You have a multitude of questions,
But there is only one answer:The road is right in front of you,
And the guide is waiting for you. ```As parents disown their children
If they are extremely bad,You can disown
The children of your mind.But if a thought
Produced by your mind is good,Then embrace it with a mother’s love
And claim it as your own, very own. ```No matter how many bad things
You have done over the years,If you have done even ten good things,
Then all is not lost.When you are depressed or assailed by doubt,
Think of these good things,For they have tremendous power
And can give you the strengthTo overcome your inner enemies.
```If you want to drag behind you
A long train with many cars,You can.
Again, if you want to goFaster than the fastest
With just an engine,You can.
To reach your destined goalYou don’t need to carry the passengers
Doubt, fear, anxiety,Worry and frustration.
```Even if a mature seeker
Is doubting his own spirituality,Even if around him
Is nothing but frustration and hell,He still has a golden chance
To rediscover in himselfThe divine qualities
Which he has temporarily lost.How?
Just by sincerely encouragingThe new seekers who have come after him.
```Old seekers and new seekers
Have much to offer one another.The old ones should encourage the new ones
At every moment.Indeed, they must make sacrifice after sacrifice
For their younger brothers and sisters.The freshness and eagerness
Of the new onesWill give the old ones
Boundless joy and enthusiasm.It is mutual inspiration
Founded upon true family-oneness. ```Advanced seekers are like tall trees;
Beginning seekers are like small plants.Overnight a plant cannot become
As tall, powerful and beautifulAs the trees
That have been ascending heavenwardFor many years,
With roots firmly in the groundAnd branches aiming at the highest height.
The trees can give the plants inspirationAnd aspiration.
The trees can give the plants protectionSo they will not be blown away
By doubt, suspicion and other negative forces.But only patience-light
Can turn the aspiration-plantsInto realisation-trees
In God’s Forest. ```The day you made
A sincere commitment to GodYou started running along Eternity’s Road
With bullet-speed.Now you are going
At bullock-cart speed.True, the race may be
Longer than the longest,But that does not mean
Your inner speed has to becomeSlower than the slowest.
```Take your Master’s words
As coming directly from the Absolute Supreme.You will find that his messages
Will satisfy and fulfil youBeyond your wildest hopes
And brightest dreams. ```If you have the sincere necessity
To do something,Then God will give you the capacity
To do that very thing.If you have the sincere necessity
To become something,Then God will give you the capacity
To become that very thing. ```God’s supreme Message:
“Please Me in My own WayAnd do not expect Me to please you.”
If you expect God to please youIn any way,
Then in the inner worldYou have already failed.
Again, there is no differenceBetween your failure and God’s failure.
If a flower does not blossom,The gardener takes the blame.
```I have only one prayer:
I wish my heart to becomeThe Flower-Fragrance
Of my Lord’s Heart. ```If a seeker
Does even one thing wrong,Rest assured,
In the inner worldHe has gone millions of miles
Away from his Lord Supreme.If a seeker
Does one thing right,Even in the thought-world only,
Rest assured,In the inner world
He has taken a giant stepCloser to his Lord Supreme.
```Do not speak ill of yourself.
The world around youWill always gladly do that
On your behalf. ```For God to please us
In our desire-worldIs not a difficult task.
But God is eager to please usOnly in our aspiration-world.
He wants to please the fewWho long for Him only.
To others He silently offersHis compassionate Heart of Oneness.
```If his mouth has the capacity
To criticise you,Then your mind definitely has the capacity
To ignore him. ```Be careful!
The human in your MasterMay tolerate your weaknesses indefinitely,
But the Divine in your MasterMay one day be compelled
To use His Justice-Light,Which is only another name
For His Compassion-Height. ```When you accepted
The Path of the Supreme,You made an inner commitment
To please your Lord SupremeAll the time in His own Way.
Remember this commitmentAll your life
As you walk, march, run and flyTowards the Golden Beyond.
```If you accept the inner life
With the hope that GodWill please and fulfil you
In your desire-life,You will always remain a failure.
But if you accept the inner lifeWith the hope that God
Will satisfy your divine hungerAnd quench your divine thirst,
You will never be disappointed.I assure you,
God can and God willFulfil your divine hopes
In the near or distant future. ```My Lord Supreme,
I shall not pretendTo be good and perfect any more.
Only make me worthyOf Your Compassion-Sea,
If so is Your Will. ```When the Master
Outwardly encourages his disciplesIn any field,
He is showing his most sincereBlessingful concern.
