Question: You said I must keep divine thoughts in my mind, not undivine thoughts. How do I know which are divine thoughts?

Sri Chinmoy: When we have divine thoughts, we immediately expand and enlarge our consciousness. When we have evil or undivine thoughts, we bind ourselves. We bind everything, we try to possess everything. “I, my, mine, my family, my friends, my country” -- there it is all human. But when it is all divine, immediately we say, “we”. Then, for the first time we will use the term “we”. We may ask where this feeling of Oneness with humanity is coming from. It is coming from the source which is Light. So, each moment when you get a thought, try to see whether that particular thought is expanding your consciousness or binding you. Please try to observe any idea that enters your mind and see if it is expanding your consciousness or if it is binding you. When a thought comes, immediately please try to enter into the thought and see if it is instigating you to possess something or someone. Then if this is so, you will see that it is human thought. When you try to possess someone, you have to know that you are already possessed. But, if it is a divine thought, there you are not going to possess anybody. You are not going to be possessed by anybody. You are going to liberate and illumine the entire world.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Earth’s Cry Meets Heaven’s Smile, part 2, Aum Press, Puerto Rico, 1974
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