My beautyIs immortal in Heaven.
My dutyIs immortal on earth.
My aspirationIs immortal in life.
My surrenderIs immortal in God.
Each of her spiritual childrenThought of her differently,
Spoke of her differently,Saw her differently,
Loved her differently,Judged her differently.
To each she representedSomething else.
But one sweet fact they all affirmed:“To see her is to own her.”
Although I teach, I am the cap of fools;Although I love all souls, a fiend am I.
I am not strong, yet for the weak I fight;At will I sell myself and myself I buy.
At every pause my life I contradict.To me are ever the same all truths and lies.
To me the earthly beings and He are one.We fly in His Bosom vast, in us He flies.
Body, be not impure.Vital, be not restless.
Mind, be not obscure.Heart, be not insecure.
Life, be not hopeless.Death, be not so sure.
A sea of Peace and Joy and LightBeyond my reach I know.
In me the storm-tossed weeping nightFinds room to rage and flow.
I cry aloud, but all in vain;I helpless, the earth unkind!
What soul of might can share my pain?Death-dart alone I find.
A raft am I on the sea of Time,My oars are washed away.
How can I hope to reach the climeOf God’s eternal Day?
But hark! I hear Thy golden Flute,Its notes bring the Summit down.
Now safe am I, O Absolute!Gone death, gone night’s stark frown!
A hundred years from nowMy highest Goal shall bow
To me, to me, to me.A hundred years from now
My Silence-Breath shall cowDark earth’s ignorance-sea.
A hundred years from nowMy single Eye shall plough
The soil of Eternity.A hundred years from now
I shall, I shall endowMy Lord with my Spirit’s Key.
I am a fool, they say.Am I, am I a fool?
I go to my inner School;God’s Eye my eternal Day.
To serve my Lord in His Play,To found His Smile on earth,
My divinely human birth.Yet I am a fool, they say.
I am a thief; I steal every night.Each theft of mine kindles a thrill
On the Supreme’s all-fulfilling Eye.What do I steal? His Grace, my meal.
Why do I steal? He compels me so.Perhaps He finds no other way
To feed my Spirit’s hunger starkWith the Nectar of His shadowless Ray.
I cry, I smile to be Thy Vision-doveWithin, without, my Lord, below, above.
Mine is the life of the selfless, soulful cry.Mine is the heart of Beauty’s rainbow-sky.
Always with Thee, my soul of love-delightShall sing and dance, to clasp Thy Victory-Height.
I shall not sleep, I shall not sleepIn the sea of vast ignorance deep!
I shall now run and dive and fly.I shall now touch my freedom-sky.
I sit alone with a throbbing moan.I cry alone with flowers dry.
I eat alone with the rat of the church.I fly alone in the earth-bound sky.
Into the world I came,Not for enormous fame.
Into the world I came,To see Thy earthly frame.
My body sleeps, my vital sleeps,Also my mind and heart.
Alas, my soul of sufferingKeeps crying in bondage-mart.
My ego needs.My soul has.
My ego tries.My soul does.
My ego knows the problem that is.My soul becomes the answer that is.
I am not alone;Within my unlit self
My ego, my naked death.I am not alone;
Within my snow-white heartMy soul and my Spirit’s flame.
At last I know my name.My name is God’s eternal Game.
At last I know my name.At last I know my age.
My age is Infinity’s page.At last I know my age.
At last I know my home.My home is where my flame-worlds roam.
At last I know my home. ``````
I ask, my Lord Supreme, I ask:What is my task, what is my task?
“My child, try and cry to change thy face,And tell the world My Name is Grace.”
Shall I succeed, can I succeed?“Why not, why not? My Breath shall feed
Your life of love, devotion pure,Victory all-where when surrender sure.”
No good, no good, no good!Eat not ignorance-food!
Always desire-delightAnd pure perfection-height.
Father, I have seen.“No.”
Father, I have known.“No.”
Father, I have felt.“No.”
Father, I have become.“No.”
Father, I Am.“Yes.”
O United Nations, O U.N.,You are the world-body
Crying for the world-soul,And you are the earth-life
Longing for oneness-goal.In the heart of your glowing dream,
Big brothers and brothers smallShall smile, sing and dance,
O Vision-Perfection in all! ```O Wilson’s League of Nations pure,
No more your dream remains obscure.Behold your tree, its fruit and flower,
Dancing in the world of oneness-hour! ``````
No mind, no form, I only exist;Now ceased all will and thought.
The final end of Nature’s dance,I am It whom I have sought.
