In man’s absence
My fondness-tree proudly grows.In God’s absence
My life-tree helplessly dies.O man and God,
I tell youMy supreme secret:
Ignorance misses my absence,Earth cherishes my absence,
Heaven terminates my absence. ```Abstinence, what is it?
The best medicine.Persistence, what is it?
The surest crown.Surrender, what is it?
The highest goal. ```Without sweat
I acquired teeming doubts.Without regret
I threw them away.Without sweat
I grabbed ignorance-night.Without regret
I killed its life.With much sweat
I have acquired an iota of faith.If I ever lose it
My life-boat shall sink.With much sweat
I have discovered an iota of Light.If I ever lose it,
I shall become a soulless creature. ```A woman
Finds it difficultTo admit her insecurity.
A man
Finds it difficultTo admit his impurity.
Poor earth
Finds it difficultTo brave its sufferings.
Rich Heaven
Finds it difficultTo hide its Treasures.
The Supreme
Finds it impossibleTo overrule His Compassion.
```The undivine flourish,
The divine die young:This is what we hear,
This is what we think,This is what we know.
My soul wants to add
Something to this lofty theory:The undivine flourish
In the closed coffin of Death.The divine die young
In the Lap of Immortality. ```His books lead me
To the sage inside him.His looks draw me
To the animal inside him.His books deserve immediate recognition.
His looks need gradual transformation. ```To keep the doctor away
I need sound health.To keep sound health
I need nature’s blessing.To have nature’s blessing
I need God’s Grace.To have God’s Grace
I need the strength of surrender.To have the strength of surrender
I need just one thing:Faith, only faith.
Nothing more,Nothing less!
```I associate with God
To enjoy my natural realisation.I associate with Man
To enjoy my regular aspiration.I associate with Earth
To enjoy the universal Emptiness.I associate with Heaven
To enjoy the absolute Infinitude. ```Boys will be boys;
Girls will be girls.Boys will reach their Goal
Singing and running.Girls will reach their Goal
Dancing and diving.Boys will be boys;
Girls will be girls.Boys will realise God,
The Highest Realisation.Girls will manifest God,
The Absolute Perfection. ```Duty before pleasure,
Compassion before justice,Offering before receiving,
Heart before mind,Faith-flame before doubt-net,
God-realisation before world-perfection. ```Fear, the timid guest,
Comes and goes.Doubt, the bold guest,
Comes and goes.Jealousy, the clever guest,
Comes and goes.Compassion, the kind guest,
Comes and stays.Light, the beautiful guest,
Comes and stays.Bliss, the sweet guest,
Comes and stays.God, the silent Guest,
Comes, stays and never goes. ```A desiring vital
Feasts today,Fasts tomorrow.
An aspiring heart
Fasts today,Feasts tomorrow.
What does a desiring vital eat?
It eats fear and doubt,It eats hope and despair,
It eats impurity and futility.What does an aspiring heart eat?
It eats Compassion and Concern,It eats Peace and Bliss,
It eats Salvation and Illumination. ```There is a will,
And that will is in the soul.There is a way,
And that way is in the heart.There is a will,
And that will is of God.There is a way,
And that way is for God.There is a will,
And that will is leading me to the Supreme.There is a way,
And that way has made me love the Supreme. ```The doctor fails;
And God feels sad.He feels sad
That He did not give the doctorThe life-saving medicine.
The patient dies;
And God feels sad.He feels sad
That He did not give the patientThe message of immortal life.
The relatives weep;
And God feels sad.He feels sad
That He did not tell themThat Heaven is the second floor
And earth is the first floorOf the same building.
God feels sadThat He forgot to tell them
Even the name of the building.Love is its name.
```Doubt, don’t come to me!
If you comeI shall carry you to Faith.
Faith and I shall kill you.Fear, don’t come to me!
If you comeI shall carry you to Will.
Will and I shall kill you.Faith, do come to me!
Carry me to the real starting point.Will, do come to me!
Carry me to the ultimate Goal. ```Haste is waste:
The vital does not believe it.Suspicion is frustration:
The mind does not believe it.Insecurity is futility:
The heart does not believe it.Hesitation is destruction:
The body does not believe it. ```An idle brain
AppreciatesThe long nose of the devil.
An ignorant brain
AppreciatesThe face of bondage.
A man-liking brain
AppreciatesThe discoveries of man.
A God-loving brain
AppreciatesThe omnipresence of God.
