Nowhere to live?
Try my heart-home.I think you will like it.
Nowhere to sleep?
Try my soul-room.I am sure you will love it.
Just love it. ```Yesterday
I acted like a beggarBy asking God
To give me a smile.Today
I am acting like a beggarBy asking God
To give me His Power.Tomorrow
I shall be acting like a beggarBy asking God
To make me His only perfect instrument. ```Father, do I have a mission?
Daughter, you have not oneBut two missions,
secret and sacred.Your heart of life is your secret mission.
Your life of heart is your sacred mission. ```Do you know, daughter,
Why God loves you?No, Father, I do not know.
He loves youBecause
You are a good player of love-game.Do you know, daughter,
Why God is devoted to you?No, Father, I do not know.
God is devoted to youBecause
You are a superb player of devotion-game.Do you know, daughter,
Why God has surrendered to you?No, Father, I do not know.
God has surrendered to youBecause
You are an excellent player of surrender-light. ```What is earth,
If not the splendour of sacrifice-might?What is Heaven,
If not the splendour of vision-light?What is humanity,
If not the splendour of expectation-soul?What is divinity,
If not the splendour of ecstasy-sea? ```You are thinking of yourself.
Lo, you are descendingFrom
The human life to the animal life.You are thinking of God.
Lo, you are ascendingFrom
The human life to the Life divine.You have started loving God.
Lo, you are singing and playingWith
God’s Silence-HeightAnd
God’s Oneness-Light. ```I love God.
Indeed,This is a stark lie.
I think of God.Indeed,
This is a quarter truth.I do not find faults with God.
Indeed,This is a half truth.
I never doubt God’s existence.Indeed,
This is a full and complete truth. ```There is no difference
AndThere can be no difference
BetweenLove-touch and God-Touch.
Believe me, O aspiration-soul!There is no difference
AndThere can be no difference
BetweenFear-touch and death-touch.
Believe me, O desire-life! ```Yesterday
I cried to liveIn God’s Dream-Boat.
TodayI long to reach
God’s Reality-Shore.Tomorrow
I shall pine to beGod’s Perfection-Smile.
```You want to know my past:
I was an unparalleled escapist.You want to know my present:
I am a shameless opportunist.You want to know my future:
I shall becomeAnd end my life
As a false idealist. ```Earth-body
Is a mystery of loveliness.Earth-vital
Is a mystery of strangeness.Earth-mind
Is a mystery of loneliness.Earth-heart
Is a mystery of holiness.Earth-soul
Is a mystery of perfectiveness. ```My old dream
Is nothing but a faded flower.My new dream
Is nothing but a wild animal.My God-dream
Is nothing but a climbing life. ```My mind-life
Is a useless thing to ignore.My heart-life
Is a holy thing to see.My soul-life
Is a perfect thing to offer. ```Where is God?
I do not know.Who is God?
I do not know.Shall I become
SomedayAnother God?
I do not know.But,
One thing I do know:He loves me
AndHe is all for me.
```When I escaped
From ignorance-riverThe ocean of ignorance
Captured me, my earth-bodyAnd
My Heaven-soul.When I escaped
From the ocean of ignoranceThe Infinity of God-Love
Embraced me, my all. ```I have no money-power
YetI am unmistakably happy.
I have no earth-power
YetI am exceedingly happy.
I have no friend-power
YetI am constantly happy.
How?Just because God-Power is always within me.
```Are you a seeker
Of silence-life?Then come in, please.
Indeed,This is the right place.
Are you a seeker
Of sound-life?Then leave this place immediately.
Indeed,This place can never welcome you.
```Daughter, these are
The boundaries of your unseen life:Your black ego-life
Your red jealousy-lifeYour brown doubt-life
Your gray insecurity-life.Daughter, these are
The ever-transcending boundaries of your life unknowable:Your green aspiration-life
Your blue realisation-lifeYour gold revelation-life
Your white perfection-life. ```Nothing is impossible
WhenI have an iota of love for God.
Nothing is impossibleWhen
I have a fragment of sacrifice for man.Nothing is impossible
WhenI realise I am oneness-perfection.
```Father, I love Your Eyes.
Why, My daughter, why?Because they elevate my heart-breath.
Father, I love Your Hands.
Why, My daughter, why?Because they protect my earth-life.
Father, I love Your Heart.
Why, My daughter, why?Because it feeds my Heaven-soul.
```Thought is transitory;
ThereforeDon’t worry.
It will die soon.Despair is stationary;
ThereforeDon’t worry.
You can leave despair aloneAnd triumphantly run away.
```What do I like?
A noiseless noise.What do I love?
A voiceless voice.What do I admire?
A faultless choice. ```The enemy of your past life:
Pride, a sky-vast pride.The enemy of your present life:
Jealousy, a sea-deep jealousy.The enemy of your future life:
Insecurity, an ant-feeble insecurity. ```Your vision of man
Has deceived me.Alas, what can you do now?
You are doomed to stay with man.Your realisation of the cosmic gods
Has disappointed you.Alas, what can you do now?
You are compelled to stay with them. ```My heart,
Do you know what you are?You are my daily hope.
My soul,
Do you know what you are?You are my daily promise.
My God,
Do you know who you are?You are my daily Saviour.
```His body is a village
Of the sleepers.His vital is a town
Of the fighters.His mind is a city
Of the dreamers.His heart is a province
Of the lovers.His life is a country
Of the sufferers. ```My earth-voice proclaims:
“God may be of HeavenBut
He is for earth.”My Heaven-voice proclaims:
“God may be for earthBut
His Breath is in Heaven.” ```A new discovery;
I am using my heartTo see the Face of God.
A sublime invention;
God needs me.He really needs my life of love.
```O face of thought,
You are my abysmal disgrace.O heart of will,
You are my supernal lustre.O soul of surrender,
You are my sempiternal pride. ```O mind of night,
I am tired of seeingYour ugly face.
O heart of light,
Where are you?Do you really live?
Or is it all my imagination?O soul of perfection,
Do you really carryThe message of perfection-light?
```An infinitesimal grain of Truth
Can save you and your life.An infinitesimal grain of Peace
Can perfect you and your life.An infinitesimal grain of Love
Can immortalise you and your life. ```When you live
In the room of your thought,Your life is a mighty, fruitless plan.
When you live
In the house of your will,Your life is a solid, splendid achievement.
When you live
In the palace of God-Love,Your life is a flood of glowing, illumining ecstasy.
```The Life of Time:
Aspiration-flight.The Heart of Time:
Silence-Light.The Soul of Time:
Liberation-Delight.The God of Time:
Compassion-Height. ```Daughter, do you know
What I owe you?I owe you My Perfection-Life on earth.
Father, do You knowWhat I owe You?
I owe You my aspiration-soul of Heaven.So Father, it is a mutual debt.
No, Daughter, it is a mutual self-satisfaction. ```Look at the miracles
Of your surrender-life.You are remembering
Your forgotten bliss.You are enjoying
Your cosmic silence-sleep. ```Don’t hide, don’t hide.
If you hide, you can never beA master sailor on the flow of Time.
Seek, seek,Yours will be the experience-sea,
Yours will be the realisation-mountain,Yours will be the Perfection-Sun.
```Fear-power tells you:
Death is at your door.Courage-power tells you:
Immortality is in your room.Love-power tells you:
Death never cares for you,And
Immortality desperately needs you. ```Yesterday
I lived in the body of outer glory.Today
I am living in the heart of inner glory.Tomorrow
I shall be living in God’s unhorizoned Glory. ```If you
Love man in God,The adventure of consciousness-light
Will embrace you without fail.If you
Serve God in man,The consciousness-light of adventure
Will claim you and treasure you. ```Heart, my heart,
When I think of you,I see an aspiring height.
Life, my life,When I think of you,
I hear a thunderous voice.God, my God,
When I think of You,I make my supreme choice.
```O sad music of humanity,
Even God is tired of you.O glad music of divinity,
Even earth-ignorance needs youSincerely
Immediately. ```You want to know
Where I was born.My sincere heart speaks:
I was born in the field of toil.You want to know
Where I now live.My sincerity speaks:
I live on prostrate soil.You want to know
Where will be my future home.My sincerity speaks:
My future home will beIn my earth-bound foil.
Heaven-promise is unerring.Unending,
Earth-sorrow is unending.Uncompromising,
My challenge to ignorance-nightIs uncompromising.
