Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 43

4201. God shares His Greatness-Height


God shares His Greatness-Height

With my daily prayers.

God shares His Goodness-Light

With my daily meditations.

God shares His Oneness-Delight

With my daily surrender. ```

4202. Proud of depending on each other


My Lord and I are proud

Of depending on each other.

I depend on my Lord’s

Heart of Bounty.

My Lord depends on my

Life of fidelity. ```

4203. My mind trusts you


My mind trusts you

Not because you love my heart.

My mind trusts you

Precisely because your mind

Has implicit faith

In God’s Judgement-Light. ```

4204. Unless you depend


Unless you depend solely

On God’s Compassion-Sea,

How can God depend confidently

On your promise-flood? ```

4205. My mind is free


My mind is free,

But not free to feed


My heart is free,

But not free to live

In ingratitude-cave. ```

4206. My Lord's daily Forgiveness-Heart


I want to be free

Only for one reason,

And that reason is:

So I will never doubt

My Lord’s daily Forgiveness-Heart.


4207. A true millionaire


In the spiritual life

A true millionaire is he

Who is a free and cheerful giver

Of his most precious time. ```

4208. Like a perfect disciple


I may not be totally perfect,

But my heart does occasionally believe

Like a perfect disciple,

And my mind does occasionally behave

Like a perfect disciple.


4209. Both God and I are satisfied


I am giving God

My outer afflictions purified.

God is giving me

My inner promotions certified.

Needless to say,

Both God and I are completely satisfied. ```

4210. Why do you have to keep it?


God has not given you fear.

Why do you have to keep it?

God has not given you doubt.

Why do you have to cherish it?

God has given you courage.

Why do you not preserve it?

God has given you faith.

Why do you not treasure it? ```

4211. I am truly fortunate


I am truly fortunate

That my heart is completely satisfied

With God’s inner Guidance-Sun

And that my mind is totally satisfied

With God’s outer Providence-Sky.


4212. The hostile forces tremble


The hostile forces tremble

Not when I vehemently fight against them,

But when they see me soulfully seated

At the Feet of my Beloved Supreme. ```

4213. My morning meditation


My morning meditation

Opens my heart-door

So that my Lord can come in.

My evening meditation

Bolts my heart-door

So that Satan cannot enter

And darken my heart-room. ```

4214. Stop at this point


Be careful!

Today you are hesitating

About whether to tolerate your ignorance-sea.

Stop at this point at least!

Who knows, tomorrow you may be inspired

To endorse your ignorance-night

For your utter destruction.


4215. A sea of peace rules my heart


A sea of peace rules my heart

Only after God’s Forgiveness

Has ruled my mind.


4216. Because of your absolute Greatness


Because of Your absolute Greatness,

My Lord, I have.

Because of Your supreme Goodness,

My Lord, I am. ```

4217. The role of a self-excuser


As long as you play the role

Of a self-excuser,

The world is bound to play the role

Of your accuser. ```

4218. Your life's insincerity-career


Your life’s insincerity-career

Might have lasted for only

A few fleeting years,

But its forced wages can and will last

For the remainder of your deplorable life.


4219. You know one important thing


You know one important thing:

That the pleasure-life is fleeting.

But you do not know

That the prayer-life is not only lasting

But everlasting.


4220. When doubt knocks


When doubt knocks at your heart-door,

Do not answer the door.

Just make a fervent request to your soul

To answer the door.

Your soul will not only do it,

But do it cheerfully. ```

4221. Only one sensible action


On my part

There is only one sensible action,

And that is to respond always

To God’s Compassion-Heart. ```

4222. When my love of God comes in


When my love of God comes in

And starts working for Him

In the inner world,

My faith in God goes out

And starts working for Him

In the outer world. ```

4223. Your Heavenly responsibilities


For years and years

You have fulfilled

Your earthly responsibilities.

Now for your few remaining years

You can fulfil

Your Heavenly responsibilities. ```

4224. Stupidity incarnate is he


Stupidity incarnate is he.

Look, he wants to make the most

Of his life

Long after most of his life

Is gone, fruitlessly gone.


