The Dance of Life, part 3

101. Ticket


Realisation is the one-way ticket

From the man-station

To the God-junction.

Manifestation is the round-trip ticket.

Aspiration is the money-power

That buys the ticket.

Surrender divine needs no ticket,

No money-power.

It has what it needs:

The Compassion-Feet

Of the Lord Supreme.


102. Why are you sensitive?


You are sensitive to noise


You have not invented

The Atom Bomb


The Hydrogen Bomb.

You are sensitive to noise


The outer world’s vast achievement is determined


To touch your feet.

You are sensitive to noise


God the Player divine,

God the Singer eternal,

God the Dancer immortal,

Has not claimed you in Heaven

As His partner on earth.


103. Above and beyond


Above the ignorance of birth and death he is.

Above destruction-night he is.

Beyond the world of suspicion his life of integrity is.

Beyond question his miracle-faith is.

Above all earth-awards he is.

Above all Heaven-rewards he is.

Beyond the universal insecurity he is.

He embodies Eternity’s Cry.

He reveals Infinity’s Smile.

He manifests Immortality’s Life.

Earth loves his heart of dedication.

Heaven adores his feet of protection. ```

104. Dependent and independent


My outer poverty follows

In the train of luxury.

My inner poverty follows

In the train of desire.

I know two things:

My helpless hope is dependent on all.

My ageless faith is independent of all.


105. Complete transformation-change


There is only one serious danger,

And that danger is doubt.

My Inner Pilot warned me of that danger.

There is only one serious temptation,

And that temptation is supremacy.

My Inner Pilot warned me against this temptation.

There is only one dark death,

And that death is fear.

There is only one true life,

And that life is love:

Love of the soul for the body’s

Complete transformation-change. ```

106. The achievement of non-possession


When he was a man of non-possession,

He became the marvellous blend

Of love and action.

His religion was not noisy,

His philosophy was not showy.

He advanced and achieved,

He achieved and advanced.

He knew that he was a descendent of God.

He knew that he was on a footing of equality with God.

Heaven gave him Heaven’s possession:


Earth gave him earth’s possession:



107. Our many selves


We see

Only what we are.

We are

Our skin-deep selves.

We are

Our dissatisfied million selves.

We are

Our eyeless emotion-selves.

We are

Our helpless frustration-selves.

We are

Reaping the full harvest of our forgotten selves. ```

108. I depend


When I am in the mind,

I depend on doubt and fear.

When I am in the vital,

I depend on aggression and regression.

When I am in the body,

I depend on hopelessness and helplessness.

When I am in the heart,

I depend on insecurity and uncertainty.

When I am in the soul,

I depend on love and joy.

When I am in God,

I depend on His Forgiveness and Assurance. ```

109. He is a descendant of God


He is a descendant of Satan,

Therefore he is ignorant of love-light.

He is a descendant of Man,

Therefore he is ignorant of gratitude-might.

He is a descendant of God,

Therefore he is ignorant of ignorance-night. ```

110. My Inner Pilot discourages me


In the morning

My Inner Pilot

Discourages me from bitter complaining.

In the afternoon

My Inner Pilot

Discourages me from constant competing.

In the evening

My Inner Pilot

Discourages me from useless brooding.

At night

My Inner Pilot

Discourages me from fruitless dreaming.


111. My life alternates with God


My day alternates with night

My fear alternates with strength

My doubt alternates with certainty

My love alternates with hatred

My defeat alternates with victory

I alternate with God

My soul alternates with God the Dream

My heart alternates with God the Lover

My life alternates with God the Player.


112. I have done


O Lord, You are requesting me

To offer You an iota of love.

Hard is it to accede to Your request,

But I shall try.

O Lord, You want me to give You

My pleasure-life and take from You

Your Joy-Life in return.

Hard is it to consent to Your terms,

But I shall try.

O Lord, You propose that I represent

You on earth.

Easy, mighty easy, to consent to Your liberal proposal.

And I am doing it.

Lo, I have done it!


113. O sweet ones


O Sweet Lord,

Forget me not

In my wanderings far and wide.

O sweet Heaven,

Ignore not

The outpouring of my heart.

O sweet earth,

Underestimate not

The eternal voyager in me.

Lord, we two are one.

Heaven, we are of each other’s Dream-boat.

Earth, we are for each other’s Reality-shore.


114. Clarion call


My eternal children sweet,

Hearken to my clarion call:

No fall there is, no fall,

Just quit, ignorance, quit. ```

115. I look


I look within and see

My Lord’s Nectar-Delight.

I look without and see

The face of destruction-night.

I look forward and see

The golden dance of life.

I look backward and see

The smile of a naked knife. ```

116. Slowly


Slowly my heart ascends

To kindle the flame of love divine.

Slowly my heart descends

To plumb the life of beauty’s mine.

Slowly my heart transforms

The ceaseless pride of ignorance-night.