```Three friends are with me now:
Yesterday, today and tomorrow.Yesterday offers me a lingering world.
Today offers me a dying world.Tomorrow offers me an aspiring world.
Ah, My Lord has just appeared.He offers me His ever-fulfilling World.
```My body-life
Is a land of poverty.My vital-life
Is a land of audacity.My mind-life
Is a land of curiosity.My heart-life
Is a land of austerity.My soul-life
Is a land of absurdity. ```O slow process of mortality,
Sleep not, wake up and strive.I shall admire your new life.
O quick process of immortality,
Run not, slow down and rest.I shall adore your compassion-height.
```In you I saw
The light of the rising sunAnd spontaneously I saluted you.
In you I shall dare not see
The tears of the setting sunFor I shall immediately die.
```Her feet have descended;
ThereforeEarth-life can treasure hope.
Her eyes have ascended;
ThereforeHeaven-soul can fulfill its august promise.
Her heart has transcended;
ThereforeGod-Goal can manifest its Light supreme.
```You want to know
What my mind is:My mind is unlit ignorance.
You want to knowWhat my life is:
My life is half-lit ignorance.You want to know
What my goal is:My goal is ignorance-transformation.
You want to knowWho My Lord is:
My Lord is Compassion-Perfection. ```O hiding hands of love,
I need you.O smiling eyes of love,
I need you.O illumining heart of love,
I need you.O revealing soul of love,
I need you. ```Father, do teach me
How to become.Why, My daughter, why?
Father, if You teach meHow to become,
Only then shall I be ableTo become
Your egoless child,Your surrendered child,
Your perfect child. ```Don’t assail humanity.
After all,Humanity is frail and weak.
Don’t assail divinity.
After all,Divinity is very audacious and callous.
```Father, am I a sleeping fool?
No, daughter, you are a crying fool.Father, am I a binding fool?
No, daughter, you are an unloving fool.Father, am I an unpardonable fool?
No, daughter, you are an unparalleled fool. ```My body’s hungry life
Has an endless need.My soul’s hungry life
Has two childlike needs:God-Beauty
My God’s hungry LifeHas only one need:
My shadowless smile. ```Love the world.
You will be the Voice of GodUnmistakably.
Serve the world.You will be the Choice of God
Immediately. ```O Heaven-born freedom,
Where are you?O earth-bound bondage,
Where are you not?O God-Promised land,
I need youAnd
I need you. ```Father, when shall I realise You?
Daughter, you have already realised Me.Father, when?
Father, how?When?
The day you joined My Dream-Boat.How?
Through your surrender-heart. ```Father, shall I worship You?
No, My daughter, no.Father, shall I adore You?
No, My daughter, no.Father, shall I admire You?
No, My daughter, no.Father, shall I become like You?
Yes, My sweet daughter, yes. ```“O Father, Father of my soul,
Only one thing I do not need.”Daughter, daughter of My Heart,
What is it?“Life-consuming sound.”
Granted, My daughter, granted.“Father, Father of my soul,
Only one thing I do need.”Daughter, daughter of My Heart,
What is it?“Life-liberating silence.”
Granted, My daughter, granted. ```What is really huge?
Material universe.What is really powerful?
Spiritual universe.What is always in the Goal?
Silent universe.What is always the Goal?
Transcending universe. ```Father, what do You do
With Your excess of Beauty?Daughter, with My excess Beauty
I perform My extra Duty.Daughter, what do you do
With your excess stupidity?Father, with my excess stupidity
I delay Your Manifestation-necessity. ```Father, who was I?
Daughter, you were the franknessOf desire-life.
Father, who am I?
Daughter, you are the seriousnessOf aspiration-soul.
Father, what shall I be?
Daughter, you will be the sweetness,Fruitfulness of Perfectiveness-Goal.
```My life knows
What mad-endeavour is.My heart knows
What sad-endeavour is.My surrender knows
What God-endeavour is. ```Father, do teach me
How to cry.Why, My daughter, why?
Father, if You teach meHow to cry
Only then shall I be ableTo cry for You
```Father, what is the thing You like most
In my life?Daughter, in your life I love most
Your wisdom-cry.Father, in the near or distant future
What thing would You like mostIn my life?
Daughter, in the near futureI shall love most
Your perfection-smile. ```Father, what never stops?
Daughter, horizon never stops.Father, who never stops?
Daughter, the desiring beggar never stops.Father, what always begins?
Daughter, the soul-life.Father, who always begins?
Daughter, the aspiring-child.Father, am I an aspiring child?
Daughter, you are much more than that.You are a God-manifesting princess.
```Father, do teach me
How to love.Why, My daughter, why?
Father, if You teach meHow to love
Only then shall I be ableTo love You
```O arms of dawn,
I love your power of beauty.O eyes of dawn,
I love your light of purity.O head of dawn,
I love your height of duty. ```Body is fond of
The snoring hour.Vital is fond of
The roaring hour.Mind is fond of
The doubting hour.Heart is fond of
The loving hour.Soul is fond of
The dreaming hour.God is fond of
The promising hour. ```Live in the heart-rose,
You will learn the songOf sinless progress.
Live in the soul-lotus,You will learn the dance
Of shadowless progress.Live in the God-Fragrance,
You will learn the secretOf endless progress.
```Father, what will happen
If I touch Your Feet?Daughter, if you touch My Feet
You will see a sea of peace.Father, what will happen
If I touch Your Eyes?Daughter, if you touch My Eyes
You will feel a mountain of power.Father, what will happen
If I touch Your Heart?Daughter, if you touch My Heart
You will become a sun of light. ```Why do I need God?
Just because He is great?No.
Why do I need God?Just because He is good?
No.Why do I need God?
Just because He is for me?No.
Why do I need God?Just because He is of me?
Yes. ```Beautiful
Is your aspiration-heart.Therefore,
You are great.Soulful
Is your realisation-heart.Therefore,
You are good.Fruitful
Is your perfection-heart.Therefore,
You are immortal. ```Striking is the difference
Regularity shows meGod’s Face
Eventually.Punctuality makes me
God’s HeartImmediately.
```You want to know
What kind of mind I have.Alas, I have a backward-walking mind.
You want to knowWhat kind of heart I have.
Ah, I have a forward-marching heart. ```Yesterday
Yours was an industrious life.Only earth knew it.
TodayYours is the generous life.
Only Heaven knows it.Tomorrow
Yours will be the precious life.Only God will know it.
```I sincerely admire
Four treasured things in me:A blossoming hope,
An illumining oneness,A strengthening love,
An ever-transcending God. ```O earth-body,
WhenWill you be receptive?
O earth-vital,
WhenWill you be perceptive?
O earth-mind,
WhenWill you be concentrative?
O earth-heart,
WhenWill you be contemplative?
```Heaven and I enjoy
Simultaneous recognition.Earth and I enjoy
Spontaneous recognition.God and I enjoy
Constant recognition. ```My old friends, fear and doubt
Are calling me.I tell them:
I am sick of them.My new friends, imagination and inspiration
Are calling me.I tell them:
I am proud of them.My future friends, perfection and satisfaction
Are calling me.I tell them:
I am fond of them,Extremely fond of them.
Ephemeral splendour.Heart-beauty:
Supernal splendour.Goal-beauty:
Eternal splendour.God-Beauty:
An ever-transcending splendour. ```Heaven has fire.
Earth has ire.God alone knows
Who is going to win.Heaven owns smile.
Earth owns cry.God alone knows
Who is going to win. ```Body, why do you love
The moonless night?Vital, why do you love
The sunless day?Mind, why do you love
The fruitless sky?Heart, why do you love
The goalless shore? ```Your life-story
Is liked by God.What else do you want?
Your soul-song
Is loved by God.What else do you need?
```O unconfined bird,
I love your beauty.O unconfined wings,
I love your duty.O unconfined flight,
I love your necessity. ```God-Light dawned
On your confusion night.But you failed to see.
Why?Because your love
Of earth-bound doubtFar surpasses your God-faith
And your own faith in your lifeOf inner cry.
```Father, give me some good news.
Daughter, your loud and wild daysAre all over.
Father, give me some more good news.Daughter, your evil and titan nights
Are all over. ```Because of my timid voice
I have failedTo guide and please humanity.
