There are many things that I have done that are recorded only in inner history. There are many things which I have done that I could prove outwardly, but I do not prove. Many things I have bragged of doing I did long before you people were born, but where is the proof? You people will say, “Now show it.” I say, “I won’t show it.” You say, “You can’t show it.” I say, “All right.” You people will be satisfied by saying I can’t do it, and I will be satisfied by not proving that I can do it. In this way it goes on and on. But in the inner world, whatever I have done is all recorded. Things that you call absolutely impossible, things that even the scientists will say are impossible — these things are all recorded, and you will know them after your death when you see my inner books. Now my Agni Press is giving you only outer books. But when you read my inner books, you will see how many impossible things have been done by me — absolutely impossible things. Medical science will never believe it. Even when some of you progress for a hundred more incarnations you will say, “No, it is impossible.” But it has been done.
When spiritual Masters do something, if they prove it outwardly, many times it becomes a real curse rather than a blessing. Humanity, without coming to the level of that achievement, will try to grab and possess it. Human beings won’t be able to digest the achievement and they will get a real stomach upset. That is why real spiritual Masters many times don’t outwardly show what they do. They have to do it, because in the inner world it is a matter of necessity. But when it is a question of showing it, this only creates problems.From:Sri Chinmoy,The disciples' freedom, Agni Press, 1980
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