Today is my day,
Absolutely my day.I shall use it carefully,
Untiringly and soulfullyTo become the choicest instrument
Of my Beloved Supreme. ```Every day is the right day
For the right person,And that person
Is the unconditional God-lover. ```Difficulties have the capacity
To strengthen your mind.Therefore, do not dislike your difficulties.
Responsibilities have the capacity
To enlighten your heart.Therefore, do not dislike your responsibilities.
```If you really want to please God
In God’s own Way,Then you must never have
A whisper of fearInside the breath of your faith.
```What is despair?
It is something that impairsYour life-tree.
It is something that can never repairYour life-boat.
```If you do not know
How to employ the sacred meansTo illumine your desire-life,
Then invoke God to employ His secret MeansTo destroy your desire-life.
```My life is not as easy
As I think.My God is not as distant
As I feel. ```To realise God, my life
Is not a mere chance.To realise God, my life
Is my Lord’s ignorance-piercing Lance. ```Do not worry about
The limited and limiting mind.Your love of the Beyond
Will definitely illumine your mind.Just peacefully wait
And soulfully watch. ```I went up
To see God’s beautiful Feet.God came down
To give me His bountiful Heart. ```For me,
The speediest way to love GodIs to wait for God’s choice Hour,
And the surest way to love GodIs to turn my life
Into a gratitude-flower. ```He who lives without
A prayerful heart and a soulful lifeUnmistakably belongs
To the animal kingdom. ```The visible world listens to us
Only when we reckon uponThe invisible forces.
```Your mind’s emptiness
Is your heart’s perfect preparationTo receive God unreservedly.
```Do You love me, my Lord,
No matter what I sayAnd no matter what I do against You?
“Tell Me first, My son,
Do you need MeNo matter how strict I am with you?”
```I have confidence in this world.
This world will never desert me.I have complete hope
In the transformation of my lifeThrough my Lord’s Compassion-Eye.
My life will not disappoint me. ```There can be no lasting friendship
Between my useless fearsAnd my shameless doubts,
Because both are bad.There can easily be, nay,
There actually is an abiding friendshipBetween my soulful faith
And my prayerful purity,Because both are good.
```Heaven-delight is my inheritance
Because I love God for God’s sake.Earth-ignorance is my inheritance
Because I love man,For my sake and man’s sake.
```My heart’s supreme discovery:
God is God’s sleeplessCompassion-Eye.
My life’s supreme discovery:
God is God’s breathlessForgiveness-Smile.
```Do you need
A domineering person?No!
Then why do you needA domineering vital?
What you need isAn energising vital.
```When you show no interest whatsoever
In ego-competition,You at once win
Both God’s Crown and God’s Throne. ```You are great
Not because you are powerful.You are great
Because you are useful to GodIn a spiritual way.
Is an excellent beginningFor God-realisation.
```Fast decisions in the spiritual life,
Who cannot make?Right decisions in the spiritual life,
How many can make? ```Only when your dynamic vital
Challenges your emotional lifeAnd is ready to accept the soul’s help,
Can your soul eraseYour most harmful past mistakes.
```My outer life needs protection
From myself.My inner life needs liberation
From the nightmare of insincerity-insecurity. ```A doubting mind
Is forced to liveIn the prison of loneliness.
```You do not have to try
To conquer the world.The world will be immediately
In your handsIf you just stop finding fault with it.
```Time-wasting idlers
And cunning self-deceiversAre sailing in the same boat.
Their destination: nowhere. ```Self-giving
Is the perfect beginning.God-becoming
Is the perfect end. ```Let me do my duty
And let God do His Duty.Let me discover
My fruitless nothingness,And let God invent
My fruitful fulness. ```If I renounce what I have —
My desire-life —Then God will announce
What He has for me —His Immortality-Life.
```There is no real happiness
Either in possession-lifeOr in renunciation-life.
There is joy only in surrender-life. ```O my body,
How can you be uselessWhen your hope is God?
O my vital,
How can you be hopelessWhen your hope is God?
O my mind,
How can you be fruitlessWhen your hope is God?
O my heart,
How can you be helplessWhen your hope is God?
```What has happened to me?
I have become an utter failure.What will happen through me?
God will announce His supreme VictoryThrough me.
```Make your choice!
Either cast asideYour ignorance-night
Or shamelessly hide in it. ```When the pride of a human being
Far surpassesThe beauty of his self-giving,
His life no longer remains a playground.It becomes a battleground.
