The feeling of unworthiness is a serious mistake. In the spiritual life you should feel that while you are crying for God, at the same time God is crying for you. You are crying because you want to go to God and He is crying because He has not yet been fully manifested within you. God is in the process of manifestation, but His full manifestation has not yet taken place on earth. The world has not yet arrived at perfection. God wants His full manifestation and perfection to take place in each individual. He is crying because He has not yet been totally fulfilled in and through you. He feels that here on earth His true perfection must take place. He does not cry because you are unworthy of His Love and His Grace. No! He cries because He has not been able to complete His fulfilling journey in you and through you.
From:Sri Chinmoy,Cry within, yours is the Goal, Agni Press, 1974
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/cw