Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 45

4401. My supreme moment


This is my day;

I love it.

This is my morning God-Hour;

I need it.

This is my supreme moment;

And I am it. ```

4402. I am able to begin again


My Lord Supreme,

My heart is all gratitude to You

Because I am able to begin again.


4403. Two new ways of thinking


Two totally new ways of thinking:

To love God the Creator unconditionally,

And to serve God the creation unreservedly.

I shall unmistakably achieve

These two new ways of thinking

In this lifetime. ```

4404. Only one aim


I have only one aim:

God-realisation in this incarnation.

I shall have no multiplicity of aims.


4405. Only one divine interest


I have only one divine interest:

God-manifestation in this incarnation.

I shall not tolerate slavery

To any human interest. ```

4406. No more gloom of doubt


Mind, my mind, I warn you:

No more gloom of doubt.

Heart, my heart, I warn you:

No more faltering of faith. ```

4407. The ecstasy of aspiration-flames


Yesterday my mind treasured

The fantasy of desire-fire.

Today my heart is treasuring

The ecstasy of aspiration-flames. ```

4408. The right to choose


Give your soul the right to choose,

Give your mind the right to express.

You will be able to enjoy infinite Delight

In your Lord’s complete Satisfaction-Heart. ```

4409. Against my heart's climbing cry


Against my heart’s climbing cry

No opposition can dare

To have any permanency.


4410. The poor cry of my heart


The poor cry of my aspiration-heart

And the rich Smile

Of my Lord’s Compassion-Eye

Forever and forever

Shall live in each other.


4411. Your heart is playing with God


It is absolutely unnecessary

For your mind to pray to God

Since your heart is playing with God

All the time. ```

4412. If you are truly faithful


If you are truly faithful,

Then only are you entitled

To worship the true God.


4413. One way to do the right thing


There is only one way

To do the right thing

And that is by becoming another God.


4414. First be sure


First be sure

That your heart is crying.

Only then can you expect

God’s Eye to smile. ```

4415. Your own imperfection-nights


To be truly happy

You must do two things:

You must overlook

The imperfection-evenings of others;

You must look over

Your own imperfection-nights. ```

4416. O fault-finder


O fault-finder,

I have all along been with you.

Now I definitely want to switch sides.

I want to spend the rest of my life

With the fault-mender.


4417. Only two questions to answer


You have only two questions to answer:

Earth wants to know

Where you have come from;

Heaven wants to know

Where you are going.


4418. For your permanent safety


For your permanent safety

Find God’s Compassion-Heart


Nobody will be able to bind your life

And nobody will be able to blind your eyes.


4419. Seconds count


Seconds count,

Especially when you want

Your doubting mind to starve.

Seconds count,

Especially when you want

To regularly feed and strengthen

Your aspiring heart.


4420. If you want to alter your life


If you want to alter your life


Then place your gratitude-heart

On the altar of your life. ```

4421. I admire your life


I admire your mind

Because you are a believer.

I admire your heart

Because you are a lover.

I admire your life

Because you are a server. ```

4422. Free access


Everybody has a free access

To my outer home.

But I shall grant free access

To my inner home

Only to the God-lover.


4423. Two persons love me


Two persons love me:

Satan and God.

Satan loves me so that

He can use me as his faithful slave.

God loves me so that

He can have me as His cheerful friend. ```

4424. A false start


Aspiration without dedication

Will not win the race.

Dedication without aspiration

Is bound to make a false start. ```

4425. Thank God for everything


Thank God for everything you have.

For example,

If you thank God

For your vital impurity,

It will diminish.

If you thank God

For your psychic purity,

It will increase beyond measure. ```

4426. A response to God's Call


The inner cry of a seeker’s heart

Is not an emergency call.

It is a regular and unfailing response

To God’s Call. ```

4427. My heart longs to work for God


The difference between

My mind and my heart

Is this:

My mind wants to play with God,

My heart longs to work for God.


4428. Everything that is


Everything that is

Is a golden opportunity to realise God.

Therefore, do not withdraw

From the battlefield of life. ```

4429. The inner world gives me ecstasies


The outer world gave me fantasies,

And the outer world can and will

Take them away

Sooner or later.

