A: We have our Master’s view of the great lady. How to know her view of the Master?
B: I have had it and I am come to show it to you. The same thought was working in my mind, too. And happily I chanced to come across her and I seized the opportunity of sounding her on the point. And true to her simplicity and her kindness, she showed me her recorded view. Here it is. (He reads out).
> Le 30 Mars 1914
> ... Peu importe qu'il y ait des milliers d’êtres plongés dans la plus épaisse ignorance. Celui que nous avons vu hier est sur terre; sa présence suffit à prouver qu'un jour viendra où l'ombre sera transformée en lumière, et où effectivement, Ton règne sera instauré sur la terre ...> [...it matters not if there are hundreds of beings plunged in the densest ignorance. He whom we saw yesterday is on earth: His presence is enough to prove that a day will come when darkness shall be transformed into light, when Thy reign shall be, indeed, established upon earth.]
A: Oh, a revelation! Read it again.
B: To be sure, it’s a light to our blind eyes. It is God’s Blessings received through her. We are infinitely blessed to have been at his feet. So is India, so is the world,
A: And the few words of Aurobindo about her are packed with a far-reaching significance.
B: Certainly. We have now come to a radical turn in the course of our life here.
DB 84,5. La Mère, Prières et Méditations.↩
From:Chinmoy Kumar Ghose,The Descent of the Blue, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse, 1972
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/db