Chide: scold.I chide my mind
When it stealsMy heart’s happiness.
Concomitant: that which accompanies.Failure is always a concomitant of doubt.
Condone: forgive.The nature of a purity-heart
Is to condone an unruly mind. ``````
Disgruntle: discontent.Remain always cheerful.
Do not be disgruntledIn your climbing Heavenward journey.
Disparage: belittle.Do not disparage anybody,
For it does not become you. ``````
Effrontery: shameless boldness.Because you have the effrontery
To disobey your Master,I take you as a useless human being.
Exonerate: to acquit.To tell the truth is to exonerate one’s self
From the impure falsehood-crime. ``````
Extricate: free.If you really want to be a genuine God-lover,
Then you must extricateFrom the imaginary temptation-life.
Fealty: faithfulness.No fealty, no progress in the inner life.
Gainsay: deny.O my mind, O my mind,
Why do you gainsay the factThat you have stolen
My heart’s child-like joy? ``````
Hedonism: excessive pleasure-life.Hedonism means world-life pleasure-enjoyment.
Asceticism means self-torture-life-enforcement. ``````
Insipid: tasteless.O my mind, I am sick of your
Constant, insipid doubt-talk. ``````
Magnate: man of prominence.No doubt you are a magnate.
But because you do not believe in God,I have nothing to do with you.
Perforce: of necessity.I must perforce be happy, be happy, be happy
To become a nicer world citizen. ``````
Presage: foretell.I cannot presage
The perfection of anything. ``````
Proximity: nearness.A doubtful mind vehemently avoids
The proximity of a faithful heart. ``````
Sub Rosa: in strict confidence.I tell you sub rosa
God will make you another God. ``````
Subjugate: conquer.The fear of death
We must subjugate. ``````
Sunder: separate.Do you know what the mind knows?
It knows how to blunder.It knows how to plunder.
It knows how to sunder.It knows how to thunder.
Ultimatum: last demand.O my doubting mind
My last ultimatum:Either surrender to my faith-life
Or I will leave you for good. ``````
Unfeigned: genuine.Your love of God and surrender to God
Must be unfeigned at every moment. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Come, my non-English friends! Let us together climb up the English Himalayas, part 1, Manifestation-Glow, 1993
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/cef_1