Jiban moder dhudhu maruNahe kabhu nahe
Ke amare kahe amaiKe amare kahe
Sakal asha purna habeSamarpaner bale
Bhakti bhare thakbo jakhanTomar charan tale
Jyotir akashe animesh chiteUrite janani chahi
Khudra amire nashibo ajikeTaba jaya giti gahi
Ogo amar shathek jugerHiya tarir neye
Tushta habo kebal amiTomar giti geye
Bhore sanjhe tumi dayalAsim dayal
Thakbo ami tomar kriparNitya kangal
Jiban samare amare daniteKaro aji barabhoy
Keno kari bhoy nishar manaseKeno kari hai bhoy
Satranga rabi eso eso praneSatranga rabi
Tomar majhare dekhite chahigoDur amarar chhabi
O seven-hued sun,O seven-hued sun,
Do enter into my aspiration-heart.In you I want to watch high Heaven’s
Prototype-panorama. ``````
Shunbo shudhu prabhuTomar katha
Rekhe dure manerBachalata
My Lord, I shall alwaysListen to You,
Keeping aside, far off,My mind’s mad instincts.
Tomare hanite asi nai amiPrabhu ei dharanite
Esechi dharai tomare tushiteAmar amire danite
Eso eso eso mane eso praneEso dehe aji
Niye chalo tomar jyotir hiyar desheOgo hiya majhi
Asha bina jiban kusumPhutbena go phutbena
Asha bina jiban trishaMithbena go mithbena
Bhasi ami ashru nireMukti pabo sudha tire
Dure chale jao dure chale jaoHe mor khudra ami
Parame pujite parame tushiteNahi jena kabhu thami
O my little ego-‘i’, be off!Be off!
I must never stop worshippingAnd satisfying my Lord Supreme.
Amar sakal chinta kataTomar paye rakhbo
Puta chite dibanishiTomai ami dakbo
Jete habe dure dure bahu dureGeye taba jaya giti madhu sure
Khudra chaowa churna kareMahat chaowa dao
Bandhan hara alor desheAmai niye jao
Shanti pete tripti diteDharar buke esechi
Tomai diye amar sakalKhudra chaowa hesechi
I came into the heart of the worldTo have peace
And give satisfaction to all.Now I am smiling after I have given
All my small desires to You. ``````
Tomai peye kandi tomai diye hasiTomar paye shudhu jagat bhalobasi
Hiya pure chalte geleLagbe akuti
Prabhur sathe balte kothaLagbe bhakati
Asha bichi mala chahigo jibaneShudhu asha bichi mala
Balo balo ogo ke karibe morHiyar pantha ala
Antar krandan shesh halo ajTai mor paridhane bijayer saj
Gabhir nishai ghure beraiAmi kanna deshe
Tabu mago dhanya halemTomai bhalobese
Paran bhare daki tomaiPaina tabu sara
Taito ami bhitar bahirMago sarba hara
Thai peyechi thai peyechiTomar pada tale
Mukti ami pabo janiTomar kripa bale
Akash pathe chitta amar urbeBandhan hara jiban khani dharbe
Tomare chariya jaite diyonaPrabhu
E minati mor jeyona bhuliyaKabhu
My Lord Supreme,Do not allow me to leave You
And go away.Please never forget
This prayerful desire of mine. ``````
Bhakti ami chahi kebalBhakti kebal bhakti
Bhakti majhe biraj kareAmaratar shakti
Ahamikar anta nai goAnta nai
Bishwa prabhur pabona goCharan thai
Aghat kare jai je chaleBishwa basi
Habo ebar mahi taleMan udashi
The world citizens strike me hardAnd go away.
