The concept of impossibility
My Lord does not accept,So how can I?
My life will be changed totally.I just have to be patient.
It is only a question of time. ```A self-controlled life
Will guarantee salvation.A self-giving life
Will guarantee liberation. ```Happiness follows him
Who follows the footstepsOf a God-intoxicated lover.
```Your new-made friendship
With your conscience-lifeWill save you,
Perfect youAnd finally illumine you.
```Watch your sincerity
And pray for your purity.You will never fall into the abyss
Of temptation-night. ```The modern age of electronics
And the age-old life of inner poiseDeliberately want to be ignorant
Of each other. ```Obey His Commands
If you want your life to be soulful,Your heart to be fruitful
And, finally, your breathTo be supremely useful
To your Lord Supreme. ```My heart’s silence-poise
Is not only my life’s confidenceBut also my Beloved Supreme’s
Satisfaction-Delight. ```A soulful heart,
A self-disciplined mindAnd a practical life
God proudly treasures on earth. ```Walk with the Eternal God.
Fleeting timeWill not be able to torture you.
Adamantine will-powerWill descend from Above
And make you a real memberOf God’s Heavenly Kingdom on earth.
```Make friends
And cherish your friendships,So you can stop making
Once and for allAny kind of warship.
```It is Heaven’s Compassion-Sky
And not earth’s eloquence-floodThat has illumined my heart
And transformed my life. ```If you pray even for five minutes
For the wrong thing,You may suffer unimaginably
For the rest of your life. ```The faithfulness of my life
And the fruitfulness of God’s HeartAre always extremely fond of each other.
```During the day
I need only one thing:God’s Vision-Eye
To guide me.During the night
I need only one thing:God’s Compassion-Heart
To illumine me. ```Success cannot hide
Its futile emptiness,But progress can hide
Its soulful fruitfulness. ```Be happy, be happy!
Unless you are happy,Your outer life will not succeed
And your inner life will not proceed. ```A life of unhappiness
Is a contagious disease.The world is already full of misery.
Allow not your unhappinessTo increase the world’s misery.
```A heart of magnanimity
Carries at onceThe beauty and the power
Of divine electricity. ```Our heart must weep
And our eyes must smileIf we want to totally transform ourselves.
```The sound of the sea
Inspires me to becomeSomething great.
The silence of the sea
Aspires in and through meTo make me good.
```An infallible truth:
A heart of genuine aspiration-cryIs God’s proudest possession.
```Your soul has built
Your life’s future-tower today.Now it is high time
For your heart to standSmilingly and soulfully
On its summit-height. ```The difference between
The outer blindness and the inner blindnessIs this:
The outer blindness unfortunatelyCannot see the light.
The inner blindness deliberatelyDoes not want to see the light.
```You have everything within.
To find your true selfJust love more
Your heart’s soulful cryAnd your eyes’ powerful smile.
```A new philosophy:
To teach is to learn.To learn is to reveal constantly
One’s inner perfection. ```He is a real discoverer.
He has discovered thatHis life’s teeming weaknesses
Are all inside the Compassion-HeartOf his Beloved Supreme.
```Pray soulfully.
You will be able to wash awayYour worries.
Meditate silently.
You will be able to createA totally new life
For yourself. ```Man’s perfection-life:
This is what God clearly needs.God’s Satisfaction-Heart:
This is what man sleeplessly needs. ```I confess that I have done
Many foolish things in this life.But why do you have to revive them
And torture me infinitely moreThan I actually deserve?
```One soulful cry of the heart
Can not only lightenThe weight of sad depression
But also enlightenA God-searching mind.
```O Heaven, please remember
That all I have told youAbout weak earth
Is in supreme secrecy.O earth, please remember
That all I have told youAbout indifferent Heaven
Is in supreme secrecy. ```O ignorance-night,
So far I have not fought with youEither sincerely or vehemently.
But once I start fighting,I will neither expect nor give
An iota of compassion. ```If you are sincere
And your needs are essential,How can God be unreasonable?