4225. My unsung songs


My unsung songs

My heart will appreciate infinitely more

Than my countless songs that are already sung.


4226. God-love encompasses


The God-seeker in me longs

To arrive at the goal.

The God-lover in me feels

That he does not have to arrive

At a particular goal,

For God-love itself encompasses

Both the journey’s start


The journey’s goal.


4227. Can you not be very good?


Everybody knows that you are good.

Today, can you not be very good

By loving man in God

A little more

And serving God in man

A little more? ```

4228. God will speak highly of you


You do your duty

And let God do His Duty.

You do not speak ill of anybody

And God will, without fail,

Speak very highly of you.


4229. Surrender-tree you need


Ability you have.

Responsibility you need.

Faith-flower you have.

Surrender-tree you need. ```

4230. Be a genuine ambassador


Be a genuine ambassador of good will

To all nations.

You will immediately win

The universal Love

And the transcendental Blessings

From Above. ```

4231. Sincerity is not better


Sincerity is not better than insincerity

Unless you practise it

Every moment, every day.


4232. If your mind is a stranger


If your mind is a stranger

To your inner awakening,

Then God will remain a stranger

To your ignorance-mind. ```

4233. God the Boatman will appear


God the Boatman with His Golden Boat

Will appear only when

Your ego and your ingratitude-heart

Disappear. ```

4234. The most unfortunate person


The most unfortunate person

Is he who has nothing else

But a head heavily loaded with pride.


4235. Success comes from


Success comes from

The beauty of inspiration.

Progress comes from

The purity of aspiration.

Satisfaction comes from

The divinity of perfection. ```

4236. Never surrender to failure


Never surrender to failure.

Fight vehemently against it,


The Light of the Beyond

Will eventually crown you.


4237. Why waste your precious time?


Since your life’s

Soulful and sleepless surrender on the path

Is the only way,

Why, then, waste your precious time

Travelling some other way?


4238. God's Compassion-Eye


God’s Compassion-Eye

Leads my steps.

God’s Love-Heart

Watches my steps. ```

4239. Fruitful echoes


Speak soulful words.

Immediately you are bound to hear

Fruitful echoes.


4240. How can God mould your life?


How can God mould your life

To His Satisfaction

Until you have melted your heart

With your devotion-cry? ```

4241. Hitchhiking is forbidden


In the inner world

On your way to God-realisation

Hitchhiking is strictly forbidden.

Either you have to be inside

Your Master’s car,

Or you have to have your own car.

You can make your own wisdom-choice.


4242. You will be happy


You will be happy

By illumining your mind

Instead of cursing your emotional vital.

You will be happy

By constantly listening to

Your soul’s dictates

Instead of trying to liberate

Your unaspiring heart. ```

4243. Say nothing, but be something


To escape wild criticism

Say nothing, but be something.

I mean, be something

That you have never been before. ```

4244. To own God's Affection-Delight


If you wish to own

God’s Affection-Delight permanently,

Then disown your fond liking

For ignorance-cave immediately. ```

4245. You can easily be free


O my mind,

You can easily be free

From anxiety-net

If you do not interfere openly

With my heart.

O my heart,

You can easily be free

From helplessness-cave

If you do not interfere secretly

With my Lord’s Will.


4246. The perfect readiness


An empty mind

Is in perfect readiness

For God-invitation

And for God-reception. ```

4247. Sincerity without determination


Sincerity without the fiery determination

For self-improvement

Is only a beautiful flower

With no fragrance at all. ```

4248. My doubtful life


Today my doubtful life

Is most dangerous.

Tomorrow this same doubtful life of mine

Will be most ridiculous. ```

4249. God's Example


God’s Example

Has changed my life radically.

God’s Example

Will do the same for your life.

What you need, my young friends,

Is patience-light.

Patience is the only thing

That you need now. ```

4250. The national anthem of Heaven


Everybody has shamelessly failed:

This is the national anthem of hell.

Everybody will eventually succeed:

This is the national anthem of Heaven. ```

4251. To have a oneness-realisation


If you want to have

A lasting oneness-realisation,

Then give up sooner than at once

Your blundering division-experience. ```

4252. A suffering heart gets better


A suffering vital

Quite often gets bitter.

