Question: How can a seeker learn the mission of his soul?
Sri Chinmoy: If the seeker has a spiritual Master, the Master can easily tell him in the course of his spiritual studies what his soul came into the world to achieve or to manifest. If the seeker does not have a spiritual Master, then his aspiration must give him the answer. As his inner flame climbs up, it illumines the seeker’s ignorance. When ignorance is illumined, the seeker will be able to see, feel and know the mission of his soul. If he is without a Master, it will take a longer time for him to reach this inner knowledge, because he has to swim across the sea of ignorance all by himself. But if he has a Master, then the Master will offer him a boat, and once he is inside the boat, he is safe. The Master, like a pilot, will take him to the goal. Once the seeker knows what the Will of God is for him, immediately he can start working to achieve that thing.
From:Sri Chinmoy,Canada aspires, Canada receives, Canada achieves, part 1, Agni Press, 1974
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