God will tell the whole worldThat all your soulful needs
Are only for His Satisfaction-Light. ```Two are the thoughts so futile:
I can liveWithout the world.
I can find mistakesIn the life of the cosmic gods.
```When you see
Death’s tremendous nearness,Can you not immediately unveil
Your inseparable onenessWith God’s Omnipotence?
```Without an instant’s hesitation
I shall tell earthHow miserable it looks
Without the blessing-smile of Heaven,And I shall tell Heaven
How unimportant it looksWithout the aspiration-cry of earth.
```O my Lord Supreme,
Do grant me Your sovereign WillTo obliterate my earth-bound needs
And liberate my impurity-bound self-doubts. ```In the morning
The clutch of evil thoughtsMakes me blind, totally blind.
In the evening
The clutch of evil thoughtsCompels my death, unavoidable death.
```I need the courage that is far above
The so-called morality-bound truth,So that I can serve my Lord Supreme
In His Life’s Vision Transcendental. ```My Lord Supreme,
Out of His infinite Bounty,Tells me that His Weight is at once
As light as my heart’s aspiration-cryAnd as heavy as my life’s ingratitude-frown.
```I refuse to become
A victim to untold miseriesSimply because
I did not think of my Lord SupremeCenturies ago,
Or even yesterday.But my heart
Shall be smitten to piecesIf I do not think of my Lord Supreme
From today on,Forever and forever.
```The stiff mind questions:
Is God-realisation worthwhile?The flexible heart answers:
It is never worthwhileTo answer a question about God
From the wrong person. ```Our aspiration is accountable
To God’s Vision-Light.Our dedication is accountable
To God’s Reality-Delight. ```To be absolutely perfect,
Yesterday I needed a heart of beauty,Today I need a life of purity
And tomorrow I shall needA smile from Heaven’s Divinity.
```Only a perfectly liberated soul
Can meet with the extraordinary demandsOf unaspiring human life.
```Once again I wonder
That I still exist.Once again I wonder
That God still forgives me. ```The measure of your life’s
Richest fulfilmentDepends entirely on your heart’s
Fullest enlightenment. ```Be careful with your success-life.
Your success-life may hideMany precious things,
Even your most precious progress-delight. ```A moment without a soulful cry
For the ever-transcending BeyondIs undoubtedly an age-long
Failure-life. ```You are telling me
That your life is committed to the future.How do you then expect
To collect the rich harvestOf today’s reality’s silence-peace?
```I sail all night
In my aspiration-boatTowards Heaven.
I sail all day
In my dedication-boatTowards earth.
```When my heart’s inner flames
Soulfully, quickly and powerfullyAscend,
God’s Compassion-FloodLovingly, cheerfully and unreservedly
Descends. ```The human mind
Is a self-appointed dictator.The divine heart
Is a God-appointed lover. ```A moment of self-indulgence
May throw youTo the ferocious and devouring tiger,
Death. ```If you are ready today,
I shall announceGod’s express arrival.
If you will not be ready until tomorrow,Then I shall announce
God’s slow and cautious arrival. ```Spirituality is not like coasting
But exactly like climbing —Climbing ten thousand Himalayas.
```When your mind’s determination is low,
Go and talk to God immediately.He is always there inside your heart.
No appointment is necessary. ```Reformation means
A new powerful promise.Regeneration means
A new soulful achievement. ```Heaven has given my mind
The message of transformation.Earth has given my heart
The message of perfection.God has given my life
The message of satisfaction. ```A happy heart
Receives the earliest invitationFrom God.
```You want to see God’s Face
To satisfy yourself.God wants to embrace your heart
To satisfy Himself. ```As your self-praise
Does not need God,Even so, God’s Vision-Reality
Does not need your great contribution. ```Mine is a little cry.
God’s is a big Smile.Yet they live in perfect harmony.
When there is no other wayFor Him to convince me
Of His Love for me,God gently strikes me.
```I cry
With my mind’s poverty.I smile
With my heart’s plenty.I dance
With my soul’s Infinity. ```My Lord,
May I be reborn every dayWith a gratitude-heart,
A surrender-lifeAnd a perfection-soul.