Because of my timid choice
I have failedTo serve and please divinity.
```My heart is a good believer,
ThereforeMy soul loves my heart.
My soul is a better believer,
ThereforeMy God loves my soul.
My God is the best believer,
ThereforeI always love God.
```The boat of the past sailed
To reach the Golden Shore.The boat of the present sails
To see the Face of God.The boat of the future shall sail
To become the Heart of God. ```When I think of God,
God tells meHe will give me all that He has.
When I meditate on God,
I clearly see that He has given meAll that He has been treasuring
From time immemorialAnd all that He eternally is.
```In the world of form
God is always readyTo play with you
With His arms of Duty.Do you know that?
In the world without form
You must remain always readyTo play with God
With your eyes of beauty.Do you know that?
```Love the world-reality.
You will dauntlessly conquerThe countless soldiers of doubt.
Serve the world-necessity.
You will immediately winThe sun-warriors of faith.
```My heart of love treasures
God the descending Dream.My life of gratitude treasures
God the transcending Reality. ```Live in the heart-garden;
Yours will be the angelic inspiration.Live in the vital-jungle;
Yours will be the Satanic temptation.Live in the soul-sky;
Yours will be the dynamic aspiration. ```A pyramid of beauty
My heart enjoys.A pyramid of height
My mind enjoys.A pyramid of fire
My vital enjoys.A pyramid of slumber
My body enjoys.A pyramid of light
My soul enjoys. ```The secret influence of light
Has totally changedMy earth-life.
The sacred influence of light
Shall make meSupremely
Another God. ```Don’t smile.
Darkness-abyssWill welcome you.
It may even capture you.Swim.
Illumination-heightWill welcome you
And will without fail embrace you. ```Your soul has an ear.
With it you hear all aboutEarth-failure.
Your soul has an eye.
With it you seeHeaven-satisfaction.
Your soul has an arm.
With it you createWorld-perfection.
```Aspiration, my aspiration,
I want you to be the keeperOf my undisciplined vital.
Realisation, my realisation,
I want you to be the keeperOf my doubtful mind.
Perfection, my perfection,
I want you to be the keeperOf my timid heart.
```When the morning stars sing,
I clearly seeThat earth-confusion
Is never meant for my heart-aspiration.When the evening stars sing,
I clearly realiseThat Heaven-satisfaction
Is meant for my vital-aggression. ```When he plays on Heaven-organ
Not only the cosmic godsBut also the Lord Supreme
Admires his miracle music ofUnmeasured height
AndUnplumbed depth.
When he plays on earth-organ
No human soul sincerely daresTo appreciate the soul-breath
Of his life ofMusic-flow
```Gift of sight:
Universal beauty.Gift of night:
Universal peace.Gift of humanity:
Universal sorrow.Gift of divinity:
Universal smile. ```Your body admires
Disciplinary endeavour.Your mind admires
Visionary endeavour.Your heart admires
Complimentary endeavour.Your soul admires
Complementary endeavour. ```I see an empty church.
Where is the Christ?Where has he gone?
I see an empty temple.
Where is Sri Krishna?Where has he gone?
I see an empty heart.
Where is God?Where has He gone?
```His loving prayers
Have made his earth-lifeClear of defects.
His silence-meditation
Has made his Heaven-journeyClear of obstructions.
```Mortals, they are helpless.
Immortals, they are careless.Earth-Mother, she is sleepless.
Heaven-Father, He is speechless. ```He lived laborious days.
ThereforeHe can afford to live
A relaxedAnd
Retired life.But not you, never.
You belonged to a different category.Two things you really need:
A heart of divinityAnd
A life of immortality. ```O silent dust,
I do feel your bosom’s pangs.But what can I do?
Insignificant is my voice.Impotent is my strength.
O silent dews,
I do feel your heart’s agonies.But what can I do?
Helpless is my sight.Useless is my might.
```My faith-tree’s
First flower:Self-awakening.
My faith-tree’sFirst fruit:
Self-giving.What is self-giving
If not God-becoming? ```You are a forced instrument.
ThereforeYou cannot go very far.
You are a loving instrument.Therefore
You can fly very high.You are a perfecting instrument.
ThereforeGod wants to dance with you.
```When the great Face
Is behind me,Forward I run
Out of fear.When the great Face
Leads me,Backward I run
Out of sheer stupidity. ```O my earth-life
Why do you cryConstantly?
O my Heaven-soul
Why do you hideDeliberately?
O my Heaven-Father
Why do you dance aloneIncessantly?
```Heart, my heart,
Will you make me your wisdom-height?Soul, my soul,
Will you make me your perfection-height?God, my God,
Will you make me Your Satisfaction-Sun? ```The sanctity of Heaven
Is for my earth-heart to admire.The intensity of earth
Is for my Heaven-soul to admire. ```A white thought tells me;
God loves my pure heart.A blue thought tells me;
God loves my clear mind.A green thought tells me;
God loves my hero-vital.A red thought tells me;
God loves my surrender-body.A black thought tells me;
God never likes meAnd
He has no need for me. ```The iron gates of earth
Threaten me, frighten meAnd compel me to be earth-slave.
The diamond gates of Heaven
Invite me, embrace meAnd request me to be
The Prince of Heaven-Kingdom. ```Now that your heart-sun
Is in bedYour vital life is on strike.
It demands more attention from you.Now that your perfection-goal
Is asleepYour desire-body is on strike.
It demands more compassion from you. ```What do I need from God?
An everlasting smile.What do I need from earth?
An everlasting oneness.What do I need from Heaven?
An everlasting concern. ```To become an immortal instrument,
I offered my Lord my soul-breath.My Lord has fulfilled
My snow-white desire.To become a perfect instrument,
I offered my Lord my heart-love.My Lord has clasped
My aspiration-fire. ```Earth has no control over me
AndI have no control over Heaven.
Earth, I do not needYour wise guidance.
Heaven, I do not deserveYour blind disobedience.
```My mind is tired of living
On earth.My heart is tired of loving
Human beings.My soul is tired of promising
To God.My God is tired of advising
My ignorance. ```You are brave, very brave
only becauseYou are still an unexamined hero.
You are pure, very pure
only becauseYou are still an untempted seeker.
```God's Life-History
Has inspired my lifeBeyond my imagination's flight.
My life history
Has prompted GodTo be more conscious
And cautious of ignorance-night. ```Doubt,
I am ashamedOf our former attachment.
I am ashamedOf our present attachment.
I am ashamedOf our future attachment.
```I gave death a job.
I asked death to sleep.But death forgot to obey me.
What can I do?I can only exercise
My forgiveness-power.I gave Satan a job.
I asked Satan to meditate.But Satan forgot to obey me.
What can I do?I can only exercise
My forgiveness-power. ```Father, are You not tired
Of my life of never-ending weakness?Daughter, no.
I am only tired of My ever-increasing forgiveness.Father, are You not tired
Of my earth-bound life?Daughter, no.
I am only tired of My Heaven-free delay. ```You want to know
Where I have been.I have been with God the Dreamer
In Heaven.You want to know
Where I have been.I have been with God the Lover
On earth.You want to know
Where I have been.I have been with God the Liberator
In death. ```My sleep-discovery:
God is nowhere.My dream-discovery:
God is only in Heaven.My reality-discovery:
God is always busy.He has no time to think of me.
He has no love to share with me. ```My mind can teach
The world all about the heart'sClouded weather.
My heart can teach
The world all about the mind'sThreatening weather.
My soul can teach
The world all about the soul'sInspiring weather.
```I celebrate myself.
Not because I am perfect,But because I admire
Perfection's core.I celebrate myself.
Not because I have satisfied God,But because I am nearing
His Satisfaction-Door. ```To me,
God the JusticeIs an unfamiliar God.
To me,God the Compassion
Is a familiar God.To me,
God the LoveIs the eternal God.
```Doubt is an unconscious growth
In you.Faith is a conscious growth
In you.Love is a precious growth
In you.Service is a sagacious growth
In you. ```Progressive
Is my heart-life.Regressive
Is my mind-life.Aggressive
Is my vital-life.Apprehensive
Is my body-life. ```Eagerness
My sound-life always treasures.Soulfulness
My silence-heart always treasures.And what do I treasure?
I treasure the attentivenessAnd perfectiveness of my Master Pilot
Supreme. ```Light is the harbinger of God-Day.
