My cheerful God-willingness
Is an immediate short-cutTo my perfection-life.
```I am so glad
That I am afraidOf my desire-tiger-life.
```An unreal life
I was.A real heart
I now am. ```What is humanity's mind doing?
It is drowningIn sleepless and endless
Attachment-oceans. ```Doubt does not dare
To imprisonMy purity's aspiration-heart
AndMy duty's dedication-life.
```No more
Ruthless punishment for meFrom the past,
No more. ```Self-discovery
IsInfinity's Nectar-Delight.
```Only stupidity incarnate
Does not mindPreserving the tormenting past.
```The absolutely correct definition
Of egoIs slavery
And not bravery. ```Fear,
You may love me,But I cannot
And will notLove you.
```Desire is
A greedy mouth.Aspiration is
A happy heart. ```Don't take too long
To touch the FeetOf God the Creator.
Don't take too long
To feel the HeartOf God the creation.
```My only real joy
Is my heart'sGratitude-blossom.
```O my mind,
Faith keeps calling you.Why do you not respond?
Are you deaf?If so, since when?
```Because of your sincerity-heart
There will beNo last chance
For you. ```To my utter astonishment,
I have come to realiseThat even Heaven
Has very serious problems. ```My Lord,
Before You decideTo admonish me,
Can You not decideTo abolish me,
My ignorance-world,Once and for all?
```Look, O world, look!
I am no longerA desire-prison-inmate.
```Alas, your impurity-mind
Has the capacity to imprisonNot only your present life,
But also your future life. ```Where do I live?
I live in betweenMy Lord's Compassion-Tears
And His Forgiveness-Smiles. ```Alas,
Unless my mind stops,How can my heart start?
```Can you imagine
What he has saidTo God?
He has said to GodThat he can create
A far better world. ```What I need is
A sleepless and giant hungerFor my life's perfection-smile.
```The voice of my silence
Is the fulnessOf my soul-fire.
```My soul is there
Where my heart'sDream-flowers blossom.
```Who am I?
I am the possessorOf desire-forests
And desire-deserts. ```God's Justice-Light
Has forced himTo practise what he preaches.
```Each human life
Is made ofFragile hopes.
```I must never lose
My heart'sAspiration-pounds.
```Each and every desire-dream
IsPainfully false.
```What am I doing?
I am amplifyingGod's Silence-Voice.
Each human lifeIs an imperfection-cry.
```I have chosen
The lifeThat knows how to bow.
Is the hope-elevatorThat only goes up.
```My soul and I
Are homesickFor God.
```Steal, steal, steal
Your mind'sDarkest night.
```Pray, pray, pray
For peace,And never pay
For war. ```To tame the vital-tiger
Is the supreme taskOf each human being.
```A God-lover knows
What to give:His heart.
A God-lover knows
How to give:Unconditionally.
```God's very first gift
To mankindWas aspiration-flames.
God's very last gift
To mankindWill be satisfaction-sun.
```What I have
Is an inspiration-tree.What I need
Is an aspiration-flower. ```Two things of mine
I truly treasure:My prayer-heights
AndMy meditation-depths.
```Each God-lover
Is commissioned to serve GodIn a special way.
```To me,
Patience-light meansReality's fastest progress.
```What does peace signify?
Peace signifies the loveOf togetherness.
```Do not miscalculate
Your outer friends:They are not as many
As you think.Do not miscalculate
Your inner friends:They are not as few
As you think. ```You are at war
With your doubting mind.That means you really love
Your aspiring heart. ```Each self-giving thought
IsA universal heart-embrace.
```I just want to know
In which wayThe human mind
Is betterThan a confusion-menagerie.
```If you are desiring
An aspiration-short-cut,Then you will have to be satisfied
With a lesser realisation. ```Aspiration-discipline
I need.Surrender-relaxation,
Too. ```What does my mind do?
It cleverly plays the roleOf an irresponsibility-guide.
```An impure thought
Is not even an inch awayFrom stark madness-danger.
My dedication-bridgeIs always under construction.
```God keeps my heart's cries
Inside the Satisfaction-SmileOf His own Heart.
```O pilgrim-soul,
Do come backTo your heart-home
Immediately. ```I love, I love
And I always loveThe Sweetness-Silence-Voice
Of my Lord Supreme. ```My Lord Supreme
Blessingfully lovesThe aspiration-perfection-plant
In my heart-garden. ```Devotion
Self-givingly purified,Man
Absolutely transformed. ```A heart of delight
Sees notThe mind anywhere.
```I am praying to God
For two things:My body-vital-mind-collision
And my soul-heart-union. ```Nobody knows,
Nobody even wants to knowHow sleeplessly and badly
God suffers. ```Man's attachment-fondness
Is his stupidity'sGreatest friend.
```Where do I live?
I live in betweenMy heart's aspiration-pull
And my life's dedication-push. ```A perfect attitude
KnowsNo imperfect day.
```What do I do every morning?
Every morningI lovingly and carefully
Sow hope-seedsInside my heart-garden.
```If you are trying
To escape God's Justice-Light,Then your mind will fumble,
Your heart will stumble,Your life will tumble.
```O my clever mind.
You will not be able to foolMy God-blessed
Aspiration-cry-heart. ```Insecurity
And its daily outbreakAre so devastating.
```I really do not want
To enjoy any moreMy tortoise-aspiration-speed.
```No climbing hope
Should be forgotten.No fulfilling promise
Should be broken. ```I am so sad
That my mindIs so ruthlessly bound
By the past. ```May my life become
An aspiration-mountainAnd a dedication-fountain.
```God's supreme Beauty
Is our loveOf togetherness-peace.
```Shake not hands
Even in your dreamsWith the doubt-giants.
```His doubting mind
And his strangling vitalAre from the same forest.
```If you choose
Not to see,God will definitely allow you
To remain blind. ```Where am I?
I am inside the heart-templeOf Eternity's Cry
And Infinity's Smile. ```Truth-seekers
Are good heart-cry-singers.God-lovers
Are good soul-smile-dancers. ```The human mind
Ruthlessly suspects.The divine heart
Gladly accepts. ```Doubt
Is a tricky question.Faith
Is an easy answer. ```To see your detractors
You do not have toKeep your eyes open.
But to see your supportersYou have to.
Was yesterday's bulletin-night.Aspiration-satisfaction
Is today's message-light. ```O world,
I am so fortunate and happyThat God has a totally different
Opinion of me. ```The mind is nothing other
Than a cloudIn the heart-sky.
```I trust myself
When I make something.I love myself
When I give itTo my Lord Supreme.
```I do not know
How to tell GodThe right thing
To make Him happy.God does not know
When to tell meThe right thing
So that I do notBecome unhappy.
```Grievance is
A thorny forest.Forgiveness is
A fragrant garden. ```Lose what you
In your outer life have:Impatience.
Lose not what youIn your inner life are:
.From:Sri Chinmoy,European Poem-Blossoms, Agni Press, 1991
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