The inner world gives me ecstasies

And it will never take them away. ```

4430. My heart practises forgiveness


My mind studies compassion.

That’s all.

My heart practises compassion.

Something more:

It practises forgiveness too.


4431. Determination unleashed


Determination unleashed,

Destination reached,

God the Satisfaction-Dreamer

Within and without pleased. ```

4432. Two ways to while away your time


There are two ways

To while away your time:

Pray to God’s Heart


Meditate on God’s Eye.


4433. Completely safe


I am completely safe

Only when I am in between

My heart’s ascending cry


My soul’s descending smile.


4434. Your mind's tempest-doubts


Your mind’s tempest-doubts

Can easily be brought under your control.

Just place them immediately under the eye

Of your heart-haven. ```

4435. His heart's gratitude-speed


A true God-server knows

That his heart’s gratitude-speed

Is infinitely faster

Than anything else in God’s entire creation. ```

4436. A faithless seeker betrays


A faithful seeker stays.

A faithless seeker betrays.

Something more:

He eventually destroys himself. ```

4437. Empty to the core


Those who are not consciously aspiring

Will ultimately come to realise

That they have all along been utterly false

And completely empty to the core. ```

4438. The vision-free intuition


I do not need and I shall never need

The illusion-bound intellect.

I need and I shall always need

The vision-free intuition

To please my Lord Supreme

In His own Way. ```

4439. My mind's silence-sea


My mind’s silence-sea

Means God the Beautiful

Is all for me.


4440. Do not ignore me


O my beautiful world,

Speak ill of me

If you want to,

Spread gossip about me

If you want to,

But please, please,

Do not ignore me.


4441. Only one way to be free


There is only one way to be free,

And that way is to be always bound

To God’s Compassion-Eye

And God’s Forgiveness-Heart. ```

4442. Oneness-Home


If you think,

You will be far away

From Oneness-Home.

If you cry,

You will be on your way

To Oneness-Home.


4443. Believe and obey


Believe and obey,

Obey and believe:

This is the only way

To manifest the Lord’s Day

Every day.


4444. Keep your heart always open


Keep your heart always open

Save and except

To the frequent invitation

Of ignorance-night. ```

4445. Who is right?


Who is right

If not my God, the Compassion-Sun?

What is right

If not my constant attempt

To achieve an unconditional surrender-life?


4446. A gracious invitation


God will send you

A gracious early-morning invitation

To come to His Heart-Abode

If you can keep your heart

Every morning

Pure and spacious. ```

4447. I must not delay!


I must not delay!

My Lord Supreme Himself

Is eagerly waiting for me.

I must not fear!

My Lord Supreme Himself

Is running speedily

To my immediate rescue.

I shall quench His earth-bound Thirst

And He will feed my Heaven-free hunger.


4448. Examine your love


Examine your love.

Is it self-love?

Then transform it into God-love.

Is it God-love?

Then multiply it quickly

In the urgency of today

And in the immediacy of now.


4449. Can you not do the same?


I use my mind

To see God’s Beauty-Eye

In your mind.

I use my heart

To feel God’s Bounty-Heart

In your heart.

Can you not do the same,

So that we two can be perfect instruments

Of our Beloved Supreme?


4450. Quality, not quantity!


Quality, not quantity!

Quantity is when

My pride-intoxicated mind

Talks about God.

Quality is when

My heart’s mounting cry

Unconditionally obeys God.


4451. My Supreme's most perfect holiday


I am praying most soulfully

So that my Lord Supreme

Can enjoy His most perfect holiday

Inside my heart today. ```

4452. Two kinds of persons


I admire only two kinds of persons:

The heart-crier


The life-smiler. ```

4453. With my glowing aspiration


With my teeming desires

I richly experience life.

With my glowing aspiration

I go beyond the experience of death. ```

4454. I wish to be that inner cry


There is a special inner cry

For every hour,

And I wish to be that inner cry

To illumine the human in me,

To manifest the divine in me

And to satisfy the Supreme in me. ```

4455. Unless I disown my bondage-life


Unless I vehemently and permanently

Disown my bondage-life,

How can my Lord Supreme grant me

His Eternity’s Freedom-Breath,

And how can I claim Him

As my own, very own? ```

4456. A new start


From my mind

I need a new departure.