Everybody knows that.Night is the harbinger of world-death.
Nobody knows that.Why?
Just because nobody dares to expose himself.Nobody wants to confess
That he is the sole cause of night. ```Look at Her Feet,
It is all salvation.Look at Her Eyes,
It is all illumination.Look at Her Heart,
It is all perfection.Look at Her Soul,
It is all satisfaction,God-satisfaction.
```Mind, are you looking
For an imperial palace?Lo, it is here.
Heart, are you lookingFor a celestial palace?
Lo, it is here.Soul, are you looking
For a transcendental palace?Lo, it is here, and nowhere else.
```His comments
On Heaven-visionAre authentic, if not prophetic.
His commentsOn earth-reality
Are pathetic, if not sympathetic. ```Lord, I have done my best.
YetEarth-progress is a far cry.
Lord, I have loved my best.Yet
Heaven-success is a far cry. ```Alas, alas!
No one will believe meIf I say that God has
Employed me to represent HimOn earth.
Yet I perform my task most efficiently.Alas, alas!
No one will believe meIf I say that God has
Employed me to advise HimIn Heaven.
Yet I perform my task most devotedly. ```You have two timid feet.
Alas, what can I do?What can my feet do for you?
Indeed, it is a helpless case.You have two timid eyes.
Alas, what can I do?What can my eyes do for you?
Indeed, it is a hopeless case.You have a timid heart.
Alas, what can my heart do for you?Indeed, it is a useless case.
```My morning realisation:
Receive from God, receive.My noon realisation:
Achieve perfection in your life, achieve.My evening realisation:
Conceive God-satisfaction, conceive. ```I slept in victory's room.
I dreamt in glory's room.I worked in discipline's room.
I realised God in surrender's room. ```No mind can achieve
What the heart has already achieved.No heart can attain
What the soul has already attained.No soul can reach
What Silence has already reached. ```O kneeling worshippers,
Be sincere.What you precisely need
Is sincerity.O adoring worshippers,
Be pure.What you unmistakably need
Is purity. ```Yesterday
I saw the sleeping triumph of my total doom.Today
I see the glorious triumph of my dedication-life.Tomorrow
I shall see the precious triumphOf my all illumining perfection-soul.
```You do not have to love me.
Love God.He is my Eternity's Soul.
You do not have to serve me.Serve God.
He is my Reality's Goal. ```Search God within.
You can becomeHis Heart of celestial Beauty.
Search God without.You can become
The pride of eternal Reality. ```O aged earth,
My heart of loveSuffers for you.
O caged earth,
My soul of freedomSuffers within you.
In me you can findYour heart-brother.
```He thinks of God;
ThereforeHe is really divine.
He meditates on God;Therefore
He is three times unmistakablyMore divine.
He has surrenderedHis Heaven-dream
AndEarth-reality to God;
ThereforeHe is seven times supremely more divine.
```To the mind-teacher
I say:"Don't teach
since you do not know."To the Light-teacher
I say:"Teach always
since you want to know more."To the soul-teacher
I say:"When will you start teaching?
I am all ready." ```Here is the full staff of faith:
Determination, Aspiration,Realisation and Perfection.
Here is the full staff of doubt:Temptation, deception,
Frustration and destruction. ```O my heart,
Revive your old devotion.O my life,
Revive your old determination.O my world,
Revive your old satisfaction.O my God,
Revive Your old Compassion. ```From fear of death
you suffered.From fear of life
you are suffering.Soon,
You will be sufferingFrom fear of your
Earth-reality. ```There are only three ways of serving God.
By constantly obeying God,By soulfully smiling at God,
By unmistakably becomingAnother God.
```I always remember
To forget my ignorance-friend.If I am not great,
Who else is then great?I always forget
To remember my wisdom-sun.If I am not stupid,
Who else is then stupid?```
FDP 157. Note: The words "wisdom-sun" were originally typed as "wisdom-son"↩
Two benedictive Hands
on yourOne contemplative heart.
Two compassionate Feet
on yourOne passionate life.
```Lord, do give me the inspiration to speak.
Needless to say,I shall speak only about You.
Lord, do give me the realisation to write.Needless to say,
I shall write only about You. ```My earth-life enjoys
Infant slumber,Infant cry.
My Heaven-life enjoys
Infant awakening,Infant smile.
My God-life enjoys
Infant song,Infant love.
```The pride of the noble
Is constant self-giving.The pride of the ignoble
Is constant truth-denying.The pride of God
Is constant oneness-fulfilling. ```A life of thought
Has a perishable face.A life of will
Has an imperishable smile.Make your own choice
AndImmortal make your own life.
```Who needs the animal past?
The vital in me.Who needs the human present?
The mind in me.Who needs the divine future?
The heart in me.Who needs the Eternal Now?
The soul in me. ```In the morning,
God in me is the giverOf aspiration.
At noon,God in me is the liver
Of aspiration.In the evening,
God in me is both loverAnd fulfiller
Of aspiration. ```I love the distant saint.
I do not want to exposeHis impurity.
I love the distant yogi.I do not want to expose
His insincerity.But
I do not love the distant God.I want Him right beside me.
I want to reveal His supreme Divinity. ```Imagine you know nothing.
I know this is a difficult task.Imagine you have nothing.
I know this is a most difficult task.Imagine you are nothing.
I know this is an impossible task. ```You have a peculiar power
To carry you through ignorance-night.He has a peculiar power
To save him from earth-ingratitude.I have a peculiar power
To free me from life-failure. ```Children, I am already old.
Do not expectAnything great from me.
Children, I am no more bold.Do not expect
Anything spectacular from me.Children, my heart is no longer gold.
Do not expectAnything ambrosial from me.
```It never happened.
I never betrayed God.It never happens.
I never ignore man.It shall never happen.
I shall never eatmy realisation-fruit
all alone. ```The message of the West:
"Let me be the winner."The message of the East:
"Let me see the loser."The message of God:
"Let me see the truth-lover.Let me see the life-builder.
Let me see the love-fulfiller." ```You want to know
Why I love my heart.I love my heart
Because of its intensity.You want to know
Why I love my soul.I love my soul
Because of its immensity.You want to know
Why I love my God.I love my God
BecauseOf His earth-liberating Duty.
```Everybody watched me
When I lost faith in God.But now I have regained
All my faith in God.But nobody comes to watch me.
They want me to be bound to ignorance-night.And what do I want?
I want them only to be devotedto the Light.
```What to forget?
Nothing.Whom to forget?
None.What to forgive?
Everything.Whom to forgive?
Everyone.What to illumine?
Ignorance.Whom to illumine?
Your own self. ```Who is your unknown enemy?
The hungry animal in you.Who is your unknowable enemy?
The angry human in you.Who is your unknown friend?
The soulful lover in you.Who is your unknowable friend?
The ever-forgiving Mother in you. ```God-Compassion
Has crowned my prayer.God-Perfection
Has crowned my meditation.God-Satisfaction
Has crowned my surrender. ```Do better things.
Prove to DivinityThat your earth-life is something.
Say better things.Prove to humanity
That your Heaven-realisation is something. ```My earth-friends warn me
Not to mix with Heaven-lovers.They say: Heaven-lovers are all rogues.
I do not know what to do.My Heaven-friends warn me
Not to mix with Heaven-doubters.They say: Heaven-doubters
Are all impossible fools. ```O my heart, do not suggest,
Just command.I am ready, more than ready.
O my mind, do not command,I allow you only to suggest.
I am not readyAnd
I shall never be readyto listen to your ignorance-commands.
```The reason why I write:
I long to correct myself.The reason why I speak:
I long to perfect myself.The reason why I love:
I long to fulfil myself.The reason why I serve:
I long to transcend myself. ```Believe it or not,
The song of self-discipline:Satisfaction-dawn.
Believe it or not,The song of silver patience:
Perfection-sun.Believe it or not,
The song of golden surrenderIs God-Smile.
```You think like a God
AlthoughYou do not live like a God.
You live like a God
AlthoughYou do not love like a God.
You love like a God
AlthoughYou are a false God.
```Who argues?
He who is a strangerTo oneness-light.
Who argues?He who is a fond child
Of bondage-night. ```Don't argue with truth.
You will be compelledTo heave a sigh
Of an unreasonable mind.Don't argue with love.