This time, I shall beSelf-oblivion-indifference-mind
To the whole world. ``````
Maner katha praner byethaBalbo kare balbo
Kahar alor mukti patheChalbo ami chalbo
Asha bina jiban amarHabe dhudhu maru
Taito ami ashar satheJiban kari suru
Bhor habe jani naba arunimaNaba jibaner bhor
Rahibena kabhu bhitar bahirMalin tamasa ghor
Hiya tari beye ajiAsim deshe jabo
Sethai ami param majhirDekha jani pabo
Nahi bhoy antare nahi bhoy mane praneNahi bhoy dehe mor
Ache shudhu nirabata bishalata muktirBichi mala sudha bhor
Seba tomai karte prabhuEsechi ei dharate
Tomar bijoy gaite gitiBirat bishwa sabhate
Bhitare nayak bahire palakHe mor param prabhu
Jeneo ekata keno je tomaiHani go bidhata tabu
Kusum sama phutechi ajAmar hiyar kanane
Dekhte amai pabena goMaya moher bandhane
Nimne dharanirGati durbar
Thamao thamaoPrananath avatar
Below is the indomitableIgnorance-current.
O Avatar, Lord Supreme of my life,Do stop and silence it.
Kendechi kendechiKandibona ar
Taba pada taleMama premahar
Tomare tushite sabakar satheHiya pure ami jabo
Tomare pujiya tomare tushiyaParamananda pabo
Ar katokal karbo laraiManer sathe
Ei kathati sudhai amiBishwanathe
How long do I have to continueFighting with my mind?
This is the question that I am askingThe Lord of the Universe.
Amar katha bhabe jara kebalKaro tader hriday khani dhabal
Sandhane kar nil akasheGhure berai
Dekha pele ami jenaAmai harai
I do not know in search of whomI am roaming in the blue sky.
I must lose my raison d’etreThe moment I envision Him.
Swapan sathi eso phireHiya gabhire
Tomar kripai dekhte paboMukta rabire
Jegechi aj nabin usharMukti dake
Pelam ami apan kareBishwa make
Today a new liberation-dawnHas awakened me.
Therefore, today I can claimThe World-Mother as my own,
Very own. ``````
Kare rakhi dureKare rakhi kache janina
Jani shudhu haiParam pitare manina
Some I keep far away,While others I keep very close.
I do not know why.Alas, I only know that I do not obey
My Father Lord Supreme. ``````
Mor jibaner sakal ashaHalo aji churna
Chaowar khudha chale geloTaito ami purna
Jeyona chhariya chhariyaChhariya Chhariya
Taba pade rakho mariyaMariya mariya
Leaving me, do not go away.Striking me hard, very hard,
Keep me at Your Feet. ``````
Leaving me, do not go away.Striking me hard, very hard,
Keep me at Your Feet. ``````
Tomar kripa karbo adaiTomar charan dhariya
Shanti plaban pabo kebalTomar paye mariya
Touching Your Feet,I shall collect Your Compassion.
A flood of peace I shall getOnly when I die at Your Feet.
Apad bipad asle janiPabo adhik barabhoy
Ahoytuki ashish tabaEi je amar parichoy
Eso eso adinath mahadevDao more muktir sandhan
Animeshe dake moreAmarar ajanar abhijan
O great Shiva,Ancient Lord Supreme,
Do show me the way to liberation.Sleeplessly, the journey immortal
And unknownBeckons me.
Tripti kebal pabo janiAtma tyager bale
Purnatare karbo apanJiban homanale
Badhar bandhan karbo binashEi je amar pan
Tomar hiyar phul kananePhutbo anukkhan
I shall destroy all obstruction-bondages.Indeed, this is my solemn promise.
Sleeplessly I shall blossom in Your Heart-Garden. ``````
Taba seba lagi ami hate chahiAti subishal adhar
Dekha pete chahi tomar kripaiTomar shanti sudhar
Amare bandhiya rekhechi tomarCharana kamala tale
He param pita amare chhariyaJeyona jeyona chale
My Lord, I have bound myselfAt Your Lotus-Feet.
O my Absolute Lord Supreme,Do not go away leaving me alone.
Haste chahi haste chahiPhuler mato
Tomar hiyai phutte chai maAbirato
Like a flower,I want to smile, I want to smile.
Mother, sleeplessly I want to bloomAnd blossom inside Your Heart.
Basanare chhere jete habe dureJani ami ei katha
Bhitar jibane bahir jibaneChahi jadi nirabata
Peyechi ajike muktir sandhanNahi nahi aj maya mamatar tan
Se eki bhul kari ami barebarNai je anta prabhu amar hatashar
Shesh habe aj amar chaowar kahiniEk nimeshe jog dibago oishi sena bahini
```Chokher jale khunjechi
Hiyar jale pujechiBhakti bale bendhechi
Tyager bale peyechi```
I have searched for YouWith the tears of my eyes.
