAnything else save
AndExcept sincerity.
```Human love
Tells the worldWhat it can do for the world,
AlthoughIt does not do it.
Divine love
Tells the worldThat it is crying to be accepted
As a real friendBy the world of suffering,
The world of misunderstandingAnd
The world of constant miseries,Frustrations, trials and tribulations.
Love divineIs begging this world of ours
Only to be acceptedSo that it may then serve the world.
```The human in us
Ascends for success,Greater success
AndGreatest success.
The divine in us
Transcends for self-giving,More self-giving,
AndMost self-giving.
Is the light of the soul.This light of the soul
Does not exposeThe darkness of millennia
Which we embody.On the contrary,
This light of the soulIllumines the ignorance-night
That has captured usAnd wants to strangle us.
This light frees us,This light liberates us
From ignorance-nightAnd
Then illumines the ignorance-nightThat had enveloped us.
```Oneness with the physical world
Teaches usHow to divide,
How to separate,How to limit
AndHow to bind;
It teaches usHow to destroy the thing
That we feel is real in us,Which is love.
Oneness with the spiritual world
And spiritual lifeShows us
How to give,How to serve,
How to grow intoAnd
How to become a divine being,The Being Supreme
Who embodies the Love of theWorld Beyond.
IsThe expansion of purity
In the human being.Vastness
IsThe song of oneness
In the life of the seeker.It is
The life of onenessWith the world of love
In the life of a genuine seeker. ```Where is light?
Is it in the mind?Yes, it is.
When will it come to the fore?Nobody knows.
Only God knows.Where is light?
Is it inside the heart?Yes, it is.
When will it come to the fore?Now, right now.
Not only does God know it,But we all know it.
In the mindCan save the world.
PurityIn the vital
Can build the world for God's use.Purity
In the bodyCan alone create a
Kingdom of Heaven on earth.Purity
In the heartIs God-Perfection
In a human being. ```With physical courage
We take prideIn breaking the world
In our own way.With the courage of the spirit
We offer the world to God.We place the world, our world,
At the Feet of GodSo that He may guide and mould
The world, our world,In His own Way.
```If you want to see
The world with your human eyes,You can never see harmony.
If you want to seeThe world with the eyes of the world,
You can never see harmony.But
If you want to see the world with God's Eye,Then you will see
That this worldIs nothing but cosmic harmony.
How do you see through God's Eye?You see only through constant self-giving
To the Source within you. ```My yesterday's experience was:
Receiving is all delight.My today's experience is:
Giving is all delight.My tomorrow's experience will be:
God-becoming in God's own WayIs all delight.
Is God's PerfectionIn man
AndMan's total, ultimate transformation
In God. ```A seeker's heart
Cares neither for successNor for failure.
A seeker's heartLongs for the seeker's
Constant acceptance of GodAnd
God's constantUnconditional experience
In and through the seeker's life. ```Charity needs a beggar,
But who wants to playThe role of a beggar?
Nobody.Oneness-necessity needs reality
AndReality needs oneness-necessity.
Not charity,
But oneness-necessityIs reality's divinity.
Oneness-necessityIs what God wants from us.
```Humility is not only
The swiftest speed to God-destination,But something more.
Humility brings God-destinationNearer to our starting point.
```The hour of victory strikes within me
In my aspiring heartOnly when I offer the reality-second
To the hour of victory.The reality-second
Which is flooded with aspiration-lightHas to be offered
To the hour of victory for its arrival. ```Sweet
Is affection-plant.Sweeter
Is love-tree.Sweetest
Is oneness-fruit. ```My aspiration-speed
Will carry me to God.My dedication-speed
Will carry me to God.My surrender-speed
Will not only bring God to me,But it will make God work in and through me
In a God-illumined way. ```The human beloved
Is a one-day wonder,And then it becomes boring
And is all gone.It is an experience
Of frustration-night.The Divine Beloved
Is He who grows in me,Who makes me feel that
I am eternally of HimAnd
I am eternally for Him. ```Discrimination is
A power of illumination.In the mental world,
Discrimination is the height achievedBy the aspiring divine in us.
```Human appreciation
Of perfectionIs a short-lived proclamation.
Divine appreciationOf perfection
Is a continuous proclamationOf perfection
AndA continuous transcendence
Of perfection. ```In the outer world
Peace is man-madeContinuous compromise.
In the inner world
Peace is God-Reality'sFulfilling Immortality.
Is the perfectionOf earth-bound reality.
Is the upward, forwardAnd inward movement
Of God-revealing Light,God-illumining Compassion
AndGod-fulfilling Satisfaction.
```My devotion is sweet
When I sitAt my Master's feet.
My devotion is sweeter
When I devote myselfTo my Master's
Heaven-illumining vision.My devotion is sweetest
When I feelI have nothing to show
To the world at largeSave my oneness,
Devoted oneness,With my Inner Pilot,
My Beloved Supreme. ```Human victory feeds
The human in us.Divine victory satisfies
The divine in usIn fulfilling oneness,
Universal oneness. ```The day I saw my Master's face
I became the Supreme'sAll-embracing,
```Concentration tells me
What I can do.Meditation tells me
What I can become.Contemplation tells me
What I eternally am. ```I started my journey
With a human heart.On the way
My human heartBecame tired and wanted rest;
ThereforeI allowed
My human heartTo rest.
Now I am continuing my journey
With a divine heart.This heart not only
Will carry meTo my destined shore,
The Silence-Beauty of the Supreme,But also will bring
My Beloved Supreme to meFor Him to use me
In His supernal way. ```I used my
Human surrenderTo please mankind.
Mankind needed more,Demanded more.
I used my
Divine surrenderTo please God.
God immediately said,"Enough!
You have caught Me,You have bought Me.
