Lord of my life, Friend of my heart

O sweet beloved Lord of my life, O great and good Friend of my heart, I know, I know that to love You is to be found doing something for You. Since I am not to be found doing something for You, that means I do not truly love You.

O beloved Lord Supreme, I know, I know to serve You is to be found doing something for You. Alas, alas, since I am not found doing something for you, that means that I am not serving You.

O sweet Lord, I know, I know to think of You, to meditate on You, is to be found doing something for You. Alas, alas, since I am not found doing something for You, that means I do not think of You, I do not meditate on You.

O sweet Lord, to tell my inner world that I need You is to be found doing something for You, to tell the outer world that it needs You desperately, as I need You, is to be found doing something for You as God the creation. But alas, since I am found neither in the inner world doing something for You, nor in the outer world doing something for You, that means I do not need You; I am bound only to please myself in my own way.

But my soul’s solemn promise was to please You and fulfil You in Your Way. To please You and fulfil You in Your own Way is not always to remain in the world of theory but to become practicality itself — the practicality of the reality that You want and need. It is in my practicality that You can manifest what You have for me, for humanity, and what You are to me and to humanity. What You have is Your inner creation-Light for me and for the entire humanity; and what You are is a conscious, constant and inseparable oneness-cry in the inner world and oneness-smile in the outer world for me and for humanity.

EA 77. 18 July 1977, 8:20 p.m. — Sri Chinmoy Centre, Norwalk, Connecticut.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Everest-Aspiration, part 4, Agni Press, 1977
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ea_4