Abraham Lincoln, born February 12, 1809


Born under no lucky star,

But dynamic in his dreams

He fought his way to Luck:

“From log cabin to White House.”

No soul on earth supreme over another —

Equality every man’s birthright and treasure —

Black and white, brown and red

Make no difference —

This nation cannot exist half-slave, half-free —

From his voice these bold truths rang out.

He had the gift to dream of union,

The courage and capacity

To fight, the confidence to win,

The patience that knew no flagging.

Faith in God’s Justice was his stamina,

Faith in God was his might.

Natural the affinity of vision-luminous souls,

So Emerson could say of Lincoln:

”His heart was as great as the world,

But there was no room in it to hold a wrong.”

”Force is all-conquering,

But its victories are short-lived.”

Love is all-conquering,

And its victories live on forever.

What is really important?

Are we God's or is God ours?

The idealist in Lincoln reveals:

“We trust, Sir, that God is on our side.

It is more important to know

That we are on God’s side.” ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,Discoverers of Light, AUM Press, 1972
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/dsl