You will be compelledTo heave a sigh
Of an unthinkable heart. ```Matchless is her mind.
It perfectly sheltersEarth's excruciating pangs.
Priceless is her heart.It perfectly houses
Eternity's HeightAnd
Infinity's Light. ```Three good days:
A day of true aspiration.A day of pure dedication.
A day of total surrender.Three good nights:
A night of sound sleep.A night of sweet dreams.
A night of august silence. ```Father, here is my crying heart.
It is all for You,For You alone.
Daughter, here is My shining Pride.It is all for you,
For you alone.Father, here is my smiling soul.
It is all for You,For You alone.
Daughter, here is My ever-transcending Height.It is all for you,
For you alone. ```Do what you think is right.
Only do not thinkYou are very great.
Say what you know is right.
Only do not sayYou are either
Another GodOr
A future God. ```Revenge-life,
If that is wisdom-light,I definitely do not need it.
Forgiveness-heart,If that is not perfection-height,
No harm, I shall all my lifeStay with it.
```Four things of my life
I sincerely admire:My angel-smile
My angel-infancyMy angel-flight
My angel-dependence. ```A life of independence
Who wants, Father, who wants?Not I, not I, not Your daughter.
I long for a life of prayerful dependence.A life of independence
Who needs, Father, who needs?Not I, not I, not Your daughter.
I long for a life of unconditional surrender. ```Fear, I must set you free.
How long will you remainIn a foreign country?
You should go back to your own country.Your brother Death,
What will he be thinking of you?Doubt, I must set you free.
How long will you remainIn a foreign country?
You should go back to your own country.Your friend Satan,
What will he be thinking of you? ```Because
You are not sincereHeaven's smile
Is barren in your heart.Because
You are not sincereGod's Promise-Light
Fails to kindleYour aspiration-life.
```Since you and sincerity
Are perfect strangersYou have to climb
A greased poleBefore you see the face of God.
Since you and sincerity
Are perfect strangersYour God-realisation
Will entirely dependOn God's infinite Bounty
And not your incapacity's capacity. ```You had a mental fight
With God the Light.You had a vital fight
With God the Power.You had a psychic fight
With God the Delight.You had a physical fight
With God the Compassion. ```From now on, Father, I shall love You
More than I love myself.I am happy to hear that.
But do you want to make Me happier?
Certainly, Father, but how?
Just forget to love yourself.
I shall love youMost soulfully
AndMost devotedly
On your behalf.I give you My Word of Honour.
```To think is to invite
A night of sorrow.To pray is to invite
A day of hope.To meditate is to invite
A sun of power-light. ```From now on, Father, I shall think of You
More than You think of me.Daughter, I am happy to hear that.
But do you want to make Me happier?Certainly, Father, but how?
Just do not think of yourself.
I shall gladly and devotedlyThink of you on your behalf.
```The power of harmony
Gives birth to peace.The power of peace
Gives birth to God-manifestation.The power of God-manifestation
Gives birth to satisfaction.What is satisfaction?
Satisfaction is the stark necessityOf both God and man.
```I love the presence
of Mother Earth.She tells me
She will give meEverything she creates.
I love the presence
of Father Heaven.He tells me
He will give meHis Light-Power
to equal Him. ```The pomp of power
Does not last.The throes of submission
Do not last.The reign of ignorance-night
Cannot last.The apparent defeat
Of Knowledge-lightCannot last,
Nay, can never last. ```Yesterday
My sterling faithDiscovered God.
Therefore I was happy.Today
My unknown fearHas invented God.
Therefore I am proud. ```Death has a message
For you:"Do not try.
Just cry."Life has a message
For you:"Do not give up.
Continue."God has a message
For you:"Smile, always smile."
```Why fear life?
Why fear death?Life is your older brother
Who inspires you to transcendYour puny self.
Death is your younger brotherWho warns you not to embrace
Pleasure-life. ```Duly and daily
My heart loves God.Duly and daily
My life needs God.Duly and daily
My soul reveals God.Duly and daily
My surrender becomes God. ```A life of disgrace
Is a voiceless grave.I have known it.
A life of graceAugments the pride of God's Face.
I know it. ```Don't be
In the luxury of power.Destruction-shower will greet you
Without fail.Don't be
In the luxury of light.Night-frown will torture you
Without fail. ```You have snapped
Your vital chain.Lo, you are in the kingdom
of supreme gain.You have snapped
Your mental chain.Lo, your life is in
Eternity's fastest train. ```Your mind knows
What fear of darkness is.Your heart knows
What fear of light is.Your soul knows
What fear of ignorance is.Your God knows
What fear of non-acceptance is. ```His Love-Power
Is the keeperOf my earth-necessities.
His Light-Power
Is the keeperOf my Heaven-necessities.
His God-Power
Is the keeperOf my soul-necessities.
```Who saves my life?
My deep humility-friend.Who saves my heart?
My high hope-brother.Who saves my soul?
My shadowless confidence-sun. ```Where is he?
I know not.Where is his body?
In the land of death.Where is his life?
In the land of the immortals.Where is his soul?
In the gratitude-breath of humanity. ```The love of beauty
The beauty of love
The love of truth
The truth of love
```Who is Heaven's mother?
Light-sea.Who is Heaven's father?
Consciousness-sky.Who is earth's mother?
Patience-moon.Who is earth's father?
Knowledge-sun. ```When
Your outer spirit singsYou declare the pride
Of your vital glory.When
Your inner spirit singsGod Himself declares
Your achievement-heights. ```You are dear to me
BecauseYou love me.
You are dearer to me
BecauseYou love meditation.
You are dearest to me
BecauseYou love God.
```Unreserved forgiveness,
Unmeasured bliss.Perfect soul,
Perfect goal.Transformed humanity,
Immortalised necessity. ```He died before he saw
The face of truth.He died before the birth
Of love in his life.He died before he claimed
God-Light as his very own. ```Hope, my pilot-star, hope
I have seen your face.I have felt your heart.
ThereforeIn ignorance-night
I shall no more grope.Hope, my pilot-star, hope
You are humanity's peerless ropeFor human souls to climb
God's Transcendental Height. ```The song of Heaven-light
I immensely enjoy.The song of earth-night
I boldly reject.The song of God-Delight
My heart accepts,My vital rejects,
And my mind,In this case,
Wants to remain neutral. ```What do I need?
The seed of wisdom-light.What do I need?
The flower of satisfaction-smile.What do I need?
The fruit of God-attainment. ```The first morning of creation
Heralded God's Compassion-Height.The last morning of creation
Shall proclaim God's Justice-Might. ```To possess God
Is life's secret thirst.To love God for God's sake
Is life's sacred thirst.To please God
AlwaysIs life's supreme thirst.
```Not once but thrice
I danced with death.When I fell in love
With self-doubt;When I touched the tail
Of jealousy-snake;When I swam in the anxiety-river.
```O dreaming Heaven,
I admire your dream-boat,I admire.
O bleeding earth,
I love your reality-shore,I love.
```He prays
BecauseHe loves.
He loves
BecauseHe has.
He has
BecauseHe is.
He eternally is. ```O pilgrims of eternity,
Leave some room for me.I shall join you.
O heart-smile of infinity,
Leave some room for me.I shall join you
In your cosmic game. ```Pure essence of life:
Love-might.Pure essence of love:
Silence-height.Pure essence of silence:
Oneness-light. ```Don't tell me a deliberate lie:
God loves you.Don't tell me a half lie:
I clearly seeYour love of God is not totally
sincere.Don't tell me a complete lie:
I tell you,God does have the time
In measureless measureTo think of you,
To love youAnd immortalise you.
```O my noisy world,
Why do I love you?"You love me because
My vital is surchargedWith hero-energy
With love-visionWith life-emancipation."
Yes, you are perfectly right. ```The life of your pride,
Serious.The breath of your pride,
Dangerous.The life of your sincerity,
Generous.The life of your humility,
Precious. ```Earth-liberty lost,
Heaven-beauty lost.Earth-transformation gained,
Heaven-satisfaction attained.Earth-perfection manifested,
Heaven-promise executed. ```Human life
Is endless limitation.Divine life
Is endless illumination.Earth-life
Is endless caution.Heaven-life
Is endless compassion. ```What do you want?
I want a night without darkness.What do you want?
I want a day with the sun.Why?
