Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 35

3401. If I can love myself


Secrecy’s sacred door

Is now wide open:

Ecstasy’s satisfaction-core

Will be all mine

If I can love myself

Spontaneously. ```

3402. If I can treat myself carefully


Secrecy’s sacred door

Is now wide open:

Ecstasy’s satisfaction-core

Will be all mine

If I can treat myself

Carefully. ```

3403. If I can examine myself


Secrecy’s sacred door

Is now wide open:

Ecstasy’s satisfaction-core

Will be all mine

If I can examine myself

Constantly. ```

3404. If I can give myself


Secrecy’s sacred door

Is now wide open:

Ecstasy’s satisfaction-core

Will be all mine

If I can give myself

Unconditionally. ```

3405. If I can think of myself


Secrecy’s sacred door

Is now wide open:

Ecstasy’s satisfaction-core

Will be all mine

If I can think of myself

Soulfully. ```

3406. If I can see myself


Secrecy’s sacred door

Is now wide open:

Ecstasy’s satisfaction-core

Will be all mine

If I can see myself

Impartially. ```

3407. If I can purify myself


Secrecy’s sacred door

Is now wide open:

Ecstasy’s satisfaction-core

Will be all mine

If I can purify myself

Sleeplessly. ```

3408. O locked door of my mind


O locked door of my doubting mind,

This time to unlock you

I shall try my heart’s love-key

And immediately succeed. ```

3409. I keep my eyes open


I keep my ears shut

So that I can escape

The wild gossip of the world.

I keep my eyes open

So that I can feast

On nature’s perennial beauty.


3410. My Lord comes to me


In the morning

My Lord comes to me

With His Eye’s silver Sound.

In the evening

My Lord comes to me

With His Heart’s golden Silence.


3411. Wisdom-light


Wisdom-light is a peerless treasure.

You can have it,

You can claim it now

To cure your amazingly blinded

Himalayan pride.


3412. Perfect my imperfections


Perfect my imperfections,

O my Lord Supreme.

I long to be able to please You

In the service of humanity. ```

3413. The thought-world



I was sick of my idle thoughts.


I am sick of my human thoughts.


I shall free myself entirely

From the thought-world.


3414. O my indecisive mind


O my indecisive mind,

My dislike of you

Goes far beyond your imagination,

For neither do you want to fly

Nor do you want to try.


3415. His heart was his foe


His heart was his sole foe.

It stood against him

When he wanted to disown

His doubting mind


His strangling vital. ```

3416. Infinity's Light radiates


My aspiration-heart and my dedication-life

Know that Infinity’s Light radiates

On each and every mile

Of Eternity’s Road. ```

3417. Nothing is more beautiful


Nothing is more beautiful

Than purity.

Nothing is more painful

Than doubt.

Nothing is more fruitful

Than gratitude. ```

3418. Oneness fulfils


Hatred deceives the hater.

Love illumines the lover.

Oneness fulfils the God-seeker.


3419. Because of his self-doubt


Because of his self-doubt

He could not see the Face of God.

Because of his false confidence

He could not sit at the Feet of God. ```

3420. You hide because you are afraid


You hide just because you are afraid.

You divide just because you are insecure.

You are insufficient just because

You want supremacy. ```

3421. The beauty of the morning


The beauty of the morning

Inspires me to pray to God

To grant me purity.

The radiance of the noon

Inspires me to pray to God

To grant me power.

The peace of the evening

Inspires me to pray to God

To grant me a gratitude-heart.


3422. I am very happy


I am very happy

Because I have conquered myself

And not the world.

I am very happy

Because I have loved the world

And not myself.

I am very happy

Because I have not surrendered

Either to the world or to myself.


3423. If you see your mistakes


If you see your mistakes,

Then there is every hope

That someday you will stop making mistakes.

If you don’t see your mistakes,

Then you will be compelled to eat

Eternity’s failure-food. ```

3424. Become a perfect man


Become a perfect man.

God will treasure you.

Become another God.

Man will claim you. ```

3425. A Spiritual Master is strict


A spiritual Master is strict

With his spiritual children,

Not because he wants them

To be always afraid of him.

No, no, no!

He is strict with them

Because he wants them to conquer

Once and for all

Their inner fear.

This inner fear is the beginning

Of their spiritual death.


3426. O my broken heart


O my broken heart,

I tell you something in supreme secrecy:

You are only one side of the reality-coin.

Look on the other side

At what is shining bright.

It is the Golden Shore, the Golden Shore —


Today your name is disappointment.

Tomorrow your name will be

God’s Satisfaction supreme. ```

3427. Do not pretend!


Do not pretend!

Pretence is a false performance.

It cannot illumine anyone.

It cannot transform anyone.