```The more an earth-bound man has,
The more he needs.He has doubt;
He needs more.He has despair;
He needs more.He has failure;
He needs more.The more a Heaven-soaring man has,
The more he needs.He has faith, faith in himself;
He needs more.He has courage, courage to brave ignorance;
He needs more.He has love, love to feed the world;
He needs more. ```When the human “I” enters,
Satan enters, too.When the divine “I” enters,
God enters, too.Who is Satan?
Satan is the grandson of imperfectionAnd
The son of destruction.Who is God?
God is the Grandfather of lifeAnd
The Father of love. ```God’s Compassion enters;
The animal in me departs.God’s Illumination enters;
The human in me departs.God’s Perfection enters;
The finite in me departs.Finally God enters
And I quickly bolt the doorSo that He can never depart.
```Laws are made
To be executed.Doubts are meant
To be avoided.Ignorance is made
To be transcended.The heights of God are meant
To be realised,Revealed,
Manifested. ```It is never too late to learn.
I have offered this messageTo my ignorant friend, Ignorance.
It is never too late to cure.
I have offered this messageTo my diseased friend, Disease.
It is never too late to attain perfection.
I have offered this messageTo my imperfect friend, Imperfection.
```Tomorrow does not come.
Yesterday was enoughAnd
Today is more than enough.Tomorrow will never come.
God has not given birthTo tomorrow
AndHe does not want
To change His Plan. ```No news is sad news
When I expectMy God-realisation news
From God,My negligent correspondent.
No news is good news
When I expectMy endless bondage news
From ignorance,My forgetful correspondent.
```A word to the surrendered heart
Is sufficient.A million words to the searching mind
Are sufficient.A billion words to the striving vital
Are sufficient.A trillion words to the sleeping body
Are NOT sufficient.A sleeping body, what is it?
Doubt, man’s doubt:His teeming doubts,
His brooding doubts. ```Money is the superlative passport
In the country ofDeception and corruption.
Conscience is the most effective passport
In the country ofTruth and justice.
Surrender divine is the only passport
In the country ofRealisation and Perfection.
```Rome was not built in a day.
I have been telling this all alongTo my impatient son,
Impatience.Rome was not built in a day.
I have been telling this constantlyTo my despondent daughter,
Despondency.Rome was not built in a day.
I have been telling this year after yearTo my doubting friend,
Doubt.Rome was not built in a day.
I have been telling this tirelesslyTo my mocking enemy,
Mockery. ```Practice makes perfect.
God believes in this theory;Therefore
He practised Compassion.Lo, He has become Compassion,
Unconditional Compassion.Practice makes perfect.
God believes in this theory;Therefore
He practised surrender.Lo, He has become perfect Surrender,
Surrender to man’s countless desires. ```I went to see God
An hour early.He welcomed me
AndShook hands with me.
I went to see God
Two hours early.He welcomed me
AndEmbraced me.
I went to see God
Three hours early.He welcomed me
AndMade me sit on His
Transcendental Throne.I went to see God
A minute late.He thoughtfully hesitated to welcome me.
I went to see God
Two minutes late.He simply ignored my arrival.
I went to see God
Three minutes late.He refused to open the door.
```O man,
Ask me any question.I shall answer
According to your sense of perfection.O earth,
Ask me any question.I shall answer
According to your sublime satisfaction.O God,
Ask me any question.I shall answer
According to my insignificant realisation. ```Fear asserts
Its strength.Doubt asserts
Its certainty.Ignorance asserts
Its wisdom.Death asserts
Its life.I assert
My Lord Supreme. ```Not enough to aim;
You have to strike.Not enough to aspire;
You have to realise.Not enough to start;
You have to reach.Not enough to have faith in God;
You have to know that GodHas faith in you.
```Many things I have received
For the asking.Many things I have lost
For want of asking.Many things I have said
Only to feed my ego.Many things I have not said
Only to hide my ignorance.Many things I have done
At the request of ignorance.Many things I have not done
Even at the express request of God Himself. ```Time waits for nobody;
Truth waits for everybody.Peace waits for earth;
Heaven waits for human love.God waits for man’s smile;
Man waits for God’s Assurance. ```I touched his feet
Only to be kicked.I struck his head
Only to be blessed.I breathed his heart
Only to be ridiculed.I braved his soul
Only to be embraced. ```Change!
Change!If not, you will suffer.
Change!You will prosper.
Brave, brave the old!
If not, you will die.Brave, brave the new!
You will fly. ```O patient,
Don’t be a rank fool!Don’t make the doctor
Your heir.O client,
Don’t be a rank fool!Don’t make the lawyer
Your heir.O dreamer,
Don’t be a rank fool!Don’t make the non-idealist
Your heir. ```He told me
The forgotten truth:I pray to God.