```Give to God’s Eye
What God’s Eye wants from you:Faithfulness.
God will give to your heart
What your heart wants from God:Fruitfulness.
```Be careful!
Don’t act like a fool.God actually may grant you the useless thing
That you are asking Him for.One never knows
What God will giveTo a stark fool like you.
```Discipline, my discipline,
You must stay with me and for meAll my life.
Obedience, my most precious friend,Never leave me, never!
```If you start with a purity-heart,
You are bound to arriveAt the divinity-end.
```God’s one inspiring and encouraging Whisper
Is enough for the awakened soulTo walk along Eternity’s Road
Soulfully, gratefully and unconditionally. ```O my mind,
Go to God as you are.The more time you take
To prepare yourself,The heavier the ignorance-load
You will have to carry.Therefore, brook no delay.
```Self-transformation begins
Only after God-invitationSincere and pure,
And never before. ```To feel secure
You have to rejectThe destruction of your dividing mind
And acceptThe creation of your unifying heart.
```The only solution to your nervousness
Is found in your heart’s oneness-song,And this oneness-song
Is immediately followedBy your life’s fulness-dance.
```Do you want to know
When stark falsehood disappears?It disappears only when
You make friends with Truth,Converse with Truth
And correspond with TruthAt its own level.
```You want to free yourself
From your daily pressures.I am telling you the secret:
Every day try to spend some timeInside your soul’s
Divinely redolent pleasure-garden.Do not hesitate!
Your soul has already granted youA free access
To its Immortality’s pleasure-garden. ```The enlargement of your heart
Is a cure for fear.The enlightenment of your mind
Is a cure for doubt.The improvement of your life
Is a cure for imperfection. ```Please yourself undivinely
And you will see a devouring tigerInside your vital-forest.
Please yourself divinely
And you will see a fast-running deerInside your heart-garden.
```Your doubtful eyesight declares
There is no such thing as GodAnd there is no such person as God.
Your soulful insight whispersThere is only one thing on earth,
And that is God the ascending Cry,And there is only one Person in Heaven,
And that is God the descending Smile. ```Unless and until
You have perfectly learntThe art of self-giving,
You are bound to remainAn impractical and unfulfilled dreamer.
```I am always saved and fulfilled.
When I am an impurity-mind,I eagerly want to capture the world.
My Lord’s descending “No” saves me.When I am a purity-heart,
I breathlessly wish to treasure the world.My Lord’s ascending “Yes” fulfils me.
```Wisdom-light precedes
Love-delight.Love-delight precedes
Oneness-height.Oneness-height precedes
Satisfaction-might. ```Your soul knows how to play
With God’s Smiles.Your heart knows how to play
With man’s cries.Now you should try
To know how to playWith your life’s perfection.
```I am not alone.
Humanity’s heart-breaking tearsAre within me.
I am not alone.
Divinity’s life-illumining smilesAre for me.
```The ugliness of a doubting mind
And the fruitlessness of a losing lifeAlways go together.
```If your mind thinks
That the unknown reality is dangerous,And if your heart feels
That the unknowable reality is dangerous,Then God’s ever-prosperous Smile
Will not bless you. ```Since you allow your mind
To roam in the fantasy-sky,You must needs allow your heart
To swim in the ecstasy-sea. ```Hope should be synonymous
With patience.Patience should be synonymous
With God’s choice Hour.And God’s choice Hour
Is God’s revealed Silence-Power. ```Contradiction appears
When my ignorance-mindThinks it knows more
Than it actually does.Contradiction disappears
When my knowledge-heartFeels that God is at once
The Speaker and the Listener. ```Misery knocks at your heart’s door
Precisely because your mind-boatStill enjoys staying at the trickery-shore.
```I tell the earth-bound life-train
That earth is nothingBut destruction-battlefield.
I tell the Heaven-bound life-train
That Heaven is nothingBut perfection-satisfaction-garden.
```God will grant your mind a silence-diploma
Not when it stops thinkingCompletely,
But when it starts thinkingThe right thought
Correctly. ```Now that your mind is ready
To sleep in peacefulness,God will grant you His Immortality’s
Powerful Oneness. ```Smash your mind-box,
Which contains ego-illusion.Lo, perfection becomes your outer name
And satisfaction becomes your inner name. ```O my mind,
I feel sorry for youNot because your power is fading
But because for youThe God-Hour is still not nearing.
```It will be not a minor miracle
But a major miracleIf and when your mind stops sitting
On reason’s throne. ```Nothing is difficult.