With my heart

I need a new start. ```

4457. The inner courage comes to stay


The outer difficulties come

Eventually to go.

The inner courage comes

Permanently to stay. ```

4458. Two most powerful realities


Two most powerful realities

Do not meet with any opposition:

My life’s humility-light


My heart’s oneness-delight.


4459. A secure heart


An insecure heart

Is a panic-monger.

A secure heart

Is not only a God-lover

But also a God-distributor.


4460. You must not declare


You must not declare

To the world at large

Your vast capacity-sky.

Do not even dare to commit it

To writing!


4461. Two questions torment me


Is it true

That I love myself all the time?

Is it true

That God needs me every day?

These two questions torment me

Constantly. ```

4462. A fault-redeemer


Yesterday I was a fault-maker.

Today I am a fault-finder.

Tomorrow I shall be a fault-mender.

And the day after tomorrow

I shall be a fault-redeemer.


4463. Give God the first choice


In your life

Give God the first choice.

God will definitely share with you

His Satisfaction-Voice. ```

4464. Two special homes


I have two very special homes:

My life’s newness-home

And my heart’s oneness-home.

My Lord Supreme has a very special fondness

For these two homes.


4465. Where is my perfect perfection?


Where is my perfect Perfection?

My perfect Perfection is in

My self-transcending and God-pleasing

Dream-Reality. ```

4466. Why do you think you are alone?


You fool,

How and why do you think

That you are alone?

Why do you forget

That your heart is of God

And your mind is all the time

Close to God?


4467. I am on my way back home


With my desire-life

I went away from my home.

But now, with my aspiration-life

I am on my way back

To my Eternity’s sweet and trance-bound home.


4468. Do not just sit there


Do not just sit there.

Stand up!

Do not just stand.

Start running!

If you cannot run,

Start walking at least.

Can you not see that your Beloved Supreme

Is eagerly waiting for you? ```

4469. Your heart will help you


Your great mind

Either may not or cannot

Help you reach the shoreless Shore

Of Silence-Delight.

But your good heart

Can easily help you

And definitely will help you

Reach your Golden Shore. ```

4470. My aspiration is not for self-denial


My aspiration is not for self-denial.

My dedication is not for self-assertion.

My aspiration is for

My Lord’s Compassion-Eye.

My dedication is for

My Lord’s Satisfaction-Heart. ```

4471. You are not advanced enough


Today you are not advanced enough

To live by faith alone.

Tomorrow you will not be advanced enough

To live only for God.

But the day after, you will be both.


4472. To live in Eternity's failure-cry


To live a life

Without the purity of prayer

And without the divinity of meditation

Is to live in Eternity’s failure-cry. ```

4473. Freedom from imperfection-cave


Freedom from the mind’s imperfection-cave

Automatically shows you

The beauty, purity and divinity

Of your heart’s perfection-palace. ```

4474. Ready to forget my past


Unless I am all ready

To forget my most deplorable past,

How can my Lord Supreme

Forgive my deplorable past? ```

4475. At God's choice Hour


As the seed germinates

At God’s choice Hour,

Even so, your heart’s aspiration-flower

Will bloom at God’s choice Hour.

Just wait and see.


4476. No time to be sick


A genuine God-lover has no time

To be mentally stupid

In his outer life

Or emotionally sick

In his inner life.


4477. Teeming clouds appear


In the mental world

Teeming clouds appear

When the seeker is false

To his heart’s aspiration-flames


His life’s dedication-plants. ```

4478. A tremendous loss



Your own aspiration-absence

And your own dedication-failure

Will definitely bring about

A tremendous loss to the world at large.


4479. A hopeful prince-seeker


In the spiritual life

A hopeless beggar-seeker

Is a complete stranger

To God’s Compassion-Eye.

In the spiritual life

A hopeful prince-seeker

Is extremely dear

To God’s Satisfaction-Heart. ```

4480. The pretence-sword


You pretend, he pretends, I pretend —


Will we ever learn

How powerful and destructive

The pretence-sword is

When we cleverly and unnoticeably

Thrust it at one another?