He told me
The undiscovered truth:God needs me.
He told me
The impossible secret:God fasts in the morning
Because I cannot affordTo eat Light in the morning.
He told me
The open secret:God starves in the evening
Because I have consumedAll His patience-food.
```“A great talker
Is a great liar.”I asked God
If this statement is true.God said, “No!
Son, every second I speakTo My countless children,
And I never tell a lie.”“A great saint
Can never be a liar.”I asked God
If this statement is true.God said, “No!
Son, your great saintHas convinced his mind
That he has surpassedMy creation, which is nothing
Other than Myself, in purity.Can anybody surpass Me in purity?
Son, what else is heIf not a liar?”
```Doubt came to him on horseback
And went away on foot.Faith came to him on foot
And went away on horseback.Hate came to him on foot
And went away on foot.Love came to him on horseback
And went away on horseback.Truth came to him dancing
And went away limping.God came to him running
And exhausted all His Energy.God is dead tired;
He needs a long rest.Therefore
For God, no return. ```He gains love
Who loses might-power.He gains peace
Who loses doubt-power.He gains bliss
Who loses calculation-power.He gains divinity
Who loses animal-power. ```My outer body, Earth,
Is a friend to everybody.My inner body, Heaven,
Is a friend to everybody.My divine faith, Confidence,
Is a friend to everybody.My highest Self, God,
Is a friend to everybody. ```The old forget
That they have an unpardonable past.The young do not know
That they have an insurmountable future.The old do not know
That God has decided to forgive them,Their sordid past.
Today, this very day.The young forget
That God is eager to help themSurmount the heights of their future.
Today, this very day. ```A new friend is not quite dependable.
A new enemy is quite forgivable.A new patient is a real problem-maker.
A new doctor is an immediate grave-digger.A new client learns the art of surrendering.
A new lawyer learns the art of losing.A new Heaven I shall create for God on earth.
A new earth God will create for me in Heaven. ```God is a good example.
Therefore,He needs no sermon.
I am a bad example.
Therefore,I carry long sermons with me.
God works.
He findsThat it is not necessary to speak.
I speak,
Ignoring the factThat I have to work.
```God said to me:
“Son, you deserve God-realisation todayAnd I am now granting it.”
Satan immediately said to God:
“No, not today, God.Tomorrow You may grant him realisation,
If You are so consumed with that desire.Tomorrow will be the best time,
I tell You, God.”God said to me:
“Son, of late I have not been pleased with you.Therefore, I want to delay your God-realisation.”
Satan immediately said to God:
“God, I tell You once and for allThat delaying will not satisfy You.
Please cancel Your promise, God, for God’s sake.I am telling You that if he is not ready by this time,
In spite of Your infinite Compassion,He will never be ready.
This is not only my unmistakable conviction,But also my immutable realisation.”
```A gold possessor
Is a welcome guest.A silver possessor
Is an acceptable guest.A man with no gold
And no silverIs an unwanted guest.
When I went to visit God,He asked me,
“Son, do you have gold with you?”Sorry.
No, Father.“I am so happy, son, that you do
Not have gold.Son, do you have silver with you?”
Sorry.No, Father.
“Son, I am so happy that you do
Not have silver.Son, what actually have you brought for Me?”
Father, unfortunately, nothing.“Son, you do have something for Me.
You have brought MeYour bold nothingness-pride.
Son, give Me your prideAnd I give you My All.”
```Doubt says to me:
“I want to be your advocate.When happiness tortures your heart,
I shall bravely defend your cause.”Faith says to me:
“I wish to be your advocate.When wild miseries torture your mind,
I shall unreservedly defend your cause.”God says to me:
“I shall be your advocate.When nothingness saddens your mind
And plenitude puzzles your heart,I shall immediately defend your cause.”
```Poets are privileged liars.
Without even seeing the truth,They tell the world
That they have realised the truth.Lovers are privileged liars.
After having realised the truthIn fullest measure,
They tell the worldThat they are doubtful about the existence of truth.
Seekers are privileged liars.
God repeatedly tells themThat He has His Omniscience, His Omnipotence
For them, only for them.They tell the world
That they desperately needWhat God outwardly has
AndWhat God inwardly is.
```By the servant’s submissiveness,
The master is known.By the lover’s oneness,
The beloved is known.By the wife’s unhappiness,
The husband is known.By the disciple’s aspiration,
The Guru is known.By man’s perfection,
God is known. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,The Dance of Life, part 12, Aum Press, Puerto Rico, 1973
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