Slowly my heart fulfils

The Golden Hour of God-Delight. ```

117. Not now


My light shall flood the world.

Not now, not now, not now!

My will shall feed the world.

Not now, not now, not now!

My smile shall lift the world.

Not now, not now, not now!

My boat shall sail the world.

Not now, not now, not now!

My light, my will, my smile,

My boat, shall change the face

Of earth and inspire the world

To win the Godward Race. ```

118. I know and I know not


I love the world;

I know not why and how.

The world loves me;

I know not why and how.

I love my Lord;

Oh, I know why and how.

My Lord loves me;

Oh, I know why and how.

Two strangers, the world and I.

O world, where are we, where?

Two friends, my Lord and I.

Here we are, eternally here. ```

119. I see


In the beams of the moon

I see my beauty’s face.

In the rays of the sun

I see my duty’s race.

In the flames of the sky

I see my oneness divine,

I feel my oneness immortal

With my Pilot’s Nectar-Embrace. ```

120. My life is transcending


From the blue of the sky

My soul began its descending flight.

In the black of my body

My life is sleeping and sleeping.

In the green of my vital

My life is struggling and struggling.

In the red of my mind

My life is searching and searching.

In the white of my heart

My life is becoming and becoming.

In the gold of my soul

My life is transcending and transcending. ```

121. The banner


In the core of the hoary past

There lived a Master

Of loftiest magnitude.

He believed in his disciples’

Constant and striking promises.

Therefore he was entitled

To hoist the Banner of Transcendental Pride.

Alas, there the story ended not.

Sorrowfully and helplessly

He watched his disciples’

Hopeless achievements.

Therefore he was doomed

To hold the flag of permanent failure. ```

122. She speaks


Softly she speaks;

Therefore she is kind.

Slowly she speaks;

Therefore she is confident.

Soulfully she speaks;

Therefore she is divine.

Compassionately she speaks;

Therefore she is immortal.

Unconditionally she speaks;

Therefore she alone is indispensable. ```

123. When I meditate


When I meditate on God,

My world becomes the sunshine

Of Immortality’s Birth.

When I meditate on mankind,

My world becomes the thick clouds

Of uncertainty’s life.

When I meditate on my puny “I”,

My world becomes the destined dance

Of blind destruction-flood.


124. God feels


God feels good

When you embody

The life of sincerity.

God feels great

When you embody

The breath of purity.

God feels proud

When you embody

The soul of humility.

God feels victorious

When you embody

The role of His Duty.


125. I fly


I fly on the wings of morning

To see in Heaven God’s Beauty.

I fly on the wings of noon

To see on earth God’s Power.

I fly on the wings of evening

To feel in my heart God’s Silence.

I fly on the wings of night

To feel in my soul God’s Bliss. ```

126. When I blow the trumpet


When I blow the trumpet of the sky,

God smiles at me.

When I blow the trumpet of the earth,

God shakes hands with me.

When I blow the trumpet of ego-life,

God devours my pride.

When I blow the trumpet of God’s Silence,

God embraces my height. ```

127. Your gifts for the world


Your tongue filled with venom-praise

For the world.

Your heart filled with deathless hatred

For the world.

Your mind filled with lifeless love

For the world.

Your vital filled with elephant-madness

For the world.

Your body filled with ignorance-dream

For the world.

Your life filled with uncertainty-sea

For the world.

Your soul filled with indifference-sky

For the world. ```

128. I become


Slowly and steadily

With silver tears

I see the Head of God.

Lovingly and silently

With gold tears

I breathe the Heart of God.

Constantly and unconditionally

With diamond tears

I become the Feet of God.


129. His life


His life of aspiration

Buys and buys

Expensive will-flames divine.

His life of desire

Sells and sells

Explosive vital human thoughts.

In his life of ascent

He is

An unchallenged capacity.

In his life of descent

He is

Poorer than the poorest stability.


130. What I am


Ability is my soul

Stability is my heart

Reality is my Goal

Necessity is my Lord

Infinity is my smile

Eternity is my cry

Divinity is my face

Immortality is my race. ```

131. He wants he needs


Freedom of religion,

He wants.

Freedom of church,

He needs.

Freedom of bondage,

He wants.

Freedom of ignorance,

He needs.

Freedom of life,

He wants.

Freedom of silence,

He needs. ```

132. Yet you are fond of me


God, I am absent-minded;

Yet You are fond of me.

God, I am negligent;

Yet You are fond of me.

God, I am insecure;

Yet You are fond of me.

God, I am impure;

Yet You are fond of me.

God, why are You so fond of me?

“My child, I am fond of you,


You try,


You cry.” ```

133. He thinks, he feels, he knows


His vital thinks

To live with God the disciplinarian

Is ridiculous.

His mind thinks

To live with God the simpleton

Is ridiculous.

His body thinks

To live with God the inconsiderate

Is ridiculous.

His heart feels

To live without God the Beloved

Is ridiculous.