Why?Because I want to hear
The song of independence,I want to see
The dance of independence. ```Truth, my truth,
You are still unemployed.Heaven, my Heaven,
You are still ignored.God, my God,
You are still unsought. ```Yesterday
I saw your soul-flames.You cannot imagine
How beautiful they are.Today
I am seeing your soul-fire.You cannot imagine
How powerful it is.Tomorrow
I shall be seeing your soul-sun.Both you and I
Will fail to knowHow fruitful it is.
```I play not alone.
When I playThe sun and the moon join me.
I sing not alone.
When I singLight and Delight join me.
I dance not alone.
When I danceThe sky and the sea join me.
The utmost force of earth.Smile:
The utmost force of Heaven.Sorrow:
The utmost force of humanity.Assurance:
The utmost force of divinity. ```The traveller in me dreams
Of God's limitless Beauty.The seeker in me dreams
Of God's fathomless Light.The lover in me dreams
Of God's Victory-garlandAdorning His universal Necessity.
```Tell me the difference
BetweenDesire-life and danger-death.
Tell me the difference
BetweenAspiration-love and realisation-life.
```His eyes are
As swift as clouds.His feet are
As slow as a tortoise.His will is
As fast as bullets.His thoughts are
As slow as death. ```O Lord of inseparable Oneness,
Come to me first.O Lord of supernal Love,
Come to me next.O Lord of supreme Glory,
Come to me last,very last.
```O my earth-life
You want beautyTo be the captain of your body.
That is perfectly fine with me.You want purity
To be the captain of your vital.That is perfectly all right with me.
You want luminosity
To be the captain of your mind.That is excellent with me.
You want divinity
To be the captain of your heart.That is more than perfect with me.
```To love You, Father,
I have discardedMy arrows of desire.
"Thank you, daughter."To please You, Father,
I have stopped eatingWith ignorance-life.
"Thank you, daughter."To become inseparably one with You,
I am challengingThe pride of my brooding night.
"Thank you, daughter." ```Father, it is not because
I do not love YouThat on rare occasions I wish
To stay all alone,But because at times
I immensely enjoy the core of solitude.But Father, if You think
What I am doing is wrong,Unpardonably wrong,
Then I am running towards You,I am flying towards You,
Father, for You alone are my Eternity's All. ```No health, no hope.
No hope, no love.No love, no joy.
No joy, no life.No life, no God.
```I do not sing.
Why?Because my Lord Supreme
Sings so soulfully.If I sing, I shall only embarrass Him.
I think that is not fair on my part.I do not dance.
Why?Because my Lord Supreme
Dances so charmingly.If I dance, I shall only embarrass Him.
I think that is not fair on my part. ```Man's bread:
Soul's smile.Soul's bread:
Man's acceptance.God's Bread:
Man's freedom.Man's bread:
God's Assurance. ```Although you are
A thoughtless youth,God's Compassion-sea will forgive you.
Although you are
A senseless youth,God's Compassion-sky will forgive you.
Although you are
A reckless youth,God's Compassion-moon will forgive you.
```To him,
Confusion worse than depression.Confusion worse than frustration.
Confusion worse than destruction.To him,
Aspiration better than realisation.Aspiration better than revelation.
Aspiration better than manifestation. ```When I called man
He was so upsetThat I did not take his advice
In world-transformation-game.When I invoked God
He was so upsetThat I did not take a conscious part
In His Heaven-manifestation-game. ```Life is a challenging fact.
Both you and I know it.Love is a revealing truth.
Both you and I know it.God is an ever-transcending Reality.
Both you and I do not know itAnd
Do not want to know it.Alas!
Alas! ```O fire of light,
Burn me, burn my desire-night.O light of fire,
Illumine me,My life of aspiration.
Fulfil me,My heart of dedication.
Immortalise me,My body of transformation.
```Be sincere.
If not, yours will beA pathless journey.
Be sincere.
If not, yours will beA goalless shore.
Be sincere.
If not, yours will beA soulless goal.
```To see her eyes
Is to enter into the world'sBeginningless beginning.
To feel her heart
Is to enter into the world'sEver-transcending ending.
```In the soul's world
He is quite healthy.He never falls sick.
How?Because there is no time
For him to be sick.He keeps busy,
Devotedly busy,Cheerfully busy,
Unconditionally busy. ```Four harmonious sisters:
Purity and luminosity,Beauty and duty.
Great is purity's breath.
Tall is luminosity's heart.Inspiring is beauty's soul.
Aspiring is duty's role. ```The difference
BetweenYou and me is this:
You fast on earthAnd
You feast in Heaven.I feast on earth
AndI fast in Heaven.
I feel
Earth-food: fear, doubt, jealousy,Are most delicious.
You feelHeaven-food: peace, light and bliss
Are most delicious. ```Unconditionally
God stores up for my soul to use.My soul lavishly stores up
For my heart to use.His Heart soulfully stores up
For my life to use. ```Three imperfect gifts
From the core of earth:Desire-life
Three perfect gifts
From the core of earth:Aspiration-cry
Desire-hopeWants to possess.
Aspiration-hopeWants to progress.
Perfection-hopeEternally is.
```Do you want power?
Then go to the outer temple.Do you want peace?
Then go to the inner temple.Do you want love?
Then go to God-temple.Where is it?
It is insideThe sea of your climbing eyes.
```Sincerity is an inspiring beauty.
Humility is an illumining beauty.Purity is a feeding beauty.
Generosity is a bleeding beauty.Divinity is an immortalising beauty.
```He eats only twice a day.
His morning meal:God's Compassion-Heart,
God's Meditation-Face.His evening meal:
God's Perfection-Feet,God's Satisfaction-Soul.
```His morning prayer:
Lord, come near me.I shall never breathe a word
Against You.His evening prayer:
Lord, I have emptiedMy ignorance-sea
Before You.It is all to You
To leave it emptyOr fill it with Your
Compassion-Light. ```Father, not because
I love You lessThat often I think
Of ignoranceBut because
I have formed a bad habit.Don't worry, my Lord,
I shall soon get ridOf this bad habit.
My native seas tell me:I have lost my heart's depth.
My native skies tell me:I have lost my mind's vastness.
My native sun tells me:I have lost my life's divinity.
My native gods tell me:I have lost my soul's immortality.
```An iota of happiness I want.
But where is it?Nowhere to be found.
Frustration I do not want.
But where is it not?Alas, it sighs
Even in my victory's crown. ```I love a holy tree.
It inspires me to shelterMy earth-friends:
Impurity and insecurity.I love a holy man.
He inspires me to inviteMy Heaven-friends:
The cosmic gods. ```A life of desire-fire
Is an incomplete life.A life of aspiration-sun
Is not only a complete lifeBut God's own Life.
```My body-life
Enjoy mutual recognition.His heart-life
Enjoy simultaneous recognition.My soul-life
Enjoy constant recognition. ```O my body-pilgrim,
I see you are totally exhausted.But look, your goal's fast approaching you.
O my soul-pilgrim,
Are you not sickOf Eternity's Road
Infinity's SoulAnd
Immortality's Goal? ```My earth-years have taught me
More than countless books.My earth-years have taught me
More than Heaven's repeated instructions.My earth-years have taught me
More than they actually promised. ```Your best friend is conviction.
Her best friend is discussion.My best friend is hesitation.
Earth's best friend is dedication.Heaven's best friend is illumination.
God's best friend is Compassion. ```Remain not unrealised
In the sunlight of optimism.Remain always realised
In your quiet and sweet optimism.Optimism is the only ladder
To climb up God'sEver-transcending Height.
```Body, I love your necessity.
Vital, I love your temerity.Mind, I love your clarity.
Heart, I love your spontaneity.Soul, I love your divinity.
Lord, I love Your Sovereignty. ```Our Golden Boat
Invites the passengersWho are freed from
Ranklings of jealousyAnd who have learnt
The art of spreading purityLovingly and devotedly.
```In offering, we learn.
In learning, we become.In becoming, we perfect
Humanity's faceAnd
Accelerate God's Grace. ```Do you know why God has patience
In boundless measure?Just to make me His representative on earth.
Just to make me His prototype.Just to make me His equal.
Just to make of me another God. ```When
It is a matter of God-realisationEverybody belongs to the same boat.
WhenIt is a matter of world-salvation
Everybody is a saviour supremeIn his own inimitable right.
