The Mother always gives. We too always give. Hers is the Blessing. Ours is the unworthiness.
Sri Aurobindo’s Truth is the Seed. His Law is the Plant. His Forgiveness is the Tree. His Holocaust is the Fruit — the Supermind for the world’s transformation.
The Mother is ceaseless forgiveness. It is man’s bulwark against perdition.Spirituality is preparatory to surrender.
Surrender is preparatory to union.And what is this union?
Union is that which has no need of the first personal pronoun.Light alternates with darkness.
Ignorance alternates with knowledge.But there is something which does not alternate with anything.
It is our complete unification with the Absolute.Penury is the fulfilment of desires.
The more we slake the thirst of desires the bigger we become a round zero like an insatiable belly.My surrender has given birth to “Thou and thine”.
“I and mine” are more transitory than a rope of sand. “Thou and thine” are more permanent than the everlasting hills.If you have little, give little.
But willingly, and not unwillingly.To give unwillingly means to present the rose with numberless thorns.
To give willingly means to present only the rose.We have no time to think for others.
We forget the undeniable truth that they and we are but one in essence. Our complete freedom is a far cry so long as they are in bondage.I want to be a fixed faith in the Unseen.
Mastery is not my goal. My goal is surrender.To-morrow is for idle.
To-day is for wise.Yesterday is for the blessed soul.
Day before yesterday is for God himself.Realisation is the fruit of the present.
Identification is the fruit of the future.What is it?
It is our wild ignorance which is vaster than the vast and more insignificant than a feeble ant.Conviction is a dart.
Vision is a naked sword.Talent is a boat.
Toil is a raft.Aspiration is the tree.
Surrender is the fruit.Metaphysics is the second.
Spirituality is the third and the last rung of the ladder to reach the realm of God.Modesty is gold.
Sincerity is diamond.Many a time He has come to make it up.
But my ire has not allowed me to be in with Him.Therefore to Him I have said, “God, You have made me the man in the moon, but I wish to be a man of the earth.”
No answer have I heard from Him.At last I now take in the meaning of His silence.
When evil things torture me I must in no time become the man in the moon. And when ignorance rises to dominate me, forthwith I must be the man of the earth.But we forget the truth that our fathers too had to suffer much when their and our dear ones were on the land of the living.
What is death after all?It is but one shore of the sea of consciousness, the other is life.
The sole work of life is to sow and the sole work of death is to reap. Both are interdependent.My mind is a typical Thomas.
I am moved to tears at the pitiable condition of my partners. I wish to be nothing else save an unerring judge.Our mind is ingenious.
Our body is ignorant.Our eyes are infants.
Our vital is a roaring den.Our soul is an orphan.
After its birth its parents have thrown it down the earth from the pinnacled sphere to found the Life Divine upon the clay with the assistance of heart, mind, vital, body and senses.Alas, except our heart all other members of our family look down upon the soul and say, “O fool and beggar, away you go to your clime.
No need have we of you.We are quite content with this sweet earth of ours.”
Alas, the true ruler is ruled by its eyeless, pigmy subjects.The more you think, the deeper will be your doom.
Fear not, surrender. The dauntless spirit resides there.Tomorrow you can be dead to sin.
Your choice will be of supreme importance.At no time sin can seize upon you if reliance is your only choice.
Reliance on whom? Reliance on the Mother alone.Pine not.
Wait for the hour.Time is the Lord eternal.
Vigilance is ever its tranquil gaze.It knows well when to support and when to throw you into the fathomless abyss.
Cast aside despair, for the non-acceptance of Time itself is the golden promise of a future acceptance.Not always so.
Surely fear cannot freeze our heart if tears of sincerity roll down. The forgiveness of the Mother is infinitely mightier than our offences.Into the world I came
Not for enormous fame.Into the world I came
To see Thy earthly Frame. ```I shall not dwell on mistakes past.
I know, my climbing faith can outlastAll worlds of blind and evil deeds;
Only the Grace my bosom needs. ```Our fruitless longings never know
What dangers great they hug.They ever are fond of things futile
By which their graves are dug. ```No expectation, no revolt against God.
