Enthusiasm, part 4

My Heart Chooses to Cry


My heart chooses to cry,

My mind chooses to fly,

My vital chooses to sigh,

My body chooses to try.


My Heart Chooses to Inform


My heart chooses to inform.

My Lord chooses to transform.


There Is Only One Truth


There is only one truth:

My Lord’s all-pervading Ruth.


No Doubt-Clouds


No doubt-clouds in my faith-sky.

Therefore, my heart and I fly.


The Mind, Heart-Bliss Plunders


The mind, heart-bliss plunders.

Ego’s pride it thunders.


My Heart-Boat Plies and Plies


My heart-boat plies and plies

Towards the Golden Shore.

My body-cart sighs and sighs,

Alas, more, ever more.


Those Who Admire the Lord


Those who admire the Lord

From a distance

Never, never, never will they have

His Grace-Glance.


Be Humble


Be humble, be humble, be humble.

Never shall your life stumble.


When God Is My Only Boss


When God is my only Boss,

I see not the face of loss.


Every Moment Correct My Life


Every moment correct my life,

My Lord, correct.

Never, never reject my heart,

Never reject.


Come on the Wings of Love


Come, come, come, come

On the wings of love.

This message-light

Comes from Above.


My Love, Devotion Are Fast Asleep


My love, devotion are fast asleep.

Therefore, my life is caught

By ignorance deep. ```

My Life Is All for God


My life is all for God.

I see nowhere torture-rod.


Stay Within


Stay within, stay where you are;

Fast, very fast God is coming near.


My Stupid Mind, Think Less


My stupid mind, think less,

Talk less, sleep less.

Godward my life shall be

A train express.


On Earth, No Heaven Rules Are Heeded


On earth, no Heaven rules are heeded.

In Heaven, no earth rules are needed.


Ring God's Victory-Bell


Ring, ring, ring, ring,

God’s Victory-Bell!

If not, life shall be

A living hell. ```

Stung by Doubt-Scorpion


Stung by doubt-scorpion,

I have lost my God-union.


My Lord, Give Me a Jasmine-Fragrance-Heart


My Lord, give me a jasmine-fragrance-heart,

Heavenward, my blue-gold journey to start.


Actions Never Lie


Actions never lie,

But words do.


Hope Is Sweetness


Hope is sweetness.

Promise is fulness.


Peace Is Self-Offering in Action


Peace is

Self-offering in action.


Beautiful Are the Heart-Tears



Are the heart-tears.


Powerful Are the Soul-Smiles


Powerful are the soul-smiles. ```

Fruitful Are the Life-Sacrifices


Fruitful are the life-sacrifices. ```

Giving Is Not an Obligation


Giving is not an obligation.

Giving is self-expansion.


Death Can at Most Find Us


Death can at most find us,

But Eternity cradles us.


God Does Not Want from Me Email


God does not want from me email.

He wants me to send Him only knee-mail.


To Become Spiritually Tall


To become spiritually tall, taller, tallest

We must be always on our knees.


The Human in Me


The human in me

Wants the way out.

The divine in me

Wants the way up.


God Says, "Go!"


God says, “Go!”

My mind says, “No! No! No!” ```

God Says, "Come!"


God says, “Come!”

My heart says, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” ```

My Mind, Indeed, a Czar


My mind, indeed, a czar;

It drives insanity-car.


My Mind Speculates and Speculates


My mind speculates and speculates.

The heart illuminates and illuminates.


Negativity Paralyses and Paralyses


Negativity paralyses and paralyses.

Positivity divinises and immortalises.


To Please My Lord


To please my Lord,

I sing devotion-songs.

To please my heart,

God strikes my victory-gongs.


I Shake and Wake My Lethargy-Life


I shake and wake my lethargy-life.

No more I see the destruction-knife.


The Truth of the Heart


The truth of the heart

Whispers and whispers.

The falsehood of the mind

Thunders and thunders.


The Mind Blunders and Blunders


The mind blunders and blunders.

The vital plunders and plunders.


The Body Cries and Cries


The body cries and cries.

The soul flies and flies.


Mine Is the Mind Full of Inspiration-Zeal


Mine is the mind

Full of inspiration-zeal.

Mine is the heart

Full of aspiration-thrill.


My Life Is a Verb


My life is a verb and not a noun.

I am a Heaven-king and not an earthly clown.


The Joy of Speed


The joy of speed is my earthly soul.

The speed of joy is my Heavenly goal.


My Life Is His


My life is His when I tell my Lord:

He gives me His oneness-fulness-cord.


My Prayer-Heart to God


My prayer-heart to God

Is a constant yes-sayer.

My service-life to God

Is my division-slayer.


My Lord Gives Me the Smartest Slap


My Lord gives me the smartest slap

When I sit not upon His Lap.




