Carter, Carter, you are your vision’s start.You are your beauty’s mind and duty’s heart.
Your power-light has smashed the ignorance-dart.In you, the country’s promise-soul,
With you, its great perfection-goal.Your surprise-gift: your oneness-role.
Your golden boat is sailing at lightning-speed;The smiles and tears of the world your heart shall feed.
In you, at last fulfilled your nation’s need. ```Muhammad Ali, Champion Ali,
Greater than the greatest, really!Sleepless you cry for Allah’s Grace,
Deathless you fight for the Muslim race.Muhammad Ali, Champion Ali!
Your moon-pure heart and justice-lightShall smash the frown of ignorance-night.
Ali, you are Eternity’s pride.Your victory’s smile is the pole-star guide.
Dag Hammarskjold, purity-gold,Divinity’s reality bold.
Your peerless vision, cosmic runCeaselessly cried for perfection-sun.
In you, the U.N. glory’s heightOf silence-light and delight.
Lie, Trygve Lie!O U.N.-Boat’s first Pilot high,
Dauntless you fought for your ideal-sky.Lie, Trygve Lie!
O Oslo, Norway’s peace mission-son,The world salutes your spirit’s run.
Lakhan Mehrotra, Consul General,A heart of soulful light,
A soul of fruitful height,A life of self-giving signal.
India’s satisfaction-pride,America’s oneness-choice,
The world’s sure welcome-voice,Eternity’s perfection-ride.
Compassion-Ocean, Mother Lillian,To you I bow, a seeker Indian.
Your wonder Peace Corps-service-lightConsoled, nurtured Bharata’s tearful night.
Your cheerful, ready and constant selfless roleDesires to stop the world’s unending dole.
Mother, greatness your name, goodness your heart.Your vision pilots our journey’s oneness-start.
[Dedicated to Lillian Carter, mother of President Jimmy Carter] ``````
Dear Sir, you were our Master’s mentor pure.You helped him, saved him and taught him sure.
In you, he sees a climbing solar height;With you, his heart treasures his oneness-light.
Yours is the life of bounty, lofty and free;You are the soulful seed and fruitful tree.
[Dedicated to Lakhan Mehrotra] ``````
Kennedy’s hope was the world.Its hope was Kennedy.
Kennedy’s life was the world.Its promise was Kennedy.
Together they breathe through Eternity. ``````
ThreeBullets free.
A sky-kissing Tree,A fathomless Sea.
Muller, Muller, our brother-friend!In you we see a cosmic trend
Of gnostic height and vastness-lightAnd the U.N. Soul of oneness-might.
A simple life, a oneness-heart,A soaring soul, a glowing goal:
O Pilot brave, your selfless roleIs now silencing the dart
That tortured the New York City.You are its perfection-cry.
Millions shall treasure your vision high,Its wonder-progress-beauty.
[Dedicated to Edward ‘Ed’ Koch, who served three termsas mayor of New York City from 1978–1989. Sri Chinmoy
composed this tribute on 15 August 1978 and the songwas performed during his meeting with the mayor at City
Hall on 16 August 1978.] ``````
Ambassador Rossides,O heart of sympathy-seas,
Your oneness-soul in closeness-roleHas freed our peace-cry from sleepless dole.
To you the U.N. Meditation GroupA soulful, tearful gratitude-troop.
Doctor Klavins, Doctor Klavins, Doctor!A life of wisdom-flooded mentor.
Your medicine-lore, your music-coreAre singing, dancing near the shore.
Ambassador Illueca!Professor, editor Illueca!
Barrister, mentor Illueca!Congressman, chairman, President prominent,
Server, Brother Illueca!A great illumination-mind
In you we find, in you we find.A good perfection-heart
Has smashed darkness-dart.A supreme oneness-life
Beyond ignorance-knife,A God-satisfaction-soul.
Within your ken, your Goal. ``````
Eleanor, Eleanor, Eleanor, Eleanor!U.S. mother pure,
The world’s sister sure.O heart of compassion-lore,
O soul of protection-shore!Champion fighter for human rights,
Illumination of poverty-nights. ``````
Emily, Emily, Emily,A tall, self-giving tree,
Sleepless, two songs you sang;In the skies your triumph rang.
A human, mortal death;A deathless, Supreme Breath.
Immanuel Kant, Immanuel Kant!Your vision-priori ignorance-hunt.
Einstein, your Theory of Relativity,The supreme boon to humanity.
```Greater than the greatest,
Swifter than the swiftest,Ali, Ali, Champion!
Owner of a new vision.Supreme boxer’s jabbing thunders
Sport with art-beauty’s wonders. ``````
Nelson Rockefeller!A true Emperor.