No sacrifice, no Goal.No depth, no height.
No tears, no delight. No union, no freedom.Be true and pure;
Smile and endure. ```My foe is within and not without;
It is desire, it is desire. ```Its fire knows not how to expire
Although I weep, although I shout. ```Reason however proud and secure
Must sadly fail our heart to cure.Our core should be filled with faith sapphire.
Faith alone the climbing knowledge-fire. ```I sit alone with a throbbing moan,
I cry alone with flowers dry,I eat alone with a rat of the church,
I fly alone in the death-bound sky. ```Whence did I come?
Whither am I bound?Queries indeed
Worse than a hound. ```No need have I to plumb thy Love.
I know, I am thy Bounty’s dove. ```The man with experience possesses one eye.
The man who has had realisation has two eyes.The man who cherishes union with the Supreme has three eyes.
The man who will be able to possess a divinised body will have four eyes; and all the four eyes will guide the four directions.With money?
Not sufficient.With joy?
Not sufficient.With any other belonging of the earth?
Not sufficient.Then what is it that can help a man truly and effectively?
It is but Viveka. Viveka is the only truth that has no equal. If you can serve a man with your Viveka, matchless will be your assistance.The death of forgiveness compels the death of friendship.
We must feed our friendship with forgiveness and thus alone we can cherish a friendship that will fail to close its eyes even for a brief second.To-day’s folly may turn into wisdom tomorrow.
Not we, it is Time that is responsible for all this. The ups and downs of our life are but a stupendous smile and a tremendous pang of Time.Power is silence.
What is weakness? Weakness the fruitless opening and closing of the mouth.But the men of today hold only feeble opinions.
The men of the past had eyes to see the truth. The men of today have the heart to believe in the truth realised by the men of the past.But if I forgive the first personal pronoun then I must dance with the children of dark remorse.
And if I condone you and him, undoubtedly I will be the flood of ecstasy.Don’t try to do what you can’t.
But if you don’t do what you can, surely your present poverty can never dive into the sea of the future’s affluence.The clouds can only hide the sun of the welkin but can never destroy it.
As the sun of the without bursts forth out of the clouds at a selected moment, so the sun of the within also emerges from desires at the choicest moment.Desire is a beggar and its other name is “church-rat”.
Surrender is a king and its other name is Eldoradoes.Distance is nought
When Spirit is caught. ```You have mercies.
I have the doom.You have the solace.
Out of pity the superior weeps for the inferior.The inferior looks down upon the superior.
The presence of the superior to the inferior is venom.The absence of the superior is nectar.
To be the best of all is not within my reach.But at ease I can be the worst of all.
I want that my name should be on everybody’s lips.Whether they have a liking or dislike for me is of no importance.
The sole object of my life is to show others that they are bound to think of me. Alas, I shine in my stupid obstinacy.The former is vigilance, the latter temptation.
Vigilance at times wards off temptation.Temptation at times swamps vigilance.
The victory of the former springs from sincerity.The victory of the latter results from insincerity.
Sincerity and insincerity are ever at daggers drawn.Apparently both are equally formidable.
God’s child is sincerity.Doom’s issue is insincerity.
As there is the beginning of a fight so also there is the end.Success and failure cannot sing in unison.
Success goes to the Absolute alone, for all contradictions and reconciliations are ever at his command.Surrender is freedom.
The more we surrender the vaster becomes our freedom.Cogency is God.
Complexity is weakness. Weakness is death.Which is the better of the two?
The latter.Why?
For to it alone is open the gate of freedom. Needless to say that the gate of bondage is open to the former.Individuality feeds it.
Imitation is the worst curse. Individuality is the best blessing.The murky vital belabours us when we are in with God.
And when we are in with the lurid vital the Grace of God eludes us.Our friendship or enmity with either of the two is but a rope of sand.
O God, we have measured the strength of our prayer.And now we find that our prayer is as invalid as a man whose one foot is in the grave and it is as poor as a church-rat.
O merciful Lord and God, do don the robe of the supreme Liberator and Redeemer.I have no belief in death.