I have worshipped YouWith the tears of my heart.
I have bound YouWith my devotion-strength.
I have achieved YouWith my sacrifice-strength.
Nutan juger nutan ushar bhareRekhechi amare bishwa janani krore
Dwarpa amar tuchha dwarpaAj karecho churna
Amar jiban bhitar bahirKarte mago purna
Balite parina chalite parinaBina taba barabhoy
Pratidane mago eshana kebalJoy hok taba joy
I cannot speak, I cannot walkWithout Your Compassion.
In return, Mother Divine,My only aspiration is to sing
Your Victory-Song. ```Deshe deshe ghure berai
Diye hiyar pritiDeshe deshe gahi tomar
Amar bijoy giti```
My Lord,From country to country I roam,
Offering my heart’s love.I sing Your Victory-Song
Wherever I go. ``````
Nijer katha bhabi kebalDibanishi
Taito heri andhar nishaDasha dishi
Laho amar maner byethaPraner byetha deher byetha
Dao go prabhu aji moreShanti jyoti nirabata
Tumi pita tumi mitaTumi sabar prabhu
Aghat hani parashpareMora keno tabu
Everybody’s Father You are,Friend You are, Lord You are.
Alas, why do we allow ourselvesTo resort to ruthless fighting?
Bhitare bahire charidhare shudhuBasana moher jal
Ogo kandari dharo dharo morJiban tarir hal
Within and without, all around me,Is the net of desire-attachment.
O World-Pilot,Do sail my life-boat, sail.
Bhalo lage tomar nayanBhalo lage tomar charan
Bhalo lage tomar bachanBhalo lage tomar shasan
Bhalo lage prabhuBaroi anurage bhalo lage
Bhakati bhare chahigoTomare bandhite
Tomare tushite dao goShakati kandite
He param pita charan tomarBandana kare jabo
Tomare tushile tomar lagiyaParamananda pabo
O my Lord Father Supreme,I shall go on and go on
Worshipping Your Feet.If I satisfy You for Your own Fulfilment,
I shall receive Bliss Supreme. ``````
Shanti gabhir jiban jadiTomar shudhu chaowa
Raje jeno charidhareAtmatyager haowa
Asha kusum phuto namo jibaneBenche achi barai nithur bedane
Ke amare dakche aji ai ai ai aiKe amare jog dite kor bishwa sabhai
Atmatyagi na hale jeChalbena go chalbena
Diye jabe animesheBalbena go balbena
Bahu barasher chinta bhabonaChale gelo aji dure
Gahite paribo prabhu jaya gitiAtibo madhura sure
Kothai amar swapan tariKothai amar swapan majhi
Kothai amar puta hiyarNitya nutan kusum saji
O, where is my dream-boat,Where is my dream-boatman?
O, where is my purity-heart’sEver-new flower-casket?
Juddha karbo maner satheNitya juddha
Jayi haye hate habeParam buddha
Hriday pure jete habeHabo twara toiri
Sabai sethai param apanNai je keha boiri
Rakhbo dure bahu dureManer chapalata
Ami habo amar hiyarSudha nirabata
Dharo amar jiban khaniMago ebar dharo
Bahu diner ashru hridayApan ebar karo
Nahi heri hriday kusumNahi heri manas bhor
Heri kebal kurup pranerBiphalatar andhar ghor
Bedanar sur shuni dibanishiAnanda dekha nai
Pabe ki go hai hriday amarPrabhur charane thai
Amar katha sabar kathaBhabi kebal bhabi
Prabhur hiyar khulte duarTaito na pai chabi
I think only of myself,And I also think of the rest of the world
All the time.Therefore, I do not receive the key
To open upMy Lord Supreme’s Heart-Door.
Eso eso prabhu hridaya majhareBarek dekhati dao
Hriday maner praner deherMalinata niye jao
O Lord Supreme,Do come and enter into my heart.