```If you really want
To carry peace of mindWherever you want to go,
Then do one thing:Do not carry your passport
Of self-importance.No, not even by mistake.
```O body, I am tired
Of your constant lingering.O vital, I am tired
Of your constant boasting.O mind, I am tired
Of your constant whispering.O heart, I am tired
Of your constant delaying.O soul, I am tired
Of your constant dreaming. ```O earth-born souls,
You know how far to goBut
You know not where to go.O Heaven-born souls,
You know when to loveBut
You do not love adequately. ```True,
Your earth-life,A portion of fallen divinity.
But do not be doomedTo disappointment-night.
You will gain back
What you hadAnd what you were.
Just give one more chanceTo your silence-self:
God. ```When her terrestrial chart
Was unrolledShe realised how important
Her presence on earth was.When her celestial chart
Was unrolledShe realised how desperately
Heaven needs her support,Soul-support.
```Faith has three messages to offer.
First message:God is necessary.
Second message:God-realisation is indispensable.
Third message:God-Perfection is attainable
At God's choice Hour,It is unmistakably attainable.
```The other day
I measured my desire's height.My vital was shocked.
My soul was thrilled
After I took the measurement.A pigmy's height
Was my desire's height. ```Lord, I enjoy Your juggling Eyes.
Lord, I love Your climbing Eyes.Lord, I adore Your glowing Eyes.
Lord, I worship Your forgiving Eyes.Lord, I need Your life-transforming Eyes.
```Do you love Me?
If so, why then do you loveMy arch enemy: fear?
That means when you sayYou love Me,
You do not actually mean it.Do you love Me?
If so, why then do you loveMy hostile enemy: doubt?
That means when you sayYou love Me,
You do not actually mean it. ```Love is a flower
That grows in everyHeart-garden.
Doubt is a flower
That grows in everyMind-garden.
Progress is a flower
That grows in everyLife-garden.
God is a flower
That grows in everyGratitude-heart.
```Go out
If you want to widen your mind.Stay inside
If you want to maintainThe purity of your heart.
Go out and come back soonIf you want to conquer the world
Yet sustain your God-like beauty. ```I tell you
My supreme secret:I used God's Breath
To declareMy ignorant body's
Ignorance-death.You can also try.
Your success is guaranteedFor two million years
At least. ```God says
In His creation vastOnly three human beings
Will never be old:A God-lover
A truth-serverA perfection-builder.
```Our present century
Has discoveredThree undeniable but deplorable things:
Falsehood-perfection. ```His silence-life
Is quite audible.His sound-life
Is quite inaudible.Why?
Because in his silence-lifeIs God's great preparation
And God's dynamic creation.And in his sound-life
Is God's silent frustration,God's silent Compassion.
```He knows,
He knows the virtue of silver patience.He practises it, too.
But he does not unnecessarilySit and wait,
Scheme and dream.His inner light fixes
God's choice Hour.So, at God's Hour he runs
And easily and unprecedentedlyWins the race.
```Hopeful is sunrise.
Thoughtful is moon-beauty.Soulful is love-purity.
Truthful is life-necessity.Fruitful is God-Duty
Beyond sunrise. ```You pray to God
In a time of necessity.You do not want to learn
The lessons offeredBy regularity and punctuality.
I tell you what regularityCan and will do for you:
Regularity will show youYour victory's crown
And punctuality will crown you,Your achievement's glory.
```A thunderous voice,
Who needs it?I need it when I speak to Satan.
A generous voice,Who needs it?
I need it when I speak to poor earth.A glorious voice,
Who needs it?I need it when I speak to Heaven.
```My soul, you have for me
Royal certitudeAnd I have for you
Real gratitude.My soul, you have for me
The message of the skyAnd I have for you
My inner beauty's cry. ```Father, I know I am hopeless
And useless.But since You have taken me
Into Your inner circleWill You not help me to be worthy
Of that intimate circle?I feel You certainly can.
Daughter, I certainly must. ```Be careful!
If you do not meditateA voracious earth-hour
Shall devour you.Be cheerful.
Since you meditateA precious Heaven-hour
Is bound to feed you,Love you
AndImmortalise you.
```Father, I love You.
Daughter, that is not enough.Father, I love You only.
Daughter, that is not enough.Father, I need You.
Daughter, that is not enough.Father, I need You only.
Daughter, that is not enough.Why do you love Me?
Why do you need Me?I love You, I need You
Because You, You alone areMy Eternity's All.
He went to GodWith a timid heart
God did not accept him.Because
He went to manWith two timid eyes
Man did not accept him.Because
He went to HeavenWith two timid feet
Heaven did not accept him. ```God-realisation
Is the most difficult attainment.Who denies it?
Is the most difficult achievement.Alas, nobody wants to admit it.
Nobody wants to try it. ```Sacrifice-star
You have it.You do not need any more.
You do not have.You need it ever more.
God has kept aside for you.He is just waiting
For His choice Hour. ```If and when
I have the power,I shall definitely speak
To humanity.If and when
I have the love,I shall unerringly love divinity.
If and when I become
Another God,I shall speak to myself
And never before. ```In the temple of Night
I saw who I was.In the temple of Light
I have seen what I canEventually be.
In the temple of DelightI see what I eternally am:
God's own Dream-boat. ```Limited is the power of the vital.
I am sure by this timeYou have known it.
Equally limited is the power of the mind.I am sure by this time
You have realised it.But unlimited is the power of the heart.
You will realise itBefore long.
```He barks
ButHe does not bite.
What I am telling is true.But, if he ever bites,
His bite will be no match for his bark.He is clever
Therefore he does not bite.I tell you,
This is the only reasonWhy he does not bite.
```Each prayer
Heralds a new day of hope.Each meditation
Heralds a new day of promise.Each realisation
Heralds a new life of the Supreme. ```Your power-kingdom
Is bound to be overthrownIf you fail to feed
Humanity with love.Your love-kingdom
Is bound to flourishIf you serve the body and soul
Of humanityWith your oneness-light.
```Your vital is a connoisseur
Of wild confusion.Your mind is a connoisseur
Of mild confession.Your heart is a connoisseur
Of true illumination.Your soul is a connoisseur
Of perfect satisfaction. ```God, I need
Your old Kindness.God, I need
Your new Forgiveness.God, I need
Your old Intimacy.God, I need
Your new Promise. ```My outer body-temple
From time immemorialHas been expecting God's Arrival.
My inner heart-temple
From time immemorialHas been feeding God's Body
And treasuring God's Soul. ```I believed I could conquer,
Therefore I conquered.What did I conquer?
Heaven's indifference and earth's pleasure,
God's Crown and death's pressure. ```Humanity's
Original foes:Separation-night,
Original friends:Self-giving,
Truth-search. ```Silver victory came,
Gold humility left.Gold humility returned,
Diamond God followed. ```Father, at times why do I
Become hostile to You?Is it because I feel
That You love others moreOr
Because You are notHelping me to conquer
My insecurity's lifeAnd
My jealousy's eyes?Father, I know these are difficult questions.
You may take Your own time. ```Only four songs
Are permanentIn God's creation:
Man's song of procrastinationGod's song of Compassion
Earth's song of dedicationHeaven's song of satisfaction.
```Lord, the mind-man in me
Is unwilling.Shall I force him?
OrShall I leave him?
Lord, the heart-man in me
Is more than willing.How shall I thank him?
AndHow shall I pilot him?
```My aspiration-ladder
Took me up to show meMy face of golden ray.
My desire-ladder
Brought me down to show meMy feet of inconscience-clay.
```Do you believe
In the life of reality?If you believe
Then do not renounce life.Do not indulge
In quitting activityAs long as you believe in reality;
God's omnipresent Reality. ```He who has a single desire
Has a sure enemy.He who has a little aspiration
Has a true friend.He who has an iota of love
Has a pure motherAnd
An eternal friend. ```If you say
He is oldI shall not object.
But I shall appreciate itIf you just add a pithy line:
His earth-faceIs lined with the roadmap
Of Heaven-history. ```Who says
You have to becomeA God-believer first
If you want to beA conscientious objector?
It is not at all true.You just need firm faith
In your discoveryOf wisdom-light.
If that is done,You do not have to bring God into the picture.
After all, poor God,He has many more important things to do.
```He is wise
BecauseHe knows how far he can run
In this world of limited boundaries. ```O my vital,
You cannot have a sweeping victoryAny more.
