True freedom will come,
But where will it come from?Not from the height
Of my mind-tower,But from the bliss
Of God’s unconditionalCompassion-Shower.
```I shall not give you
What I really want to give you —My great advice —
If you tell meWhat you really do not want to tell me —
The secret of your inner progress. ```God is within me.
Therefore, I am precious.God is for me.
Therefore, I am courageous. ```Give cheerfully
If you want to becomeImmediately perfect.
Love soulfully
If you want to beSupremely perfect.
```You will really be happy
By questioning every dayThe sincerity of your own purity.
```You are not a thought-bubble.
You are not an idea-ripple.What are you then?
You are an ideal-sea,The sea of yesterday’s
And tomorrow’s peace. ```Be not afraid of inner obedience
And outer obedience.If you are afraid
Of inner obedience,God will deny you
His Satisfaction-Heart.If you are afraid
Of outer obedience,God will deny you
His Protection-Feet. ```If you can appreciate
The beauty of peace,Then God will grant you
Not only the divinity of peaceBut also the immortality of peace.
```Every way you turn
You see a great barrier.Why, why?
Because you are not willingConsciously and soulfully
To become the oneness-carrierOf God’s Love-Light.
```A soulfully surrendered heart
Actually knowsWhat a haughtily narrow mind
Pretends to know. ```On earth
Is there anything uselessThat does not tell us
It is absolutely neededAnd also add
That its absenceCan and will shatter
Our earthly happiness? ```Self-deception must give way
To self-examination.Self-examination must merge
In self-perfectionAnd stay forever.
```A seeker must know
That he has to make friendsWith his immediate neighbours
In the inner world:A calmness-sky
AndA fulness-sun.
```When I continuously think and think,
God gives me the surgesOf His quantity-advice.
When I sleeplessly pray and pray,God grants me the Himalayan peak
Of His quality-advice. ```Sincerity
Changed his pastSlowly and steadily.
Is changing his presentPowerfully and convincingly.
Will change his futureAmazingly and permanently.
```You have to know
To whom you belong.When you stand in front of
A multitude of people,You must feel
That you belong to yourself.But when you stand in front of God,
You must immediately feelThat you entirely belong to God.
```You do your duty:
Discard your wrong thoughts.God will do His Duty:
He will reward youWith His Infinity’s Vision-Dawn.
```An awakened soul can easily halt
An express train of problems and crises.Therefore,
What you desperately and immediately needIs an awakened soul.
```Renunciation-light helps you
In your inner awakening.Your inner awakening helps you
In your God-becoming. ```If you think that
Life has a higher purpose,Then you are fully ready
For the spiritual life. ```Look forward until you see
The full Vastness of God.Dive inward until you have grown into
The absolute Fulness of God. ```A strong person encourages me.
A weak person discourages me.A spiritual person liberates me.
```To run from the known
To the unknownIs to run from bondage
To freedom. ```What is really right
For my aspiring heartCannot be wrong
For my searching mind. ```Who told you
That you are obligedTo think ill of yourself?
Discard this false notion! ```If you praise yourself so highly,
Then I am happy to tell youThat you have already done my job.
Thank you. ```When are you going to be
Tired of forgivingYour doubtful mind
AndYour fearful heart,
When? ```Confession is the beginning
Of a powerful illumination.Illumination is the beginning
Of a fruitful God-Satisfaction. ```If you lead
A faithful and spontaneous life,God is bound to grant you
His bountiful and gracious Heart. ```God gets the opportunity
To enjoy HimselfWhen I carefully and strictly
Examine myself. ```Unless you know
What the perennial Truth is,How can you know
Those who are the permanent embodimentsOf that transcendental Existence-Reality?
```When I say that I belong to myself,
I know nothing,I am a stark fool.
When I say that I belong to God,Not only do I know myself,
But I also know thatGod is my heart’s Oneness-Partner.
```If you can show God
Your hard-earned liberated mind,God will show you
His Infinity’s Ecstasy-Heart.He will also tell you
That you can have His HeartFor the asking.
Does not want to seeThe Light of the Beyond.
Longs to seeThe Light of the Beyond.
Has a free access toThe Light of the Beyond.
```My desire-life tells me
That God has no timeTo think of me.
My aspiration-life tells me
That God thinks of meOnly when I think of Him.
My surrender-life tells me
That God thinks of me all the time,Whether I think of Him or not.
