Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 47

4601. The lost God-Hour


Who says that nothing can bring back

The lost God-Hour?

You can easily bring back the God-Hour

If you can turn each and every breath

Of your life

Into a beautiful and soulful



4602. If your heart has confidence


If your heart has confidence

In full measure,

Only then will your mind be entitled

To have peace,

The treasure of treasures.


4603. Two rarities


Two rarities

In the world of manifestation:

My aspiring heart’s universal beauty


My loving soul’s transcendental truth.


4604. Two kinds of responsibility


There are two kinds of responsibility.

One is preparation

And the other is realisation.

Preparation is your responsibility.

Realisation is God’s Responsibility.


4605. God will keep you from swaying


God will always keep you from swaying

If your inner name

Is diamond faith

And your outer name

Is golden determination.


4606. If you fear God


If you fear God,

Then you do not have to fear anybody.

But if you love God,

Then you also have to love everybody. ```

4607. Compromise-stupidity


You are indeed a fool!

Therefore, you put all your faith

In compromise-stupidity.

If you were wise,

Then you would be brave enough

To not even look in the direction

Of frustrating and devastating compromise.


4608. Your own most irresponsible slave


Unless and until your heart

Has become a sea of purity,

You are bound to remain

Your own most irresponsible slave

And your own worst enemy.


4609. A heart of love


You can keep your own achievements,

Since they are all yours.

I beg of you only to give me

A small portion of the thing

That I have given you:

A heart of love. ```

4610. If you are awakened


If you are not awakened,

Your days and nights do not belong to you;

They belong to Satan.

If you are awakened,

You are not only the possessor

Of your own days and nights

But also the possessor

Of God’s Days and Nights. ```

4611. The only offering


Your oneness-love is the only offering

That satisfies God’s hungry Heart

And quenches man’s thirsty life.


4612. Faith does not govern


Faith does not govern,

But reason does.

Why then do we not embrace faith

And enjoy our own independence? ```

4613. When will you free me?


My Lord,

When will You free me

From the wild impatience of my mind,


My Lord,

When will You free me

From the blind ingratitude of my heart,

When? ```

4614. God's Eye is upon you


God’s Eye is upon you

Not because you worship Him,

But because He has taken you

As His choice warship

To fight against darkness-night.


4615. A new world of today


You cannot change the past.

You may not change the future.

But you can change the present

And create a new world of today

To love you and please you

And thus fulfil the soul of your life

In the eternal Now.


4616. Only one reality


What is in store for tomorrow?

This is your query.

But I am telling you,

Try to swim in the sea

Of the mind’s tranquillity.

Then you will see

There is only one reality,

And that is today

Inside the heart of Eternity’s

Ever-blossoming dawn. ```

4617. Yield to God's Will


Yield to God’s Will.

A difficult task, no doubt,

But not an impossible task!

If you yield to God’s Will,

God’s Compassion will think of you powerfully

And God’s Satisfaction will direct you

In many surprising ways.


4618. To shun the noise of folly


It is not an easy task

To shun the noise of folly.

But if you can succeed,

Then the voice of Immortality

Will not only speak through you

But also for you. ```

4619. The manifesting reality


If you are a Heaven-free will,

Then nothing can overrule

The manifesting reality

Of your transcending vision. ```

4620. Nothing is so unkind


Nothing is so unkind

As your mind’s impurity.

Nothing is so brutal

As your heart’s ingratitude. ```

4621. If your heart is rich in hope


If your heart is rich in hope,

You will be granted a climbing rope

That reaches God’s Compassion-Sky

And Satisfaction-Sun. ```

4622. The song of beauty


The future poets

Shall sing only one song:

The song of beauty

Inside the simplicity-heart

Of a profundity-soul.


4623. You are a fool


You are a fool

If you mistake earth for Heaven.

You are a greater fool

If you mistake Heaven for earth.

You are the greatest fool

If you do not know

How to cry soulfully with earth


How to smile powerfully with Heaven.


4624. Your enthusiasm needs devotion


Tell your enthusiasm

That it needs devotion.

Tell your devotion

That it needs intensity.

Tell your intensity

That it needs oneness.

Tell your oneness

That it needs purity. ```

4625. Deathless deserts of Eternity


If your life lives

Inside the snares of pleasure,

Then you will ultimately be forced

To make friends with

The deathless deserts

Of Infinity’s Eternity. ```

4626. Cleverly you surrender


Secretly plus vehemently

You fight against

God’s Justice-Light.