From now onI am eternally yours."
```Where is light?
In the mind?Yes, in the mind
Light there is,But difficult to discover.
Where is light?
In the heart?Yes, just enter
And claim your old friend:Your own forgotten reality.
```Purity is
Man's necessity.Purity is
God's expanding Reality.Purity is
Perfection's dutyIn God's infinite, eternal
AndImmortal Beauty.
```Human concern
Is quite oftenOur unconscious way
Of self-imposition,Self-aggrandisement.
Divine concern
Is alwaysThe song of Oneness-Reality,
```When I think
Of my father,Infinity's vastness
Captures my heart.When I think
Of my mother,Immensity's sweetness
Enraptures my heart. ```Each soul
Is at onceEarth's opportunity
AndHeaven's opportunity.
Earth's opportunity fulfils itself
In God's Manifestation-Light.Heaven's opportunity fulfils itself
In God's Silence-Height. ```Where is oneness?
On earth?Impossible!
Where is oneness?
In Heaven?Impossible!
Where is oneness?
Oneness is thereWhere I see
The Face of my BelovedAnd
Where I becomeThe Grace of my Supreme.
```Human beauty
Is not skin-deep.Human beauty
Is soul-deep.Human beauty
Is God's illuminingAnd
Fulfilling realityIn His cosmic Game on earth.
Human beauty
Is not to be condemned,Is not to be looked down upon,
Is not to be neglected.Through human beauty,
Surrendering beautyTo the Absolute Supreme,
The seeker in usExpedites his Godward journey.
```What is truth?
Truth is God's Love-Light.And what is God's Love-Light?
God's Love-LightIs the height of His constant
Self-transcendence.Truth is God's Vision-dawn.
Truth is God's Reality-noon.Truth is God's Immortality-day.
```Sweeter than the sweetest,
Greater than the greatestIs man's gratitude-heart.
Is God's fulfillingLength of time.
Is man's Eternity'sNecessity,
Is man's harbingerOf perfect Perfection.
```I love God
BecauseI feel that with God's Love
I can create within meA new world — a world of beauty,
A new consciousness,A new Kingdom of Heaven.
God loves me
Precisely becauseWithout me
He feels He isHopeless,
Without meHis existence has no meaning;
ThereforeGod loves me —
The seeker in me,The lover in me.
```God's Silence-Light
Created me.My silence-light
Annoys the world,Confuses the world,
Puzzles the world.God's Silence-Height
Immortalises me.My silence-height
Is the conscious imperfection,Constant imperfection,
Of my non-acceptance of God'sAll-encompassing,
All-embracingReality on earth,
Reality in Heaven. ```Do you know
How God dares to liveEternally?
He dares to live eternallyJust because He knows
The supreme secret:The secret-life of humour.
If God on earth
AndGod in Heaven
Failed to enjoyThe life-breath of humour,
By this time,God would have greatly suffered.
The human in GodWould have died long ago
From earth's mental sickness.The divine in God
Would have given upHis divinity in Heaven
Because of Heaven's conscious indifferenceTo earth's excruciating pangs.
God will live eternally
Just becauseHe enjoys snow-white humour.
In snow-white humourHe shakes off His earthly headaches
AndHis Heavenly frustrations.
```My earth-existence
Makes me feelWhat I can do
Both for mankindAnd
For Heaven.My God-existence
Tells me what Heaven and earthHave already done for me.
Heaven has inspired meTo run to the farthest Beyond.
Earth has energised meTo become my ancient God-Reality.
```He is a fool
Who thinksThat he can make
Others happy.He is a greater fool
Who thinksThat others can make
Him happy.He is the greatest fool
Who feelsThat his earth-life
Is for his own joyAnd not for the Joy
Of his Beloved Supreme. ```Earth-consciousness
Slowly and steadilyAscends
To the highest Truth.Heaven-consciousness
Soulfully and speedilyDescends
To cure the maladyOf human life:
The imperfection of ignorance-night. ```Acceptance
Is our first receptivityIn our aspiration-life.
Is our second receptivityIn our aspiration-life.
Surrendered oneness to reality's height
Is our third receptivityIn our aspiration-life.
What do we accept?
We accept God-Light in all.What do we reject?
We reject ourConscious influence-night
In others' lives.What do we surrender?
We surrender our ignorance-prideTo God's Compassion-Sea.
```A child is blissful
When he hearsA thunderous noise
OrWhen he himself creates
A thunderous noise.An old man is blissful
When the desire-life dropsFrom his earthly existence.
A seeker is blissful
Only when he knowsThat God has made him
His devoted and surrendered smile. ```Delight
Is the expansionOf Divinity's light in us.
Is the conscious flowOf Immortality's life-energy.
IsImmortality's song,
Immortality's dance,And
The aspiration-flameOf humanity's perfection
In God. ```On earth,
Closeness is nothingBut physical proximity.
In Heaven,
Closeness is nothingBut the soul's oneness,
Conscious oneness.In God,
Closeness is nothingBut the song of His Self-amorous,
Self-fulfilling Immortality.Human closeness is
Our conscious self-giving of the "I"Which tells us that God is for others
OrThat God cannot be achieved.
ButGod is forever and forever
For the seeker,Who is an instrument of His.
If the seekerFeels that God is eternally
For the seeker,Only for the seeker,
Closeness on earthWill not remain a far cry,
But will become the living breathOf consciousness-reality
In the seeker's aspiration-life. ```Four days later, during a meeting in Queens on 8 April 1975, Sri Chinmoy again invited spiritual words, this time from his disciples (poem 23 to 50).
As each word was offered, he spontaneously created a poem based on that word.From:Sri Chinmoy,Beauty-Drops, Agni Press, 1975
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/bd