A realm of Bliss bare, ultimate;Beyond both knower and known;
A rest immense I enjoy at last;I face the One alone.
I have crossed the secret ways of life,I have become the Goal.
The Truth immutable is revealed;I am the way, the God-Soul.
My spirit aware of all the heights,I am mute in the core of the Sun.
I barter nothing with time and deeds;My cosmic play is done.
The first womanTempted
The first manTo eat.
The last womanShall inspire
The last manTo be divine,
To be perfect,To be supreme.
I know I am an idiot true.In the growing clouds my hopeful feet,
Hands flung skywards for the blue stars.My throes no sun, no moon, shall greet.
I had a dream, a real dream:God would bury Himself to live
In human ignorance hungry and black,To human death His Soul He’ll give.
I know now what my soul can be.My soul can be my Guru’s food.
I know now what my life can be.My life can be my Lord’s childhood.
I know now what my mind can be.My mind can be my Master’s joy.
I know now what my heart can be.My heart can be the Light Chinmoy.
I say, I say!I nothing know, I nothing see.
Yet with me You play,In me You glow
With Compassion free. ``````
What is marriage?The smile of love
That allows two soulsTo soar above.
What is marriage?The curse of night.
A tug-of-war,No escape to Light.
What is marriage?God’s fulfilment true.
In Silence and PowerHis Vision’s due.
O, come and sing with me,I shall give you my love
And all my beauty free.O, come and dance with me,
I shall give you my breathAnd my life of nectar-sea.
O, come and cry with me,Cry with me,
Cry with me.O Beloved, O Lover sweet,
We shall shine, we shall shineThrough Eternity!
To think of HerIs to become a chosen instrument of God.
To meditate on HerIs to reach the heights of Paradise unchallenged.
To see HerIs to sit on Infinity’s Transcendental Throne.
To feel HerIs to become Immortality’s Bliss.
Ishwara ```Sweet is my Lord.
Him I have realised as the Eternal Truth.Sweeter is my Lord.
Him I have realised as the only Doer.Sweetest is my Lord.
Him I have realised as the Enjoyer Supreme. ``````
Tears, idle tears,Stop!
Tears, soulful tears,Start!
Tears, helpless tears,Continue!
Tears, determined tears,Reach!
Heaven is afraid of me.What can I do?
I fly beyond its glee,Piercing the Blue.
Earth is afraid of me.What can I do?
I fell its Ignorance-treeTo plant the True.
Hell is afraid of me.What can I do?
My compassion frees its pangsFrom the racking screw.
My soul is afraid of me.What can I do?
My body’s EternityI needs must hue.
O dream of God,O dream of man,
Your soul smiles withPerfection-plan.
O love of Truth,O truth of Love,
I see your floodOf dance above.
I pray for you, O U.N. soul.I pray for your Victory’s golden crown.
Your sun shall burst our bondage-frown.No cry, no sigh, no darkness-role.
O body of the world,O soul of the world,
In you the nestOf cosmic oneness-rest.
Yours is the nectar-role;Our souls desire to grow
In your duty’s vision-glow. ``````
U.N., U.N., U.N.!I know you surely can
Transform the human face,Illume the earthly race,
And strike the Hour SupremeTo clasp your Promise-Dream.
U.N., U.N.!With you began
A fulness-cryIn oneness-sky.
For you I seeA flood-ecstasy.
U.N., U.N., U.N.!You are our ascending hope,
You are our spreading scope.The meteor-speed of your boat
Is touching the shore remote.Your victory’s flower-light
Shows us the Silence-Height. ```U.N., U.N., U.N., U.N.!
You are the Lord’s Sun-Vision Plan.We know your soul, its beauty’s flow,
A world-body’s translucent glow. ``````
We know our U.N. soulAnd its God-decreed role.
We know our U.N. lifeThat braves ignorance-knife.
We know our U.N. cry:A quest for the oneness-sky.
O great U.N.! O good U.N.!You own Eternity’s sure ken.
Your soul-love shall never die.All-where it soon will multiply.
You are our sun-vast promise-surpriseAnd God-Waves high beyond surmise.
They say, U.N. is puny, weak and poor.I say, have they measured its sky-heart door?
They say, feeble is the U.N. voice.I say, U.N. our Father’s constant Choice.
UNICEF, UNICEF,O mother and child, O sweetness-sea,
O beauty-flower and duty-tree!You are your glowing eyes of light,
You are your loving oneness-height,You are your soaring fulfilment-dream,
A true triumph of the Lord Supreme. ``````
O Human Rights Divine!In harmony-world you shine.