This is what you should thinkBefore you do anything.
Nothing is easy.
This is what you should feelBefore you say anything.
```My mind has told me a top secret
From its personal experience:Friction and frustration
Are immediate neighbours.My heart has told me a top secret
From its personal experience:Aspiration and satisfaction
Are immediate neighbours. ```Give what you do not want to give:
Your heart’s gratitude-flower.Keep what you do not want to keep:
Your life’s humility-grass. ```If your heart has
A mountain-high aspiration,Then your life can easily be
A fountain-free dedication. ```To pierce the veil
Of ignorance-night,You need either
A child’s heart of innocenceOr
A saint’s life of reverence. ```Fearless and indomitable you are
Not because you are physically strong,Not because you are vitally strong,
Not because you are mentally strong,But because you have firmly established
Your psychic oneness with the entire world. ```When your mind becomes a musical note
And your heart becomes a soulful song,You need only one thing more:
The life stirring danceOf a new creation.
```How will you find yourself
If you are not lookingIn the right place?
The right place is insideThe Heart of your Beloved Supreme.
```Your life’s amazing victory
You can announceOnly when you renounce
All the fruits of your desire-life. ```God’s perfect Vision-Light
And God’s amazing Aspiration-HeightMust go together.
They are the obverse and reverseOf God’s Consciousness-Coin.
```Faith and the increase of life-energy
Must go togetherIf a seeker wants to succeed triumphantly
In his outer lifeAnd proceed untiringly
In his inner life. ```Controversy is nothing short of
Life’s secret supremacyOver those who long for
Oneness-delight. ```How long do you want
To keep your mind inside a tiny caveOf powerful fears and hurtful doubts?
How long?Allow your mind to enjoy freedom-light,
At least for a fleeting second. ```An impure thought thinks
That there is no such thingAs a pure thought.
A pure thought feels and knowsThat there is and can be no other thought
Save pure thought. ```My Lord,
I am offering You my thankful praiseFor granting me the capacity
To run in the outer world daily.My Lord,
I am offering You my soulful praiseFor granting me the capacity
To run in the inner world speedily.My Lord,
I am offering You my grateful praiseFor granting me the capacity
To please You in the inner worldAnd in the outer world satisfactorily.
```Your new inner self will not hesitate
To interrogate and investigateYour doubting mind.
Your new inner self will not hesitate
To elevate and emancipateYour aspiring heart.
```In this lifetime
I shall fulfil only the desiresOf two persons:
I shallLove God unconditionally,
I shallLet God fulfil Himself through me unreservedly.
```Do not blame your false teacher.
Nobody compelled you to beOne of his faithful followers.
It is you who wanted to beOne of his sleepless followers.
```When God comes to visit me
I tell Him what I do not have.When I go to visit God
He tells me there is nothingWhich I do not have
Or cannot have from HimFor the asking.
```When God comes to visit me,
I proudly tell Him the thingsI have accomplished for Him.
When I go to visit God,He tells me He has accomplished
Only one thing for me:He has created a Compassion-Ocean for me.
```From tomorrow on
My morning meditationWill be as beautiful as the dawn,
My midday meditation,As powerful as the sun
And my evening meditation,As peaceful as the sky.
```The easier for you to find
The outer forces,The more difficult for you
To free yourself from those forces. ```Your madness-pride
Was your first enemy.Your darkness-ingratitude
Is your last enemy. ```If you want to see
God’s Transcendental Smile,Then every day
Your heart’s aspiration-cryMust be monumental.
```How can you be happy
When your heart longs for one thingAnd your mind expects something
Totally different? ```A spotless heart
Is a measureless treasureAlways within your easy reach.
```God’s Heart of Delight
Is the connecting linkBetween my humility-mind
And my purity-life. ```God is ready with many things:
Love, Compassion, Light and Delight.You are expected to be ready
With only one thing:Your gratitude-heart.
```There are many candidates
In front of you.Just choose one —
The right One.You know whom I mean: God.
Name Him and claim HimAs your own, very own.
```If your mind has cheerfulness,
Then success is at your feet.If your heart has soulfulness,
Then progress is inside your eyes. ```Deep within us
Is the seed of perfect Perfection.We must wait for God’s choice Hour.
At that time the perfection-seedWill definitely germinate.
```Surrender, my surrender,
You must stay with me all my life.Gratitude, my gratitude,
You must stay inside me all my life. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 42, Agni Press, 1982
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