For it is absolutely necessaryFor them to bring to the fore
Their good qualitiesFor their own perfection.
These good qualitiesAre truly gifts from God,
To be manifested in His own WayAt His choice Hour.
```A true disciple feels
That no journey is too longIf it brings him to the feet
Of his beloved Master.A false disciple feels
That the shortest distance is too farFor him to go to receive
His Master’s highest Peace,Light and Delight.
```Try to remember
Absolutely the first timeYou saw your Master
Or when he accepted youAs his true disciple.
Try to rememberWhat you felt
Deep inside your heart.Remember your soul’s joy and thrill.
Remember the aspiration, dedicationAnd surrender
That you offered to the Supreme in him.Try to remember!
```If you allow your capacities to remain dormant
Inside your heart, mind and body,Then God may even go to the length
Of arguing with HimselfAbout whether He did the right thing
In bringing you downInto the world-arena.
```Because you have tried over the years
And failed,You must not feel
You are a hopeless case.Always continue trying
With more intensity and enthusiasm. ```To please the Supreme
In His own WayIs not possible overnight.
If you are sincerely and consciously trying,What you need is patience.
Patience is light,Patience is strength,
Patience is peace. ```If you do not receive
What you are expecting from God,Feel that it is
The greatest blessing.Your expectation
Is nothing but stupidityWhich can eventually become
Your own destruction. ```I had a heart-to-heart talk
With my mind.At long last my clever mind
Wants to become wise.It does not want to enjoy any more
The self-doubt and world-doubt games. ```The human in us
Must not remain hidden.It has to be unveiled
For its real transformation.The divine in us
Must not remain concealed.It has to be revealed
For its full manifestation. ```Your mind is paralysed
With fear.Your heart is overwhelmed
By despair.The Hour of God
Is hesitating to approach you.Alas, you are your own lonely world
Of constantly brooding misery. ```Everything can smile,
Even your mind’s ugliness.But you will be satisfied
Only with the smileOf your heart’s soulfulness.
```God and His Vision-Eye
Together liveInside the heart-garden of Heaven.
God and His Mission-Heart
Together liveInside the body-fort of earth.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do give me a beautiful lifeSo that I can invite You
To visit my heart.My Lord Supreme,
Do give me a powerful breathSo that I can embody You
To our mutual satisfaction. ```A single breath of impurity
Has the capacityTo totally empty
An ocean of faith. ```My tiny boat plies
Between my mind’s curiosityAnd my heart’s uncertainty.
Therefore, illusion is my inner nameAnd frustration is my outer name.
```Your heart’s forgiveness-light,
Your life’s oneness-delightAnd your Lord’s Self-transcending Height
Shall forever remain inseparable. ```Inside my heart-garden
I see the purityOf humanity’s cry
And the beautyOf Divinity’s Smile.
Also I see something else:The ceaseless and sleepless flow
Of God’s Heart-Delight. ```I have accepted man as my friend
Not because his mind is greatAnd his heart is good
But because the Eye of my Inner PilotIs all the time dreaming through him.
```A moment’s ignorance-pleasure
Can easily shatterThe sky-climbing tree
Of a seeker’s life. ```My Lord, You ask me to come
And sing with You.How can I sing with You
When I live all the timeWith my mind’s impurity-clouds?
“My child, just come.My magic Touch will clear away
Your mind’s clouds.” ```One little desire man has:
He wants to becomeAs powerful as God.
One little desire God has:
He wants to see manSincerely happy.
```The difference between humanity
And divinity is this:Humanity cries for
What it does not have,Whereas divinity knows that
Anything it does not haveIs not worth having.
It also knows something else:Its own satisfaction-smile
Is for the transformationOf humanity’s present dissatisfaction-cry.
```When I sail my hope-boat
Towards the Golden Shore,To my wide surprise
I see my Fate-MakerSeated inside my boat
Sweetly smiling at me. ```He who has an undisciplined life
And obeys Himalayan falsehoodWill never be able to take shelter
Under the canopy of God’sTranscendental Satisfaction.
```Where do I live?
I live in a land of hope-light.What do I see there?
The complete end of my yesterday’sTotally barren life.
```When you learn
The language of your divine heart,God will immediately grant you
The Fragrance of His own Flower-Heart. ```First be absolutely sure
That you know the truthBefore you talk to others
About the truth. ```When I love God the man,
I live inside my perfection-nest.When I love man the God,
I enjoy my satisfaction-rest. ```My Lord,
If my heart is awakened once more,What will You give me?