His soul knows

To live without God the Lover

Is ridiculous.


134. None


None will try for me

When I try.

None will cry with me

When I fail.

None will sigh over me

When I am doomed.

None will think of me

When I am gone. ```

135. The stories of his lives


He started his pilgrim-life

With implicit faith in man.

He ends his pilgrim-life

With a frustration-mountain.

He started his vagabond-life

With no faith in God.

He ends his vagabond-life

With God’s Face in his heart

And God’s Heart in his eyes.


136. When I do


When I do

One thing at a time,

I am successful.

When I do

Two things at a time,

I am doubtful.

When I do

Three things at a time,

I am fearful.

When I do

Four things at a time,

God smiles at me.

When I do

Five things at a time,

God cries with me.

When I do

Six things at a time,

God dies with me.

When I do

Seven things at a time,

God does them all for me.


137. The strangers


His deeds

Are strangers to deception.

His words

Are strangers to truth.

His life

Is a stranger to success.

His death

Is a stranger to hope. ```

138. Secretly and openly


Secretly he borrows from God

His Illumination-flood.

Openly he lends an iota to mankind

With an exorbitant interest.

Secretly he learns free from God

His infinite Songs of Oneness supreme.

Openly he teaches only one to mankind

For an unsurpassable fee. ```

139. He spoke


He spoke to his past.

Alas, he is clothed

In soulless tears

And lifeless sighs.

He spoke to his present.

Alas, he is clothed

In brooding fears

And teeming doubts.

He spoke to his future.

Alas, he is clothed

In a visionless soul

And a missionless goal. ```

140. The liberal


Liberal was he then

In constant advice.

Liberal is he now

In continuous promise.

Liberal will he be

In ceaseless self-giving.

His advice: Be divine.

His promise: You I shall make divine.

His self-giving: Lo, you are divine!


141. All are unselfish


Doubt shares its capacity

With the mind.

Therefore, unselfish is doubt.

Arrogance shares its capacity

With the vital.

Therefore, unselfish is arrogance.

Lethargy shares its capacity

With the body.

Therefore, unselfish is lethargy.

Insecurity shares its capacity

With the heart.

Therefore, unselfish is insecurity.

Uncertainty shares its capacity

With the soul.

Therefore, unselfish is uncertainty.

Man shares his ignorance-capacity

With God.

Therefore, unselfish is man.


142. Two birthdays


I count my age

From two different years.

To celebrate my human life,

I count my age

Right from 1931.

To celebrate my life divine,

I count my age

Only from 1944.


143. A seeker's three birthdays


Each seeker can count his age

From three different dates:

The day he saw the light of day,

The day he sat at his Master’s feet,

The day he became the Heart

Of the Pilot Supreme. ```

144. Be Thou


Be Thou my body

That I may wake.

Be Thou my vital

That I may run.

Be Thou my mind

That I may fly.

Be Thou my heart

That I may dive.

Be Thou my soul

That I may reveal.

Be Thou my goal

That I may fulfil.

Be Thou my all

That I may only be Yours. ```

145. I entered


I entered

Into the sombre care of human thought.

Nothing there was.

I entered

Into the illumined Palace of Thought divine.

Something there was.

I entered

Into the conditionally surrendered

Soul of human life.

There I saw God smiling.

I entered

Into the unconditionally surrendered

Soul of Life divine.

There I saw God becoming. ```

146. What do the teachers teach?


Death’s lifeless night I was.

Life’s endless day I am.

God’s ceaseless Bliss I shall be.

Night taught me how to sigh.

Day teaches me how to try.

Bliss shall teach me how to cry.

I taught night how to surrender.

I teach day how to endeavour.

I shall teach Bliss how to devour.


147. O my poor loneliness


O my poor loneliness,

You live in thought’s wilderness.

O my poor loneliness,

Your wings are clipped.

O my poor loneliness,

How long must you cherish

The cave of tenebrous night?

O my poor loneliness,

Why do you stay

With the lifeless body of destruction-night?

O my poor loneliness,

The tallest pavilion of Heaven,

The Golden Radiance of Eternity,

Are cancelling the fate of your death

And immortalising the transformed face of your life.


148. My three possessions


When I pray,

My inspiration owns

The fount of eternal Peace.

When I meditate,

My aspiration owns

The fount of immortal Light.

When I dedicate,

My realisation owns

The fount of supreme Bliss.


149. Mutual love


I adore God

For what He has:

Yesterday’s Promise,

Today’s Assurance,

Tomorrow’s Gift.

God loves me

For what I am:





150. He died in his life-car


He died

In his life-car

When his mind was in high,

His body in neutral.

He died

In his life-car

When his vision-race was in high,

His reality-face in neutral.

He died

In his life-car

When his elephant-confidence was in high,

His rabbit-capacity in neutral. ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,The Dance of Life, part 3, Aum Press, Puerto Rico, 1973
Sourced from