But a suffering heart

Always gets better. ```

4253. An important rung


Each thought is an important rung

Of the life-ladder:

It either helps us to go up

Or forces us to go down. ```

4254. Who says you have to go down?


Who says you have to go down first

If you want to go up?

Who says you have to

Conceal your God first

Before you reveal your God?


4255. God has taken my inspiration


Why am I no longer inspired

To criticise others?

Because God has taken away

All my inspiration

By criticising me ruthlessly.


4256. How can you be hopeless?


If you are praying every day,

How can you be hopeless?

If you are meditating every day,

How can you be useless?

No, no!

You can never be hopeless and useless.

To your wide surprise,

You are bound to reach your destined shore. ```

4257. You talk and talk


You talk and talk.

Therefore, you cannot think.

He thinks and thinks.

Therefore, he sinks.

Nothing have I to offer to the world.

Therefore I sigh, therefore I cry. ```

4258. Gratitude is a puzzling bird


Gratitude is a most puzzling bird.

The moment you think you have caught it,

Lo and behold, it flies away

Farther than the farthest. ```

4259. What divine happiness is


The animal in us does not know

What divine happiness is.

The human in us knows

But does not care for it.

The divine in us knows

That happiness is its sole property,

Yet it is all the time willing

To share it not only with the human

But also with the animal in us.


4260. More than my usual time


I pray to God

More than my usual time

When my mind is not pure.

I meditate on God

More than my usual time

When my mind is not empty.


4261. Next door to each other


A fearful vital


A doubtful mind

Live next door to each other.

A soulful heart


A powerful soul

Live next door to each other. ```

4262. To walk with God the Justice


Just because God the Compassion

Allows me, out of His infinite Bounty,

To walk with Him

In the morning,

I am able to muster

Soulful and fruitful courage

To walk with God the Justice

In the evening. ```

4263. If you are a bad seeker


If you are a bad seeker,

Don’t forget that God will be judged

By your life-activities.

If you are a good seeker,

Don’t forget that you will be judged

By God’s tremendous Satisfaction in you.


4264. Each mechanical thought


Each mechanical and artificial thought

Of mine

Keeps away

The spontaneous and gracious Smile

Of my Lord Supreme.


4265. A doubtless mind


A doubtless mind

Is undoubtedly the most intimate friend

Of a self-giving and God-loving heart.


4266. Your fearful life


Your fearful life

Is nothing but

Your stark disbelief in God

In disguise. ```

4267. Use your open mind


Use your open mind

When you go to visit

Your spiritual friends.

They will admire your mind.

Use your open heart

When your spiritual friends

Come to visit you.

They will simply adore your heart. ```

4268. To make you a humble instrument


To make you a soulfully and fruitfully

Humble instrument of His,

God had to experience many a tumble

In and through you. ```

4269. God's Promise to me today


God’s Promise to me today:

He will make of me

A choice instrument of His.

My promise to God today:

Not only shall I love Him only

But also I shall love Him unconditionally. ```

4270. A mind that equals Mine


My Lord says:

“My son, I have given you

A divine heart as good as Mine.

Now can you not try

To give me a divine mind

That equals Mine?” ```

4271. Many seekers secretly think


Many seekers openly tell the world

That God is the Compassion-Ocean.

Many seekers secretly think

That God is the Indifference-Sky. ```

4272. Meditations without a word


O my mind, your meditations

Have too many words in them

But too little heart.

Can you not, like my heart,

Have meditations with only

A hallowed heart

And not a single word?


4273. I simply cannot agree


I simply cannot agree

With those fools who tell you

That if your spiritual life

Does not cost you anything,

It is worth absolutely nothing.


4274. Save your life from your mind


Your tortured life

Is the part-time partner of your doubtful mind.

You fool, save your life from your mind

Immediately! ```

4275. A very rare soul


Unlike us,

You are always eager

To quietly hear God speak

As long as He wants to.

Therefore, you are

A very, very rare soul. ```

4276. A cheerfully self-giving heart


A cheerfully self-giving heart

Is its own Himalayan reward.