Only once appear before me.Do take away the impurities
Of my body, vital, mind and heart. ``````
Jibane jhare pujileMarane keno bhulile
Jibane hiya sanpileMarane keno bhulile
Jibane kripa labhileMarane keno bhulile
Jibane khama chahileMarane keno bhulile
Jibane jibane jibane ``````
Nayan khule dekhi jakhanDekhi sabiy bhul
Hriday khule heri jakhanHeri jiban kul
Opening my eyes,When I look at the world,
I see everything wrong.Opening my heart,
When I look at the world,I see my life's destination-shore.
Eso eso eso mamaJiban rather sarathi
Phulla chite diye amaiKarbo tomar arati
Bhul kari dibaratiBhul kari
Prabhu pada kabhu haiNahi dhari
Day and night I make mistakes,Yet I never touch my Lord’s
Forgiveness-Feet. ``````
Urdhe akashe nimne bataseGahi taba jaya giti
Tumi je amai diyecho bidhataSabare danite priti
High in the skies,Below in the ether,
Your Victory-Songs I sing.My Lord, You have blessingfully
Granted me the capacityTo love all the world citizens.
Chalte habe ashar patheDibarati
Ei jibane phutbe janiOishi bhati
Tomai ami aghat haniAharaha
Amar bojha hasi mukheTabu baha
Niye jao more jetha nai magoGhor sandeha chor
Sethai phutibe jibane amarSwarger dyuti bhor
Mother, do take me there,Where the dark doubt-thief
Is not to be found.There, the Light of Heaven’s
All-clearing DawnWill blossom in my heart.
Namer jasher kangal baleTaito labhi bhyatha
Dure dure bahu dureShanti nirabata
Kalpana nahe kalpana naheKalpana nahe mor
Amare diyeche parameshwarBishwa premer dor
My imagination, my imagination,My imagination — no, no, no!
My Lord Supreme has blessed meWith the love-string
To bind the whole world. ``````
Dharar bedan karte bahanDharai esechi
Pratham byethai dharar sabiyBhalobesechi
Maner nishar prabhat kabeHabe janina
Na jani hai pran gabhireKeno kandina
```Tomare pujite tomare tushite
Shakati amare diyechoAmar andhar khudra amire
Apanar kare niyecho```
My Lord, to worship You,To satisfy You,
You have given me the capacity.You have taken my
Ignorance-flooded little ‘i’As Your own, very own.
Tomar seba karte amarBarai lage bhalo
Tomar seba niye jai maManer sakal kalo
Mukti dite dako amaiHiya kanane
Keno tabu rakhi jibanMoher bandhane
Tomar kripa tomar snehaAmulya je jani
Peye tader nitya kenoTabu tomai hani
Haibe ajike amar sakalBasanar abasan
Bishwa bidhata danibe amaiAnanda aphuran
Today my desire-lifeWill come to an end.
The Lord of the UniverseWill give me the Delight infinite.
Jatoi bhabi amai mahanHoi je tatoi khudra
Aro ami hoi je janiNicha jati surjya
Asim khudha dao go prabhuAsimatar lagi
Puta karo malin manasKaro anuragi
Dure dure bahu dureKuchinta ban aji
Taito amai dilo dekhaHiya tarir majhi
Jani ami nai je samoiPrabhur kripa pete
Tabu keno abahelaPrabhur kache jete
Shanti bina sakal kichuRaje amar antare
Chokher jale chali amiPrabhur pane manthare
Maner kali ma niye jaoPrabhu maner kali ma
Pratiti nimeshe gahite tomarGarima mahima
Bahu barasher moher bandhanBhangiya phelechi ajike
Paramanande pranati janaiHiya taranir majhike
Bhalo lage morTaba pada dhuli pujite
Bhalo lage morSwarupe amar khunjite
Amar sakal badhar bandhanBhangite dao go shakati
Pujite tomai animeshe prabhuDao go amare bhakati
Eso eso param pitaHiya pure eso
Asan pete rekhechi jeEse aji baso
My Lord Supreme,Come, come today.
I have reserved a special seat for You.Please come and take Your seat.
Taba charaner ashish bihanBritha e jiban jabe
Bishade magna bandha hridayDekhite sakale pabe
Bandhan hara mukta halem muktaTomar paye jiban kare jukta
Chapala paran prashanta habeAchi ei barashai
Ananda sudha pabo ami janiNirabata anginai
Chinta srote bhese chaliDibanishi
Andhar malin heri kebalDashadishi
Jabo phire jabo phireHiya pure
Prabhur jayer gaibo gitiMadhur sure
I shall return, I shall returnTo my heart-citadel.