It cannot protect anyone.

In your case that “anyone”

Is none other than your own self.

Pretence is self-destruction

On all reality-planes.


3428. You just have to tolerate yourself


You do not have to

Describe yourself.

You do not have to

Broadcast yourself.

You just have to

Tolerate yourself

And then illumine yourself.


3429. Sincerity purifies our eyes


Sincerity purifies our eyes.

Purity illumines our hearts.

Oneness immortalises our lives.


3430. A simple heart has the beauty


As certain as the dawn,

A simple heart has the beauty

That far outshines the glory

Of an intellectual giant

Or a philosopher-sovereign.


3431. Prayerfully cry every day


Life is but a sinking ship.

If you want to save your ship,

Then prayerfully cry every day,

Soulfully smile every day,

Selflessly give to the Supreme

In His entire creation

Every day.


3432. No longer a counterfeit


Do not be afraid

Of your new life.

Your new life

Is reality itself,

And no longer a counterfeit.


3433. Keep determination


Keep determination

Inside your constant flame

Of aspiration.

If you can do that,

Then you will not sink

Into your life’s abysmal chasm. ```

3434. Enthusiasm and imperfection


Vigorous enthusiasm

On the self-transcendence-journey

And insistent imperfection

Can never be neighbours. ```

3435. Nothing can be lost for good


Nothing can be lost for good.

No, not even your gratitude-heart.

Just try to bring it back

And you will be able to regain it

Without fail,

Not only sooner than you expect,

But also sooner than you can imagine.


3436. Love yourself more


If you want to understand yourself,

Then do not examine yourself.

Just love yourself more sincerely,

More soulfully

And more self-givingly.


3437. If I unreservedly devote myself


Will I not immediately be placed

Inside the Compassion-Eye

And Forgiveness-Heart

Of the Supreme

If I unreservedly devote myself to them?


3438. Love yourself more every day


If you want to guide your own life,

Then never hate yourself.

Love yourself more every day

In spite of heavy pressures

And powerful frustrations.


3439. Self-doubt disappears


Self-doubt disappears

The moment I realise

That my faith in God

Makes me not only

A lover of God

But also

A server of God.


3440. One day we will all become perfect


The human in me

Desires to appear perfect.

The divine in me

Aspires to be perfect.

The Supreme in me

Knows that, like God,

One day we will all become perfect.


3441. God can teach you


God can teach you

How to love yourself

Soulfully and perfectly

Only when you feel and know

That you have completely exhausted

The cunning art of self-deception. ```

3442. The self-giving heart


The doubting mind

May see God’s Face

But will not feel God’s Heart.

The self-giving heart

Will become the Breath of God

Even without seeing the Body of God.


3443. The Supreme in us loves


The animal in us

Loves destruction.

The human in us

Loves separation.

The divine in us

Loves co-operation.

The Supreme in us

Loves satisfaction in perfection. ```

3444. How can I forgive myself?


How can I forgive myself?

While praying to God

I turn myself into

A bitter complacency factory.

How can I forgive myself?

While meditating on God

I turn myself into

An illusion-delusion-mystification factory. ```

3445. All are fascinated


My body is fascinated

By the velocity of my vital.

My vital is fascinated

By the clarity of my mind.

My mind is fascinated

By the purity of my heart.

My heart is fascinated

By the divinity of my soul. ```

3446. A direct connection


Your smiles can fool my eyes.

Your tears can fool my eyes.

But neither your smiles nor your tears

Can ever fool my heart,

For my heart has a direct connection

With the breath of the reality-world. ```

3447. Glowing remedies


When I live

In the desire-bound world,

I see teeming maladies

With no remedies.

When I live

In the aspiration-bound world,

I see glowing remedies

With no maladies. ```

3448. I am eager to learn


I am eager to learn about life

From the loser,

But I shall never, never learn

Anything about life

From a self-styled and self-professed winner.


3449. In God's Care


Yesterday I placed my impurity-kingdom

In God’s Forgiveness-Care.

Today I am placing my doubt-palace

In God’s Compassion-Care.

Tomorrow I shall place my gratitude-room

In God’s Satisfaction-Care. ```

3450. Quality-suggestions


Quantity-advice I get

From my self-doubting mind.

Quality-suggestions I get

From my self-giving heart. ```

3451. My teachers


My outer schoolteacher

Carefully tells me

What I can eventually achieve.

My inner schoolteacher

Compassionately tells me

What I can ultimately become.

My Beloved Supreme

Smilingly tells me

What I eternally am.


3452. Proud statements


As I tell my mind

How great it is

And as I tell my heart

How pure it is,

Even so, my life shows me

How utterly false

Proud statements, nay,

Even strong convictions, are. ```

3453. Cheerfulness-treasure


Nothing can equal cheerfulness-treasure.