But I am ever aware of his command.And what is worse, I blindly carry out his behests.
O Author of all good, truly you are for me an insoluble mystery.But now I am converted to a titan atheist.
Therefore I am clothed with shame.But alas, shame is ever impotent.
No power it has.Once I was a flood of ecstasy.
Now I am a main of pangs.O Lord and God, I know my disease is atheism.
I have sufficient experience of this disease but no experience in curing it.“My son, depend wholly upon your Will’s help.
It alone can transform your malignant present into a benign future like your golden past.My son, to have belief in Me is to dwell in Eldoradoes.
To have no belief in Me is to live in a fruitless nowhere.”He alone is my superior who possesses my confidence.
He alone is my equal who is always cheerful.He alone is my inferior whose bosom friend is pride.
He alone is my father who is the fount of wisdom.She alone is my mother who is the main of kindness and sincerity.
He alone is my brother who is sacrifice.She alone is my sister who is faith.
He alone is my friend who dares to correct me.He alone is my foe who is afraid of silence.
```And it is I who can play the man.
Again it is I who can play the woman.Every one likes to be the master and not the servant.
I need not be an exception. And so let me play the man.The worst foe of prosperity is mendacity.
Veracity is the fond child of conscience.Mendacity is the spoilt child of nescience.
The journey of the first child will end only when it sees the face of a perpetual creation. The journey of the second will cease only when it sees the face of an utter destruction.My friends leave no stone unturned to set them at naught.
Alas, both the parties are in fault.They are ignorant of the truth that union is the root and division is the bough.
As both of them are of capital importance in maintaining the creation so our friendship and enmity are of true significance to the truth that the One is positive as well as negative.Therefore we are submissive to the strong and imperious to the weak.
But the food of our will is knowledge.So it is submissive to the weak and imperious to the strong.
The deathless bird that dwells in our heart whispers that all of us are far from the truth.We shall deserve true appreciation only when we consider the strong and the weak to be as important as ourselves.
Not only that, the spotless truth must be deeply rooted in us that the strong, the weak and we are inseparable.Him only hate who thinks low of himself.
Sorry, don’t hate him, but hate his folly.Love is long.
Hope is longer. Longest is the Grace of the One without a second.Knowledge is the fount of all boons.
Sacrifice is the rose with beauty ever increasing.If you make your friend a laughing stock then there is every possibility of losing him.
Joking boils the blood in your friend, and mild praise is the best lance to stab, that means, to conquer the heart of your friend.How is it possible?
It is by, through and in love and self-giving.Our life is not our deeds.
Our life is surrender to the Mother.One silence, the other din.
The wise pine for the former.The wallowers in ignorance long for the latter.
Those who dwell in silence say that the world is not a dream.It is a self-assertive reality.
Those who have devoured din say that the world is more transitory than a rope of sand.Both parties make no bones about their positive assertions.
A terrible dispute lasted between my heart and my mind.According to the heart silence was far superior to din, according to the mind silence was no match for din.
They had made me the judge.As I was ignorant of true knowledge I went to my soul with a tremulous tongue.
My soul consoled me and said, “Your heart is the pinnacled lore and your mind is the abysmal ignorance.I give you two seeds.
One is Immortality, the other is Transformation.Sow the first seed in your heart and the second in your mind.
And in no time you will find that their terrible fight will end in a fond embrace.”My pen wants to be a master-writer.
My voice wants to be a singer of the sweetest melodies.To them I say, “I shall fulfil your high desires in course of time.
Now my sole work is to drive away from me the green-eyed monster.When I am free from this abhorrent ghoul, a mighty satisfaction will be my reward and yours.
As satisfaction is your sole choice, prepare and wait for the red-letter day when I shall be nothing but a flame of truth.”My aspiration wants a main of bliss.
My surrender wants the Vast, which is flooded with the Golden ALL.My wage is sincerity.
My master heart is always exact in payment.My master mind is at times exact.
But alas, I exact sincerity from my master vital with much severity.Alas, heart, mind and vital failed of their purpose when they had failed in their first attempt.