```Stupidity thinks that
Intelligence is not needed.Intelligence thinks that
Intuition is not needed.Intuition knows that
Stupidity is a self-destroying forceAnd intelligence is earth’s
Success-employing force. ```The schoolteacher tells his students:
Read, you will know.The spiritual Teacher tells his students:
Become, you will know.God tells His eternal students:
Just feel that I am yours.What more do you need to know?
```If you are doing something wrong,
Then do not hide it from others.They can perfect you.
If you are doing something right,
Then hide it not only from others,But also from yourself.
Both God and man will love you more. ```When sound challenges silence
And badly loses,And then silence embraces sound,
God arranges for a big nectar-feast. ```Frustration discarded,
Determination awarded,The pride of ignorance completely thwarted.
```Each right thought
Is a new awakening.Each new awakening
Is a self-transcending beginning of GodIn me, through me and for me.
```Do you want to win
In the battlefield of life?Then do not run away,
Do not idle away.Only develop a new heart
And stay inside it,Forever stay.
```I tell God,
“My Lord, I need You badlyTo enlighten my mind.”
God tells me,“My child, I also need you badly
To entertain My Heart.” ```You are not
What others think of you.You are not
What you think of yourself.You are precisely
What God’s Compassion-HeartAsks you to be.
```Your reputation does not
Have a lasting breath.But your self-examination,
Which is another name for God-Satisfaction,Has and is an eternal Breath.
```If you want to see
The Face of God,Then you must at least
Spend some hours every dayWith His chosen instrument:
Your heart. ```What you give to the world
May not come back,But what you think of the world
Will not only come backBut may even attack you ruthlessly.
Therefore, be aware of your thought-life! ```To know more,
You do not have to do more,You do not have to say more,
You do not even have to become more.You only have to try to think and feel
That God thinks of you infinitely moreThan you can think of yourself.
```In the beginning
You are not askedTo be perfect.
In the beginning
You are askedOnly to see how much damage is caused
By your teeming imperfections. ```Depression is not the answer.
Suppression is not the answer.Rejection is not the answer.
Illumination is the inner answer;Transformation is the outer answer.
```A false friend is he
Who increases my weakness.A true friend is he
Who not only increases my strengthBut also helps me love consciously
The Source of all strength: God. ```A sincere seeker
Is a prince in the inner world.A pure seeker
Is a king in the inner world.A grateful seeker
Is an emperor in the inner world. ```God has done
Three most significant things for me:He has prepared my heart,
He has repaired my mind,He has appeared unsought.
```How can and why should
God care for youIf you do not dare,
Even for a fleeting second,To close the door on your past
And all its dust? ```His own heart
Stood vehemently against himWhen the seeker made an unusual compromise
With ignorance-night. ```My mind thinks
That it does not have to hurry upFor anything.
My heart feelsThat it does not have to wake up now,
For Eternity is at its disposal.Alas, alas!
But I am telling myselfThat I shall not give up.
```Just because you are burdened,
You are confused.Just because you are confused,
Your utter ruin is fast approaching. ```The one way
To change your mind amazinglyIs to convince your mind
That your heart has nothing to doWith autocracy.
It embodies only Eternity’s oneness-life. ```The transformation of man’s nature
Is not an easy task.Everybody knows that.
But is it not trueThat there are many who really enjoy
Their animal nature? ```Why are you so hesitant?
Ask your vitalTo be immediately pure.
Ask your heartTo be always sure.
```Love alone can and will
Eventually ruleThe undisciplined vital
AndThe unprincipled mind.
```Slowly and steadily
If you can still your restless mind,Immediately and cheerfully
God will open His measureless Heart. ```The key of love
Not only opens the door of beliefAbove
But also closes the door of disbeliefBelow.
```Do you not see
That sick human thoughtsAre killing you?
Do you not seeThat strong divine thoughts
Are eagerly waitingTo save you?
```If you are enjoying
Your service to Eternity,Your life cannot be rootless
And your heart cannot be sunless. ```Conquer your idle thoughts
If you want to become familiarWith the secrets of golden silence.
Is a great treasure.Wisdom-delight
Is a perfect treasure. ```If your mind
Is blinded by shameless pride,Then your life
Will be blighted by deathless humiliation. ```He who does not love life,
To him life is a tautAnd rigid grasp.
He who loves life,To him life is a beautiful
And powerful clasp. ```Humility is not a slave mentality.
Humility helps you rocketTo the highest heights
Of Satisfaction-Delight. ```I am not pleased with my mind
Because it speaks to God too much.Unthinkably, it embarrasses me.