This treasure is infinitely greater

Than an emperor’s wealth.

Therefore, establish, increase

And continually multiply

Your cheerfulness-treasure. ```

3454. Malady and remedy


Desire is the malady.

Aspiration is the remedy.

Assurance is the doctor.

God’s Satisfaction-Delight

Is the cure.


3455. Remembrance of God's Name


Remembrance of God’s Name

Is perfection-sky.

Repetition of God’s Name

Is satisfaction-sun. ```

3456. Give up everything else


Give up everything else

If you want to.

Only do not give up


Please everyone else

If you want to,

Only after you have pleased God

Sleeplessly and unconditionally

In His own Way.


3457. Your heart is all you need


You do not need a cave

To pray to God.

You do not need a forest

To meditate on God.

What you need, you already have

In abundant quality and quantity.

Your loving, self-giving heart

Is all you need,

And you will always have it.


3458. A beacon-light


What is sleepless faith?

It is a beacon-light for those

Who are sailing in the Golden Boat

Towards the Golden Shore. ```

3459. Surrender is a clarion call


Surrender is a clarion call

For those who want to make

The fastest progress

In the world of self-giving

And in the world of God-becoming.


3460. If you have a thought


If you have a thought,

Then channel it

Into kindness-perfection.

If you have an idea,

Then channel it

Into oneness-satisfaction.


3461. Only one thing beautiful


O seekers from all walks of life,

O seekers from all corners of the globe,

I am sure you know that

There is only one thing

Really beautiful and fruitful,

And that is your own self-giving. ```

3462. My Beloved Supreme is searching


My Beloved Supreme is searching

For my willingness

And not for my capacity.

My Beloved Supreme is searching

For my readiness

And not for my perfection.


3463. Who says you are cruel?


Who says you are cruel?

You do not enjoy watching

A sinking man.

Who says you are stupid?

You do not enjoy mixing with

An unaspiring man. ```

3464. If you listen to your vital


If you listen to your restless vital,

Then slavery-humiliation

Will be all yours.

If you follow the senseless whims of your mind,

Then bondage-pangs

Will be all yours.


3465. Your heart can protect


As your eyelids easily and effortlessly

Protect your eyes,

Even so, your heart can easily

And effortlessly protect

Your vital from destruction,

Your mind from confusion,

Your body from hesitation.


3466. Another name


To me,

Patience is another name

For strength,

Strength is another name

For perfection,

Perfection is another name

For oneness

And oneness is fulfilled satisfaction. ```

3467. Your cheerful heart


Do not ignore your cheerful heart.

Every day it is soulfully and selflessly

Carrying you nearer

To the destined goal,

And never, never farther away.


3468. My perfect desire


When I pray to God

For my realisation,

It is my pure desire.

When I pray to God

For His Satisfaction,

It is my perfect desire.


3469. The vastness-beauty of the sky


My mind admires

The vastness-beauty of the sky.

My heart adores

The oneness-universality of the sun. ```

3470. Keep crying


Keep crying,

The world will love you evermore.

Keep smiling,

The world will need you evermore. ```

3471. Wisdom is power


Wisdom is power.

Love is a superior power.

Satisfaction is the supreme power

That can never be challenged

But can easily be acquired.


3472. Beyond the reach


If you are beyond the reach

Of praise and blame,

Then rest assured

You are also far beyond the reach

Of temptation-snare.


3473. Purity, purity, purity!


Purity, purity, purity!

True, without being pure

You can meditate.

But you cannot achieve

Abiding happiness

Without being sufficiently pure. ```

3474. Like being reborn


When you realise

That doubt is poison

And that fear is death,

It is like being reborn

To enjoy the beauty

Of creation

And taste the fulness

Of satisfaction. ```

3475. As the clouds cannot hide


As the teeming clouds cannot hide

The luminosity of the sun


Even so, the stark impurity of the mind

Cannot hide the divinity of the soul

Permanently. ```

3476. A man of failure


A man of failure does not and cannot

Discourage me in my spiritual journey.

On the contrary,

He strengthens my legs

And he lengthens my strides.


3477. Without the beauty of surrender


Without the beauty of surrender

One cannot see the Feet

Of the Absolute Supreme.

Without the purity of gratitude

One cannot feel the Heart

Of the Absolute Supreme.


3478. A useful seeker


A useless seeker insists

That he is always needed.

A useful seeker sees, feels, knows

And therefore insists

That he is exploiting

The generous world. ```

3479. Impossible for a liberated man


Difficult for a defeated man

To be gracious!

Impossible for a liberated man

To be ungracious! ```

3480. I think of you, my Lord


I think of You, my Lord,

Because You are exceptionally great.