Now the poor soul alone endeavours to fulfil its mission. When it is victorious, I am sure, the treacherous and unabashed heart, mind and vital will rush in to exult in the victory.I am never lavish in eyeless advice.
I say, never judge things by appearances.Never murmur at the arrangements made by me.
Never muse over past errors.Ruthless grief shall prey upon your heart if you possess half-baked notions.
Be patient of endless toil and be patient in bearing grave misfortunes.You should be dead to everything.
Desire is a Dead-Sea apple.Do not allow ignorance to darken the door of your heart.
Always try to be kind even to a fault.If you abide by my advice, my son, you will never be the food for worms.
Be sure, your heart will be the cherished nectar for the deathless Gods.”To ignore the potency of the Spirit is to dine with the King of Terrors.
Fate is changeable if the will is indomitable.Many a time I called him names.
But I was excepted from punishment.To him I said, “O quoif of muffs, your ignorance is vaster than the cosmos itself.
Dream is dream.Reality is reality.
They are as different as black and white.To us your dream is a quiz.
To you our thought is a riddle.Your present strength is incapacity.
Your dream is capacity.My strength is sincerity.
It never exceeds practicability.Don’t be a rogue.
Be sincerity.When the role of sincerity is over, be patience.
Wait for the divine Hour. Alas, your impatience never allows me to see the face of satisfaction.”My mind is wanting in sincerity.
My vital is wanting in reticence. The punic faith of ignorance is the root of my insufficiency.But our soul has a liking for us, because it knows that if it excludes us it will never be able to dive into the main of integrality.
What is soul? It is a boundless love.But its antidote too abides within us.
What is it?It is but aspiration.
Everything depends upon our choice. If we affiliate ourselves with a fire-pure aspiration surely we can have ambrosia as our only food.Once in the bosom of ignorance and once in the breast of liberation.
When in the former, it sheds tears to dive into the sea of liberation and be flooded with its ecstasy. When in the latter, it bitterly weeps to transform ignorance.The informant is from the land of Reality.
The job’s post from the clime of dream.The informant says that Immortality is on the tip-toe of expectation to have me as its compeer.
The job’s post says that my course is run.The King of terrors wants me to dine with him.
To the former I say, “My soul will accompany you as my representative.” To the latter I say, “My abysmal vital will accompany you as my representative.”My soul has been stolen away.
Desire, the thief, is in collusion with my mind.In vain I beat them black and blue.
The more I beat them the louder becomes their laughter.O Lord and God, my power is ignorance.
Yours is knowledge.I have fought with you many a time and every time I have come off second-best.
This time I shall use my gratitude as my power, and I am sure that I shall bear the palm.My immaculate gratitude will compel your Grace to fight with your iron law.
I know the stronger of the two is your Grace. All problems are now solved since I have got your Grace as my Guide.Alas!
It has betrayed me into the strangling hands of desires.Heart was my confidant.
Alack!It has betrayed me into the ever-widening arms of ambitions.
Soul was my confidant.I am sure that it will never throw me over.
And let me now disclose my secret. I am the son of the All-powerful.What a paradox!
Our soul, part of the Divine, is now subject to non-Divine powers, its indomitable spirit is now dominated by the feeblest mortal.Easier still to do away with it.
But it is often unimaginably difficult to proceed with it.And it will die when I shall join the majority.
But I will leave my actions’ deathless fruit to the earth.Blind death, beggar death will never have the just claim upon the gratitude of the earth.
I will be deified and death will be defied by the same wise earth.The mother of affluence is surrender.
The father of ignorance is Ego. The father of knowledge is Grace.Neither is idle.
The work of the former leads him to ultimate destruction. The work of the latter to ultimate Immortality.Now that we have accepted spirituality reason is nothing but poison.
And what is nectar now?Faith.
Faith in whom?Faith in the Mother and faith in ourselves.
It is a proved fact that we can never have faith in ourselves unless we have faith in the Mother.The Mother with her stupendous Will.
We shed tears for the clamour of fame. She for our vast freedom from Ignorance-Night.From:Chinmoy,Chandelier, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1959
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