The Dance of Life, part 10

451. He and his


He and his ego worship each other,

He and his doubt love each other,

He and his fear torture each other,

He and his failure hate each other,

He and his perfection reject each other,

He and his death live in each other. ```

452. Your ingratitude is an exception


Your pride confuses my mind.

Your pride amuses my heart.

Your life receives nothing but

A ceaseless tribute from the foolish world.

I know not how

Your swollen head


Your sunken mind

Live together.

You know not how to implore,

You know not how to explore,

You know only how to explode.

Here on earth,

There in Heaven

Nothing grows without nourishment.


Your ingratitude is an exception,

Indeed, an unbelievable exception. ```

453. God in him is still alive


In the morning

He shakes hands with I-dolatry.

In the evening

He embraces his self-infatuation.

At night

He suffers from I-strain.


His is not a hopeless case;

God in him is still alive,

Vividly alive. ```

454. The same palace


Truth and dignity

Share the same palace.

Love and joy

Share the same palace.

Father and son

Share the same palace.

Faith and doubt

Share not the same palace.

Fear and courage

Share not the same palace.

Alas, ingratitude has no palace, none at all.


455. His absence


His physical absence

Diminishes my little hopes

And increases my great hopes.

His spiritual absence destroys

All my hopes, little and great.

In his physical absence

I see my Goal,

Although quite far.

In his spiritual absence

I see only a goalless shore.


456. In the Goal of the soul


Pleasure is the absence

Of temporary physical pain.

Joy is the presence

Of eternal gain

In the heart of life.

Doubt is the absence

Of temporary mental relief.

Faith is the presence

Of eternal release

In the Goal of the soul.


457. Acceptance


Acceptance human

Is the acknowledgement

Of painful obligation.

Acceptance divine

Is the acknowledgement

Of soulful perfection.

God accepted man

To make him happy.

Man accepted God

To make himself great. ```

458. Occurrence and experience


The body thinks

Accident is an inevitable occurrence.

The mind discovers

Accident is an undeniable occurrence.

The heart feels

Accident is an avoidable occurrence.

The soul knows

Accident leads

To profitable experience.


459. Strive


Strive blindly,

And achieve nothing.

Strive carefully,

And achieve something.

Strive soulfully,

And achieve everything.

Strive unconditionally,

And, lo, you have won


Including God. ```

460. Death


Death, how often do you speak to God?

“I speak to God constantly.”

Can you tell me

What both of you talk about?

“We talk about our achievements


Our disappointments.

I tell Him about my achievements

On earth

And my disappointments in Heaven.

God tells me about His achievements

In Heaven

And His disappointments on earth.”

I see.

Thank you, Death. ```

461. His kingdoms


His desire-kingdom

Is bounded on the north by fear,

On the south by doubt,

On the west by jealousy,

On the east by insecurity.

His aspiration-kingdom

Is bounded on the east by faith,

On the west by love,

On the north by devotion,

On the south by surrender.

His realisation-kingdom

Is bounded on the east by God’s Compassion,

On the west by God’s Illumination,

On the north by God’s Realisation,

On the south by God’s Perfection.


462. A zero and a hero


I am a zero.


I pray to God.

I am a hero.


I take care of man.

When I am in the body,

I represent the nothingness

Of a zero.

When I am in the soul,

I represent the Treasure

Of Eternity.


463. When


When he concentrates,

Everything matters.

When he meditates,

Nothing matters.

When he contemplates,

Only God matters. ```

464. They rise


When the vital retires,

The mind rises.

When the mind retires,

The heart rises.

When the heart aspires,

The soul rises.

When the body aspires,

God rises. ```

465. She nurses


She nurses love,

He nurses indifference.

She nurses devotion,

He nurses indifference.

She nurses surrender,

He nurses indifference.

She nurses grievances,

He nurses indifference.

She nurses despair,

He nurses indifference.

She nurses indifference.

He touches her feet,

He kisses her shoes,

He becomes her slave. ```

466. All obey me


My doubt obeys me

When I tell him

To do as he wishes.

My jealousy obeys me

When I tell her

To do as she wishes.

My pride obeys me

When I tell him

To do as he wishes.

My fear obeys me

When I tell her

To do as she wishes.

My God obeys me

When He sees me

Smiling and dancing.

The world obeys me

When she sees me

Crying and sighing.


467. Better and bitter


Obstacles appear

To make us better, not bitter.

Failure appears

To make us better, not bitter.

Obstacles disappear;

We wait and look around.

