Question: What is the relationship between light and peace?
Sri Chinmoy: Light, peace, delight, love, power, are all brothers and sisters in the Supreme’s family. Light does not allow us to do anything wrong because light knows that we all come from the same source. If we have light, then we will not quarrel and fight on the physical plane. Automatically we will have peace. We will have some inner satisfaction. If we are satisfied deep within ourselves, then we will not try to show our authority or impose our personality or individuality on others. We will not have to spread our personality-wings because our inner satisfaction is based on our universal oneness with everything and everyone else. Peace and light complement one another. When we have light, we see that inside light peace automatically grows. And when we have peace, we are bound to find light inside it.
From:Sri Chinmoy,Canada aspires, Canada receives, Canada achieves, part 1, Agni Press, 1974
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