“Chinmoy’s Guru’s name is God.”
“That means You are his Guru.”
“Yes, I am his Guru.”
“That means You know more than Chinmoy does.”
“Yes, I know much more than Chinmoy.”
“Yes, I know much more than Chinmoy does.”
“Let me see: God, I wish You to smile exactly the way Chinmoy smiles.”
God smiles.
“Yes God, really Your smile is exactly like Chinmoy’s smile. Now I want You to make Your Eyes as big, powerful, and frightening as Chinmoy’s eyes.”
God shows His big, powerful and frightening Eyes.
“Yes, I see. You have the same eyes as my Guru Chinmoy has. God, tell me frankly, is it true that You know much more than my Guru?”
“Yes, I know much more than your Guru Chinmoy, and I have much more than he has. He has learned everything from Me, and I have given him everything that he now has. I also have the power to take away everything from him if he wrongly uses it.”
“God, don’t be so nasty. Chinmoy is so kind to me, so nice to me. I love him. We all love him. God, don’t You ever take away anything from him, please, please!”
“I will never take anything away from Chinmoy, I promise to you, Christine.”
“God, I thank You. I thank You, I thank You. My mother also will thank You deeply if You keep Your Promise.”
God offers to Christine His Smile of sweet Delight and Compassion.From:Sri Chinmoy,Children's conversations with God, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse, New York, 1971
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ccg