Question: We have all felt delight when we meditate with you. What is the best way for us to spread delight to others around us?
Sri Chinmoy: The best way is through inner communication. If you have meditated with me and you have achieved and received some delight, then afterwards if you see someone, do not talk to him about it. If you tell him about this divine quality, his mind will come forward and you will only be rejected. Also, if you talk about it, your own mind may lose its divinity because the mind is constantly suspecting. Only with the greatest difficulty can we illumine the mind. So please concentrate on the other person’s heart and feel that inside his heart is a big hole or that his heart itself is a hole. Try to put the delight and the other divine qualities that you have received from the Supreme in me into the hearts of those who are around you. Try to spread delight inwardly, in silence. If you do it in silence, it will be most effective.
From:Sri Chinmoy,At the doors of time and delight opportunity knocks, Agni Press, 1974
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