Indeed, a robust health;Indeed, a giant wealth.
Prosperity-days, adversity-nights:In you they loved their constant fights.
A power-heart, a concern-lifeStood against poverty-knife.
New York body, New York soulTreasure your oneness-role.
Albert Einstein, scientist-sage!The wonder supreme of a vision-blaze.
A power-tower in a tiny frame.Energy and mass enjoy their game
Of oneness-fulness, perfection-height.Einstein, all-where your sleepless light.
In your greatest revolution-roleThe world’s fastest evolution-goal.
Leonard Bernstein, Leonard!Eternity’s singing bird!
Beauty-truth, truth-beauty,Nectar-oneness your divinity —
Perfection-cry, perfection-soul,Perfection-smile, perfecton-Goal.
Composer-prince, conductor-king,World-server-emperor in the cosmos ring.
Bill Rodgers, Bill Rodgers, Bill!O runner world’s Himalayan thrill.
Bill Rodgers, Bill Rodgers, Bill!O king of the road,
O hero of the race,Sun-joy treasures
Your heart, your face. ``````
Bharater rabi jagater kabiBanger hiya chand
Sundar tumi bhitare bahireSundar tumi srishti gabhire
Bishwa sabhai tomar asanPrema onkar nad
[Dedicated to Rabindranath Tagore]```
O Sun of India’s sky,O World-Poet,
O Moon of Bengal’s heart,You were beautiful in your inner life,
You were beautiful in your outer life,You were beauty incarnate in God’s entire creation.
Gloriously and triumphantly you secure your placeIn the world-assembly with your creative force,
Supremely meaningful and fruitfulIn various walks of life.
Brother Elliot, Ambassador Richardson!Yours is the heart of beauty’s golden dawn.
No compromise with falsehood dire;Yours is the life charged with Truth’s Glory-fire.
Simplicity-child, compassion-soul, justice-king:Perfection-melody’s bells in your vision-mission ring.
Don Ritchie, fastest ultra soul-delight!Your silence-heart, your volcano-vision-eyes,
Your lightning-speed, your soundless-skiesPierce the veil of stark ignorance-night.
Speed is your life, endurance your excellence-height.Champion runner, champion teacher, champion leader-force!
In you the runner’s world finds its perfection-source.Victory within and victory without, your progress-light.
Brother Rafael, a lion-heart,A giant soul.
To free his Puerto Rico from bondage-chains,His is the role.
A vastness-mind, a oneness-life,A promise-sun;
Within, without, his is the heart ofConfidence-run.
UN CORAZON DE LEONHermano Rafael, corazon de leon, alma de gigante.
Liberar a Puerto Rico de sus cadenas, ese es su rol.Mente vasta, vida unificadora, sol prometedor.
Adentro, afuera, suyo es el corazon de la carrera segura. ``````
I am a member of the New York RoadRunners Club; indeed!
Promise, courage, newness, closeness,Oneness-perfection I feed.
Quality my progress-choice,Quantity my success-voice.
Himalayan pride, Atlantic lightWith me every day run.
President Lebow, the world’s temple-bodySalutes your wisdom-sun.
He saumitra he premik virPir Vilayat Pir
Animesh hiya muchhaite chahaDharar ashru nir
Bhitare bahire abhinava hasiRupantarer Krishner banshi
Dyulok garima bhulok mahimaSanatan gati sthir
O good friend,O divine friend,
O friend universal,O hero-lover,
O oneness-love,Pir Vilayat, Pir!
With your sleepless heartYou desire to wipe
The streaming tears of the world.Within, without
An unparalleled beauty-smile,Along with the soul-stirring
Transformation-flute of Lord Krishna.With you and in you
Heaven’s wonder-grandeur,Earth’s wonder-splendour,
Eternity’s movement and stillness. ``````
Father John Paul, Salvation-King!Your galaxy of glories we sing.
Soulful delight, your inner game.Fruitful courage, your outer name.
Sleepless you awaken the sleeping lives,In you our Lord’s God-Vision thrives.
O Himalayan Pole, O pole-star bright,You tell the world: “No bondage-night.”
Mountbatten,O high and deep Mountbatten, Mount!
Heaven’s Courage, earth’s compassion-fount.O good Viceroy of Indian nation vast,
Your justice-wisdom-light ever shall last.British hero, British pride and delight.
Success-progress loved your journey’s victory-fight. ``````
Father, we love your eyesOf glowing light.
Father, we love your heartOf Compassion-Height.
Your soul champions love-cryFor peace on earth.
You bless our weakling heartsWith confidence-birth.
In you is quenched the breathlessThirst of world-hours.