God Himself has declared

This amazing truth to humanity. ```

4277. Try the surrender-key


If all the other keys have failed,

Then try soulful surrender-key.

It will easily open God’s Door.


4278. A powerful Master


A powerful Master

In a soulful seeker

Is a fruitful manifestation.


4279. Only our heart-power


We are allowed to carry

Only our heart-power

On our passage to Heaven.

All the other powers

Are strictly, I repeat, strictly

Forbidden. ```

4280. You must not allow your vital


It is always good to lead

A spiritual life.

But you must not allow your vital

To speak louder than

Your spiritual deeds.


4281. If you please your Master


If you really please your Master

All the time,

Then you will richly resemble him

In your self-giving life. ```

4282. The stamp of Immortality


It is the supreme cause

Of God-manifestation

And not your proud sacrifice

That will grant your life

The stamp of Immortality.


4283. Your mind does not care for God


Your mind does not care for God.

That does not mean

That you do not need God.

Your mind likes doubt.

That does not mean

That you need doubt.


4284. Your purity-heart is always perfect


Your purity-heart

May not be always popular,

But it is always perfect.

This is the discovery

Everybody will someday unmistakably make.


4285. Your future cry


Try, just try once more.

Your future cry can be as bright

As God’s present Smile.


4286. Your illumining heart-sun


I feel sorry for your mind-flame,

But I am extremely proud

Of your amazingly illumining heart-sun.


4287. His is the jovial heart


His is the imperial mind

That always disagrees

With other minds,

But his is the jovial heart

That is always agreeable

To other hearts. ```

4288. An excellent God-lover


The secret of remaining

An excellent truth-seeker

Lies in remaining

An excellent God-lover

In silence.


4289. Everything amazingly increases


Since everything amazingly increases

When we talk about it,

Today I am going to talk about

My newly discovered oneness-heart. ```

4290. In the inner world run secretly


In the inner world run secretly,

So that others do not stand in your way.

And also remember

That you are running only to please God. ```

4291. What I personally treasure


My son,

Give Me what you do not need:

Your vast ignorance-sea.

I shall share with you

What I personally treasure:

My boundless Satisfaction-Delight. ```

4292. When I give of myself


When I give from myself,

I give you my mind’s inspiration.

When I give of myself,

I give you my heart’s aspiration. ```

4293. God is working through you


You are found to be a selfless server.

Do you know why?

Because God the Doer, your Lover Divine,

Is working through you. ```

4294. Anything precious


In the spiritual life

Anything precious

Achieved without self-dedication

Will not last long. ```

4295. Nothing is everything


Even nothing is everything

If God’s Heart of Love

Is in it.

Even everything is nothing

If God’s Heart of Love

Is not in it.


4296. How can you expect?


Since my heart is not

Everything you want,

How can you expect me to please you

In your own way? ```

4297. A gossip-monger deserves


A gossip-monger deserves

A gossip-shooter.

A gossip-believer needs

An ignorance-strangler. ```

4298. My body likes to be satisfied


My body likes to be satisfied

With its impression of God.

My vital likes to be satisfied

With its demonstration of God.

My mind likes to be satisfied

With its definition of God.

My heart likes to be satisfied

With its revelation of God.

My soul likes to be satisfied

With the Satisfaction of God. ```

4299. A life of tremendous victory


This morning my Lord said to me

In a whisper:

“My child, it is unmistakably possible

To change your failure-life

Into a life of tremendous victory.”


4300. The golden bridge


My heart of aspiration

Is the golden bridge between

My self-examination


My life-transformation.


Editor's introduction to the first edition

This is the forty-third volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.

Editor's note to cover photo

Sri Chinmoy welcomes Archbishop Giovanni Cheli, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, to the Meditation Group’s observance of Pope Paul VI’s 80th birthday on 23 September 1977. During the ceremony, Archbishop Cheli declared, “Your intentions and your work in this beautiful meditation group under the leadership of this highly respected master of spirituality, Sri Chinmoy, are in harmony with those of the Pope.” Sri Chinmoy, who had met with Pope Paul on several occasions, had opened the programme with a special meditation.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 43, Agni Press, 1982
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_43