Openly, cleverly, loudly and speedily

You surrender to

God’s Justice-Light.


4627. The eve of your mind


Open the eyelids of your heart’s morn.

Then the eve of your mind

Will not be able to darken

Your life’s dedication-door. ```

4628. If your life has the quantity


If your life has the quantity

Of forgiveness-light,

Then God will grant you the quality

Of His Satisfaction-Delight. ```

4629. A pessimistic mind does not know


A pessimistic mind does not know

Why it suffers so much.

An optimistic heart does not know

Why and how it enjoys so much.

A realistic life does not know

Why a pessimistic mind and an optimistic heart

Do not offer their sorrows and joys

To God the eternal Enjoyer Supreme. ```

4630. Fiercer than arguments


Fiercer than arguments,

Sicker than doubts,

Thicker than disbeliefs,

Quicker than temptations:

This is what an ordinary human life is.


4631. Impurity binds you


Impurity, the monster,

Binds you and blinds your sight.

Purity, the emperor,

Liberates you and grants you

Its own ever-transcending freedom-tower.


4632. Tomorrow's ecstasy-hours


Do not be afraid of the piercing dart

Of today’s sorrow,

For tomorrow will dawn

With its ecstasy-hours

Of light and delight.


4633. A perpetual paradise-garden


If you see gratitude-plants around you

And if you feel gratitude-plants within you,

That means you have already planted

A perpetual paradise-garden

Not only for yourself but also for all mankind.


4634. God's Satisfaction claims you


If your mind houses a serious thought,

Earth admires you.

If your heart owns a spacious thought,

Heaven loves you.

If your life offers a precious thought,

Then God’s complete Satisfaction

Claims you as its very own.


4635. God's effulgent interpreter


On earth God’s Compassion-Might

Is God’s indulgent interpreter.

In Heaven God’s Justice-Height

Is God’s effulgent interpreter. ```

4636. If you sincerely feel the weight


If you sincerely feel the weight

Of your desire-chain,

Then God will allow you freely

To fly the aspiration-plane

In His Infinity’s Freedom-Sky.


4637. God the Compassion is watching


Cry soulfully

Not only for your safety from bondage-night

But also for your freedom-light.

God the Compassion is watching you,

So failure cannot darken your life’s door.


4638. God's unparalleled trumpet


When your heart becomes

The beauty of self-giving,

God claims you as

The unparalleled trumpet

Of His Vision-Promise to the world.


4639. His ancient heart tells him


His ancient heart tells him

That God is beautiful plus powerful.

His modern mind tells him

That God is either unmindful or doubtful. ```

4640. Inspiration, aspiration, dedication


Inspiration has kept

My mind alert.

Aspiration has kept

My heart active.

Dedication has kept

My life happy. ```

4641. The master of your destiny


You can be

The master of your destiny

If you can only have

A peaceful mind


A soulful heart. ```

4642. God's Satisfaction-Heart


My mind does not believe

In fault-finding.

My mind believes only

In fruitful understanding.

Therefore, God’s Satisfaction-Heart

Is fast approaching me. ```

4643. A new day of light


A new day of light

Is before me.

Therefore, my activity-life

Shall succeed.

A new night of peace

Is within me.

Therefore, my satisfaction-heart

Shall proceed. ```

4644. Your negative self-image



Of your very negative self-image,

Even God

Does not love you any more. ```

4645. God's Protection-Light


Man does not care to value

God’s Protection-Light

Until he is forced to enter

The valley of suffering-night

By the forces undivine.


4646. Two wisdom-prayers


My Lord,

I have only two wisdom-prayers:

Even when I love You,

You do not have to be available.

Even when I please You,

You do not have to be changeable. ```

4647. I shall grow into miracle-delight



I believed in miracle-power.


I expect miracle-light.


I shall grow into miracle-delight. ```

4648. A life-perfecting incident


You call it an accident.

I call it a life-perfecting incident.

God calls it a manifested reality

Of His Vision-Delight. ```

4649. What God needs from me


What God needs from me

Is a beautiful heart.

What I need from God

Is a powerful Smile. ```

4650. The freedom of the unifying heart


The freedom of the separating mind

Is slavery.