Failure disappears;

We wonder and wander around. ```

468. I tell you


I tell you,

Even when worst comes to worst,

It will not be so bad.

I tell you,

Even when best comes to best,

It will not be so good.

Unwillingness to see

The Face of Light

Is by far the worst thing on earth.

Surrender to God’s Will

Is by far the best thing on earth.

To defeat the worst in life,

We must unlearn in the heart

The lessons given us by the mind.

To win the best in life,

We must learn in the mind

The lessons given us by the heart.


469. Who is he?


Even his own shadow

Is afraid of him.

Even his own eyes

Are afraid of him.

Even his own Goal

Is afraid of him.

Who is he?

Impurity, the only son

of our venom doubts.


470. His sovereign dream


His sovereign dream

Of God-manifestation on earth

Is collapsing fast, very fast,

Into its own self:

An explosion with no life in it,

A realisation with no light in it,

A perfection with no love in it.


471. She


In the morning

She is the passion of aspiration-light.

In the afternoon

She is the passion of transformation-might.

In the evening

She is the passion of realisation-height.

At night

She is the passion of immortality-right. ```

472. Passion


Passion is possession.

Live in the vital,

You will know it.

Passion is frustration.

Live in the mind,

You will feel it.

Passion is perdition.

Live in the heart,

You will discover it.


Passion is not rejection

By God’s Compassion.

Passion is illumination

When it shakes hands with aspiration.


473. When he left Heaven


When he left Heaven,

The owner of Heaven

Soulfully cried with gratitude,

Hoping that he would soon return.

When he touched earth,

The owner of earth

Vehemently protested his arrival.

Furious, Mother Earth said to Father Heaven:

“Stop dropping your garbage on me.”

Trembling, Father Heaven replied:

“O my better half, forgive me,

This will be absolutely

My last torture,

My greatest relief.”


474. He is a peculiar man


He is a peculiar man

Privately and publicly.

Privately he steals from God,

Publicly he gives to mankind.

Privately he shakes hands with God,

Publicly he touches God’s feet.

Privately he advises God,

Publicly he obeys God.

Privately he feeds on God’s Compassion,

Publicly he finds fault with God’s creation. ```

475. His realisation and his manifestation


He never remembers his realisation,

Once he has decided

To tell the world

What it looked like.

He never forgets his manifestation,

Once he has decided

To tell the world

What it looks like. ```

476. Only


Only Heaven can

Deserve his pride.

Only earth can

Preserve his sacrifice.

Only he can

Observe his birthright.

Only God can

Serve his aspiration-delight. ```

477. He is very loyal


He is very loyal to God;


He reached God’s Head.

He is very loyal to man;


He kissed man’s feet.

He is very loyal to God;


He touched God’s Heart.

He is very loyal to man;


He breathed in man’s mind.


478. Friendless am I


No friend have I

In Heaven.

They all have descended

To work for the world.

No friend have I

On earth.

They all have ascended

To rest in Heaven.

Friendless in Heaven,

I cry for earth-entrance.

Friendless on earth,

I cry for Heaven-exit. ```

479. His friends speak


His mind says to him:

“You are useless.

You cannot entertain

Even one charming doubt.”

His heart says to him:

“You are useless.

You cannot maintain

Even one particle of faith.”

His soul says to him:

“You are useless.

You cannot contain

Even one secret of God.” ```

480. He and God illumine


He illumines Heaven

When he leaves it.

He illumines man

When he leaves earth.

God illumines him

When he teaches.

God illumines him

When he reaches.

All illumine him

When he ceases. ```

481. His only shortcoming


On earth

His long staying

Is his only shortcoming.

In Heaven

His short staying

Is his only shortcoming.

In man

His very staying

Is his only shortcoming.


482. Before Him


Before Him

My Imagination dies,

My Aspiration runs.

Before Him

My Aspiration dies,

My Realisation flies.

Before Him

My Realisation dies,

My Perfection spreads.

Before Him

My Perfection dies,

My Oneness prevails.


483. The superlative failure


He has not only the last word,

But the last ten thousand words.

He sings not only the last song,

But the worst possible song

Composed by any man on earth.

He reveals not only the last experience,

But the saddest experience

Experienced by the superlative failure.


484. He thinks, he feels, he knows


He thinks the world loves him.

Truth is thinking

Through his searching mind.

He feels the world loves him.

Truth is feeling

Through his serving heart.

He knows the world loves him.

Truth is singing

Through his glowing life.


485. God, for God's sake!


God, for God’s sake,

Don’t be so cruel,

Don’t make me Your equal!