My Lord gives me the smartest slap

When I enjoy jealousy-trap.


Doubt and I Each Other Clasp


My Lord gives me the smartest slap

When doubt and I each other clasp.




My Lord gives me the smartest slap

When I cherish ignorance-nap.




My Lord gives me the smartest slap

When I put on indifference-cap.


Each Hush-Gap


My Lord gives me the smartest slap

When I pray not in each hush-gap.




My Lord gives me the smartest slap

When falsehood-chains I fail to snap.


His Heart's Big Map


My Lord gives me the smartest slap

When I study not His Heart’s big Map. ```

My Mind Loves to Enjoy Mysteries


My mind loves to enjoy mysteries.

My heart loves to enjoy ecstasies.


The Mind Secretly Loves Pretension


The mind secretly loves pretension.

The heart openly loves expansion.


God Is My Only Friend


God is my only Friend, only Friend.

His Love for me knows no end, knows no end.


Alas, My Heart Is Full of Sorrows


Alas, my heart is full of sorrows.

It sees not blue-gold tomorrows.


I Live No More in My Mind-Mire


I live no more in my mind-mire.

My Lord, do inspire my heart, inspire.


My Supreme Loses His Voice


My Supreme loses His Voice

When self-doubt is my only choice.


My Mind-Fulfilment Eventually Sighs


My mind-fulfilment eventually sighs.

My heart-fulfilment eternally flies.




Optimism, optimism, optimism,

For you no doubt-mind-chasm.




Optimism, optimism, optimism-joy,

I am your proudest fondness-toy.


Only the Top


Only the top, only the top, only the top!

Until then my heart shall not stop.


Moonlight and Starlight Whisper


Moonlight and starlight whisper,

"Sleep deep, Chinmoy, sleep deep.

All our fondness-God-dreams

Through your wee eyes will peep."


A Shakpura Village Boy


A Shakpura village boy

Becomes God’s Avatar-Toy.


My Lord, You Are My Only Quest


My Lord, You are my only Quest.

“No, my child. I am your eternal Guest.”


Whatever My Life Possesses


Whatever my life possesses

Shall be found in ashes.


When I Enjoy Ignorance-Sleep


When I enjoy ignorance-sleep,

My Lord watches — only to weep.


God Gives Me Ample Rest


God gives me ample rest

If I obey His Behest.


A Simple Cry


A simple cry, a simple cry,

Can quickly reach my Lord’s Heart-Sky.


My Heart's Inner Choice


My heart’s inner choice

Is my outer voice. ```

I Sing My Heart's God-Song


I sing my heart’s God-song.

God strikes my life’s victory-gong. ```

The Mind Knows How to Chide


The mind knows how to chide.

The mind knows how to hide.

The heart knows how to cry.

The heart knows how to fly.


A God-Seeker's Pure Breath


A God-seeker’s pure breath

Never, never, knows death. ```

The Heart Has Another Name: Aspiration


The heart has another name: aspiration.

The mind has another name: suspicion.

The vital has another name: restlessness.

The body has another name: idleness.

The life has another name: uncertainty.

Man has another name: complexity.

The soul has another name: observer.

God has another name: Forgiver.


The Heart Has Another Name: Oneness


The heart has another name: oneness.

The mind has another name: vastness.

The vital has another name: dynamism.

The body has another name: enthusiasm.

The life has another name: tolerance.

Man has another name: patience.

The soul has another name: mission.

God has another name: Vision.


At Last, at the Very Peak


At last, at the very peak,

I discover what I seek.


O Friendship-Flower


O friendship-flower, friendship-flower,

Do not wither, do not wither.


Come What May


Come what may,

Come what may,

My heart must pray,

My heart must pray. ```

No Dead End


No dead end, no dead end,

Just a bend, just a bend.


My Lord Gives Me a New Lesson


My Lord gives me a new lesson      

At every hour

So that my heart can be

His Beauty’s flower.


God Is Not an Iron Rod


God is not an iron rod,

God is not an iron rod.

Let us all quickly go

To the Shelter of God.


Meditation: My God-Preparation


Meditation, meditation, meditation:

My God-preparation, my God-preparation.


No Prayer


No prayer, no prayer, no prayer:

Life is an ignorance-lair.


No Meditation


No meditation, no meditation:

Life is an utter imperfection.


Sound Is Man-Cheering


Sound is man-cheering.

Silence is God-becoming.


Life-River Flows


Life-river flows,

Patience-tree grows.


Life Is a Thunder-Gong


Life is a thunder-gong.

Death is a silence-song.


My Life-Story Is Painful


My life-story is painful.

My heart-song is Godful.


The Absence of Selfishness


What is peace?

The absence of selfishness.

What is bliss?

The presence of oneness.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Enthusiasm, part 4, 2002
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ent_4