In you the U.N.’s highPerfection-tree flowers.
``` [Dedicated to Pope Paul VI]```
Ron Clarke, Ron Clarke, Ron Clarke, Ron Clarke!O runner-world’s pinnacle-spark,
Australia’s pure treasure-light,The world salutes your champion-height.
In distance-speed a stupendous soul.With seventeen crowns, yours is the goal.
U Thant, U Thant,We love your silence-soul,
We loved your compassion-heart.Your world-harmony role
Challenged ignorance-dart.U.N. Pilot supreme,
You treasured perfection-dream. ``````
O Kurt Waldheim, O U.N.’s lighting-speed!Your mind-heart’s concern-flames constantly feed
This world of fearful cry and tearful sigh,To see a peaceful earth and blessingful sky.
Your life of duty-tree and beauty-flowerAwakens the sleeping world and its oneness-power.
O Pablo Casals, O Pablo,Your wonder cello-flames
Eternally shall love and hallowOur diving and climbing human frames.
Charmingly short in earth’s body-height,Supremely long in Heaven’s soul-length,
O child of tomorrow’s dawn, no nightYou saw in your beauty’s world of strength.
Pranam pradhan mantri DesaiBharata basir paraner bhai
Satya pujari shanti adharBharata tarir he karnadhar
Pranam pradhan mantri DesaiBharata basir paraner bhai
Chaliche bharat druta ati drutaPurna haibe manoratha puta
Shuna taba joy chira nirbhoiTyagi bhaskar anandamoy
Salutation, Prime Minister Desai!You are the Brother of Indian hearts.
O worshipper of Truth,O embodiment of Peace,
You are the Pilot Supreme of Indian Boat.Your Bharat is running fast, very fast.
Your hallowed longingShall ere long be fulfilled.
Hearken your victory,O eternally dauntless one,
O manifestation-sun of infinite Delight! ``````
O great Pilot Mayor Beame,You own your New York’s progress-dream.
Yours is the inner victory-height;In you the bliss of oneness-light.
O bright Ambassador Andrew,Divinely bold, supremely true!
O heart of soulful choice,O mind of forceful voice!
Your frankness-oneness and clarion callShall reach far and near, big and small.
O Martin Luther King,Soul-love of oneness-ring!
Your heart-cry: God the Dream.Your soul-smile: Beauty Supreme.
Your selfless life’s pure doorTransformed the weak and the poor.
One man, one face, one raceFrom our Lord’s Fulness-Grace.
Earth, Heaven together dance,King, King, in your victory-trance.
Pele, Pele, O Prince of soccer game,You live in the vanguard of eternal fame.
You are your thunder-kicks and wonder-scores;With you, for you, your Cosmos-vision soars.
Norman Rockwell, Norman Rockwell, Norman Rockwell!Your good America’s simplicity-life,
Your kind America’s happiness-heartForever in your fondness-memory shall dwell.
O illustrator supreme,O Reality’s revealed dream,
America’s height, America’s depth,America’s breadth, America’s length
Salute your splendid Americana-oneness-strength. ```President-Sun, President-Sky, President Valery!
O champion soldat of Tomorrow’s Noon,A vision-friend of Kennedy.
O wisdom-tower, O oneness-power,Compassion-protection-soul,
France-duty, Paris-beauty, world-wonder —In you they touch their Goal.
Bach, Bach, Bach, Bach!O heart-piercing, soul-stirring melody,
You quenched the unquenched thirst of Eternity. ``````
Beethoven, Beethoven, Beethoven!God’s own Music-flowers
In your heart’s Eden. ``````
Thakurer pran thakurer dhanThakurer jaya gan
Vivekananda trilokanandaShoirjyer tuphan
Jagale Bharate jagale manabePhutale bishwa rup
Vir sannyasi dharar hiyaiAtmahutir dhup
[Dedicated to Swami Vivekananda]```
O Swami Vivekananda!Sri Ramakrishna’s life-breath!
Sri Ramakrishna’s supreme gift to mankind!Sri Ramakrishna’s victory-song all-where!
The victory-world’s delight you were.Lo, the cyclone-valour of the Absolute.
You awakened your slumbering India,You awakened humanity’s sleep.
In you blossomed the Form Universal.O hero-warrior sannyasi,
In the core of the creation sleeplessly shall burnThe incense of your self-offering.
Scientist Einstein, Scientist Einstein, Scientist!Your vision-boon our age-old hunger-feast.
O brave thinker-mind,O hallowed seeker-heart,
You are the pioneerOf a great progress-start.
O good God-lover,O true truth-server,
O pure earth-awakener,O sure Heaven-bringer!
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Blue waves of the ocean-source, 1979
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/bwo