I pray to You, my Lord,

Because You are surprisingly good.

I meditate on You, my Lord,

Because You are amazingly perfect. ```

3481. When you live in yourself


When you live in yourself,

You are wise.

When you live with yourself,

You are brave.

When you live for yourself,

You are incorrigible. ```

3482. Go beyond your mind


Go beyond your mind

If you want to see

The oneness-tree.

Go beyond your entire body-consciousness

If you want to eat

The satisfaction-fruit.


3483. Perfect your earthbound mind


Once you can perfect

Your earthbound mind,

The rest of your being

Will automatically become perfect

And you will become

A choice instrument

Of the Cosmic Player.


3484. Study the art of humility


Study the art of humility.

You will be highly admired

By the entire world.

Study the art of purity.

You will be spontaneously loved

By the entire world.


3485. A fool


You are a fool;


You want to learn from me.

I am not a fool;


I want to learn from God Himself.


3486. What compels me to leave?


What compels me to leave

My Lord’s Presence?

Needless to say,

My ignorance-tiger,

And not my vision-swan.


3487. Fountain-hearts of aspiration


One day our hearts will be

Fountain-hearts of aspiration.

We are eagerly waiting for that day.


3488. He who consoles your heart


He who consoles your heart

Is great.

He who illumines your mind

Is good.

He who shows you the road

Leading to liberation

Is perfect.


3489. What do you want from God?


What do you actually want from God?

Perhaps not His Power,

Perhaps not His Peace,

Perhaps not His Bliss,

Perhaps only His

Inseparable Oneness-Assurance. ```

3490. I shall no more desire


I shall no more desire God the Power.

Therefore, how can my mind confuse me?

I shall no more desire God the Power.

Therefore, how can my heart caution me?

I shall no more desire God the Power.

Therefore, how can my life fail me? ```

3491. The ultimate Truth


If you want to know the ultimate Truth,

Then go beyond the human mind.

If you want to live in the ultimate Truth,

Then embody permanently

A soulful consciousness.

If you want to become the ultimate Truth,

Then increase your love for your soul,

Increase your faith in your soul


Increase your oneness with your soul. ```

3492. Infinitely more difficult


It is infinitely more difficult

For a sincere Truth-seeker

And a true God-lover

To remain asleep

Than to wake up early in the morning

At God’s choice Hour

To meditate.


3493. You need both


My Lord Supreme, which do I need,

Perfection or satisfaction,

Or do I need both?

“My child, you need both.

You need constantly a perfection-mind.

You need constantly a satisfaction-heart.

You need both, My child.”


3494. Your bounden duty


It is not your responsibility

To tell others that they are not right.

It is not your responsibility

To tell others that you are right.

But it is your bounden duty

To make the world see and feel

That God is always right —

For you, for others,

For His entire creation.


3495. My mental world


My mental world has given me

Its most precious possession:


I am giving my mental world

My most precious possession:

Acceptance-light. ```

3496. An absurd expectation


Realisation you want,

But aspiration you do not have.

Indeed, this is an absurd expectation.

Oneness you want,

But love you do not have.

Indeed, this is an absurd expectation.

Satisfaction you want,

But perfection you do not have.

Indeed, this is an absurd expectation.


3497. A right ideal-palace


Each time I come out

Of a wrong idea-cave,

I see the presiding deity

Of a right ideal-palace

Welcoming me and garlanding me.


3498. You want to manifest God


You want to manifest God

And in this way satisfy God,

Not because He demands it,

Not because He loves you,

But because you love Him.

Unconsciously you always love Him,

But if you consciously love Him,

Then you will expedite your Godward journey,

Manifest Him,

And thus satisfy Him

Far beyond your imagination.


3499. When I see my Lord's Omnipotence


When I see my Lord’s Omnipotence

Inside my heart,

I clearly see the complete absence

Of my Himalayan ego-defence. ```

3500. O Truth-seeker, O God-lover


O Truth-seeker, O God-lover,

I admire you,

Not because you have a beautiful mind,

Not because you have a soulful heart,

But because you have turned

Your entire life

Into a useful instrument

Of my Beloved Supreme. ```

Editor's introduction to the first edition

This is the thirty-fifth volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.

Editor's note to cover photo

India’s Prime Minister Morarji Desai and Sri Chinmoy greet one another during a meeting on 12 June 1978 in New York. The two Indian leaders discussed various spiritual matters as well as Sri Chinmoy’s work at the United Nations. Sri Chinmoy told the Prime Minister, “With you India is great and good. In you India is safe and happy.” In the Prime Minister’s honour, members of the Meditation Group at the United Nations sang a song which Sri Chinmoy had composed about him.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 35, Agni Press, 1982
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_35