Editor's note — Pantone numbers

Sri Chinmoy chose the specific colours reproduced in this book from a Pantone® Colourchart, assigning each a different spiritual quality.

Since this edition of the book is printed digitally, the colours may be slightly different from the original Pantone® colours, which were reproduced by an offset printing process in the first edition in 1974.

The colours are identified by their Pantone® number, which are listed below.

The interested reader may find an exact replica of the colour Sri Chinmoy intended to describe.


Austerity 486

Beauty 252

Confidence 362

Confusion 532

Consciousness 279

Delight warm red

Destination 305

Destruction 463

Determination 472

Devotion 583

Divine Journey 298

Dream-glow 332

Earth-bound necessity 456

Enthusiasm 375

Glory 231

Grace 529

Heroism 370

Hospitality 320

Humility 366

Immensity 327

Inconscience black

Intense affection 347

Intuition 101

Joy 163

Light 265

Love 395

Lustre purple

Manifestation 513

New Life 339

Offering 135

Plenitude 307

Poverty 474

Power 201

Progress 238

Promise 353

Prosperity yellow

Purity and Divinity white

Renunciation 151

Rhythm 109

Sacrifice 206

Serenity 157

Sincerity 123

Sorrow 428

Speed 300

Struggle 191

Surrender 223

Sympathy 244

Transformation 312

Uncertainty 431

Unity 287

Vastness and Spirituality 284

Victory 137


From:Sri Chinmoy,Colour Kingdom, Aum Press, 1973
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ck