The freedom of the unifying heart

Is self-mastery. ```

4651. When the heart functions properly


When the heart functions properly,

How close the entire world seems

Even when it is far away.


4652. Truth that needs explanation


Truth that needs explanation

Is no truth.

Oneness that needs perfection

Is no oneness. ```

4653. Before the heart can discover


The mind

Has to uncover its night

Before the heart

Can discover its delight. ```

4654. Two fulfilling compeers


The tolerance of a saint

And the reverence of a sinner

Are two truly fulfilling compeers.


4655. A stark fool



He is a stark fool

Who longs for beautiful dreams

And is afraid of fruitful silence. ```

4656. Experience says


Faith says:

God is the divine Emperor.

Experience says:

God is the supreme Lover. ```

4657. The ancient delight


The present-day world

Is nothing but a transient entertainment.

Therefore, how can we have here

The ancient delight

Of the universal Oneness-Soul?


4658. The hunger of my soul


I can satisfy

The hunger of my body.

But only God

The unconditional Compassion

Can satisfy

The hunger of my soul. ```

4659. A speedy deliverance


No matter what the mind does

Or what the mind is,

The heart always desires

A speedy deliverance for the mind. ```

4660. A most deplorable disappointment


Anything other than,

Anything less than


Is a most deplorable disappointment. ```

4661. Then you will be protected


If your outer life

Is silver simplicity

And your inner life

Is golden sincerity,

Then you will be protected against

All the forces of destruction. ```

4662. Do not overfeed your mind


Do not feed your mind

Beyond its power of receptivity,

For you will be hopelessly snared

And brought into wild confusion

And stark bondage.


4663. Empty the mind every day


The earth-bound mind

Has to be emptied every day

If one wants to be

An unmistakable success

With no frustrating strains

And devastating confusions. ```

4664. I shall only look for vision-light


I shall not question circumstances.

I shall only look for vision-light

Here, there and all-where.


4665. My final choice


I have made my final choice.

I shall listen to You, my Lord,

And not voice my teeming complaints.


4666. Your challenging will


Cast aside

Your bewildering thought-life.

Lo, your challenging will

Is fast approaching you. ```

4667. My mind's desire-life thrives


My mind’s desire-life thrives

On success-night.

My heart’s aspiration-life thrives

On progress-light.

And I thrive

On God’s Compassion-Height. ```

4668. All your requests are granted


First become God’s choice instrument.

You will see that already

All your requests are granted


The needed help is provided.


4669. The secret of my victories


My adamantine determination

Is the secret of my every outer victory.

My soulful gratitude

Is the secret of my every inner victory. ```

4670. If God compassionately needs you


If God compassionately needs you,

Then He unmistakably needs

All your heavy burdens as well.


4671. The dreaming mind


If the doubting mind

Does not know where God is,

Then how can the dreaming mind

Know who God is? ```

4672. My surrendering will


My fighting will

Is nothing but a burnt-out candle.

My surrendering will

Is all illumination. ```

4673. The unparalleled winner


Give yourself away

To your greedy mind:

Lo, you are totally lost.

Give yourself away

To your hungry heart:

Behold, you are the unparalleled winner.


4674. Become a breathless dreamer


Become a breathless dreamer.

God will tell the whole world

That you are His ceaseless lover.


4675. Eternally mutual admirers


God the universal Beauty

And God the transcendental Truth

Are eternally mutual admirers.


4676. It is time to be ashamed


You love your mind unreservedly,

Yet your mind does not care for you.

Do you not think that it is high time

For you to be ashamed of yourself?

Your heart loves you untiringly,

Yet you do not care for your heart.

Do you not think that it is high time

For you to be ashamed of yourself? ```

4677. To be closer to God


To be closer to God,

Be a better cry


Have a better smile. ```

4678. God's Heart wants to know


Man’s mind wants to know

Who has the light.

God’s Heart wants to know

Who needs the light. ```

4679. My heart is an aspiration-garden


You think of God

Because you are happy.

He thinks of God

Because he is unhappy.

I think of God

Because my mind is a confusion-jungle

And my heart is an aspiration-garden.


4680. My loving service


I have yet to meet

A man of ignorance

Who does not rightly deserve

My loving service. ```

4681. No partition


There is neither a visible

Nor an invisible partition

Between self-giving and God-becoming.


4682. He discovered God


He discovered God

Not in his deep meditation.