I am not pleased with my heart either,
Because it speaks to God too little.It unwisely represents me.
I am pleased only with my soul
For it speaks to GodNot only soulfully but also judiciously,
And it does not useEither one word more
Or one word less than necessaryWhen it converses with God.
```If you have a true and sleepless
Love of God,Then nobody will be able to snatch you away
From the Embrace of God. ```If I have to make a choice between
God the ForgivenessAnd
God the Justice,I shall choose God the Justice,
For the Thunder-Feet of God the JusticeWill be followed by the Illumination-Eye
Of God the Perfection-Bestower,Whereas God the Compassion will forgive me
Time and again,And yet I shall remain an ignorance-prince.
```A God-seeker thinks
That he can be free.A God-server feels
That he will be free.A God-lover knows
That he is free. ```Yesterday
Patience was the beginningOf my perfection.
Patience is the floweringOf my satisfaction.
```I must go beyond thought
If I at all dare to expectThat my mind’s confusion-storm
Will someday pass.I must needs go beyond thought!
```Obey the small whispers of peace
In your inner life.You are bound to be happy.
Disobey the thunder-sounds of war
In your outer life.You are bound to be happy.
```Ignorance binds us to
The things that we do not own.Knowledge helps us disown
The things that we do not need. ```How can any seeker be helpless,
Hopeless and uselessWhen God Himself has chosen
To play with himTirelessly and sleeplessly?
```Be careful!
Your vital easeWill, without fail,
Corrode your peace-loving heart. ```If your heart-flower is withered,
Blame not God,Blame not even yourself.
Just pray to GodTo grant you another opportunity.
Just ask yourselfNot to miss the opportunity
This time.If you do not miss the opportunity this time,
Yours will be a fresh heart-flowerFor God the Compassion to use
In His own Satisfaction-Way. ```My sincere life is troubled
By two unanswered questions:How can I tell humanity
That I have never caredAnd I will never care for it?
How can I tell GodA downright lie —
That I have loved Him onlyAnd I will always love Him only?
```What does Heaven like?
Heaven likes its heartTo be gracious.
What does earth like?Earth likes its life
To be adventurous.What do I like?
I like my soul’s Heavenward return journeyTo be auspicious.
```To me, the things I see
With my human eyesCan never be as important
As the things I feelWith my soulful heart.
```My Lord, I thank You
For two reasons:I thank You for listening
To my heart’s quest,I thank You for not listening
To my mind’s query. ```A small measure of sincerity
Is nothing short ofA large measure of beauty.
A small measure of beauty
Is nothing short ofA large measure of humility.
A small measure of humility
Is nothing short ofA large measure of purity.
```Instead of telling the world
What it is supposed to do,Why don’t you immediately do it yourself?
In this way, I assure you,Your happiness will be
Surprisingly multiplied. ```After you have revealed your heart’s security
To its fullest extent,You may try to do something else,
And that is to conceal your mind’s insecurity. ```If you have a doubtful mind,
Then give it to GodFor its illumination.
If you have a prayerful heart,
Then give it to meFor my perfection.
```His mind knows what a conflict is.
His vital knows what a complaint is.His heart knows where a solution is:
In love. ```Remain cheerful,
For nothing destructive can pierce throughThe adamantine wall of cheerfulness.
```Your life is remarkably harmonious.
Therefore, you are most precious to GodAnd most prosperous
In God’s Heart-Kingdom. ```Hope is beautiful,
But may not be powerful.Determination is powerful,
But may not be fruitful.Faith is not only
Beautiful and powerfulBut also fruitful.
```Your unconditional love of God
Does two things:It transforms your mind
And it informs ignoranceThat at long last
It has found a new and perfect boss:God.
```Years from now
You will be completely happy and satisfiedThat you entered into the Golden Boat
To journey to the Golden Shore.Just remain seated where you are.
```Truth really loves us.
Therefore, there is no need to hesitateWhen we tell others about Truth.
```Doubt does not shout for you.
It shouts only for itself.Silence speaks not for itself,
But for youAll the time.
```Each wrong thought
Is an added hurdle.Each new hurdle
Is an added delay. ```Two thoughts give me
A true sense of satisfaction:God does not want to leave me alone;
I shall love my only Saviour — God. ```My mind needed greatness.
God has granted it.My heart needed wideness.
God has granted it.My life needed oneness.
God has granted it.What else do I need?
I need only one thing more,And that is God’s Satisfaction
In and through meIn God’s own inimitable Way.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 39, Agni Press, 1982
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