“My child,I shall give you
My own Immortality’s BannerOf Silence-Peace.”
```If you become
A self-indulgence-life,What can you expect from your soul
Save and exceptA helplessly crying reality-existence?
```My past pain was:
I did not want to seeGod’s Face.
My present pain is:
I do not want to liveInside God’s Heart.
My future pain will be:
I shall not need GodFor God’s sake.
```When I offer my heart’s blossoming gratitude
To my Lord Supreme,He shows me His Infinity’s smiling Face.
When I offer HimMy Eternity’s unconditional surrender-oneness,
He grants me His Immortality’s CrownWhile dancing inside
His ever-expanding universe. ```Your body sleeps shamelessly.
Your vital fights shamelessly.Your mind doubts shamelessly.
Your heart hesitates shamelessly.Therefore, your soul, the God-messenger,
Is sleeplessly piningFor the total transformation
Of your life-family. ```For your perfect perfection
Your mind must silenceThe noise of impatience
And your heart must hearThe voice of patience.
```My yesterday’s invention:
God does not care for me,Only I care for Him.
My today’s invention:
Not only God the CreatorBut also God the creation
Cares for me.My tomorrow’s invention:
Even if I do not care for God,I shall always be taken care of
By God the Creator and God the creation. ```You have a heart
And it does its duty:It gives you its tearful cries.
You have a mind,
But it does not do its duty.Can you not ask your mind
To do its dutyBy mixing with your life’s
Fruitful faith? ```Do you want to learn?
Then stop arguing.Do you want to teach?
Then start lovingAnd firmly establishing
Your oneness-heart. ```If you love knowledge-light
And if you love and needWisdom-delight,
Then every day,Just for a few fleeting seconds,
Dive deep within.You are bound to see
A rising inner sunWith ever-increasing golden rays.
```You are such a fool!
You want to discover the limitsOf your Heaven-free soul.
Yet you cannot even discoverThe limits of your own
Earth-bound body.Indeed, anything that God creates
Embodies the unlimited Vision-LightOf God’s Infinity.
```O champion votary of ignorance-night,
Can you not seeThat death-night is enveloping
Your outer body,Your inner hopeful promise
AndYour God’s blessingful Concern?
```What else can save me
From the hunger of my desire-swoonIf not my Lord’s
Daily Compassion-Boon? ```When I rely on my mind,
I unmistakably relyOn my mind’s teeming doubts.
When I rely on my heart,
I invariably relyOn my heart’s increasing insecurities.
When I rely on my soul,
I sleeplessly and eternally relyOn my soul’s earth-illumining
And God-satisfying Infinities. ```Humanity’s aspiration-core
And Divinity’s satisfaction-doorEvery day without fail
Dream of each other. ```If you confide in me,
You will not be the loser.I shall grant you a hope-dawn,
A promise-sunAnd my own Satisfaction-Lord Supreme.
```God has told me His only Secret:
He has safely keptHis Immortality’s Crown for me.
I have told God my own secret:
I do not want to be another God,I want to be His own
Eternity’s perfect slave. ```My mind is my attachment-forest.
My life is my problem-world.What can my poor heart do?
It has forgotten to offerIts own self-giving breath to humanity.
```When my life grows into a deer-speed,
God comes to me and playsOn His Flute of Delight
For me to appreciate, admire,Adore and finally love.
```My Lord and I exchange
Our mutual smiles.In my smile my Lord finds
His Vision of the Infinite.In His Smile I find
My aspiration for Eternity. ```You think that nobody is following you,
That only you are following,Cleverly and deliberately,
Your doubting mind.Look behind!
Can you not seeThe wild calamities following you,
Secretly but powerfully? ```If you cannot face yourself,
Then how will you haveThe inner courage to face others?
```Each prayer
Is an earth-illumining flameOf the seeker’s heart.
Each meditation
Is a Heaven-reaching plantOf the seeker’s soul.
```Who has the power?
He who has not surrenderedTo the world-noise.
Who is the power?
He who is always drunkWith Heaven-silence.
```Your sleepless dreams
Are for your achievement-glories.God’s sleepless Dreams
Are for your heart’sEverlasting satisfaction.
```If over the years
You have lost instead of intensifiedThe inspiration, aspiration,
Inner joy and thrillThat you had when you first accepted
The spiritual life,Then you must strive to bring back
Your original intensity and eagerness.Only then will you once again feel
The utmost sweetness and lovelinessOf your spiritual quest.