You are the voice of LightAnd blue Perfection-Height.
Yours is the supreme roleTo change the cosmos-dole.
You are the only strengthOf Heaven’s Vision-length.
Division, bondage, doom,No more —
All oneness-bloom. ``````
U.N. meditation: a soulful cryTo reach the vastness of oneness-sky.
United Nations Meditation Group:A simple, Truth-serving, all-loving troop.
United Nations Meditation Room:To stop for good the birth of cosmos-doom.
O World Gratitude Day!I pray for you, I pray.
Man’s feeble climbing rayIs one with God’s Vision-Play.
Compassion: highest gift.Gratitude: fastest lift.
Only satisfaction-seedCan feed man and God’s need.
Oneness-earth, oneness:A life of fulness.
Division-mind dies,Oneness-heart flies.
Heaven’s God-length:Oneness-earth’s strength.
Today’s Vision-Plan:Tomorrow’s God-man.
O diplomat, O delegate!You change your country’s fate.
Sorrows and joys in fulnessYou bring to the U.N. oneness.
Long live your country’s height;Long live its pure delight.
```We believe and we hold that each man has the
potentiality of reaching the Ultimate Truth. Wealso believe that man cannot and will not remain
imperfect forever. Each man is an instrument ofGod. When the hour strikes, each individual soul
listens to the inner dictates of God. When manlistens to God, his imperfections are turned into
perfections, his ignorance into knowledge, hissearching mind into revealing light and his
uncertain reality into all-fulfilling Divinity.[Motto of Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations]
The United Nations is the Supreme Law of the world.[Words of Trygve Lie, Secretary-General of the United Nations]
May I be offered to that in the offering which will be offered. . .God took the form of man in the victim who chose to be sacrificed.
[Words of Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary-General of the United Nations] ``````
In the wake of the most catastrophic war in thehistory of mankind, humanity had a new Vision:
it saw the glimmer of dawn of a warless world.[Words of U Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations]
Gone are the days when each Nation was an island unto itself.[Words of U Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations]
I know that the world cannot do without the United Nations.[Words of Kurt Waldheim, Secretary-General of the United Nations]
We are men and women from many lands,representing a rich variety of cultures. And
we have been brought together to work ina great common cause: the survival and
progress of mankind.[Words of Kurt Waldheim, Secretary-General of the United Nations]
Forward, upward, onward, together.[Motto of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas]
Honour, Justice and Liberty.[Motto of the Republic of Panama]
I am rarely enthusiastic about what theLeague of Nations has done or not done,
but I am always thankful that it exists.[Words of Albert Einstein]
Make a peace that does not conceal a future war.[Words of Albert Einstein]
Nothing I can do or say will change the structureof the universe. But maybe, by raising my voice,
I can help the greatest of all causes: good-willamong men and peace on earth.
[Words of Albert Einstein] ``````
If it were not for our physical separateness, we wouldmore clearly perceive our psychic interdependence.
[Words of Elliot Richardson] ``````
My fellow inhabitants of this planet: let us takeour stand here in this assembly of nations. And
let us see if we, in our own time, can move theworld towards a just and lasting peace.
[Words of President John F. Kennedy] ``````
In order to have a free access to the integral planet,you will have to be integral in yourself, to resonate
with the same inner process of realisation andtransformation. Planetisation of mankind requires,
ultimately, the self-transcendent man.[Words of Donald Keys]
All men are created equal. Not some men.Not white men. All men. America, rise up
and come home.[Words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.]
I have a dream. Today, with this faith we will be ableto work together, to pray together, to struggle together,
to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together,knowing that we will be free one day.
[Words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.] ``````
Mankind is now, as never before, faced by thethreat of self-extinction, from which there is no
retreat and no escape. There is only one way out,that leading up to the brotherhood of man.
Humanity will have to follow it or perish.[Words of Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus]
We are confident that the time is near when the Member Statesof a great international Organisation will bring to it their voices
and their influence, not governed by self-centred pursuits ortheir particular interest, but in terms of the common good of
humanity in its progress towards world peace based on freedom.[Words of Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus]
We come with an open mind and an open heart.We are not unaware of our limitations. We are a
small country, one of the smallest units of theUnited Nations, and we command no material
power or influence; our strength will dependwholly on the moral content of our stand.
[Words of Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus] ``````
It is co-existence or no existence.[Words of Bertrand Russell]
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Chandelier, part 1, 1980
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ch_1