4481. The God-discovery test


As long as you enjoy

The game of self-interest,

You will not be able to take

The God-discovery test. ```

4482. Pray like a truth-seeker


Pray like a truth-seeker.

Your searching mind will be happy.

Meditate like a God-lover.

Your aspiring heart will be happy. ```

4483. My Lord's Forgiveness-Light


My Lord’s Forgiveness-Light

Outlives my ignorance-night,

And my ingratitude-depth

Outlives my Lord’s Forgiveness-Light. ```

4484. To sing and dance in silence


A beautiful thought and a soulful cry

Are entitled to sing and dance

In silence

With the morning stars. ```

4485. Somebody to carry your load


You want somebody else

To carry your load.

Granted, somebody else is ready

To carry your load.

But do you ever think

Who will carry his load?

Perhaps your own oneness-heart.


4486. Two morning messages


“Thinking forbidden!”

This is the first message I read this morning

On the silver tablet

Of my God-searching mind.

“Worrying forbidden!”

This is the second message I read this morning

On the golden tablet

Of my God-loving heart. ```

4487. The noisy self-assertion of my vital


The noisy self-assertion of my vital,

The busy self-confusion of my mind

And the crazy self-perfection of my body

Are preventing me every day

From walking with my Lord Supreme.


4488. My silence-life knows


My sound-mind thinks:

“I possibly can.”

My silence-heart knows:

“I eternally am.” ```

4489. Pray to God


Before meditation

Pray to God to give you

A silence-mind.

During meditation

Pray to God to give you

Direction to reach your destined goal.

After meditation

Pray to God to give you

A surrender-heart and a gratitude-life.


4490. Not how busy, but why


Not how busy you are

But why you are busy

Is what matters.

Are you busy because

Your mind is criticising everyone

Or because your heart is loving everyone? ```

4491. Were you there this morning?


Were you there

In front of your shrine

This morning

To increase your heart’s aspiration-cry

And your life’s dedication-smile?


4492. I am so happy and fortunate


I am so happy and fortunate

That my mind deeply appreciates

My heart’s God-delight

And my heart deeply appreciates

My mind’s God-search.


4493. An eternal Now


I have created today

For my Lord Supreme,

And my Lord Supreme

Is creating for me

An eternal Now.


4494. Make up your mind!


Make up your mind!

Don’t allow your mind to sleep.

Be determined!

Ask your vital to shut up.

Even the all-compassionate God

Is sick of its boasting. ```

4495. Where is the difference?


Where is the difference

Between a mind of insincerity

And a life of incapacity?

No difference! ```

4496. How you are old


You are old;

That everybody knows.

But how you are old —

That you alone know.

And why you are old —

That you can dare to hear

Only from yourself.


4497. The creation of Light


The creation of Light

Knows what it has:

A cry for Divinity’s unknown Love.

The creation of Delight

Knows what it has:

A cry for Immortality’s

Unknowable Oneness. ```

4498. Our precious gifts


He and I exchanged our precious gifts.

He gave me His boundless Joy

And I gave Him my ignorance-toy.


4499. In the psychic world


In the vital world

Every day I used my ambition-mind

To make my life happy.

Now in the psychic world

All the time I use

My aspiration-heart

To make myself happy. ```

4500. God will complete it for you


If you just think of your transformation,

Then it may seem

That you have to do it yourself.

If you feel the need for transformation,

Then it may seem

That God may do it for you.

But if you have started working

On your transformation,

Then God will, without fail,

Complete it for you.

Not only that,

He will do it amazingly fast. ```

Editor's introduction to the first edition

This is the forty-fifth volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.

Editor's note to cover photo

H.E. Mr Donald F. McHenry, United States Ambassador to the United Nations, joins Sri Chinmoy and the Meditation Group at the United Nations in a tribute to Dr Martin Luther King, Jr on 15 January 1980.

Editor's note

Some poems in this first edition were later selected by the author for a special collection of 207 Flower-Flames (FFP). The author also chose to revise some of his original poems for this anthology: FF-4401: FFP 144 (revised version).

From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 45, Agni Press, 1982
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_45