```Once upon a time
You felt that many thingsWere necessary in your spiritual life,
And you worked very hard for them.Now tremendous relaxation
Has assailed your body, vital, mindAnd perhaps even your heart.
Rid yourself of this destructive relaxation!Walk, march, run and fly
To reach your destined goal! ```There are those who blame their Master
For not giving enough importanceTo meditation.
But who are the ones who really meditate?Those who really need God
And God alone,Those who see the Supreme in their Master
As their only Guru,Are the ones who sleeplessly,
Soulfully and breathlessly meditate. ```If you are a genuine seeker,
Beware of the constant tug-of-warBetween the sincere and insincere members
Of your spiritual family.Until the boat reaches the Golden Shore,
Either side can win. ```Meditation does not only mean
To sit at one placeWith closed eyes.
Meditation also meansLoving thought, pure thought,
Self-giving thought,In our daily life of aspiration.
```If you avail yourself
Of the ample opportunities you receiveTo meditate with your Master,
Then you can easilyMake the fastest progress
In your inner lifeAnd achieve the greatest success
In your outer life. ```The spiritual life is a marathon,
An inner marathon which never ends.The Supreme is begging
All His seeker-childrenTo be excellent runners —
To run speedily, like deer —In this eternal inner journey.
```One drop of doubt
Is enough to ruinA faith-cup
Filled to the brim. ```My outer resolution
Silences the world of my outer noise.My inner revolution
Awakens the world of my inner voice. ```The Master’s inner determination
And outer hopeSave his spiritual children
And keep the Master alive on earth.His determination is
His adamantine will.His hope is his commitment
To his Beloved Supreme in humanity. ```In one second of cheerful obedience
And willingnessYou make Himalayan progress.
In one second of disobedience
And unwillingnessYou become your own Himalayan failure.
```He makes friends with empty days,
Empty weeks and empty months,And then he asks himself
Why he has not pleased GodAnd why he is not pleased with himself.
```If you are carrying
The frustration of yesterday,Just say, “The past is dust.”
If you can remember this mantra,You can free yourself from the frustration
That is darkening your life. ```Cherishing frustration in your inner life
Is like carrying a dead elephantOn your shoulders.
Why do you have to carry this elephant?If you continue, you are a fool,
A rank fool. ```My Lord Supreme,
Make me worthyOf my spiritual life
And make me worthyOf pleasing You
In Your own WayAt every moment.
```A bad disciple will try
To please his Master in one way,Hoping his Master
Will please him in nine ways.A clever disciple will try
To please his Master in nine ways,Hoping his Master will forgive him
For not pleasing him in the tenth way.A good disciple will prepare himself
To please his Master in every way,And he will succeed!
```What I always need
Is an open lifeInside my Lord’s hidden Heart.
```There are two kinds of bondage:
The attachment-bondageOf an ordinary man
And the compassion-bondageOf a spiritual man.
```O my mind,
You and I have travelledFor a long time
And coveredA very long distance.
Now we must part.I must embark on a new journey
With my new friend:Heart.
```As the year comes to an end,
Your mind and vital may feel tiredAnd not want to continue
The great spiritual journey.But the divine in you
Will always feel that each new yearOffers another opportunity —
A new hope, a new aspiration,A new determination —
To completely obliterate the unfortunate past. ```“If ever I lose my Beloved Supreme,
How shall I be ableTo continue my life?”
If this question echoes and re-echoesInside your heart,
Your fast-declining spiritual lifeWill reverse its course
And you will be saved. ```Bring to the fore as soon as possible
All the good qualities of your followers.Otherwise, they can easily play the role
Of great traitors. ```Almost everybody feels he knows
What is best for himself.But fortunately there are some truth-seekers
Who have accepted the spiritual lifeOnly because they feel
That God knows better than they do. ```There was a time
When you thought that GodKnew what was best for you.
Now you thinkThat God does not know what is best
Either for you or for others.Alas, your spiritual life
Has reached its untimely end. ```As long as you can feel
That what God does for you and for othersIs absolutely the best thing,
You will be able to remainIn God’s Golden Boat.
```My Lord,
Why is it that todayYou are not doing the same thing
For meThat You did yesterday?
“My child,
Perhaps I know a little betterThan you do
What is good for your heart and soulBoth yesterday and today.”
```Inside my sleepless eagerness
Man’s doubtless newnessAnd God’s earth-transforming Fulness
Shall blossom.This is the message supreme
Which my heart’s blue birdHas brought to my self-giving life.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 64, Agni Press, 1983
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