Sweetly and soulfullyI shall sing the Victory-Songs
Of my Lord Supreme. ``````
Bhitar bahir tibra ashaEi je amar parichoy
Jiban rane habo jayiSathe prabhu barabhoy
Swarga rohi hate chahaKothai tomar artanad
Keno tabu ajo karoDharar jiber apabad
Sadhan bhajan ar aradhanKothai gelo chale
Pabo ki hai kisroy abanPrabhu charan tale
Amaran kari jenaTaba aradhan
He bidhata ei morShudhu abedan
Je dekheche bhitar atmarTar habe je rupantar
Se pabe je bishwa prabhurBishesh kripa nirantar
Tumi amai baso bhaloEi tuku dao abhash
Jiban amar hoi jena goTomar kripar abas
If You love me,Just give me a little sign.
Just hint to me that You love me.May my life become the abode
Of Your Compassion. ``````
Sab habe thik thakBasanare dure rakh
Shantir dekha pabiOre boka jetha jabi
Just keep your desire-life far away.Everything will be all right.
O fool, no matter where you go,Peace will come and stand before you.
Ghasher mato matha amarRakhbo kare nato
Tushta ami rakhbo tomaiMago abirato
Hatat aji tripti peloHiyar pipasa
Dure dure bahu durePraner hatasha
Ei tuku tuktakMagi taba prabhu sneha
Aji moro ek karoHiya man pran deha
Just a slight wee affectionI beg of You.
Do make my heart,Mind, vital and body
One, inseparably one. ``````
Sucharu aj bhitar amarBahir amar
Taito halem bishwa mayerBishesh andhar
Chulbul chanchalEi deha pran man
Khama karo kripa karoPrabhu ei nibedan
Sandeha man tomare bhangiyaKaribo ajike churmar
Shanti labhibo bhitare bahirePratiti nimeshe amarar
Nitya nutan maner pranerChechamechi
Nahi jani keman kareBenche achi
The mind and the vitalAre constantly quarrelling, fighting,
Wrangling and screaming.I do not know how I am still alive
In between the two. ``````
Dibanishi kari amiParamer chintan
Tai dure bahu dureMaya moha nartan
Param pitar charam mitarKaruna plaban chiti
Khule dilo aji bahu jibanerSupta baddha diti
I have received a Compassion-flooded letterFrom my Absolute Lord Supreme
And my Absolute Friend.The vision-eye that has been dormant for aeons,
Today is open. ``````
Dhurta jiban hale ogoChalbena go chalbena
Tomar sathe prabhu kathaBalbena go balbena
Dibanishi prabhur payeKarbo ami krira
Chale jabe amar manerSakal jatil pira
Day and night I shall playWith my Lord Supreme.
Then all my serious mentalAnd vital ailments
Will disappear. ``````
Chupe chupe pujbo tomaiAmar hiya kandare
Tumi amai niye jabeTomar sudha bandare
Jagat guru param guruAmar guru
Mukti pelam tomar kripaiDuru duru
O my Guru,O Guru of the whole world
By your delicate, tingling touchToday I have got my liberation.
Jaruri kaj karbo shudhuJaruri kaj jaruri
Pete habe bishwa mayerKripa plaban madhuri
Sab aparadh kariyacho khamaSab aparadh mor
Tai jani mago phutibe jibaneTaba chetaner bhor
Niye chalo more he param prabhuAsimer simanai
Hethai kebal maner shasanPraner jatan hai
O Lord Supreme,Carry me to Infinity’s extremity.
Here on earth,I am forced to brook
The iron control of my mindAnd ruthless torture of my vital.
Shishya chahina shishya chahinaChahi shudhu taba kripar charan
He param pita tomare tushiteLaho laho mor jiban maran
He and she disciples I desire not.I desire only Your Compassion-Feet.
O my Absolute Father Supreme,To satisfy You, take my life
And take my death. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Eso eso prabhu, part 1, 1998
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/eep_1