```God does not want to punish us
By blessing the headsOf our countless desires.
```My mind is fond
Of the visible God.My heart is fond
Of the invisible God.My soul is fond
Of the inevitable God. ```Fear and faith —
They do not know each other.Doubt and love —
They do not know each other.Aspiration and failure —
They do not know each other. ```Read and read
And see how many things you need.Pray and pray
And see what God has to sayAbout your needs.
```A visible ally:
God’s Compassion-Ocean for me.An invisible ally:
God’s Faith-Sky in me. ```I must know that
God is under no obligationTo listen to my emergency prayers
Since I do not pray daily,Faithfully, soulfully and unreservedly.
```If you have faith in the world,
You will be able to lead the world.If you doubt the world,
You will be forced to follow the world. ```Be careful
When you tell the wrong personAbout the right Person: God.
```Singing a soulful song soulfully
Is exactly the sameAs enjoying a ride on an express train:
Panoramic views on either side. ```God’s Transcendental Height
Is not only for special seekersBut also for ordinary human beings
Like me. ```Since God is always more than ready
To deal with my problems,Why do I not let Him,
At least for today?Who knows,
God may fulfil His PromiseAnd make me really happy.
```God the Question and God the Answer
Do not live separately.They live together
Inside my small, secretAnd sacred heart-room.
```Before I meditate,
God places His Compassion-Drink before meAnd asks me to help myself.
After I have meditated,God places His Satisfaction-Feast before me
And asks me to help myself. ```You have enough real sufferings.
Why are you adding imaginary onesTo them, you fool?
```God tells me
That I can touch His FeetOnly if I can dream of seeing the truth
Deep inside my heart. ```Human curiosity
Curiously asks.Divine authority
Authoritatively answers. ```If you have the heart
To help me,And if you have the soul
To illumine me,Then you can criticise me,
You can even punish me,To your heart’s content.
```Because your mind
Does not aspire,You are forced to become
A sleepy onlooker.Because your heart
Aspires and surrenders,You have cheerfully become
An expectant uplooker. ```Even jealousy and insecurity
Are curable,But not ingratitude.
```During his meditation
His stupid mind thinks ofHis body’s position,
But his wise soul is concerned aboutHis heart’s condition.
```The valid passport
To enter into the inner worldIs not what your mind has
But what your heart is. ```God does not want to delay
His Vision-Plans for you,But if you desert His Compassion-Heart,
Then naturally He has to delay. ```To succeed triumphantly
Is the miracle of a moment.To proceed unconditionally
Is the task of a lifetime. ```Soulfully give to God
What you have:Faithfulness.
Gladly God will give to you
What He is:Fruitfulness.
```Your mind is full of questions,
But do not worry.Your heart is full of faith,
Which will answerAll your mind’s questions
Most satisfactorily. ```Believe in God soulfully
For a minute,And you can receive
For a full yearWhat God offers you
Cheerfully. ```What has happened to me?
I have become a sincere seeker.What has happened through me?
A satisfying experience for God. ```You may not be proud
Of your achievements,But your achievements
Are extremely proud of you.If you do not believe it,
Then give them a chanceTo prove it to you.
```Before you allow others
To speak to you,Give them lovingly
What you have for them:Your heart’s oneness-smile.
```No harm if you misquote
What you have readIn your mind-book
About God.But if you misquote
What you have readIn your heart-book,
You will be in very serious trouble. ```O my mind,
Stop your mad and helpless rush.O my heart,
Start your sacred and soulful journey. ```Every leaf is a miracle.
That is what my aspiring heart feels.But even if God Himself
Stands right before me,My doubting mind
Will not consider it a miracle. ```O my gratitude-flames,
Every day you are newly rebornInside my heart.
I see it and I know it.It may not be known to anybody else,
But as long as God, the all-lovingAnd all-judging Witness, knows it,
You and my heart can remainIn perfect satisfaction-delight.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 58, Agni Press, 1983
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