My mind, sharp as shark's teeth,
Now vehemently challenges you.And
My heart, vast as the blue sky,Condemns your age-long supreme authority.
```He thinks his outer years
Will offer him wisdom-light.Alas, he is totally wrong.
He thinks his mental capacities
Will offer him wisdom-light.Alas, this time, too, he is wrong.
Finally, he comes to realise
That it is God's Compassion-FloodThat offers him the wisdom-light.
```Use him to please you.
He will do it.Use him to love you.
He will do it.Use him to show you
The Face of God.He will do it.
He will gladly do it.He will devotedly do it.
Why?Because in your joy
He achieves the peerless satisfactionOf God-manifestation.
```There was a time
When I ventured to changeThe face of the world.
And now I consider the case.
No more shall I be
A self-styled reformer.I shall become only a God-lover
To please Him in His own Way. ```To humanity,
Your heart of lightHas brought the greatest
Blessing-light.To divinity,
Your mouth of abysmal darknessHas brought the unparalleled curse.
```Why does he need weapons
To accept the challengeOf world-gloom?
His wisdom-lightFar transcends the power
Of world-doomAnd
Heaven-bloom. ```"Walk by faith, not by night."
This is the only wayTo reach God's
Ever-transcending HeightsAnd
Ever-deepening Depth.This method I have tried
And I have succeeded,More than succeeded.
```All is uncertain
Between womb and tomb.All is uncertain
Between man's Heavenly promiseAnd earthly hope.
All is uncertain
Between man's aspiration-cryAnd realisation-smile.
```Control your earth-desires.
Don't you seeThat you are injuring
Your Heaven-aspiration?Increase your Heaven-aspiration.
Don't you seeThat your human incarnation
Is about to surrenderTo your animal incarnation?
Desire-friendWhat can I do?
My Lord wants me to play with you.He wants me to win,
He wants you to lose.If not, I would have easily allowed you
To win at times, at least.As you know I have taken
A solemn vow:"God's God-Decision is always final."
```Dear Doubt, after I have passed
Behind the curtain of eternity,I might visit your country.
But now, during my earth-sojourn,I shall stay only with my bosom friend
Faith.Once more, if you
Darken my mind-door,I shall never leave
My Faith's immortal shore.So, be careful,
Doubt, my dear. ```He who loves nothing
Knows nothing.He who knows nothing
Is nothing.He who is nothing
Is either God's inimitable creationOr man's insurmountable frustration.
```Everything is easy to the willing.
Father God and brother HeavenAre shining examples.
Nothing is easy to the unwilling.
Your Himalayan egoAnd
My Pacific insincerityAre shining examples.
```Exception proves the rule;
You do not need God,Yet God loves you.
His hour for Heaven
Has not yet struck;Yet he has left for Heaven
Out of bitter disgust for earth.Needless to say,
God has forgiven himAnd has accepted the fact.
I have brought God down
And placed Him before human beingsQuite unexpectedly.
Yet God loves me. ```The seeker in me
Never fears investigation.The lover in me
Never fears desertion.The master in me
Never fears humiliation. ```I thought about God
Only to satisfy me.I spoke about God
Only to glorify me.I wrote about God
Only to justify me. ```God shook hands with me
Only to prove that He is my real Friend.God blessed me on my head
Only to prove that He is my true Father.God embraced me powerfully
Only to prove that He is my eternal Lover. ```The desiring man
In me declares:"Action, action."
The aspiring man
In me declares:"Intention, intention."
The surrendering man
In me declares:"God-satisfaction,
God-satisfaction."The realised man
In me declares:"Eternal-perfection,
Eternal-perfection." ```You have some mental problems.
Go to a psychiatrist.I am absolutely the wrong person.
You have some physical problems.
Go to a doctor.I am absolutely the wrong person.
You have some legal problems.
Go to a lawyer.I am absolutely the wrong person.
Come to me only when
You have God-realisation problemsAnd
God-manifestation problems. ```They say I am a fool.
I tell the world everything I know.But what can I do?
How can I be mean?I must share my knowledge with others.
After all I am practisingWhat I have been taught by the Supreme.
Did He not empty His Knowledge-Sun
Before me?Whom shall I follow
If not my Father Supreme? ```Confession
Is good for a Christian soul.Purification
Is good for a Hindu soul.Satisfaction
Is good for a surrendered soul.Perfection
Is good for a realised soul. ```Confidence grows
Slowly.Realisation spreads
Steadily.Perfection flows
Eternally.Satisfaction glows
Supremely. ```What is a truth?
What is a lie?A lie is the false protection
Of my clever deception.A truth is the sure revelation
Of my pure perfection. ```I have compared myself
With God.He has only two things
More than I have:Compassion
I have compared myself
With man.I have only two things
More than he has:Self-deception
```Confess, confess
If you have nothing elseTo do.
Progress, progress.
Indeed,This is the only thing
To do. ```Confidence, confidence.
God has confidence in meAnd
I have confidence in God.God feels I shall be able
To equal Him.I am sure God will help me
In this matter.I feel I shall be able
To manifest Him.I am sure God will help me
In this matter. ```He is a cloud-born man.
What can you reallyExpect of him?
She is a sun-born soul.
Is there anythingThat both on earth and in Heaven
You cannot expect of her? ```Even the world-illumining sun
Has teeming spots.Why do you worry
About my life's blackspots,Mother Earth?
Son, I want you to be
As perfect as Eternity'sFather-sun
And not the time-bornPlanet-sun.
```I have carefully read
God's Biography,Therefore
I know practically everythingAbout God.
But one thing even nowI do not understand.
Is God responsible for this miserable creationOr
Am I responsible for my added contribution? ```Since
Asking costs nothingI ask God to love me more.
Loving costs nothingI love God more and more.
Making costs nothingI make God of my own sweet will.
```Talk to others,
You will learn.Talk to yourself,
You will learn more.Stop talking,
Remain silent.God will talk and God will learn
For you.You will learn everything
That God alone knows. ```All the questions
Have answers.Only one question
Remains unanswered:Does God ever think
If He has madeA serious blunder
In creating thisAnimal universe?
You are a real clever Master.Just because I do not follow
Your path, you secretlyTell your people
That I am not ready for the spiritual life.Just because I have not taken you
As my Master, you openly sayThat I am not meant to be your disciple.
Indeed,You are a real clever Master.
```Love your earth-adversaries
But tell them notWhat you have:
You have shadowless God-realisation.If you breathe your realisation
They will refute your proclamation,They will delay your manifestation.
Love themBut tell them not
What you haveAnd what you eternally are.
What you have
Is a glowing realisation.What you are
Is an ever-ascending aspiration. ```What has failed you?
Your mind of wild confusionHas failed you.
Blame not others.What has unnecessarily failed you?
Your life of mean seclusionHas failed you.
Blame not others,Emphatically.
We try so hard,We cry so often,
How is it thatWe never succeed?
Daughter, My daughter,
Try not to succeedBut
Try only to proceed.Lo, your victory-speed
Is fast approaching you,My daughter sweet.
```It never ends
My ignorance never ends.It never begins
My aspiration never begins.It never cries
My stupidity never cries.It never smiles
My fear never smiles. ```The best is yet to come.
ThereforeGive me another chance.
The best is yet to come.
ThereforeI can begin to dance.
```You are closest to God
BecauseYou never play with the role of God.
He is closer to God
BecauseHis disciples compel him
To play the role of God.I am close to God
BecauseOn my own, I play the role of God.
```The Master offered this prayerful gift to his spiritual children of the Puerto Rican Sri Chinmoy Centres, and to his Centres in all other parts of the world. On Father's Day a special dedication of this volume was made to the Guru by the disciples who worked in the printing of the book. On that occasion, each of the 365 poems was recited to the accompaniment of soulful music.
Sri Chinmoy expressed his deepest and most loving gratitude to the disciples who worked for three days and nights on the book, many of them staying up all night for three consecutive nights, and getting only snatches of sleep during the day, typing, varietyping, proofreading, making plates and negatives, masking, printing, collating and binding this book of poems. The temperature hovered near 98° all during this time.
The Guru is extremely proud of his Puerto Rican children.From:Sri Chinmoy,Three hundred sixty-five Father's Day prayers, Aum Press, Puerto Rico, 1974
Sourced from