He discovered God

The moment he softly

But dauntlessly

Uncovered his heart. ```

4683. My Lord's eternally loving task


I do not have to find fault

With myself incessantly.

Others are eagerly waiting for that job.

I do not have to love myself


That is my Lord’s eternally loving task.


4684. Something precious for the future


If you are going to save

Something precious for the future,

Then do not forget to put away

A large portion of your gratitude-heart

For the person who has taught you the lesson

Of self-transcendence. ```

4685. An opportunity for God


If at every moment

I take God as my supreme necessity,

Then at every moment

I become God’s fulfilling opportunity. ```

4686. The winner of God


A heart of soulfulness

Is the winner of love.

A life of oneness

Is the winner of God. ```

4687. What my heart needs


What my mind needs is wisdom,

And that wisdom is my faith.

What my heart needs is surrender,

And that surrender is

My complete satisfaction.


4688. The most fruitful treasures


Meditate, meditate, meditate!

You are bound to get

The most fruitful treasures,

But only if you can dare to ignore

The very idea of any reward.


4689. Let us welcome the inevitable


Let us welcome the inevitable

Well in advance

So that abiding peace

Can start reigning supreme

Inside our heart’s aspiration-cry.


4690. Your heart-safe


You are looking for the right thing

But you are looking in the wrong place.

You are looking for peace, joy,

Love and satisfaction

Inside your mind-mailbox daily.

But that is the wrong place.

The right place is inside

Your larger than the largest

And safer than the safest heart-safe.


4691. No joy in your mind-cave


You will find no joy in your mind-cave,

No matter how many times a day

You enter it.

Joy is where your loving heart is.

Joy is where your strong life is.


4692. Your aspiring heart will lead you


Your doubting mind will haunt you,

For that is its very nature.

Your aspiring heart will lead you

And guide you,

For that is the only lesson

God has lovingly and carefully taught it. ```

4693. Three obstinate questions


Three obstinate questions:

Why do I need God?

Why does God remain invisible?

Is there anybody in God’s entire creation

Who can dare to show me

The Face of God the Beautiful


The Heart of God the Bountiful? ```

4694. My Lord's illumining Blessings


My life is surcharged

With my Lord’s biting criticisms

And my Lord’s illumining Blessings.

His hurtful scoldings help my mind

Sooner than at once

To sink into the abysmal abyss.

His blessingful Love helps my heart

Sooner than at once

To reach my pinnacle-height of gratitude.


4695. Even if I change


Even if I change,

Even if my heart is totally transformed,

My dividing and doubting mind

Is not going to enjoy

The beauty and divinity

Of my transformed heart. ```

4696. His heart has experienced


His heart has experienced

The outer world wisely,

To disown it.

His mind has experienced

The inner world cleverly,

To own it.


4697. Your mind's constant resistance


Your mind’s constant resistance

To receiving light

Is the hindrance

That is most difficult to surmount. ```

4698. My life-boat plies


When I have freedom in my human love,

I make undesirable mistakes.

When I have love in my divine freedom,

My life-boat plies

Between perfection-shore

And satisfaction-shore. ```

4699. God's Freedom-Light


Your mind is its own slave.

Why do you want

And how can you want

Your mind to inherit God’s Freedom-Light?

It is only your heart, your free-born heart,

That can inherit God’s Freedom-Light. ```

4700. Your heart is always infallible


Your mind is telling you

That you are facing

Trials and tribulations.

Your heart is telling you

That God is illumining

Your unlit path.

And I am telling you

That your heart

Is always infallible.


Editor's introduction to the first edition

This is the forty-seventh volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.

Editor's note to cover photo

On 23 April 1982 the Meditation Group at the United Nations formally congratulated Dr Robert Muller on his appointment as Assistant Secretary-General for Economic and Social Matters. In gratitude for the guidance and support that Dr Muller has offered to the Group over the years, Sri Chinmoy presented him with a plaque and flowers, saying, “This is a humble token of our deepest admiration for you — for what you have been doing not only for the United Nations but for the entire world. We see in you the life of pure dedication and the life of constant inspiration to all of humanity.” Dr Muller replied, “I would like to express my gratitude for all you have always meant to me. Thank God we have a Meditation Group at the United Nations. Spirituality has to spread.”

From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 47, Agni Press, 1982
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ff_47