My Captain, I want success.
“Then, My child, open your hands.”My Captain, I want progress.
“Then, My child, open your heart.”My Captain, I want perfection.
“Then, My child, open your life.”Captain, my Captain, how is it that
I am unable to open my hands?“I cannot tell you why,
But I am extremely happyThat you are unable to open your hands.”
Captain, my Captain, how is it thatI am unable to open my heart?
“I cannot tell you why,But I am extremely happy
That you are unable to open your heart.”Captain, my Captain, how is it that
I am unable to open my life?“I cannot tell you why,
But I am extremely happyThat you are unable to open your life.”
My Captain, why are You so cruel to me?
Do You not want my success?Do You not want my progress?
Do You not want my perfection?“My child, I do want your success,
I do want your progressAnd I do want your perfection.
But you are such a foolThat you want your success,
Progress and perfectionWithout wanting Me first.
Your success, progress and perfectionWill never be able to give you real satisfaction
Unless you have Me first in your life.“Your surrender-oneness-mind,
Your surrender-oneness-heart,Your surrender-oneness-life to Me
Can alone give you ceaseless joy, breathless joyAnd limitless joy.
If you have Me first as your constantOneness-Possession-Treasure,
Then only will your successBe My Eternity’s Seed,
Your progress, My Infinity’s FlowerAnd your perfection, My Immortality’s Fruit.”
My Captain, at Your Forgiveness-Feet I sit.
To Your Compassion-Eye I bow.```
CC 3. 16 July 1987.↩
From:Sri Chinmoy,Captain, my Captain, Agni Press, 1994
Sourced from