God, for God’s sake,

Don’t be so stupid,

Don’t make me Your equal!

God, for God’s sake,

Don’t be so absurd,

Don’t make me Your equal!

If I equal You, God,

I shall lose my purest love-life,

I shall lose my sweetest devotion-world,

I shall lose my brightest surrender-sky. ```

486. Desire-world and aspiration-world


In the morning


Brushes her teeth,


Sharpens her tongue.

In the evening


Illumines her Ignorance-tree,


Destroys her life.


487. What happens is this


When I am in Heaven,

I pull my ant weight.

When I am on earth,

I throw my elephant weight around.

When I am with God,

I have no weight.

He just empties my weight.


488. Lord, if it is Your Will


Lord, if it is Your Will,

I shall love my enemies.

Lord, if it is Your Will,

I shall illumine my friends.

Lord, if it is Your Will,

I shall forgive my earthly existence.

Lord, if it is Your Will,

I shall live without You.


If it is Your Will

That I should equal You

And become another God,


I shall cry around You,

I shall sigh within You,

I shall die before You.

Lord, give me only one boon:

First and last,

That You will remain my eternal Lord.


489. The greatest fault


The greatest fault

He discovered in Heaven

Was ecstasy.

The greatest fault

He discovered on earth

Was complacency.

The greatest fault

He discovered in himself

Was love.

The greatest fault

He discovered in God



490. He


He is so indecisive.

He has been meditating

For thirty-three long years;

But still he has not given himself

A spiritual name.

He is so possessive.

He wants to know the names of his

Spiritual great-grandchildren

Who are still sleeping in Heaven.

He is so obsessive.

He wants world-perfection

This very moment.

He feels his own perfection

Can delay;

No harm,

His big heart can wait

And sleep in Eternity’s Life.

He is so progressive.

He asks God

To beg him to create

A new world, a world infinitely better

Than God’s own world.


491. He challenged God


During his entire life

He challenged God

Not once, but thrice.

In the morning of his life

He challenged God’s Power,

Only to be liberated.

In the afternoon of his life

He challenged God’s Forgiveness,

Only to be forgiven.

In the evening of his life

He challenged God’s Immortality,

Only to be embraced.


492. I believe, I like and I love


I believe everything.

It saves me from thinking,

It saves me from criticising,

It saves me from doubting.

I like everything.

It saves me from being ignored,

It saves me from being misunderstood,

It saves me from being obstructed.

I love everything.

It saves me from sovereignty,

It saves me from curiosity,

It saves me from futility. ```

493. His two admirers


He has two staunch admirers:

God and Satan.

God admires his presence of mind

In the inner world.

Satan admires his absence from mind

In the outer world.

God asks him to remember

Everything that God says and does.

This will help God.

Satan asks him to forget

Everything that Satan says and does.

This will help Satan.


494. When I speak


I never speak ill of man,

Except in self-defence.

I never speak well of God,

Except in self-glorification.

I neither speak ill nor well of Truth.


Because Truth needs

No comment from me,

From my judgement-seat.


495. Reincarnation


He is the clear proof

Of reincarnation.

In his previous incarnation

He spoke excessively

Ill of God.

In this incarnation

He is trying to compensate.

He is appreciating God

Beyond his sincerity.

He is admiring God

Beyond his capacity.

He is loving God

Beyond his necessity. ```

496. He takes and leaves


When he deals with men,

First he takes them

And then he leaves them.

When he deals with angels,

First he ignores them

And then he invokes them.

When he deals with God,

First he loves God with his love,

And then he kills Him with his surrender.


497. Look and overlook


After we look doubt over,

We overlook doubt.

After we overlook faith,

We look faith over.

After we look Satan over

When he smiles,

We overlook him

When he cries.

After we overlook God

When He cries,

We look Him over

When He smiles. ```

498. In vain


In vain

His superlative adorers

Fight against

His sleepless gravediggers.

In vain

His proud creation

Fights against

His earth’s oblivion. ```

499. First and last


Love is Heaven’s first sacrifice,

Love is earth’s last achievement.

Dream is Heaven’s first invention,

Dream is earth’s last discovery.

God is Heaven’s first Voice,

God is earth’s last Choice. ```

500. What is wrong with me?



A turtle makes progress.

What is wrong with me?


A fool makes progress.

What is wrong with me?


A sunken hope makes progress.

What is wrong with me?


A broken heart makes progress.

What is wrong with me?


A deceased life makes progress.

What is wrong with me?


From:Sri Chinmoy,The Dance of Life, part 10, Aum Press, Puerto Rico, 1973
Sourced from